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1、天水市一中2007级2009-2010学年度第一学期期末试题英 语命题、审核:杨志学 魏会阁第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分 50分) 第一节 语音知识(共小题;每小题 1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。1. grassA. signB. graduallyC. gen tlema nD. village2. coupleA. youthB. announceC. cousinD. account3. diam ondA. wirelessB. periodC. materialD. fairness4.

2、 n umberA.supposeB. musicC. stupidD. discussi on5. energyA. certai nB. n ervousC. mercha ntD. summer第二节 语法和词汇知识(共 15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6. Recently, there isboom (繁荣)in population mobility and according tonational population survey of2004, 17 perce nt of the popul

3、ati on move every year.A. the; a B. a; the7. - Mike, since you don -OK, Mum.A. canB. willC. /; aD. the;/t like to see the film with us, youC. mightD. mustas well watch TV at home.Nowadays, few people develop the habit of keep ing a supply of oil-lamps in the house in case of powerlackB. abse neeC. f

4、ailure D. dropwhen we had to be at the mercy of the weather.D. Gone the days areGoing are the days B. Gone are the days C. Are gone the days-I must say you really helped us out whe n we lost the luggage.You mustn t say that It was the least I could do C. Take your time D. Be my guestA bit more effor

5、t, I think,the problem could be settled.andB.soC. orD. butwith a difficult situati on, Mr. Smith made up his mindhis boss for advice.Faci ng; to ask B. To face; ask ingC. Faced; to askD. Having faced; ask ingThe driver could have survived but hethe seat belt.had been fastening B. hadn t Csteaedasten

6、ing D. didn t fastenThe famous scie ntist,a dinner party will be held toni ght, is to arrive soon.in his honor B. in whose honor C. in which honor D. in honor of himThe sun spot came into its active stage,that happe ns once every eleve n years.oneB. itC. the one D. whatis known to us all is that the

7、 old artist, for whom life was hard in the past, still works very hard in hiseighties.A. WhatB. itC. AsD. WhichIt is in this very village, where Lilywas born 30 years ago,she will build her first art school, in volves many people to help her.that; where, he does nAs he is cleverwhich; thatt study we

8、ll.He is as cleverthat; whichClever as he iswhere; whichAs clever he is- Your brother is very careful and hon est.-I agree. What he has just doneitself.speaks out B. thinks ofC. speaks forD. thinks out20.It was unfortun ate that their new carhalfway to the airport.broke offB. got overC. broke dow nD

9、. got away第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( ABC和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atla ntic seacoast. He ofte n21 for hired han ds. Most people were22_to work on farms along the Atla ntic. They were afraid of the awful storms that swept across

10、the Atla ntic,23_the buildi ngs and crops.As the farmer in terviewed applica nts for the job, he 24 a steady stream of refusals. Fi nally, a short, th in man, well past middle age, approached the farmer.“ Ar25yoi?a gtiod farmer asked him.“ Well, I cansleep when the wind blows,26 the little man. 27 p

11、uzzled by this answer, the farmer had to hire him atlast.The little man worked 28 around the farm, busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt 29 with the man s work. Then one night, the wind howled loudly from the land towards the sea. Jumping out of his 30 , the farmer grabbed a lantern and 31 nex

12、t door to the hired hand s sleeping room. He shook the little man andyelled, “ Get up! 32 is coming! Tie things dow n before they are blow n away! The little man 33 in bed and said firmly,“ No, sir. I told you I can sleep when the 34nd.The farmer got so angry at what the man said that he wan ted to

13、35 him on the spot. However, on sec ond thought, he didn t. Instead, he hurrie36 to prepare for the storm. To his37_, he discovered thateveryth ing was 38 . Noth ing could be blow n away. The farmer the n un derstood what his hired hand39 ,so he retur ned to his bed to 40 just as the farmha nd did w

14、hile the wind blew.21. A. lookedB. arran gedC. caredD. advertised22. A. un willi ngB. gladC. i nterestedD. ready23. A. protecti ngB. savi ngC. destro yingD. develop ing24. A. wroteB. mailedC. madeD. received25. A. engin eerB. doctorC. farmha ndD. driver26. A. praisedB. an sweredC. advisedD. ordered2

15、7. A. BefooreB. Si neeC. AlthoughD. While28. A. slowlyB. badlyC. hardD. lazily29. A. movedB. satisfiedC. un satisfiedD. sad30. A. horseB. bedC. carD. mach ine31. A. walkedB. wentC.shoutedD. rushed32.A. stormB. windC.snowD. fog33. A. got upB.rolled overC.stood upD. stayed up34. A. strikesB.hitsC. blo

16、wsD. comes35. A. fireB. helpC.comfortD. hit36. A. insideB.outsideC. forwardD. back37. A. regretB.luckC. sadnessD. amazement38. A. tied downB.thrown awayC. cast downD. gone away39. A. happenedB. appliedC. meantD. planned40. A. workB. sleepC. waitD. cook第二部分 阅读理解(共 20小题。第一节每小题 2分,第二节每小题 1 分;满分 45分)第一节

17、 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AA British sculptor( 雕刻家 )has brought US President Barack Obama down to size. Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr. Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle.Speaking in Los Angeles, as he was about to launch his first American exhib

18、ition, Willard revealed( 透露 ): “ Myfavorite piece has to be President Barack Obama and his family. I never thought I would see a black President in my life time, so this is historic and I wanted to celebrate that. ”The micro- sculptor s work is so small, you need a microscope to see-i-t-it is invisi

19、ble to the naked eye. But Willard creates it all by hand in an astonishing process.It takes him up to three months to create each amazing and unique sculpture, which usually sits within the eye of a needle or on a pin head.The personal sacrifice involved in creating pieces is almost unimaginable. Wi

20、llard enters a meditative state in which his heartbeat is slowed, allowing him to reduce hand trembling and sculpt between pulse beats.Even the reverberation( 回声 )caused by traffic outside can affect Willa rd s work, so he often works through the night when there is very small disturbance.In the pas

21、t he has created micro-sculptures of such stars as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, P Diddy , Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe and even The Simpsons. But it is the President Obama sculpture that he is most proud of, having spent more than three months creating it especially for his US tour. “ I think th

22、e Obama favorite of all time as it s the most significant piece that I have ever done. ”Willard s work has been described as “ the eighth wonder of the world” . He started off his career atage of five-when he would make houses for ants.Willard, who is from Birmingham, was later honored with receivin

23、g an MBE from HRH Prince Charles for his services to art.His exhibition and tour of the US begins this week and runs in Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston through to November.How can you see the micro-sculpture of the Obama?With naked eyes.B. Through the microscope.C. By wearing the glasses.D. By usin

24、g micro waves.It can be inferred from the passage that.Willard s pulse might beat fast because of nervousnessthe outside traffic had no effect on himhe liked to work through the night because of no disturbanceWillard was extremely calm whe n creati ng such a workWillard is most proud of the Preside

25、nt Obama Sculpture, because.he spe nt over 3 mon ths creati ng ithe wants to celebrate the historic event of the first black Preside nt in Americahe will give it as a prese nt to the preside nt on his tour of Americathis is the smallest of all his micro sculpture of starsWhich of the following would

26、 be the best title for the passage?A British Sculptor-Willard WiganA micro-sculpture of the ObamasHow to create a unique sculptureThe eighth won der of the worldBHarry Porter has turned a whole new generation of children on to reading but editors at the Frankfurt BookFair said the boy Wizard was pro

27、ving a hard act to follow for authors. According to a poll( 问卷)among children between the ages of 9 and 15. 68 percent said that Harry Potter had made them feel like reading.It is a h appy event, it has developed the children s book market and not only helped books of that particularkind, but other

28、genres( 体裁)too. A competitor in the French market, Actes Sud Junior, said it had also felt the effect of the J.K. Rowli ng phe nomenon among French childre n, though its curre nt success was a Germa n series translated as“ Les Enquetes dea Main Noire” that gave junior readers mind riddles not magic.

29、In the Un ited States, the same thing happe ned. If you go into a bookshop, you are toldwhileryad thiswait for the n ext Harry Potter” or if you have liked the last Harry Potter, you will like this toothe market and become a way of sell ing books. And of course everybody is wait ing to see what the

30、next big thing will be.“ BuHarry Potter has helped all of us. In England it is exactly the boys in the age group that were reading less that are now read ing him.” Said Victoria Wilki ns from Robert Frederick publishers.And Gallimard s Pasquet says people are wrong to conffie( 限制在)the Potter books t

31、o the magic genre.“ This is not the main thing in the books, they are first and foremost about relations between people. That is what makes them uni versal ”Other editors admit Harry Potter is still by far the biggest thing on the market and if they cannot match its great success-more than 300 milli

32、on copies were sold even before the sixth book hit the shelves in July-they cannot compla in either.Accord ing to the Poll, Harry Potter is very popular with.A. the girl stude ntsB. the adult people C. the young people D. the old peopleThe sec ond paragraph mainly tells readers that.Harry Potter hel

33、ps widen children s book marketActes Sud Junior is ano ther great story authorLes Enq uetes dea Main Noire is popular in Germa nyin Germany Harry Potter is popular as well TOC o 1-5 h z The un derl ined sentence in the third paragraph means that i n the Un ited States.young people like every book ab

34、out Harry Potterpeople are eager to get the last Harry Potterchildren s book market is greater than GermanysHarry Potter becomes a way of selli ng booksThe followi ngs are about the effect of Harry Potter on childre n EXCEPT.some stude nts show great i nterest in writi ng no velschildren leann to ke

35、ep proper relations with other peoplestude nts become in terested in readi ngchildre n get a certa in magic from the bookCOn November 15,1904,pate nt(专利)#775,134 was gran ted to King C. Gillette for a safety“ razor ” . KinGillette was born in Fond du lac, Wisconsin in 1885. To support himself when t

36、he family s home wthe Chicago Fire of 1871, Gillette became a traveli ng salesma n. This work led him to William Pain ter, the inven tor of the disposable( 一次性的)Crow n Cork bottle cap, who assured Gillette that a successful inven tio n was one that was purchased over and over aga in by satisfied cus

37、tomer.In 1895, after several years of considering and rejecting possible inventions, Gillette suddenly had a brilliant idea while shaving one morning. It was an entirely new razor( 剃刀)and blade(刀片)that flashed in his mind-a razor with a safe, in expe nsive, and disposable blade.It took six years for

38、 Gillette s idea tevolve. During that time, technical experts told Gillette that it would be impossible to produce steel that was hard, thin, and in expe nsive eno ugh for commercial developme nt of the disposable razor blade. The n in 1901. MIT graduate William Nickers on agreed to try.By 1903, he

39、had succeeded. Producti on of the Gillette R safety razor and blade bega n as the Gillette Safety Razor Compa ny started operati ons in South Bost on Sales grew steadily. During World War I, the U.S. Government issued Gillette safety razors to the entire armed forces. By the end of the war, some 3.5

40、 million razors and 32 millio n blades were put i nto military han ds, thereby converting an en tire n atio n to the Gillette safety razor.Gillette s success formula was this-low prices, excellent advertising and automated manufacturing tech niq ues. These are the foun dati ons why we, a cen tury la

41、ter, are still buying Gillette products.What is the best title for the passage?A. Gillette and his familyB. William Nickers on and his inven ti onC. A successful compa nyD. Gillette RazorsAlthough Gillette s bus in ess idea occurred in the 1890 s, it was not un til 1903 whe n he bega n to actually s

42、ellhis products. This is because.family s home was destroyed in the Chicago Fire of 1871people did t needs his productsinexpensive thin steel was next to impossible to work with and extremely difficult to sharpenWorld War I did t breaks outThe followi ngs are the reas ons why Gillette products are s

43、till popular today EXCEPT.A. adva need tech niq uesB. disposable razors C. cheap nessD. good advertiseme ntThe un derl ined word“ evolve ” in paragraph 3 is closest i n meaning to.A. developB. produceC. con siderD. thinkDAn imals use com muni cati on to tell others about their territory, find a mate

44、, make frien ds, let others know how they feel, start and stop fights, an d warn others of dan ger. Here are some of the more unu sual ways that ani mals talk.Dogs bark, cats meow, birds chirp. We re pretty familiar with these forms of com muni cati on. But ani mals use sounds in other ways, too. To

45、 find a mate, the male ruffed grouse sta nds on a hollow log and beats his win gs, making a drum ming sound. The hollow log amplifies the sound so that it can be heard for up to a quarter of a mile. Mole rats(鼹鼠)use a banging sound for the opposite reason. They like to live alone. So they warn other

46、 mole rates to stay out of their way by banging( 猛撞)their heads on the top of their tunnels(地道).Ani mals use touch to com muni cate in many ways. Biti ng, kick ing, and hitt ing send obvious messages, but touch can also be used in friendly ways. Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)will touch hands to greet each other.

47、Many primates groom each other as a way to show frien dship, removi ng bits of dirt or in sects from each other s fur.Elepha nt may touch trunks in greeti ng.Dancing is another way to talk. When a bee wants to tell other bees where to find a good stash of nectar( 花蜜), it performs a special dance, wa

48、ggli ng its body and moving in ways that tell the other bees which direct ion to go and how far to fly.Some creatures eve n put their message in lights. Each type of firefly has its own flash ing code. This helps males and females find mates of the same species. The lights not only tell what kind of

49、 firefly it is, they also guide the in sects to each other. Color can also be importa nt. The cuttlefish turns differe nt colors to show how it feels. When it s ready to fight, it turns a dark color.Ano ther way to com muni cate without actually being there is through smell.A gazelle(瞪羚)has special

50、scent glands(臭腺)near its eyes that it rubs on branches to mark its territory. When other gazelles pick up the smell, they realize that this territory has already been claimed. Many animals mark territory by smell, in clud ing domestic cats and their wild cous ins.The ways ani mals com muni cate are

51、as varied as the creatures and the messages they want to send. By observ ing carefully, we can lear n more about what they mean.In what order are the sen ses discussed in this passage?A. Sou nd, Touch, Smell, SightC. Sight, Sou nd, Smell, TouchWhat is the main idea of the passage?A. Ani mals show em

52、oti ons through touch.C. Ani mals put their messages in lights.Sou nd, Touch, Sight, SmellD. Touch, Sight, Sou nd, SmellAni mals show an ger through soundD. Ani mals use their sen ses to com muni cateWhich of these would most likely cause a mole rat to bang its head on its tunn el?Ano ther mole rat

53、attempts to en ter its territory.Ano ther mole rat is look ing for a mate.Ano ther mole rat makes a high-pitched sound.Ano ther mole rat cha nges to a dark color.In paragraph 3, the un derl ined word“ primates” refers to.A. molesB. beesC. elepha ntsD. chimpa nzeesEThe Omega Tee n Camp is much more t

54、ha n a traditi onal summer camp for tee ns. We have a unique and powerful summer programme for teenagers aged 1317. Our summer camp programme is designed to help teen agers gain pers onal power, build self-c on fide nee and self-esteem (自尊),while develop ing deep and last ing frien dships. The Omega

55、 Teen Camp is about fun, conn ecti on, self-explorati on and self-expressi on.What makes the Omega Tee n Camp uniq ue?Participati ng in workshops and experie nces.High quality in struct ion and leadership by dedicated coun selor-teachers.A summer programme for tee ns that allows room for choice and

56、spirit.An emphasis on the integration(综合运用 )of body, mind and spirit.Omega tee n camp offers everyth ing tee nagers and pare nts would expect from a Teen Summer Camp. Teens build con fide nee and self-esteem through fun and excit ing activities.You will challenge yourself and find inner strength. Yo

57、u will settle into your body and learn new ways tomove. If you are look ing for a tee n summer camp, Omega Tee n Camp has the progressive summer programme for tee ns you have bee n look ing for.Our Back gro undThe Omega Teen Camp is directly owned and operated by Omega Institute, in Rhinebeck New Yo

58、rk. Omega is the nation s largest and most trusted holis全面的)education provider and is highly regarded for its pioneering work in such studies as holistic health, meditation(沉思),yoga, transformational psychology, spirituality, worldmusic, and art. We are now offeri ng tee nagers a powerful summer pro

59、gramme similar to what we have bee n offeri ng adults since 1977.Our Locati onThe Omega tee n Camp is located in Holmes, New York, nin ety minu tes north of New York City. We have a four-week summer camp programme running from July 16 through August 12. Teen agers can atte nd for either two or four

60、weeks.This passage is probably take n from.A. a scie nee fiction bookB. a scie nee reporta travel bookD. a child s textbookThe inten ded readers of the above advertiseme nt are.A. tee nagers and guids B. tee nagers and pare ntsC. drivers D. doctorsWhat ben efits will you receive if you go to the Ome


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