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1、含油污泥无害化资源化项目技术交流Oily Sludge Disposal TechnologyPRESENTATION Liaoning Huafu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd March 23, 20111.1 含油污泥来源 Where Does Oily Sludge Come From? 含油污泥是原油开采和炼制的“伴生品”,也是石油工业的主要污染源之一,其主要来源有四个:1)原油开采的井场落地油泥;2)油储罐区大罐底泥 ;3)含油污水处理系统产生的含油污泥; 4) 原油开采时钻井油泥。The oily sludge is a companion

2、 products “of oil extraction, however, it is one of main pollution sources to oil industry. It comes from : 1) Oil recovery well field( ground sludge ); 2) Oil storage tanks (Settlement tank sludge); 3) Produced water treatment (Filter cake sludge ) 4) Drilling field (drilling mud) 一、概述General Descr

3、iption1.2 含油污泥的污染与危害 What is Oily Sludge Pollution and Hazard? 1)含油污泥直接排放进入土壤,会使土地毒化、酸化或碱化,导致土壤及土质结构的改变,妨碍植物根系生长;原油耗尽的后续影响; 2)含油污泥不处理排放,既造成原油损失,又污染环境,每年需支付数额甚大的污染赔偿费,使油田开发成本增加,油地关系紧张;The soil will be poisoned, acidified or salted by the directly discharged oily sludge, resulting in the soil structur

4、e be changed , which will affects plant roots growth;There will cause loss of crude oil and pollution to environment if the oily sludge is discharged without any treatment. And there will result in great penalty for pollution. All these will increase the cost of oil exploitation and, in the meanwhil

5、e, makes the oilfield-local relationship intense. 一、概述General Description2.1 污泥处理的法规与标准 Oily Sludge Disposal Standard 1) 相关法规 Laws and Regulations 国家为进一步加强对固体废物的防治与管理,相继发布实施了国家危险废物名录,2002年发布实施了新的排污费征收使用管理条例和排污收费标准及计算方法,今年又相继发布了危险废物安全填埋处理工程建设技术要求和危险废物经营许可证管理办法等共12部。In order to further strengthen the

6、prevention and management of solid wastes, China have promulgated and implemented the National List of Hazardous Wastes“. In 2002, China implemented a new the sewage fee collection regulationsandsewage charges calculation method, and this year issued a hazardous waste landfill construction technical

7、 requirements and hazardous waste operating license management, “ etc, total 12 regulations. 二、国内外研究现状 Oily Sludge Disposal Status2)含油污泥处理标准Oily Sludge Disposal Standard 根据国家危险废物名录编号HW08废物来源“来自石油开采炼制产生的油泥和油脚”、“矿物油类仓贮过程中产生的积沉物”和“含油废水处理过程中产生的废油及油泥”的描述表明,油田含油污泥属于危险废物管理的范围。按照有关法律标准的定义,含油污泥同属固体废物范畴。The o

8、ily sludge has been stipulated as hazardous substance in China and must to disposal to the required standard .二、国内外研究现状 Oily Sludge Disposal Status 从已颁布的这12部对固体废物及危险废物的法律法规及标准的有关要求来看,我国对固体废物及危险废物的要求越来越严格,含油污泥必须经过处理达到一定标准后才能填埋或堆放。二、国内外研究现状 Oily Sludge Disposal Status2.2 含油污泥处理技术 The Typical Oily Slud

9、ge Disposal Sequences 含油污泥的处理工序一般是调质、浓缩、脱水、排放或综合利用。我国自“八五”以来,含油污泥处理技术有了很大的发展,但是尚处于探索和工业化生产试行阶段。各油田含油污水处理系统中,有污泥处理设施的还不到四分之一,处理工艺、配套设施较为完善的还不到十分之一,正常生产运行的比例更小。国内外典型的含油污泥处理流程如下:In general, The oily sludge disposal sequence includes four steps: sludge conditioning, thickening, dewatering, discharge or

10、comprehensive utilization. The typical disposal processes in domestic and overseas are: 2.2 含油污泥处理技术 含油污泥 污泥浓缩池 污泥干化场 含油污泥污泥贮存池 含油污泥天然蒸发池 含油污泥浓缩淘洗除盐浮选除油压滤脱水 含油污泥油泥分离池浓缩罐机械脱水干污泥池 罐底含油污泥储罐加入石灰和硅藻土压滤滤饼至垃圾堆 Oily sludge-sludge thickening pond to sludge drying bedOily sludge - sludge storage pondOily slud

11、ge - open-air evaporation pondOily sludge - thickening - desalting flotation- filter pressOily sludge-oil and sludge separator pond-thickening tank-mechanical dehydration unit-drying pondSettlement oil sludge-storage tank-adding lime and diatomite-filter press-filter cake-discharge 2.3 含油污泥处置及综合利用技术

12、 Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal and UtilityThere are four kinds of oily sludge comprehensive disposal and utility technology, they are:Oily Sludge Solidification TechnologySludge Incineration TechnologyBiological Treatment TechnologyPhysical and Chemical Treatment Technology2.3 含油污泥处置及综合利用技术 Oil

13、y Sludge Comprehensive Disposal and Utility1)无害化固化技术 固化无害化处理含油污泥是利用不同性质的化学物质对含油污泥进行物理化学固化处理,使其具有一定的机械强度,并且在任何的环境条件下,所有有害成分不再渗出污染环境。 Oily Sludge Solidification TechnologySafe disposal of oily sludge solidification is the use of different types of chemicals physical and chemical curing oil sludge to a

14、 certain mechanical strength, and in any environmental conditions, all the harmful components of environmental pollution is no longer leaking2.3 含油污泥处置及综合利用技术2)焚烧技术 污泥焚烧法是将脱水干燥后的污泥加入焚烧炉内,通过高温燃烧,使其成为稳定的残渣。油田污泥有害成分多,燃烧值高且干燥后的污泥热值相当于煤。所以焚烧所需要的热量不多,燃料耗量也比较小,因而逐渐成为国外(日本、加拿大和德国)污泥减容的重要手段之一。Sludge Incinera

15、tion Technology Dehydrated sludge incineration is to put dried sludge into incinerator and burning until all harmful substance burned completely ,the harmless and stable residual can be discharged directly or buried in-situ. A large amount of harmful components are contained in oily sludge with a hi

16、gh burning value , equivalent to coal. So that burn fuel consumption is relatively small, and therefore incineration es one of the main methods in Japan, Canada and Germany to reduce sludge volume. 2.3 含油污泥处置及综合利用技术3)生物处理降解技术 含油污泥的生物处理与处置技术,都是基于微生物降解石油烃类有机物从而减少含油污泥对环境的危害而研究开发的。国外研究开发了有关石油工业废弃物的三种生物技

17、术,即土地处理法(Land treatment)、堆肥处理法(composting)和污泥生物反应器法(Slurry biotractors)。Biological Treatment Technology Oily sludge biological treatment and disposal technologies are based on the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons to reduce oily sludge harmful substance released to the environment. The

18、re are three biological treatment methods in foreigh R & D: land posting and slurry biotractors. 2.3 含油污泥处置及综合利用技术 4)物理化学 处理技术主要采用“污泥加药搅拌- 沉降 - 气浮 ”的流程,气浮后表面的油可以回收、底部的排泥可以脱水后填埋 。Physical and Chemical Treatment TechnologyThe main process is sludge mixing with chemicals - Settlement - flotation. The s

19、urface oil can be recovered after floating while bottom sludge will be landfilled after dehydration. 含油污泥样品Settlement tank sludgeFilter cake sludgeOil sludgeDrilling Mud 污泥固化处理技术研究 固化法是一种向废物中加入一定数量的固化剂,与之发生一系列复杂的物理、化学变化,从而将废物中的污染物束缚、稳定在固体基块中,降低其沥滤性及迁移作用,达到防止污染的目的的无害化处理方法。Solidification Technology So

20、lidification is a kind of method to add a certain amount of curing agent to waste, causes a series of complex physical and chemical reaction, which will bound pollutants in the waste, and fix it in solid blocks, therefore, to reduce its leaching and migration, to achieve the purpose of pollution pre

21、vention and sludge safety disposal 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu 污泥固化处理技术研究目前常使用的固化剂有无机和有机两大类。无机固化剂主要有水泥、石灰、石膏、水玻璃、氯化钙、硫酸铝、无定型硅灰、粉煤灰、酚醛树脂、氨基甲酸乙脂聚合物、尿醛树脂、热固性树脂等。固化剂能稳定住危害性成分的原因,一是将可溶性的有害成分转化为难溶性的;另一种是把有害成分封闭、包裹在其中,从而达到降低其淋溶,沥滤性及迁移作用。Now there

22、are two commonly used curing agents: inorganic and organic. Inorganic curing agents are cement, lime, gypsum, sodium silicate, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate, amorphous silica fume, fly ash, phenolic resin, urethane polymers, urea-formaldehyde resin, thermosetting resin. The reason that curing a

23、gent can stabilize the hazardous constituents, one is to change soluble harmful components into insoluble; the other is to uncover and wrap harmful components in them, which can reduce the leaching and migration. 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu

24、 污泥固化处理技术研究 华孚环境公司与加拿大爱德摩集团合作对中国辽河油田含油污泥进行固化法现场中试,2004年完成,中试报告见附件 。本项目采用的固化剂是从加拿大powerbetter公司进口的含油污泥专用固化剂,成分与上述类似但不完全相同。Huafu cooperated with Canadian Andmir Group, has done a pilot test in Liaohe oil field in 2004, the trial report attached. Curing agent used in this project is imported from Canad

25、a POWERBETTER company, which is special curing agent, the composition is similar to the curing agent mentioned above but not identical 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu 固化处理技术关键点 1)化学固化稳定:保证污泥中的污染物经固化后不外泄,对环境无害; 2)污泥资源化:固化后的含油污泥制成建材的方法和技术; 3)污油回收

26、药剂:用于含油浓度较高时的污油破乳,并回收原油的药剂; 4)油水、油泥、泥水的三相分离:可实现高效分离的设备和技术。The key point of solidification technologyTo achieve a successful solidification, following four key points shall be paid high attention. 1) Chemical cured stability: must ensure that the pollutants in the sludge does not leak after curing, n

27、o harm to environment; 2) Sludge resourced: convert oily sludge to building material after its solidification 3)there must be reasonable waste oil demulsifier agents: it is used for the waste oil demulsification while there is higher oil cocentration in oily sludge; 4) good oily water, oily sludge,

28、slurry three-phase separation: the efficient separation equipment and technology.三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By HuafuBefore solidification disposalAfter solidification disposalOily Sludge Solidification and Reuse as Paving Material污泥焚烧技术研究 焚烧的方法原理 焚

29、烧是对废物进行有控制的燃烧获得能源的一种资源化方法,目的是有机物和其他可燃物质转变为二氧化碳和水逸入环境,以减少废物体积,便于填埋。焚烧过程还可把许多病原体以及各种有毒、有害物质转化为无害物质。因此,它也是一种有效的除害灭菌的废物处理方法。污泥焚烧在焚烧炉内进行,焚烧炉种类很多,大体上有炉排式焚烧炉、流化床焚烧炉、回转窑焚烧炉等。Incineration of Oily SludgeIncineration is to access energy by controllable waste burning. The purpose is to make organic and other co

30、mbustible materials into carbon dioxide and water into the environment, to reduce the waste volume and easy to be landfilled. Incineration can also put a lot of pathogens and a variety of toxic and hazardous substances into harmless substances. Therefore, it is also an effective method of pesticide

31、waste sterilization. The incineration of sludge often in the incineration stoves. There are many different incineration stoves: grate incinerator, fluidized bed incinerator, rotary kiln incinerators. 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu焚烧处理时目前污泥处置比较

32、典型的方法,能够最大限度的回收资源,而且占用场地小,处置速度快,但是焚烧必须在专门建立的焚烧炉中进行,可比较彻底地消除含油污泥中的有害有机物,如不考虑燃烧热能的综合利用,会造成二次污染和能源浪费Incineration of sludge disposal is a typical oily sludge treatment method in current. It can maximize the recovery of resources, small footprint required, and the disposal speed fast. However, the sludge

33、 must be burned in special incinerator so as to eliminate the oily sludge harmful organisms. If do not take into account the comprehensive utilization of combustion heat will cause secondary pollution. 华孚环境与浙江大学合作,在辽河油田建有示范工程,技术资料见附件 Huafu cooperated with Zhejiang University built a model oily sludg

34、e incineration project in CNPC liaohe oilfield. 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu污泥生化处理技术研究 Biological treatment technology 该技术主要是利用微生物的新陈代谢作用,将石油烃类降解,最终转化为CO2和H2O等;优点是生物法是一个自然过程的强化,不形成二次污染或导致污染转移,最大限度地降低污染物的浓度,简单易行.The technology is to use micro

35、bial metabolism to degradate petroleum hydrocarbons, and be converted to CO2 and H2O, etc.; It is only a natural biological process, not lead to secondary pollution or pollution transfer, it minimizes the pollution concentration, and easy to operate. 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comp

36、rehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu污泥生化处理技术研究 Biological treatment technology 华孚依靠自身得天独厚的油田背景,依托国外相关的合作,成功地探索出了利用表面活性剂提高疏水性烃类的水溶性,从而提高微生物可利用性的关键技术 . 为高效、快速、生物降解含油污泥提供了技术及产品的保障Huafu cooperated with ANDMIR has successfully found out that using surfactants can improve water solubility of hydrophobic

37、 hydrocarbons, thereby enhancing the microbial availability. Hence, it explored an efficient way to rapid biological degradate oily sludge. 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu污泥生化处理技术研究 Biological treatment technology 2008年,华孚用HE-1000 (是一种浓缩高效的生物降解

38、混合剂,无毒)作为降解剂降解油田含油污泥,在CNPC延长油田川口采油厂现场做中试,取得良好的效果In 2008, Huafu did a pilot test in China Yanchang Oilfield, with HE-1000 (a concentrated mixture of highly effective biodegradable agent, non-toxic) as oily sludge degrading agent to disposal oily sludge, and achieved very good results.与加拿大爱德摩,讲座资料见附件P

39、PT 三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By HuafuBefore biological treatmentAfter biological treatment污泥物理化学处理技术研究 Physical and chemical disposal technology 主要采用“污泥加药搅拌- 沉降 - 气浮 ”的流程,气浮后表面的油可以回收、底部的排泥可以脱水后填埋 It mainly apply the process of ” adding chemicals a

40、nd mixing-settlement-flotation” . After flotation, the surface oil could be recovered, the bottom sludge dewatering treatment and buried.三、我公司对含油污泥处理及其资源化途径探讨Research on Oily Sludge Comprehensive Disposal Technology By Huafu各种处理方法适用范围及优缺点 Advantages and Shortage Comparison for Each disposal method 简

41、单处置各类含油污泥简单易行污染环境,不能回收原油物理化学处理含油量在510%以上的含油污泥回收原油,综合利用需处理装置,需加入化学药剂,仍有污水、废渣排放,处理费用较高生物处理各类含油污泥节省能源,无需化学药剂处理周期长,不能回收原油焚烧处理各类污泥及含有害有机物的污泥有害有机物处理彻底,占用场地小,处置速度快,能最大限度的回收资源需焚烧装置及相应的尾气处理设备作燃料、制砖各类含油污泥综合利用,较易实行不能回收原油,有废气排放,二次污染严重simple and easy disposal may cause environmental pollution by oil sludge, oil can not be recycled Using physical and chemical disposal method to treat 5 to 10% oil concentration oil sludge can recycle oil, but recycling and comprehensive utilization ne


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