



1、 弟子规 英文版 Standards for Being a Good Student and Child 总叙 Outline 弟子规。圣人训。 Standards for Being a Good Student and Child was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past. 首孝悌。次谨信 First it teaches you how to be dutiful to your parents, and to be respectful and loving to your siblings. then it

2、 teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in your daily life, and to be a trustworthy person; to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages. 泛爱众。而亲仁。 Furthermore, it teaches you to love all equally, be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.

3、有余力。则学文。 When you have accomplished all the above duties you can further study and learn literature and art to improve the quality of your cultural and spiritual lives. 入则孝 Chapter 1 At Home, Be Dutiful to Your Parents 父母呼。应勿缓。 When your parents call you, answer them right away. 父母命。行勿懒。 When they command you to do something, do it quickly. 父母教。须敬听。 When your parents instruct you, Listen respectfully. 父母责。须顺承。 When your parents reproach you, obey and accept their reproach.


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