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1、2019 高考英语(人教)二轮预热自练题8U4 及解析The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡 ) fraud. Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal website(非法网 站).Websites offering cheap goods and services should be regarde d with care.On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information

2、may never receive the goods they thought they bought.The thieves then go sh opping with your card number or sell the information over the Interne t.Computer hackers祟客)have broken down security(安全)systems,raising questions about the safety of cardholder information.Several months ago,2 5,000 customer

3、s of CD Universe,an on-line music retailer(零售商),were no t lucky.Their names,addressesand credit-card numbers were posted on a website after the retailer refused to pay US $157,828 to get back the info rmation.Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud.Maste rcard is working on plans fo

4、r web only credit card,with a lower credit li mit.The card could be used only for shopping on-line.However,there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated欺骗).Ask about your credit-card firm s on-line rules: Under Britis h law,cardholders have to pay the first US $78 of any fraud

5、ulent(欺骗性 的 ) spending.And shop only at secure sites;send your credit-card informati on only if the website offers advanced secure system.If the security is in place,a letter will appear in the bottom right-han d corner of your screen.The website address may also start the extra “s” stands for secur

6、e.If in doubt,give your credit-card information over the te lephone.Keep your password脩码)safe: Most online sites require a u ser name and password before placing an order.Treat your passwords withcare.What do most people worry about the Internet according to this pa ssage?A.A lot of stolen credit-ca

7、rds were sold on the Internet.B.Fraud on the Internet.C.Many websites are destroyed.D.Many illegal websites are on the Internet.What is the meaning of “fraud” ?A.Cheating.B.Sale.C.Payment.D.Safety.How can the thieves get the information of the credit card?A.The customers give them the information.B.

8、The thieves steal the information from websites.C.The customers sell the information to them.D.The thieves buy the information from credit-card firms.You are shopping on a site starting and you want to buy a TV set,what does this article suggest to do?A.Order the TV set at once.B.Do not buy the TV s

9、et on this site.C.E-mail the site your credit-card information.D.Tell the site your password and buy the TV set for you.解析:本文介绍了网上黑客人员盗用信用卡资料进行欺骗的行为以及我们该怎样防卫的措施。单句语法填空 We had no (hesitate) in helping the sufferers when the terrible earthquake hit the country. (classify) so many books in libraries us

10、ually takes themlots of time. Generally (speak), youths of eighteen are too young forsuch work. What you said has led to the (mistake) belief thatsmoking is not harmful. The school makes it clear that essays from online should not be p assed off being written by the students. if we invited them to c

11、ome here for a party instead? Parents should teach their children to behave (proper) perly。 They made rude (remark) about her appearance. The information you gathered is great help to me.help=very helpful “非常有帮助”。 (take) according to the instructions, the medicine has noside effect.完形填空。

12、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出 可能填入空白处的最佳选项。(2019 太原市高三年级模拟试题)I was a shy kid.Nothing seemed harder than talking to people.I didnt even like to answer the phone for fear that Id have to talk to somebod y I didnt know.1_ , at school I had to spend all day in the company of others. My _2_ was

13、studying.It was something I could do _3_ and by mysel f.I spent a lot of time studying and was _4_ with good grades.Eventually I went to college.I came to realize that some people were rather fun to _5_ with.Yet my childhood _6_ carried over and I fou nd myself tongue- tied and _7_ whenever I found

14、myself in a convers ation.One day while on campus, I _8_ an advertisement for a position o n the local classical music _9_ station.I had grown up listening to class ical music, and I loved it.In order to get the job, applicants needed to be interviewed.I had abs olutely no background in radio, and t

15、he idea of talking to thousands of li steners _10_ me.I didnt really want the job.I just wanted to prove thatI could talk to a(n) _11_.Two weeks _12_ , I was even more terrified to discover that I ha d actually landed the job.It was a _13_ job , but I grew to enjoy it.I announced music to th ousands

16、 of _14_ in the city , sometimes answering their calls and _15_ _ to their requests.I began to feel comfortable talking to these people, the se strangers who I couldnt even _16_.Although I now spend much time talking with people, Im still basic ally a _17_ person.My former shyness is a gift , as I c

17、an _18_ peopl e who feel discomfort when they talk to strangers.I still enjoy moments o f being _19_.But Im also glad I decided to make a _20_ in my life that had opened many doors and opportunities that I never knew existed. A.HoweverB ThereforeC Otherwise D BesidesA.adviceB practiceC taskD escape

18、A.obviously B simplyC quietlyD poorlyA.filledB rewardedC decorated D facedA.help outC put upA.happinessC kindnessA.excitedB catch upD hang outB shynessD goodnessB astonishedC embarrassed D interestedA.noticedB postedC realizedD believedA.fireB gasC TVD radioA.terrified B pleasedC satisfied D amazedA

19、.childB singerC interviewer D applicantA.agoB laterC before D sinceA.well - paid B puzzling C comfortable D challengingA.listenersC viewersA.referringC offeringA.feelC hearA.busyC quietA.look intoC combine withB followersD dancersB respondingD comparingB moveD seeB warmD smartB relate toD worry with

20、 A.aloneB aliveC activeD awake A.planB mistakeC change D dream【解题导语】该文主要讲述了害羞的作者通过应聘电台工作而实现自我突破的故事。 A 根据上下文可知,此处表示逻辑上的转折关系。然而,作者在 学校里不得不和同学们相处。 D 根据上文的“ I was a shy kid ”可推知,害羞的作者在学校用 学习来逃避与人交流。. C与语境“by myself”呼应可推知,作者一个人安安静静地做功 课。. B 与语境“with good graded呼应可推知,作者在学习上的付出 得到了丰厚的回报,成绩突出。 D 由“ Eventual

21、ly ”的提示可推知,作者最终意识到了和朋友相处 是有趣的。hang out “常去某处”。 B 根据上文的“ I was a shy kid ”并结合“ I found myself tongu e- tied ”可推知,作者童年时代的害羞个性还存在。. C 根据“I found myself tongue- tied”可推知,和他人交流时沟 通不顺畅是令人尴尬的。 A 根据语境可知, 作者在校园里注意到了一则让他感兴趣的广告。 D 根据下文的 “ I had absolutely no background in radio” 可推知, 这是一则电台的招募广告。. A 根据 “I had

22、absolutely no background in radio” 并结合下文 的 “ I didnt really want the job ” 可推知, 作者因自己没有广播方面的背景而打退堂鼓,与下文的“ I was even more terrified to discover that I had actually landed the job ”呼应。 C 作者害怕与成千上万的听众交流,只想证明自己能够和面试官 交谈。 B 根据语境可推知,时间已经过去了两周。 D 根据上文可知,这项工作需要与成千上万的听众交流,这对作者来说有一定的挑战性,且与语境“ but I grew to enjoy it ”形成呼应。 A 与上文的“ and the idea of talking to thousands of listeners _ _10_ me”呼应可推知,此处表示作者给听众播放音乐。


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