1、2016年安徽省中考英语 复习策略与应试技巧加强研究:知己知彼,百战百胜研究自己:认识自己在以往中考复习中的得与失。研究学生:学生的语言基础知识、能力和发展情况。研究中考:对照课标和考纲,研究中考发展和真题 。 (找规律、共性、趋势、变化和差异)研究方法: 各种题型解题方法、技巧。研究练习:考题精选、精练,加强有效性。例题辨析:(1) As teenagers, we should make a great contribution to_ the environment. A. protecting B. to protect C. protected D. protects(2) Whil
2、e I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish _ out of the water. A. jumped B. to jump C. jumping D. are jumping(3) -Do you like tea or coffee? -_.I really dont mind. (4)Mom,IamafraidthatIcantgetthroughthehardtimewerehavingnow.Myboy,bebraveandtellyourself_.A.dontgiveupB.nottogiveupC.notgiveup D.to
3、giveup例题辨析:(5) Dont _ too much. Its bad for your eyes. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched(6) -Would you like something to drink? -_ ,please.(7) The music sounds really _. I like it very much. A.terrible B.boring C.beautiful D. sad 课程标准教 材考试纲要考试坚持“稳中求新、稳中求变、变中求发展”的方针,突出语境,注重交际,强调运用,着重考察学生运用所
4、学英语在具体语境中去获取信息、加工信息,分析问题、解决问题的能力。题型设计和语言素材的选择与学生的生活学习实际相适应。内容和表述科学准确,无繁、难、偏、杂、怪题和超纲题。课程标准中明确指出,学生的综合语言运用能力是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个层面。 贯彻新课程改革的理念,融会教育性、实用性和原创性的统一仔细研读考纲 把握中考方向两考合一,试题总体难度不会太大咀嚼考试内容,做到有的放矢预考提供样题,窥视考点方向将口语,阅读,写作,交际用语与话题有机结合关注历年安徽中考试题,选用精当练习显型变化一具体改变:(1)2016年安徽省初中毕业考试纲要中动词的第七部分中的被动
5、语态部分发生变化,将2015年的被动语态考查的三项变成2016年的四项,去年考查被动语态的一般现在时,一般过去时和一般将来时,今年增加一项,即考查现在完成时态被动语态。(2)定语从句:考纲中一直描述辨认并理解含有which,that,who先行词的定语从句的句子意思,没有明确描述考查定语从句的运用,但是2016年考纲,将“辨认出”并“理解句子”字样直接“淡去”。2013年单项选择试题的第49小题:Istillrememberthecollegeandtheteachers_I visitedinLondonyearsago. A.whatB.whoC.that D.whichPapermone
6、y_foroverathousandyearsA.usedB.hasbeenusedC.hasusedD.isusingWewanttositatthetablenearthewindow Yes.It_yet.A.hastakenB.didnttakeC.wasnttakenD.hasnotbeentaken 新增的单词(25)accident, breath, butter, cancer, church, company, cotton,dentist, duty, effort, flu, greeting, honour(honor), improve, memory, mirror
7、, moment, piano, prefer, regard, sight, supper, wine, wolf, zebra显型变化二2016年中考命题趋势1.题型不变,加强读写;2.难度稳定,7:2:1;3.情境延续,突出语用;4.科学合理,贴近实际。部 分题 型题 数计 分难 度听 力关键词语短对话理解长对话理解短文理解信息转换3030较容易题70%中等难度题20%难题10%英语知识运用单项填空1515完形填空2030阅 读补全对话55阅读理解(5篇)2040写单词拼写55书面表达125总 计 951150关键词1:题型分析与解题技巧 1.听句子,选词语。学生将听到五个句子(2遍),
8、 每个句子读一遍,然后捕捉关键词语。2. 听短对话,选答案(图片)。学生听一组短对话(一个轮回)(2遍),然后回答问题。选项有文字和图画两种形式。3. 听长对话,选答案。学生听一段对话(多个轮回)(2遍),然后回答问题。选项为文字形式。学生能根据所听懂的日常生活中熟悉话题的谈话,捕捉主要信息。4.听短文,选答案。学生听一篇短文(2遍),然后回答问题。要求学生根据所听内容,在理解主旨大意的基础上,作出合理的判断和推理。5.听短文或对话,写信息。学生听一篇短文或对话(2遍),然后根据短文内容填写要求,补全信息。要求学生一边听录音,一边将所缺要点补充完整。 1. 听力技能听力技能指学生对口头语言材料
9、的理解能力以及从口头语言材料中获取信息的能力在理解信息的基础上,学生还要能够对信息进行判断、归纳、综合,有时还需要根据信息进行实际操作。英语学业考试不应在脱离语境的情况下单纯考察学生的语音识别和辨别能力。考察听力技能时,应尽量选用口语材料,尽可能不使用根据书面语制作的录音材料。1. 社会交往(Social communications) (14).购物Shoppinga.What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?b.I want/Id like/Let me havekilo/boxHow much is it?Thats too much/expens
10、ive,Im afraid.Thats fine.Ill take it.c.How many/much do you want?What color/size/kind/do you want?d.Do you have any other kind/size/colour?(15).问路和应答Asking the way and responsesa.Excuse me,which is the way to?Excuse me,can you tell me the way to?How can I get to?I dont know the way. Is there a near
11、here?b.Go down this street.Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.Its aboutmetres from here.(13). 就医Seeing the doctora. Whats the matter with you?/Whats wrong with you? Theres something wrong with Can I take your temperature now? Ive got a cough/. I feel terrible (bad).I dont feel well. Ive go
12、t a pain here. This place hurts. b. Take this medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. Its nothing serious. Youll be all right/well soon. W: Hi,John. Whats the matter with you?M: Hi,Lucy. Its Helen. Her leg hurt.Q: Whose leg is hurt?A. Johns. B. Lucys. C. Helens.M: Hel
13、lo!W: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith?M: Speaking.W: This is Mrs. King, Tonys mother. I want to ask for three day leave for him.M: Oh, whats wrong with him?W: He has a bad cold. The doctor advised him to have a good rest at home.Q1: How long will Tony saty at home?A. Two days. B.Three days. C. Four
14、days.Q2: Whats wrong with Tony?A. He has a bad cold. B. He has a toothache. C. He ahs a stomache. 英语课程标准的五级目标要求(听力): 1 能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图2 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中 提取信息和观点3 能借助语境克服生词障碍,理解大意4 能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文, 理解故事的因果关系5 能在听的过程中用适当的方式做出反应6 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息例从所听信息中直接获取 (事实性具体信息) ;1. A. phones B. photos C. radio
15、s2. A. busy B. lazy C. easy3. A. hurt B. hide C. help4. A. lift B. left C. list5. A. keep on B. put on C. get on录音:1. Can I have a look at your photos, please?2. Id like to go with you, but Im too busy.3. Dont forget to say thanks when other people help you.4. Mr. Greens office is on the 16th floor.
16、 You can take the lift there.5. Be friendly and youll get on well with others.听力应试技巧一: 1.调节情绪,保持良好的心理状态;2.读题预览预测,变被动为主动预览;3.抓大放小,紧盯关键词语;4.顾全大局,运用概括分析跳跃障碍;5.眼明手快,各器官协调并用,做好要点速记。 (听前:浏览并预测推断了解背景信息 听中:仔细聆听记录信息要点 听后:及时检查)听力应试技巧二: 1、理解主旨大意(单句、对话、语篇)-究竟在说什么;2、抓关键词,获取与话题相关的具体事实信息;3、学会记笔记;A: When does the d
17、octor have office hours? I havent been feeling well and Id like to come in for a check-up.B: On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from one to four and Tuesday and Friday from six to eight.1 3 4-1-4; 2 5-6-84、推断说话背景,说话者之间的关系;5、理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。(听话听声、擅于揣摩)真题 录音: 1. W: Mike, could you help me carry these bo
18、oks to the classroom? M: All right, Miss Green.2. W: Whats wrong with you, Jack? You are not listening. M: Im too tired to go on. I didnt get enough sleep last night. 1. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Brother and sister. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and student. 2. Wha
19、ts the matter with Jack? A. He didnt have a good rest last night. B. He spent much time listening to music. C. He caught a bad cold yesterday evening.听力理解录音稿常用问题具体细节理解的常用问题:1 Who go to the party?2 How many hours does David sleep a day?3 How long will the meeting last?4 Where does the woman want to g
20、o?5 Where is the post office?听力理解录音稿常用问题理解主旨大意的常用问题: What are the two speakers talking about? What can we learn from the conversation? What do we know about ?听力理解录音稿常用问题判断说话背景、说话者之间关系的常用问题: Where does the conversation take place? Where is the speaker? When does the conversation take place?What is th
21、e relationship between the man and the woman?模拟3要求考生根据所听内容推导或归纳出未被直接说明的隐含信息 ;能根据对话背景和说话者之间的关系做出简单判断。 录音:W: Excuse me. Is there a bookstore around here?M: A bookstore? Hmm. Im sorry. I dont think so. (正确答案是B)Whats the woman doing?Seeing a doctor.B. Asking the way.C. Looking for a job. 模拟4要求考生根据所听内容推导
22、或归纳出未被直接说明的隐含信息 ;能根据对话背景和说话者之间的关系做出简单判断。 录音:M: Sorry, Miss Smith, I left my English book home this morning.W: That all right. Remember to bring it here tomorrow. (正确答案是C)Where does the conversation take place?A. At home. B. On the street. C. In the classroom.模拟5要求考生根据所听内容推导或归纳出未被直接说明的隐含信息 ;能根据对话背景和说
23、话者之间的关系做出简单判断。(Daily routines) 录音: W: Oh, thats too bad. It doesnt work again! M: Sorry, madam, but you have to walk up the stairs today. (正确答案是C)14.What are the two speakers probably talking about?A. A telephone. B. A computer. C. A lift.模拟要求考生根据所听内容推导或归纳出未被直接说明的隐含信息 ;能根据对话背景和说话者之间的关系做出简单判断。(Interp
24、ersonal relationships) 录音: W: You were absent yesterday from class. Whats up? M: Sorry, Mrs. Smith. I was ill. (正确答案是B)s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and child. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient.例 考察学生对听力材料篇章整体理解(Language learning)16. What does Lingling f
25、ind difficult while learning English?A. Grammar. B. New words. C. Pronunciation.17. How does the man learn the new words?A. By listening to tapes every day. B. By writing and looking at them at times.C. By listing them and reading aloud.录音:M: How is your English class going, Lingling?W: Not bad, but
26、 Im finding the pronunciation difficult.M: Well, it takes a while to get it right. You could improve your accent by listening to tapes.W: Thats a good idea. But how do you learn new words? I always seem to forget new words.M: I learn new words by writing them on pieces of paper. I look at them from
27、time to time.W: Maybe I should try something like that!短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。21. At what age did he leave high school?A. 19. B. 20. C. 21.22. How long did John do each job before? A. A week. B. A month. C. A year.23. What did John think about
28、his jobs before? A. Too tiring. B. Too dangerous. C. Too relaxing.24. Whats his job now?A. A driver. B. A bookseller. C. A postman.25. Why does he feel glad about his job now?A. Because he thinks he will get a lot of money.B. Because he thinks he can make a lot of friends. C. Because he thinks no on
29、e can order him in the job.听力原文John is a young man of 21 years old. He left high school two years ago. He did many jobs during the years. He once worked as a postman, a bookseller, etc. However, each job was done only for a month, for hes never satisfied with the jobs. As for him, the jobs either ar
30、e too boring to go on with or took him so long time that he cant rest well. Then he got a job as a driver. Yesterday morning, he was glad to begin his first day to drive. On the way, a passenger asked John whether he liked his job. John answered, “Yes, but do you know why I love this job so much? Im
31、 my own boss. No one tells me what to do.” At that moment, the passenger said,“Excuse me, turn left, please.”模拟2做出相应反应,记录简单信息 录音:We had a journey to the Science Museum last Friday. It was great fun. All the students in Grade 9 joined in the journey. There were 7 big buses waiting for us in front of
32、the school gate. First of all, our teachers told us a lot on safety. After that, we got on the buses. Everyone felt so excited that we talked and laughed all the way. About two hours later, we arrived there. It was about ten oclock. Though we felt a little tired, we were happy!(正确答案为1. Museum 2. Fri
33、day 3. Grade 9(the ninth grade) 4. eight 5. seven) Place The Science _1_. Day Last _2_. People The students in_3_. Departure Time At_4_ oclock. Transport On_5_ big buses. 关键词2:2016年中考英语复习策略关于词汇的复习1、牢记考试纲要上所有四会单词;掌握1500-1600个左右的单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配。自己学会归纳习惯用语或固定搭配部分。 2、根据“派生、合成、转化”的方式联想记忆单词;3、采取“分类记忆
34、”的方式优化单词记忆效率;4、根据词性或字母组合来复习单词。按Word Map: 可以归类联想记忆的有很多,如:food(healthy food unhealthy food);sports events; subjects; colors; countries;drinks;seasons;months;days;transport;jobs;hobbies;appearance;personality; acitivities; stationeries ;family members;weather; illness; problems; 按词性:Prepositions:above,
35、below, on,over, under, behind, acrossfrom;after,before;along,against,around; among, between;about;asConjunctions: although, even though; but; of; until;whether; if; whatever; while按词义:say,speak,tell,talk;borrow,lend,keep;bring,take,carry,get;wear,puton,dress,in;take,spend,use,cost,pay;reach,get to,a
36、rrive;few, a few, little, a little; other, the other, another, others, the others;none,neither, either, both, all,whole按固定搭配:look after(at,up,into,through,down,over)put on(away,up,off,down)turn on(down, up, off)go on(off,over)hand in(out,over,down)take off (after, up, out)be tired of/be fond of/be c
37、apable of/be afraid of/ be proud of/think of have(make,let, ) sb do sth;Get(allow,want,ask,encourage,tell) sb to do sth;see,(listen to,hear,watch) sb do/doing sth;enjoy/finish/allow/feel like /mind /admit /consider/keep/avoid/suggest/appreciate/imagine doing sth;stop to do/doing sth1. Peter is so ca
38、reless that he_ the books on the shelf. A. knocked over B. knocked into C. turned over D. looked through2. For more information about the job please _ our web site on the internet at State. gov or telephone (202)619-5885. A. look into B. take up C. get to D. call on1. -Mr Wu told us that we should r
39、ead more to learn English well. Is that true? -Yes. Because_.A. every dog has its dayB. practice makes perfectC. one tree doesnt make a forestD. the early bird catches the worm2. -Thank you for supporting the volunteer project. -_. Many hands make light work.A. Never mind B. All right C. My pleasure
40、 D. Thats right三轮复习法:第一轮: 基础知识的全面复习 梳理归纳语言点,包括词汇、短语、句型等,通过配套练习检测形成能力第二轮: 专项重点知识复习 语法专项和题型专项技能训练,使用错题集第三轮: 考前适应性模拟训练培养审题和解题能力,补差补缺关键词3:题型分析与解题技巧“单项填空”测试透析单项填空题主要考查语言知识,特别是语法、惯用法等。单项填空是学生容易失分的题型。本题不再单纯考查学生对语法规则的识记,而是设置微型语境,置语法知识的考查于情景之中。案例一What a hot day! Have you had a drink?Yes. But Id like to have
41、_ after work. A. it B. one C. other D. another Have you ever been to Shanghai, Mary? Yes. I _ there for three days with my parents last month. A. have gone B. have been C. went D. was案例二 Are you going to Beijing by plane? Its fast, but expensive. So I am not sure. I _ take a train. A. should B. may
42、C. must D. will Have you found the information about famous people _ you can use for the report? Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. which B. who C. what D. whom 案例三I went to see my grandma last Sunday morning, but she_ to be walking her pet dog at the time. A. planned B. decided C. promise
43、d D. happened_ spending our vacation in a hotel, why not try hiking in the country? A. Instead of B. Because of C. Thanks to D. As for案例四My God! Im nearly lost in this city.Yeah. The city _ a lot. A. changed B. has changed C. is changing D. will changeInventors have changed the way we live.So they a
44、re famous for the great things they_. A. do B. did C. are doing D. had done单项选择:重运用、重语境、重交际例1: “Hello, Bob?” “Im not in at the moment. Please leave your _ on the answering machine.”A. letter B. card C. note D. message例2: I wonder why more and more people are taking up fishing these days. You know, i
45、ts real fun _ you try it.A. because B. once C. before D. since例3:Have you heard of Jessica Watson? Yes. The news says she is the youngest person who sailed _the world. A. around B. with C. into D. for例4: Lily, Ive just written a story. Want to read it? _ Come on.A. Why me? B. What for? C. Why not? D
46、. So what? 2015年中考英语单项选择题考点分布:考察内容题数题号具体考察语言点代词131特定情境下疑问代词的用法辨析形容词 232,41特定情境下形容词的用法辨析交际用语233,45对交际的正确应答动词与动词短语43438,39,44特定情境下系动词、行为动词、情态动词的用法辨析及动词词组用法辨析名词与名词短语234,47特定情境下名词的用法时态137特定情境下现在进行时的用法辨析连词240,42特定情境下连词的用法辨析固定结构143在一定语境下对there be句型的正确辨析未考查:副词、介词、宾语从句连接词、形容词及比较等级、被动语态“完形填空”测试透析完形填空考查学生综合运用
47、语言的能力,包括词语辨析、词语搭配、语篇理解和逻辑推理。完形填空将充分体现“突出语篇”的命题原则。即“意义填空将逐步取代语法填空”。试题设置将以情景意义选择为主,充分突出“词汇语境化”的特点。在命题时很少设置不通过上下文、仅阅读本句就能判断正确答案的选项。考点的设置1. 空白之间的间距要适当,不宜在短文首句和末句挖空。2. 所删的词语在文段中确实有上下文线索,使考生能依据这些线索进行推断。3. 不宜把语言知识以外的其他知识作为考查的重点。4. 设计考点时一定要避免某题的答案出现在文章的其他地方。5. 试题所涉及的各类考点应均衡分布。6. 选择考点应侧重从语言的意义考虑,而不能一味地考查语法形式
48、或句子结构。选项的设置1. 答案应没有争议性。2. 正确选项与干扰项词性/外形要相同。3. 干扰项本身就形式而言也能填入所设的空中。4. 干扰项对正确答案要有干扰作用。完形填解题技巧1. 细读首句,预测主题;2. 跳读全文,领会大意;3. 通读全文,试选答案;4. 细读全文,推敲难题;5. 复读全文,调整答案。 “Youre going to another country to study? How wonderful! Youre really 1 !” But is it true all the time? Some famous people say that it is diffi
49、cult to accept the 2 in a new culture. They call the feelings which people 3 when they come to a new environment culture shock(冲击). According to the research, there are three periods of culture shock. In the first period, the newcomers 4 their environment. Then, when the sense of newness disappears,
50、 they begin to hate the country, the people, and everything else in the new culture. In the 5 period of culture shock, the newcomers begin to 6 the environment. As a result, they enjoy their life more.1. A. successful B. lucky C. wealthy D. fantastic2. A. changes B. development C. invitations D. adv
51、ice3. A. practice B. feel C. taste D. experience4. A. like B. agree C. choose D. take5. A. latest B. end C. present D. final6. A. get used to B. care for C. think about D. worry about Some of the culture shocks are easy to see. Perhaps the 7 are different. Perhaps the public service networks such as
52、 the telephone or post office are difficult to 8 and you make mistakes. The food may seem strange to you. You may 9 miss the familiar smells of the food you are used to in your own country. You may feel like everyone is watching you. In fact, you are always watching yourself. A lot of the time, the
53、people 10 the worst culture shock are the people who never had any difficulties in their own countries. When they come to a new country, everything needs to start again. This can take a long time.7. A. habits B. practices C. policies D. intentions8. A. realize B. understand C. get D. explain9. A. se
54、ldom B. hardly C. also D. already 10. A. for B. with C. in D. during(四)“阅读理解”测试透析着重考查考生对各种题材和体裁的书面材料的理解能力,以及从各种材料中获取信息的能力,在理解信息的基础上,学生还要能够对信息加以判断、归纳和综合。要求考生能够读懂较熟悉的日常生活话题方面的文字材料,例如海报、说明、广告,以及书刊杂志中的短文材料。Read for surface meaning 阅读的几个层面Read for deep meaningRead for pleasureReading for developmentReadi
55、ng for skills试题设计试题分类呈现方式能力要求表层理解细节题、词义题往往通过文字信息直接呈现,综合化信息题会跨段呈现文字转换、事实认定快速捕捉深层理解主旨题、推理题、观点题通常没有直接的文字呈现,蕴含在主题句或字里行间归纳、概括、总结、挖掘常见题型: 1、 主旨大意题;2、事实细节题;3、词义猜测题;4、推理判断题;5、归纳推理题;6、作者态度、意图等。 题材: 涉及科技、新闻、教育、环保、幽默故事、应用文等;语言应原汁原味,富有时代气息,阅读材料的词数。推理判断题: 1.We can infer from the passage that _.2.From the passage
56、, we can tell _.3.The writer uses the examples of to show that _.4.When he said, “”, he meant _. 猜测词义题:1.The word in paragraph refers to _.2.The underlined word “” means _.3.Which of the following words can take the place of ?主旨大意题:From the passage we know that _.The best title of this passage could
57、 (would) be _.The main purpose of the passage is _.The writer in the text mainly tells us _.What is the passage mainly about?What can be the best title for the text?Which of the following sentence can best describe the main idea of the passage?可以看出,近五年阅读理解选材多是小故事,大道理。话题多样,有文化习俗,人物介绍,生活故事及常识,广告图表,科普短
58、文等。文体主要包括记叙文、说明文和应用文,注重考查学生综合运用英语语言的能力,考查形式多为细节提取,推理判断,主旨大意,猜测词义,选择标题等形式。语言原汁原味,地道,联系生活,反映实际,态度积极,主题向上。2010年,推理判断题8(有76/78/81/82/84/88/89/95,),还有主旨大意题3道(80/85/90),因此试卷难度大;近四年,关于事实细节的题目有所增加,11年占70%,12年有80%,13年60%,14年75%; 15年65%;因此难度总体不大。2015年增加了一篇任务型阅读:根据短文内容在规定的词数范围内回答问题!3小题,前2小题不超过10个词,后一个不超20个词。要培
59、养学生捕捉文中具体信息的能力;概括归纳的能力;还要有一定的书写表达能力;答案尽可能来自于原文!实战模拟1 A man was really worried about his son, who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to invite a famous boxer(拳击手)to train his child. An old man said to the boys father, “You should leave your son alone here. Ill make
60、 him into a real man within three months.” However, you cant come to see him during this period. Three months later, the boys father returned. The old man showed him a boxing match between the child and an experienced boxer. Each time the boxer hit the boy, he fell down, but at once the boy stood up
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