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1、走向高考 英语路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索外研版 高考总复习 Module 3Music必修二第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练 3单 元 语 法 4基础知识巩固 5课 时 作 业 6话题作文晨诵 1话题作文晨诵话题:音乐假如你是李华,是一位中学生,经常收听校广播电台的音乐节目。请你用英语给音乐节目主持人Miss Zhang写一封120150词的信,谈谈对音乐节目的看法。.头脑风暴,知识链接单词短语1.audience 听众2classical 古典音乐3musical 音乐的4genius 天才5influence 影响1.be impressed with 对留下印象2be

2、/become known as 作为而出名3be influenced by 被所影响4as well as 既,又句式1.Im impressed with your music programme so much, especially the English songs, that I listen to it as long as I have free time.2When I feel tired, I will listen to your programme to relax myself. 3Besides, I like many popular songs as wel

3、l as classical, of which Jay Chous songs are my favourites. 4He is known as a musical genius and Im influenced by him very much.范文必背Dear Miss Zhang,Im a student of our school. I am your faithful audience. Im impressed with your music programme so much,especially the English songs, that I listen to i

4、t as long as I have free time.As a student, Im busy with my study. When I feel tired, I will listen to your programme to relax myself. Im glad to tell you that Ive also learned many English words from some English songs, which has helped me improve my English. Besides,I like many popular songs as we

5、ll as classical, of which Jay Chous songs are my favourites. He is known as a musical genius and Im influenced by him very much.I hope the programme will become more and more popular among us students with your efforts.Yours sincerely,Li Hua基础知识梳理.单词速记核心必记1_(n.)听众2_(adj.)复杂的3_(vt.)失去;丢失_(n.)损失_(adj.

6、)丢失的;迷失的4_(n.)天分;天赋;才华_(adj.)有才能的audience complexloselosslosttalenttalented5_(vt.& n)巡回演出;观光,旅游_(n.)观光者,旅游者_(n.)旅游业6_(vt.& n)影响_(adj.)有影响的7_(vt.)使混合_(n.)混合物tourtouristtourisminfluenceinfluentialmixmixture高频必知8_(n.)天才9_(n.)农民10_(n.)作曲家_(vt.)作曲;创作_(n.)作文;作曲;写作11_(n.)指挥_(vt.)指挥geniuspeasantcomposercomp

7、osecompositionconductorconduct12_(n.)音乐家_(n.)音乐_(adj.)音乐的13_(n.)指挥_(vt.)指挥(adj.)直接的;径直的_(n.)方向14_(vt.)录音_(n.)录音机15_(n.)(大学的)讲师_(n.& v)演讲;讲课musicianmusicmusicaldirector direct directionrecord recorderlecturerlecture.短语互译1变聋_2如果这样的话_3分裂;分割_4没门儿_5记录_6有方面的天赋_go deafif sosplit upno waymake a note ofhave

8、a talent for7be different from_8be known as_9change. into._10of all time_11be impressed with/by_和不同作为而出名把变成有史以来留下深刻印象情景活用选用上面单词或短语的正确形式填空Peter, one of the greatest _(音乐家) and _(作曲家) in the world, was really a great _(天才)in music. When he was young he even dreamt of becoming a _(指挥) and forming his o

9、wn band. At the early age, Peter showed _(才华). His lather, a _(农民), managed to send him to learn music from a _(大学的讲师).He _(记录) or even _(录音)what his teacher taught in classes. His teacher _(对留下深刻印象) his hard work and tried his best to direct him.答案:musicians; composers; genius; director; talent; pe

10、asant; lecturer; made a note of; recorded; was impressed with.典句析练1_,Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.在那里工作了30年后,海顿移居伦敦,并在那儿大获成功。解析having worked there for 30 years在此句中作时间状语,其动作先于主句动作发生。仿写打扫完房间,我们开始在花园里除草。_,we began to weed the garden.2_ he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces.到

11、十四岁时,莫扎特谱写了很多曲子解析by the time引导的是时间状语从句。主句谓语部分用过去完成时。仿写到他12岁时,他已经自学了数学。_ he was twelve, he _ mathematics all by himself.3However, _ Haydn _ encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.尽管如此,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。解析“It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其余部分”是强调句型的结构。仿写正是多年艰苦的工作才造就了他今天的成功。_ has made him successful today.答案:1.H

12、aving worked there for 30 years;Having cleaned the rooms2.By the time; By the time; had learned3.It was.who.;It was years of hard work that.课文回顾Haydn, who _(1)_(change) the symphony _(2)_ a long piece for a large orchestra, is _(3)_(know) as “the father of the symphony”. After _(4)_(study) music in

13、Vienna, he worked as director of music at the court of a prince in eastern Austria. Having _(5)_(work) there for 30 years, he moved to London, _(6)_ he was very successful.As a genius child musician, Mozart had a _(7)_ for music from a very early age. In his short lifetime of 35 years, he composed m

14、ore than 600 piece of music. In 1781, Mozart met Haydn and made a deep _(8)_(impress) on him.Beethoven moved to Vienna after Haydns _(9)_(encourage). He stayed there for the rest of his life and continued _(10)_(compose) after he went deaf.答案:(1)changed(2)into(3)known(4)studying(5)worked(6)where(7)t

15、alent(8)impression(9)encouragement(10)composing考点探究演练 1.lose vt.失去;丢失;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于填空激活知识完成句子He _ _ _ the beauty of the scenery.他被这美丽的景色迷住了。答案:was lost in拓展(1)lose ones waybe lost 迷路lose oneself in sth./be lost in.专心致志于某事(be) lost in thought 陷入沉思(2)loss n. 失去;丧失at a loss 困惑;不知所措辨析明辨异同lost“失去的”;指无

16、法再找到的,另外还有“迷路的;困惑的”等含义,可作定语、表语。missing“丢失的”;指暂时不在或找不到的,另外还有“被损毁的;缺少的;失踪的”等含义,可作定语、表语。gone“失去的”;(本应在此却)不见了,强调时间、情况等一去不复返。常作表语。2.influence vt.& n. 影响;有影响的人(物)填空激活知识完成句子Listening to music _ _ calming _ _ her.听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。She wanted to work for a bigger and more _ newspaper.她想为一家更大的更有影响力的报社工作。答案:has a

17、; influence oninfluential归纳拓展(1)be influenced by 受到的影响(2)influence sb. into doing sth. 促使某人做某事(3)have an influence on/upon/over对有影响(4)under the influence of 受的影响,受的左右Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr.马克思受到历史学家尼布尔的极大影响。At the time she was under the influence of her father.当时她受她爸爸的

18、影响。真题寻踪(2013四川卷英语阅读E篇)Scientists say the results suggest that the heart is able to influence how the brain respond to the fearful event.科学家说这些结果表明心脏能够影响大脑对可怕事件的反应。3record vt.录音;记录 n记录;唱片;档案;履历,经历填空激活知识_ _ _ that the weather was very hot in 2012.据记载2012年天气非常热。As students, you must listen to the teach

19、er attentively and _ _ _ _ what the teacher asks you to remember.作为学生,你必须注意听讲,记下老师要求你记住的东西。She _ _ _ _ for the 100 metres.她保持着100米的世界记录。答案:It is recordedkeep a record ofholds the world record归纳拓展(1)keep a record of 把记录下来make/set/create a record 创造记录break a record 打破记录(2)It is recorded that. 据记录。真题寻踪

20、(2013福建高考)Demand for Silver Eagles in 2011 broke records.在2011年对银鹰美元的需求打破了记录。4mix vt. 使混合;参与;交往填空激活知识In my job, I _ _ all sorts of people.我在工作中常和各种人打交道。We can sometimes _ business _ pleasure.我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。答案:mix withmix; with归纳拓展mix A with/and B 把A和B混在一起mix with sb.与某人交往be/get mixed up in sth. 和某事

21、有牵连Mix the flour with the egg and butter.把面粉、鸡蛋和黄油混在一起。I dont want to be mixed up in the affair.我不想牵连到这件事情中去。5.make a note of 记录;记下填空激活知识完成句子_ _ of what hes going to say.注意他将要说的话。He _ _ _ his collection of china.他因收集瓷器而出名。She _ _ _ an art critic.她以美术评论家出名。答案:Take noteis noted foris noted as构建导图助记提示:

22、take note of是“注意到”的意思;而take a note of是“记录;把记下来”的意思,两者注意区分。People were beginning to take note of her talents.人们开始注意到她的才能。6.By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。填空激活知识完成句子By

23、 the time he retires, he will _ _ _ 35 years.到退休时,他将工作满35年。By the end of next term, I _ _ _ 5, 000 English words.到下学期末,我将会学习5000个英语单词。By the time he arrived, his son _ _ already _.他到达时,他儿子已经死了。答案:have worked forwill have learnthad been; dead归纳拓展(1)本句by the time为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,这时主句常用完成时。By the

24、time he got home, the light had gone out.他到家时,灯已熄灭。(2)by the time一般过去时;主句时态为过去完成时。by the time一般现在时;主句时态用一般将来时或将来完成时。by the end of过去时间;主句常用过去完成时。by the end of将来时间;主句常用将来完成时。真题寻踪(2014湖北卷阅读D)By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Fal

25、ong land.当你找到车站并且找到自己区分出来,花费时间是从Falongland坐飞机来的时间。7However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。填空激活知识完成句子It was in this room _ he was born.It was this room _ he was born.It was at 900 _ we arrived here.It was 900 _ we arrived here.答案:thatwherethatwhen归纳该句型为强调句型

26、,其结构为:Itis/was被强调部分that/who句子其余部分;强调句型可以强调的句子成分通常为主语、宾语、时间状语、地点状语等,一般不强调谓语动词、表语、让步状语等。It was in the park that I met my old teacher yesterday.昨天我是在公园里遇到我以前的老师的。(强调地点状语)It was yesterday that I met my old teacher in the park.我是昨天在公园里遇到的我以前的老师。(强调时间状语)It was my old teacher who/that I met in the park yes

27、terday.我昨天在公园里遇到的是我以前的老师。(强调宾语)It is Mr. Smith who/that thinks Tom is a clever boy.正是史密斯先生认为汤姆是个聪明的孩子。(强调主语)拓展(1)在强调句型中,如被强调的部分指人时,可用who/that,其他一律用that。(2)当强调的是主语时,其谓语动词应和被强调的人和物保持人称、数的一致。如果被强调的主语是人称代词,宜用主语。(3)强调句的一般疑问句:Was/Is it被强调部分that/who.?强调句的特殊疑问句形式:疑问句(被强调部分)is/wasitthat/who句子其余部分?(4)until引导的

28、时间状语从句的强调句型:It is/was not until.that.单 元 语 法 时间状语从句;过去完成时1(全国改编)I had hardly got to the office _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.答案:whenhardly常与when连用,表示“一就”;hardly.when.no sooner.than.;主句常用过去完成时,从句则用一般过去时。句意:我刚到办公室,我妻子就给我打电话要我马上回家。2(山东改编)He smiled politely _ Mary apologized for her drunke

29、n friends.答案:as/when考查时间状语从句的连接词。句意:当玛丽为她喝醉的朋友道歉的时候,他有礼貌地笑了笑。此处用as/when引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。3(浙江改编)One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away _ my daughter heard cries for help.答案:when考查时间状语从句的引导词。句意:在一个星期五,我们正在打包准备动身去度周末,这时我女儿突然听到呼救声。when“当时,这时”。本题考查句式:sb. was/were doing.when.“某人正在做某事这时突然发生了某事”。4(四川改编)As is r


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