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1、Unit 4 测试限时:40分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1.5分, 共15分)1. Im sorry I made _ mistake. But I wont make the same mistake for _second time. Never mind. Nobody is perfect.A. a; aB. a; the C. the; the D. a; /2. (新题) We had some more days off for this winter holiday._. It was the longest winter holiday I had.A. Perfe

2、ctly B. ExactlyC. Hardly D. Terribly3. Can you tell me how to make the toy truck run? Why not read the _ yourself? My hands are full now.A. stories B. informationC. instructions D. reports4. Both the Summer Palace in Beijing and the West Lake in Hangzhou are beautiful. Yes, thats right. Not only Bet

3、tys parents but also Betty _ to visit them. A. wantsB. wantC. wantingD. to want5. Youd better _ with the window open. It may rain in the night. A. dont sleep B. not sleepC. not to sleep D. not sleeping 6. Our monitor is helpful and hardworking. He sets all of us a good _ . A. tipB. hopeC. exampleD.

4、tool 7. Last weekend, Lily didnt go shopping with her parents. _ , she attended her friends party. A. Also B. FinallyC. Luckily D. Instead8. Do you know what WHO _? Yes. It means World Health Organization. A. stands for B. cares forC. looks for D. waits for9. The light bulb is broken and my father i

5、s _ a new one. A. putting in B. putting out C. putting on D. putting away10. _ the goldfish often, or too much food can make them die (死) .A. Youd better feed B. Dont feed C. Feed D. Shouldnt feed二、完形填空 (每小题1分, 共15分) Blue Bear lives in a little house near a hill.One spring, _11 it was time to plant

6、his tomato plants, Blue Bear went to work in his new _12. Very carefully, Blue Bear planted each little _13 plant in his garden. All the summer, he took care of the garden and _14 the plants. Sometimes he would sit by the garden, _15 his fruit juice.Near the end of the summer, the tomatoes were fat

7、and red. Blue Bear _16quite a lot and took them into his little house. He thought, “ Mummy, I have tomatoes. Now I think its time to _17 bread! ”With his pan he began to make bread. It _18 him only a few minutes to finish it. The whole house was filled with a wonderful _19. Then he cut the tomatoes

8、and made a big sandwich.He was so happy that he ran out _20 the house, singing and jumping. And when he really felt a little _21 , he thought of his sandwich and went _22 into the house. Just when he was taking up the _23 , he saw Mr. White come.“_24 I stay with you tonight? Im just too tired to wal

9、k on.” “Yes, please ! ” answered Blue Bear, and _25 each enjoyed half of the sandwich. Blue Bear was happy that he was able to help someone who needed help.11. A. whenB. whichC. but D. and 12. A. house B. school C. city D. garden 13. A. tree B. tomato C. potato D. flower14. A. pulled B. pushed C. wa

10、tered D. made15. A. eating B. buyingC. selling D. drinking16. A. picked B. cookedC. found D. planted 17. A. eat B. drink C. make D. buy 18. A. took B. had C. paid D. stayed19. A. smell B. drink C. cheese D. tea20. A. into B. near C. of D. with 21. A. happy B. worried C. angry D. hungry22. A. by B. b

11、ack C. past D. out23. A. juice B. plant C. sandwich D. book24. A. Must B. May C. Do D. Did 25. A. it B. she C. he D. they 三、任务型阅读(每小题2分, 共20分)We throw away many things every day, though some of them can get a new life after a simple repair. The trouble is, lots of people have forgotten that they can

12、 repair things themselves or they no longer know how. Its a skill quickly lost. Repair Cafes change all that! They are free meeting places about repairing things together. In the cafe, there are tools and materials to help visitors repair anything, on clothes, furniture, bikes, toys and so on. Volun

13、teers are there to give them a hand. If they have nothing to repair, they can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, or they can help with someone elses repair job. They can also get ideas at the reading table by reading books on repairs and DIY. Matt Brewer is the director (负责人) of a Repair Cafe. Also, he i

14、s a teacher at a high school. In his eyes, being a teacher not only means teaching students to get high scores in exams, but also means passing some important life skills on to them. Some of his students study many different skills and try to make broken things work again by themselves in his Repair

15、 Cafe. Zander and Chase are two of them. Recently, Zander and Chase helped an old lady repair a telephone. The phone was so old that the two had never known it, but that didnt stop the repair team. Brewer taught them to use the tools and then they fixed the telephone. When the old lady told them the

16、 phone was nice to use, they were both happy. “Its fun to learn how to repair things, ” Zander said. “Thats the point of the Repair Cafe, ” Brewer said. “These kids are learning valuable life skills”Repair CafesSocial problemPeople throw things away instead of _26 to them.About Repair CafesThey are

17、meeting places and they cost _27. People can repair _28 that has something wrong. There are tools and materials to use and _29 to help. _30 at Repair CafesRepair things; Have a drink; Help others with repairs; Do some _31 on repairs and DIY. Matt Brewers Repair CafeIts a place to teach students some

18、 important skills that they can use in their _32 . Its a place to make something _33 work again. Zander and Chase repaired an old phone with the help of their _34 . They were full of _35 when they knew the phone could work. They said it was fun to learn to repair. 四、词汇运用(每小题2分, 共10分)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空36

19、. There are two _ (shelf) in my home. One is for me and the other is for my brother. 37. The man walked quietly and tried _ (not wake) up his sleeping son. 38. Its reported on TV that a boy lost both parents in a big fire last night. What an _ (luck) boy! 39. Its _ (possible) for me to finish such d

20、ifficult work in an hour alone. Dont worry. Ill ask John to help you. 40. Bob, your answer to this question is _ (correct). Please think about it carefully again. All right, Miss Black.五、(原创)短文填空 (每小题1分, 共10分)Every weekend in Britain, DIY shops and garden centres are always f 41with people. A large

21、number of people s 42 their weekends doing improvements to their homes w 43 having a rest.DIY projects are very popular and there are lots of TV programmes which show people h 44 they can improve their homes. Some people like decorating betterputting u 45 pictures and painting walls, and there are a

22、lso some other DIY projects that people decide to take on, from changing a new floor to setting (设置) a new shower. They are not so d 46 for them.Unluckily, some people bite off more than they can chew (不自量力), and try to take on jobs which always go w 47 in the end. For e 48, the shops often tell peo

23、ple that its d 49 for a person to do anything related with electricity (电) . However, many people dont care about the a 50 and put themselves in danger.六、写作(共30分)请根据提示写一篇不少于80词的英语短文, 叙述事情的经过并抒发感想。要点: 1. 爸爸的生日就快到了, 我决定在书房的墙上给爸爸搭个书架, 因为他喜欢读书。2. 我在网上订购了材料(material )。我的好朋友Daniel擅长DIY而且乐于助人。他带了一些工具来帮我。我们

24、先看了说明, 然后迅速开始工作。只花了一个小时我们就完成了。3. 期间我犯了一些错误。Daniel教会我如何正确使用工具。我们合作得很愉快。我们把书架漆成了蓝色。4. 我相信我爸爸会喜欢我送的礼物的。_ 参考答案一、1. A点拨: 考查冠词。mistake错误, 可数名词, 第一次出现时, 用a修饰; a second time意为“再一次, 又一次”。2. B 点拨: 考查副词。perfectly完美地, exactly准确地, hardly几乎不, terribly糟糕地。句意为“这个寒假我们多放了几天假。_。这是我所度过的最长的寒假了”。所以第二个人应表示赞同, 故选B。3. C 点拨:

25、 考查名词辨析。stories故事, information信息, instructions用法说明, reports报道。此处表示“读说明”, 用instructions。故选C。4. A 点拨: 考查not only. . . but also作主语时的就近原则。故选A。5. B 点拨: 考查句型“Youd better do sth. / not do sth. ”。故选B。6. C 点拨: 考查名词。空格所在句表示“他为我们所有人树立了一个好榜样”。用example。故选C。7. D 点拨: 考查副词。句意为“上周末, 莉莉没去和父母购物, 而是参加了朋友的聚会”。instead反而,

26、 故选D。8. A 点拨: 句意为“你知道WHO代表什么吗? 是的, 它的意思是世界卫生组织”。stand for代表。故选A。9. A 点拨: 句意为“那个电灯泡坏了, 我爸爸正在安装一个新的”。put in 安装。故选A。10. B 点拨: 考查祈使句, 后半句的意思是否则太多的食物会让它们胀死的, 所以应是不能喂太多, 故选B。二、11. A 点拨: when当的时候, which哪一个, but但是, and和。由句意可知是到了他种植西红柿的时候了, 故选A。12. D 点拨: house房子, school学校, city城市, garden花园。既然是种植西红柿, 应该是在花园里,

27、 故选D。13. B 点拨: 由前文可知, 种的是西红柿, 故选B。14. C 点拨: pull拉, push推, water浇水, make制作。空格后面是the plants, 故用water, 表示对其浇水。15. D 点拨: 后文的his fruit juice指果汁, 当然用drink, 表示喝果汁, 故选D。16. A 点拨: pick采摘, cook烹饪, find寻找, plant种植。由“Near the end of the summer, the tomatoes were fat and red. ”可知, 西红柿成熟了, 应该是采摘, 故选A。17. C 点拨: 由下

28、文可知是制作面包。故选C。18. A 点拨: 由句型“It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”可知选A。19. A 点拨: smell气味, drink饮料, cheese奶酪, tea茶。在房子里做面包, 整个房子应该是充满了很不错的面包味。故选A。20. C 点拨: 从前文可知, 他在房子里做面包和三明治, 做好后, 应是从房子里跑到外面, 故用短语run out of the house指跑出了房子, 所以选择C。21. D 点拨: happy高兴的, worried担忧的, angry生气的, hungry饥饿的。后文指他想起了他的三明治, 说明是有点饿了, 故选D。22. B 点拨: 从外面回到房子里, 用go back into the house。故选B。23. C 24. B 25. D 点拨: 由文意可知, Blue Bear同意了Mr. White的请求, 所以是他们一人吃了一半三明治。故选D。三、26. repairing27. noth


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