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1、The Physiological (Physical)Stage:breathing, food, water, sext sleep, homeostasis, excretionWHO IT IS: This is going to be people in 3rd world countries, people in disaster zones, someone lost in the woods. For the most part, you probably wont be marketing to this crowd as they have bigger problems

2、(such as staying alive) and they probably have little to no money.WHAT THESE PEOPLE WANT:Food. Clean air. Clean water. To take a poop (like our friend here).You probably shouldntbe marketing to these people. Youshould be helping them.These are going to be some of the poorest and most helpless people

3、. So marketing to them would not be lucrative for the most part, and you might be kind of an asshole if youre too predatory on them.The Safety Stage:security of: body, employment, resources,morality, the family, health, propertyWHO IT IS: These are people that would be considered “poor” or “lower mi

4、ddle class”. They live extremely paycheck-to-paycheck and have little-to-no support structure if they get kicked out of their dwelling.These are people that if they stopped working, would be 2-3 months away from being homeless.Most people reside their entire lives here, and until pretty recently in

5、society, most of the world constantly lived at this rung in Maslows Hierarchy. They fear theyll lose their income. They dont have a backup plan or savings. They dont have skills that secure their income earningpotential. They arent entirely sure they can fund their childrenseducation. They likely wo

6、rk at a pretty crappy or boring job out of necessity.A lot of predatory businesses prey on this level of people because theyre the easiest to scam, the most hopeful, BUT they they still have enough income to spend money on things. If you were to put out a scammy ad that said: “Workat home! Make $3,0

7、00/week! Barely have to work! Youd most likely get people in this rung of the hierarchy responding the most.WHAT THESE PEOPLE WANT:. They want to have stable incomes. They respond well to “Side Income” kind of talk. They want to live in a stable environment. They probably dont live in the greatest o

8、f place (either country with unstable government, or live in a household they share with a lot of people). Affordable access to medical services. A safe place to call their own home. Providing basic needs for children.The Love/Belonging Stage:friendship, family* sexual intimacyWHO IT IS: These are t

9、ypically people in the middle class or higher.They have their basic needs met. They live in a decent place, have a decent income, have a decent savings.Typically these people are relatively educated, and have a decent amount of money to spend. This is the level a lot of middle class people in a soci

10、ety will be in.Theyre probably not looking to change the world, but they want to create a small little world around them where they belong.They probably have jobs that arent terrible, but also arent a bundle of joy. They typically look outside of their work to find happiness.WHAT THESE PEOPLE WANT:.

11、 They want to join groups and be part of groups. (Church,sports, classes). They want to have fun with family and friends, and will look (and pay) for novel ways to do it. They want to have a sense of community.The Esteem Stage:self-esteem, confidence, achievement respect of otherst respect by others

12、These are people in the upper middle-class and higher.You know someone is in the “Esteem” stage when they say stuff like “I want to DO something with my life.I would like to remind you that this stage in life isa luxury afforded by the advances in our society. In the past youd only get very wealthy

13、members of society hitting this level. Now with all the cool stuff we have, this level can bereached by nearly everyone in a stabilized society and a decent income.WHAT THESE PEOPLE WANT:. Need to respect themselves. Need for others to have respect for them. Need to feel important. Need to feel acco

14、mplished. Want their job to not only provide money, but also be“fulfilling.”The Self Actualization Stage:WHO IT IS: These are people whove accomplished everything they need to. Often people whove made their “Fuck You Money and no longer worry about things like income or being able to provide for the

15、ir families.This “Self Actualization rung is where you get people who have #WhitePeopleProblemsand #1stWorldProblems.WHAT THESE PEOPLE WANT:. To solve hard problems. To be creative and abstract. They want to “make every moment count.”. They want their lives to be filled with “satisfying activities.This


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