1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业2001.11上海英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试A卷口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners dur
2、ing your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with“My name is.”“My registration number is.”.Topic: The falling prices of electronic productsQuestions for Reference:1. What do you know about the changing prices for electronic goods such as TV sets and air
3、 conditioners?2. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of price reduction for electronic goods and other commodities?3. Is price reduction an effective means of competition? Why or why not?4. Now that China has entered the WTO, what impact will it have on the domestic market of electronic pro
4、ducts? And to what extent?口译题Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1Passage 2
5、Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages in Chinese. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now, l
6、ets begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1Passage 2B卷口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any question raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have
7、 your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with“My name is.”“My registration number is.”.Topic: Studying abroad: Do you consider this“brain drain”or“talent development”?Questions for Reference:1. Should Chinese students study abroad? What can they learn in universities and colleges
8、 abroad? 2. As more and more Chinese students choose to study abroad, some people hold that our country is losing talents needed for our social and economic development. Do you agree with this assertion? Why or why not?3. Others argue that those Chinese students trained overseas will contribute more
9、 to our country if they return home. What do you think the returned students can do to contribute to our motherland?口译题Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and sto
10、p it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear passages ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1Passage 2Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages in Chinese. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it i
11、nto English. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now, lets begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1Passage 22001.11上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试A卷参考答案:Part APassage 1:人脑平均有100亿个神经细胞,分为两个大致的半球
12、,有时称右半脑和左半脑。/大脑的两半球虽然就其大小和形状而言比较相像,却又各司其职。/大多数人的左半球主要负责语言操作,左半脑的这种语言功能优势似乎在婴儿出生前便已存在。/人脑的右半球掌管着视觉和空间技能,并负责对非语言声音以及音乐旋律的感知。Passage 2:中华人民共和国和美国是两个伟大的国家,但两国的文化、政治传统和经济制度相距甚远。/尽管如此,两国也还存在着许多共同利益,这些利益可以通过改善关系得以实现。/虽然美中之间的贸易关系有时会产生争执与误解,但是贸易也可以为改善两国的经济状况、增进友谊架起桥梁。/由于这种关系是在平等互利的基础上发展起来的,两国人民应当会从中获利。Part B
13、Passage 1:Last Wednesday the Research Center for Ancient Civilizations held an international symposium, during which more than 100 Chinese and overseas scholars met to discuss the origin and early development of ancient Chinese civilization./The international symposium aimed to trace Chinese history
14、 beyond the Xia Dynasty, which was believed to be the first dynasty in Chinese history./Scholars believe that the Chinese civilization is the worlds only ancient civilization that has been developing for 5,000 years without interruption./The origin and development process of his ancient Chinese civi
15、lization are the important subjects for archaeologists and historians to explore. They also show an enormous interest in the context and mechanism of the ancient Chinese civilization.Passage 2:As an important component of the tertiary industry, the development of tourism needs a good economic, urban
16、, human culture and ecological environment./In recent years, through a series of activities, such as setting up a National Sanitary City, a Model City for Environmental Protection, the urban and rural environment in Kunshan has been greatly improved./Now, Kunshan is actively engaged in becoming an O
17、utstanding Tourist City in China. It will perfect the tourist functions of the city, and upgrade its service in the tourism sector./An ancient and beautiful city, Kunshan is ready to embrace tourists from all parts of the world; the rising tourist industry in Kunshan will stride into the promising f
18、uture of sustained development.口译题录音文字稿:Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you
19、will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1:The human brain which contains an average of ten billion nerve cells, is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres, sometimes called right and left brains. /The two sides of the brain, while fairly compar
20、able in size and form, appear to specialize in handling various tasks./In most individuals, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language and this left brain dominance in linguistic functions appears to exit prior to birth./The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls visual and s
21、patial skills as well as the perception of nonlinguistic sounds and musical melodies.Passage 2:The Peoples Republic of China and the United States of America are two treat nations with very different cultures, political traditions and economic systems. / In spite of these differences, they have also
22、 many common interests, which can be promoted by improved relations./Although our trade relations sometimes is a source of disputes and misunderstandings, trade also can provide a link to establish improved economic conditions and increased good will between our two countries./As this relationship i
23、s developed on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, the people of both nations should prosper.Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages in Chinese. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop heard at the si
24、gnal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now, lets begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1:上星期三,古文明研究中心举办了一次国际研讨会,一百多名中外学者会聚一堂,讨论古代中华文明的发源和早期发展。这次国际研讨会旨在追溯中国夏朝之前的历史。夏朝被认为是中国历史上的第一个朝代。/ 学者们认为,中华文明持续发展五千年而从未中断,这样的古文明在世界上绝无仅有。/古中华文明的起源和发展过程是考
25、古学家和历史学家探索的重要课题。同时,他们也对古中华文明的内容和机制予以极大的关注。Passage 2:作为第三产业的重要组成部分,旅游业的发展需要良好的经济环境、城市环境、人文环境和生态环境。/近几年来,昆山市通过创建国家卫生城市、环保模范城市等一系列活动,城乡环境大大改善。/现在,昆山市又在积极争创中国优秀旅游城市,进一步完善城市旅游功能,提高旅游服务水平。/古老而美丽的小城昆山将以开放的姿态迎接八方来客,崛起的昆山旅游业将以崭新的姿态走向可持续发展的充满希望的未来。B卷参考答案:Part APassage 1:美国是一个由汽车驱动的国家,美国人实际上是一个生活在轮子上民族。美国人喜欢开车
26、办事。/无论你到何处都可以看到“免下车”银行、“免下车”餐馆、“免下车”教堂和“免下车”电影院。/在美国开车时,你应该注意,地方高速公路或州际高速公路的时速为55哩,同时开车时速不得低于40哩。/美国有世界上最发达的租车业。美国最在的租车公司在全美都设有办事处,在大部分机场和许多国际都市设有租车站。Passage 2:中美关系的困难时期过后,经济关系一定得以改善。/如今,美国商人渴望更多的了解,特别是中国入世后的在华贸易和投资的机会。/很多美国商人和他们的律师现在认识到,为了更有效地和他们的新贸易伙伴做生意,他们必须研究中国法律、贸易惯例和文化。/美国人还可以与他们的中国贸易伙伴共享可能有助于
27、改善两国贸易关系的某些经验和信息。Part BPassage 1:Yangshuo is a small county of less than 30,000 people. Nevertheless, it is so famous that it woos thousands of tourists worldwide all the year round. /In 1998,former US president Bill Clinton came here and delayed his trip to Hong Kong because he was reluctant to lea
28、ve such a lovely place too soon. /The most tempting place in Yangshuo is the Slabstone Street, which has gamed a new name as“The Western Street”.The street, with a total length of 1,000 meters, spans a history of 1,410 years. /On both sides of the street are a few hundred shops, selling mainly souve
29、nirs and antiques to (cater for) the foreigners tastes. Strolling on the street, tourists will be amazed to find that Eastern and Western culture blend so well here.Passage 2:With the development of Chinas opening up to the outside world, global media magnates have flocked China. By now, almost all
30、major global groups have established a certain presence in the Chinese market. /CNN established its own program production center in Hong Kong; and News Corp. has introduced Phoenix Satellite TV Channel onto the mainland. /According to Chinas pledges made to the Wonton-news foreign programs will eve
31、ntually be permitted to broadcast in the country. /People are paying close attention to global media magnates business expansion in China since it will have impact not only on domestic media development but, to some extent, the whole mass media atmosphere and public opinion.口译题录音文字稿:Part ADirections
32、: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A
33、with the first passage.Passage 1:The United States is a country driven by automobiles. Americans are actually a people living on wheels who like to do business without leaving their cars. /Where you go, youll see drive in banks, drive in restaurants, drive in churches and drive in movies. /When you
34、drive in the U.S., you should note that the speed limit on the state or federal expressway is 55 miles per hour, and there is a minimum speed of 40 miles per hour. /This country has the most developed car rental industry in the world. Largest American car rental companies have offices all over the U
35、.S., with counters at most airports and in many international cities.Passage 2:After a difficult period in relations between the United States and China, economic relations are certain to improve. /Today, American businessmen are eager to learn more about trade and investment opportunities in China,
36、 especially after its accession to the WTO. /Many American businessmen and their lawyers now understand that they must study the laws, trade practices, and culture of China in order to be more effective in doing business with their partners. /Americans also can share with Chinese trading partners ce
37、rtain experience and information that may be helpful in creating better trade relations between our two countries.Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2passages in Chinese. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop
38、it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, lets begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1:阳朔是个小镇,人口不足三万。它极负盛名,每年有成千上万的游客趋之若鹜,从世界各地涌来。/1998年美国前总统比尔克林顿来到这里,面对美不胜收的景致,不忍匆匆离去,以至推迟其香港之行。/阳朔最吸引人的地方就是板石街,又名“西洋街”。该街总长一千米,有一千四百一十年的历史。/街道两旁有数百家商店,主要出售外国人喜欢的仿古制品和纪念品。徜徉小街,游人会惊喜地发现在这里东西方文明是如此的水乳交融。Passage 2:随着改革开放的进一步深入,世界环球媒体巨头蜂拥至中国。至今,几乎所有主要环球媒体集团已经进驻中国市场。/美国有线新闻网在香港成立了自己的节目制作中心;该新闻公司已将凤凰卫视频道引进中国内地。/根据中国对世贸组织的承诺,非新闻类外国节目将最终被允许在国内播出。/人们对环球媒体巨头在中国拓展业务极为关注。这不仅关系到国内媒体事业的发展,对整个新闻氛围和舆论导向也将产生一定
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