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1、Marine Accident and Incident Investigation 海事事故调查IMO Model Course 3.11示范课程3.11介绍国际海事组织的示范课程3.11是一本有关海事调查的样板课程,其内容涵盖了如下1.和海事调查有关的国际规则、IMO有关决议,比如IMO.A849(20), IMO.A884(21), IMO.A.953(23)2. 海事调查的做法。3.海事调查报告等。Table of Content 目录-Part 1: International Obligations1.1 International Conventions and Protocol

2、s1.1.1 Early history.1.1.2 Adoption of conventions1.1.3 Entry into force of conventions1.1.4 Amendment of conventions1.2 Convention Provisions touching on Accident Investigations.1.2.1 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea1.2.2 SOLAS 19741.2.3 LL661.2.4 STCW781.2.5 Terremolinos Interationa

3、l Convention on the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 19771.2.6 MARPOL 73/781.2.7 ILO C.134 (Prevention of Accidents for Seafarers Convention)1.2.8 ILO Convention C.152-Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, 19791.2.9 ILO C. 147, 19761.2.10 MLC, 2006IMO Assembly Resolutions and Circulars af

4、fecting Accidents and Incident Reporting and Investigations.Table of Content 目录1.3 IMO Assembly Resolutions and Circulars affecting Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigations1.3.1 Personnel and material resource needs of Administrations for the investigation of casualties and contravention o

5、f conventions (A.442(XI)1.3.2 Participation in official inquires into maritime casualties (A.173 (Es.IV)Table of Content 目录1.3 IMO Assembly Resolutions and Circulars affecting Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigations1.3.1 Personnel and material resource needs of Administrations for the inv

6、estigation of casualties and contravention of conventions (A.442(XI)1.3.2 Participation in Official inquiries into maritime casualties (A.173 (ES.IV)1.3.3 Conduct of investigations into casualties (A/322(IX)1.3.4 Exchange of information for investigations into marine casualties (A.440 (XI)1.3.5 Repo

7、rts on investigations into serious casualties (MSC/Circ.433)1.3.6 Reports on accidents involving significant spillages of oil (A.147(ES.IV)1.3.7 Guidelines for reporting incidents involving harmful substances (resolution MEPC 30(25)1.3.8 Guidelines for reporting incidents involving dangerous goods i

8、n packaged form (MSC/Circ.360/Rev.1)1.3.9 General principles for ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements (A.598(15)Table of Content 目录Part 2: Investigation Purpose and Procedures2.1: The Investigation of Marine Casualties 2.2: Collision Investigation: Legal and Procedural Aspects2.3 M

9、arine Inquires-The Legal Dimension2.4 Extracts from Marine Pollution by OilTable of Content 目录Part 3: Analysis of Evidence3.1 Marine Inquires-The technical dimension.3.2 Causative Factors of Some Collisions in Restricted Conditions.3.3 The Human Element in Collisions3.4 Principles of Safe Manning (r

10、esolution A. 481 (XII)3.5 Lloyds Register of Shiippings Black BoxTable of Content 目录Part 4 and 5: Inquiry Reports and Administrtion of InvestigationExtracts from the United Kingdom Merchant Shipping Acts concerning Inquires and InvestigationsUnited Kingdom Merchant Shipping (Formal Investigations) R

11、ules 1985Extracts from Guidance Notes issued to United Kingdom SurveyorsExtract from the Lloyds List of 31 October 1987Marine Casualty Investigations Division-Operations ManualRules for Marine Investigations and Hearings-Republic of LiberiaTable of Content 目录6.1 Examples of Information disseminated

12、to the Shipping Community6.2 Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom Marine Casualty Report Scheme6.3 Submission to IMO中文定义和意念灾难,祸,事故,天灾,等,这些词映射了,心理因素,同情、惨烈、害怕、惋惜、这些词映射了程度,事故、灾难Definitions and Psychological ConceptsDisaster, casualty, calamity, catastrophe, accident, incident, -unexpected, unlucky

13、, act of God, force majure, objective-human error, neglect, deliberate destroy, fraud, subjectiveAccident 意外Event that happens unexpectedly and causes damage, injury, etc.Incident 事故Event or happening, often of minor importance.Disaster 灾难Event that causes great harm or damage, eg a fire, a serious

14、defeat, the loss of a large sum of money.Calamity 灾难Serious misfortune or disaster.Tragedy悲剧An negative result caused by accident. Mischance 不幸事件Unlucky eventRuin 破坏,毁灭Destroyed in Premium 费用A charge for insurance in case of accident.Indemnity 赔偿To pay for the losses and damagesCasualty 伤亡事故Person w

15、ho is killed or injured in war or in an accident. What is a casualty? The Code defines a casualty as an event which has resulted in: - death or serious injury (caused by or in connection with the operations of a ship) - loss of a person from a ship (caused by or in connection with the operation of a

16、 ship) - the loss, presumed loss, or abandonment of a ship. Fatality 灾祸An accident set by the Lord.Mishap 灾祸A disasterSerious casualty严重伤亡事故A serious casualty is a casualty which involves a fire explosion, grounding, contact, heavy weather damage, ice damage, hull cracking or suspected hull defect r

17、esulting in: -structural damage rendering the ship unseaworthy (such as penetration of the hull underwater, immobilisation of the main engines, extensive modation damage etc.; or - pollution in any quantity; and/or -a breakdown necessitating towage or shore assistance. Definition for Very Serious Ca

18、sualty 非常严重的伤亡事故定义A very serious casualty means a casualty which involves the total loss of the ship, loss of life or severe pollution.Catastrophe 大灾难Sudden great disaster or misfortune.Near Miss, Potential Danger 险情Near Miss or Potential Danger is a case which does not deteriorate to an incident or accident.Close quarters situation, oil leakage on deck, etc.Normally, t


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