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1、 非谓语知识要点非谓语之动词不定式to do 知识点1:动词不定式作主语动词不定式用主语时,为了避免句子“头重脚轻“,常用it作形式主语。常用句型有:(1) It is/was + adj. + for/of sb. + to do sth.Its very kind of you to say so. 你能这样说真是太好了。(2) It is/was + n. + (for sb.) + to do sth.It was a bad way to ride there. 骑自行车去那里不是个好办法。(3) It takes/took sb+to do sth.It took me two h

2、ours to finish my work yesterday. 昨天我用了两个小时才干完活。知识点2:动词不定式在一些动词后面做宾语(1)动词不定时在某些动词后面做宾语的有:agree, begin, want, would like, wish, hope, like,expect,learn, manage, pretend, try, refuse, choose, promise, ask, demand等。He pretended not to hear. 他假装没有听见。The man tried to catch Tom. 那人试图抓住汤姆。(2)注意:有些动词,如tell,

3、 ask, advise, show, teach, forget, remember, see, wonder, find out, decide, discuss等,后面常用带疑问词的不定式作宾语。I dont know what to do. 我不知道怎么办。Lets discuss where to go first. 咱们讨论一下先去哪里。(3)动词不定时用作宾语时,也可用it代替,前面的动词一般是find, think, make等。We find it difficult to learn written Chinese. 我们发现学习中国文字很难。知识点3:动词不定式在一些动词

4、后面做宾语补足语(1)某些动词 + sb.+ to do sth.常见的这些某些动词有:advise, ask, tell, help, wish, want, like, expect, teach, warn, invite, allow等。Miss Yang likes us to read books in the library. 杨老师喜欢让我们再图书馆里看书。Do your parents allow you to go out in the night? 你父母允许你晚上出去吗?(2)某些动词 + sb.+ do sth.1)使役动词 let, have, make2)感官动词

5、 see, watch, look at, notice, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。注意:在被动语态中则to 不能省掉。 A. I saw him dance. =He was seen to dance. B. The boss made them work the whole night. =They were made to work the whole night.知识点4:一些句型中用不带to的动词不定式句型中用不带to的动词不定式有: had better, Will/Would you please ? woul

6、d rather, Do nothing but, Why not?等。 I would rather stay with you. 我宁愿与你在一起。Youd better take a bus to go there. 你 最好乘公共汽车去那里。A pig does nothing but sleep and eat every day. 猪每天除了吃和睡什么也不干。Why not stay at home with your grandma? 你为什么不和你奶奶一起待在家里? 知识点5:不定式用作状语时的一些重点结构(1) “too + adj. /adv. + to do”结构表示“太

7、而不能 ”,常和“sothat”及“notenough to do sth.” 互换。The girl is too young to go to school. = The girl is so young that she cant go to school. =The girl is not old enough to go to school. 这女孩太小,还不能上学。(2)in order to do sth./so as to do sth. 短语常用作状语,表示“为了”In order to achieve my dream, I must study hard. 为实现梦想,我

8、必须努力学习。(3)so + adj./adv. + to (如此以至于)结构。Youre so kind to tell me the truth. 你真好,告诉了我真话。例题:1: Its very nice pictures for me. A. of you to draw B. for you to draw C. for you drawing D. of you drawing2: The menu has so many good things! I cant decide_.A. what to eatB. how to eatC. where to eat D. when

9、to eat3: What did your sister say to you last night?She asked me _my father her secret A. to tell not B. not to tell C. dont tell D. not tell4: Time goes by so fast. We must never miss the chance to show love for our parents and make them _ how much they mean to us. A. to know B. knowing C. know D.

10、knew5: Wed better _off our mobile phones. The meeting will start in a minute. A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned6:It took my daughter two weeks _the novels written by YandHongying.A. read;B. to read; C. reading; D. reads; 练习:1. Alice asked me another bag for her.A. get B. got C. to get D. getti

11、ng2. Will you please your car to me?A. lend B. lent C. to lend D. lending3. Linda, I am very thirsty.Lets go to the nearest supermarket some drinks, OK?A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Its very easy (speak) English, I think.2. Everyone thinks it important (grasp) a foreign language

12、.3. Its foolish of you (do) such things.4. It will take you half an hour (drive) to the village.5. Its a bad idea for you (go) with her.按要求变换下面的句型1. You ran so slowly that you couldnt catch her. (改为两个同义句) You ran .You .2. We must learn from other countries. We can achieve this aim. (用in order改写句子) ,

13、 we must learn from other countries.3. We started very early. We wanted to catch the first bus. (用soas合并句子)We . 非谓语之动名词doing 知识点1:动名词做主语动名词做主语时,表示做某件事情,谓语用单数。Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 躺在床上看书对你眼睛有害。知识点2:后面接V-ing做宾语的结构或动词(1)介词后要用v-ing形式。要特别注意look forward to, pay attention to, make a contrib

14、ution to等短语。We all looked forward to seeing Li Wen herself. 我们都渴望看到李玟本人。You must make a contribution to protecting our environment. 你们必须为保护环境做出贡献。(2) consider (思考),suggest (建议),like(喜欢),enjoy (喜欢),miss(错过),admit(承认), imagine(想象),finish(完成),keep(保持),mind(介意),practice(练习),be worth(值得),have fun(玩得高兴),b

15、e busy (繁忙),cant help (禁不住),give up (放弃)等。He considered going to see Paul in person. 他决定亲自去看保罗。(3) be used to doing sth. (习惯做某事), feel like doing sth. keep /make sb. doing sth等。Miss Ma is used to getting up early. 马老师习惯早起。He is ill and feels like eating nothing. 他生病了,什么也不想吃。You kept me waiting for y

16、ou for two hours. 你让我等了你两个小时。(4)What/ How about doing? 用于提出建议,意思是“怎么样”。How about searching the forest, Shrek?Good idea.知识点3:“go + V-ing”表示的意义“go + V-ing”相当于go to do sth., 表示从事运动、消遣或娱乐活动,如:go dancing去跳舞,go swimming去游泳, go skating 去滑冰,go hunting去打猎, go walking去散步go + n. + doing = go to do + n. ,如:go m

17、ountain climbing = go to climb mountains 去爬山, go bike riding = go to ride a bike 去骑车兜风 知识点4:一些动词既可以加to do 又可以加doing,但意思不同(1)remember to do sth., remember doing sth.remember to do sth. 指“记住去做某事”,表示还未做某事。remember to turn off the light when you leave the room.离开房间时记住关灯。remember doing sth. 指“记住曾做过某事”,表示

18、事情已做过。I remember giving your book back. 我记得已还给你书了。(2)forget to do sth., forget doing sth.forget to do sth. 表示“忘记去做某事”,意为尚未做某事;forget doing sth.表示“忘记做过某事”,意为自己做过某事,但已经忘了。Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave. 你走时,别忘了关灯。I forgot posting this letter. 我忘了已经把信发了。(3)stop to do sth, stop doing s

19、thStop to do sth,表示停止正做的事而去做另一件事。They stopped to listen, but there was nothing. 他们停下来听,但是什么也没有。stop doing sth,表示停止正在做的动作。When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped making noise. 老师走进教室时,学生们停止了吵闹。(4)try to do sth., try doing sth.try to do sth. 表示努力或试图完成某个动作或达到某种目的,具有主观意愿,含无法完成之意。意

20、为“努力(试图)做某事”。He tried to climb up the tree, but he could not. 他试图爬上那棵树,但不成。try doing sth. 表示试验某种做法是否行得通,或看其效果如何,意为“试着做某事”。He tried turning his key in the lock and the door was opened. 他试着在锁里转了下钥匙,门被打开了。(5)see/hear/watch/notice sb. do sth., see/hear/watch/notice sb. doing sth.前一种用法表示do这一动作的全过程,省略不定式符

21、号to后一种用法表示do这一动作正在进行。Did you see a woman go into that hotel? 你看见一位妇女进了那个宾馆吗?I noticed an ugly man stealing my purse. 我注意到一个丑陋的男人在偷我的钱包。regret doing 后悔曾做过regret to do 很遗憾要做mean doing 意味着做某事mean to do. 打算做某事。例题1: exercise makes me healthy.A. Do B. To do C. Doing D. Done 2 Would you mind me ? . Do it a

22、s you like, please.A. to play the piano; Good idea. B. playing the piano; Of course notC. paying the piano; Of course D. play the piano; All right 3: Would you like to go _with me?A not fish B fishes Cfishing Dfished4: There goes the bell Its time for class. Lets stop_.A talk B to talk Ctalking Dnot

23、 talk练习1. too much can make you too fat.A. Eat B. To eat C. Eating D. Ate2.Students should pay attention to _the teacher in classAhear B 1isten to C listening to D hearing of3. I often go _with my friends on Sundays.Ashop B shopping C shopped D shops4. Mr. Wang,I have trouble _the textRemember _it t

24、hree times at leastto understand;readingB understanding;readingC understanding;to read D. to understand;to read at night用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1、_(lie) in bed can relax yourself.2. (do) exercise makes me healthy.3. (eat) too much can make you too fat.用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The boys are good at (play) cards.2. He sa

25、id that he enjoyed (live)here.3. How about (swim) in a lake?将下面的短语译成英文1. 去滑雪 2. 去钓鱼 3. 去划船 4. 去购物 用所给的动词的适当形式填空1. Please remember (close) the door when you leave.2. Dont forget (post) the letter for me as soon as you get to the post office.3. The teacher is coming. Please stop (talk)! 非谓语之分词doing/do

26、ne 知识点1:现在分词的用法-ing分词通常用作宾语补足语,表示动作正在发生或者正在进行。这种用法通常用在下列动词中:see, hear, find, smell, watch, find, listen to, look at, notice, observe例如:1)There we found him watching TV. 我们发现他在那儿看电视。 2)I heard someone knocking at the door. 我听见有人在敲门。 知识点2:过去分词的用法(1) 过去分词的意义?过去分词充当句子成分时,常表达已完成的动作或被动意义。We went home exha

27、usted. 我们回到家,以及精疲力竭了。The woman, deeply moved, gave him much money. 那个女人被深深地感动了,给了他很多钱。(2)“have/get +宾语+ 过去分词“表示什么意思?此种结构在口语交际中常表示动作是别人做的,或与主体的意志无关。I had a tooth pulled off. 我让人把一颗牙拔了。例题1: I noticed an ugly man _ my purse.A. to steal B. stole C. steals D. stealing2: It took my daughter two weeks _the

28、 novels _by Yond Hongying.A. read; writtenB. to read; writtenC. reading; to writeD. to read; wrote练习选出最佳选项1. He saw a little boy on the truck when he got off the train. A. played B. to play C. playing D. is playing2. He got his leg . A. break B. to break C. breaking D. broken用所给的动词的适当形式填空1.I heard s

29、omeone (sing) in the next room. 2. They kept her (study) for a long time.The man upstairs was watching the children (play) in the street.区分:have sb do; have(get)sthdone以及have sthto dohave sb do是“让某人做某事”;have sth done是“让某事被别人做”,这种结构在口语交际中表不动作是别人做的,或与主体的意志无关;have sth. to do是“有某事要做”,是主语自己去做“to do”是不定式作

30、定语来修饰sth。1. My watch doesnt work. I must have it_.A. repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repairing课堂练习1. I cant decide_.You mean the purple sweater or the blue one.A. how to go there B. who to go with C. where to visit D. which to choose2. I often see him_ football on the playground.A. play B to play C

31、. playing D. played3. Do you know Neil Armstrong?Yes. He is the first man_ on the moon.A. walk B. walks C. to walk D. walked4. The house is too small for his family_.A. to live in B. living in C. live in D. lives in5. Sam ran fast so as_ late for school.A. not be B. not to C. to be D. not to be6. It

32、s important_ the piano well.A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing,7. “_exercise every day is good for your health, father said.A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Takes8. Please remember_ the light when you leave the room.OK. I willA. to turn off B. turning off C. to

33、turn on D. turning on9. James, Im too tired. Lets stop _ a rest.A having B. have C. to having D. to have10. Shall we stay at home watching TV tonight?No. Id like_ and see a movie.A. to go B. go C. went D. going11. Shopping with me?Sorry. I have a lot of clothes _.A. to wash B. washed C. wash D. to h

34、e washed课后作业一、选择最佳答案 1. Dont forget _ the letter. A. to send B. send C. sending D. being sent2. The chair looks very old, but in fact it is very comfortable to _. A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on 3. Is _ necessary to return the book tomorrow? A. this B. that C. it D. which4. Im afraid they wo

35、uld not allow him _ here. A. to smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. smoke5. Mother told me _ the water before I drank it. A. boiling B. boiled C. boil D. to boil6. On my way home, I stopped _ some food. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought7. Li Yang advised me _ too much, otherwise I would have been drunk

36、. A. not to drink B. to drink C. not drinking D. drinking8. He _ two million yuan _a vase at the auction.A. spent, buy B. cost, buying C. paid, buy D. spent, buying9. The first thing I want to do is _.A. visit to him B. to visit him C. visiting him D. visited him10. John was made _ the car for a wee

37、k as a punishment.A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing 11. _ is one thing, _ is quite another. A. To say, to do B. Say, do C. Said, did D. To say, do12. Ill try _ the same mistakes again. A. to not make B. not make C. not to make D. not making13. Its too hard _ it by himself. A. not to do

38、B. to do C. that I do D. doing 14. Its time for sports. Lets _bowling, shall we? A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 15. Mr. Zhou, youd better_ too much sugar. You are already overweight, said the doctor. A. not to eat B .to eat C. not eat D.eat二、选择题1. The doctor came_ our eyes. A. to examine B. for exa

39、miningC. as to examine D. examining2. Our teacher always makes us _ hard. A. to work B. work C. working D. worked3. _ our classroom once a week is necessary A. Cleaning B. Clean C. Cleaned D. To clean4. _ is our duty _ good service to customers A. That, to give B. This, giving C. It, to give D. It,

40、giving5. It took years_ the high-rise. A. for our building B. for us in building C. to build D. building6. Their wish is _ a house of their own. A. to have B. for having C. have D. of having7. The teacher agreed _ us_ the test papers home. A. to let, take B. to let, to take C. letting, take D. let,

41、take8. When he saw I was in a hurry, he offered _ me his bicycle.A. lending B. lent C. to lend D. in lending9. I dont like _ people _about their neighbors.A. hear, talking B. to hear, talking C. to hear, to talk D. hearing, talked10. I havent decided _A. to take which train B. which to take a train

42、C. which train to take D. which train taken11. You must remember_ me a phone call as soon as you get there. A. giving B. to give C. gave D. give12. Professor Brown taught his students_ English, and he learned _Chinese from them. A. how to speak, speaking B. how to speak, to speakC. how speaking, spe

43、aking D. how speak, to speak13. Sorry, I forgot_ you that the party wouldnt be held tonight. Thats all right. Mary has told me about it.A. telling B. I told C. told D. to tell14. I wonder_ him or not.A. if invite B. whether to invite C to invite D. if to invite15. I hope_ yourself.A. you to manage B

44、. for you to manageC. you managing D. that you can manage16. Would you like _you the way there? Its kind of you. Thank you.A. me showing B. that I showC. me show D. me to show17. The old man said that hed prefer alone in the country rather than live with his son in the city.A. living B. to live C. t

45、hat he lives D. for him to live 18. I know Alice very well. I have seen her _ up from childhood.A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow 19. Since nobody told her_, she came to our help. A. what she did B. to do what C. what to do D. what she to do20. My aunt showed me _.A. how to make a dress B. h

46、ow a dress be made C. how making a dress D. how a dress made21. After she finished the exercises in the textbook, she tried_ more exercises_ .A. to find, to do B. finding, to do C. to find, she did D. finding, done22. The policeman told Smith _after drinking. A. to not drive B. not driving C. not dr

47、ive D. not to drive 23. Tom kept quiet about his mistake_ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to24. Pat should love _ little Jim to the theatre this evening. A. to take B. taking C. that he would take D. for him to take 25. We enjoy very much, because it is goo

48、d for our health.A. run B. running C. to run D. ran26. The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot_.A. turn it off B. to turn it offC. that I turned it off D. that I should turn it off27. They were very tired and stopped_ under a big tree.A. resting B. to restC. rest D. that they would rest28.

49、 Would you mind me _ the answer to the problem? Not at all.A. that you tell me B. telling C. to tell D. if telling29. He promised _ a doctor for my son.A. me to get B. that he got me C. me getting D. me that he got30. Father told the boy _the dog a few bones after dinner.A. that he gave B. to give C

50、. giving D. gave. 31._that money for his education, his parents worked hard even after their days work.A. For getting B. GetC. So as to get D. In order to get32. I think you are_ meals yourself.A. enough old to cook B. old enough to cookC. old enough for cooking D. enough old cooking33. The math pro

51、blem is_ difficult_.A. so, as to work out B. very , to work outC. too, to work out D. quite, worked out34. Last night I was so tired that I fell asleep soon. I didnt hear him _ in.A. coming B. came C. to come D. come35. Have you anything important_ us?A. to tell B. telling C. told us D. you tell 36. Do you k


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