



1、话题一:健康思路点拨开篇点题:its important for us to stay healthy 具体描写:First, have a balanced died 表达看法:I hope all of us can have a healthy life.常用单词1. stomachache _ 2. harmful _3. 发烧;发热_ 4. pain _5. 牙痛_ 6. cough _7. X - ray _ 8. headache _9. hurt _常用短语1. 发(高)烧_2. take an X-ray_3. 看牙医_4. 养成习惯_5. 远离_6. have a cold

2、_7. have a stomachache_8. take ones temperature_9. stay / keep healthy_10. keep fit_11. have a good/ balanced died_12. take exercise_13. take some medicine_14. have a rest_15. 对有害_16. get sick_17. do morning exercises_18. suffer from colds_19. lie in bed_20. drink more water_21. junk food_22. comput

3、er games_23. be short-sighted_24. pay attention to_25. 没有足够的时间_26. 太多作业_27. 熬夜_28. 多吃水果蔬菜_29. 学会放松_30. Although its bad for _31. Another problem is_32. Its necessary to do sth._常用句型1. 好的习惯对我们来说很重要。_ _ _ us to have good habits.2. 你应该多喝水。_ _drink more water.3. 我认为保持健康对我们来说很有必要。I think _ _ _for us to k

4、eep healthy.4. 你需要去看医生。You _ _ _to see the doctor.5. 你怎么了?_ _with you ?_ _ _with you ?6. 听到你病了我很难过。_ _ _ _that you are sick.7. 做锻炼能使你强壮。_ _ can _ you strong.8. 这对他们的健康有害。Its _ _their health.9. 你应该学会如何保持健康。You should learn _ _ _ _.10. 我们最好早睡早起。_ _go to bed early and get up early.范文1:Keep Healthy Toda

5、y, some students have several health problems.One of the reasons is eating junk food. Eating too much junk food may make theme fat. Although its bad for their health, they still cant stop eating it. Another problem is that they play computer games too much, which can easily make them short-sighted.

6、After playing for a long time, they cant pay attention to study. Besides, some students dont have enough time to sleep, because they always have too much homework and have to stay up to do it.To keep healthy, they should eat more vegetables and fruits and give up computer games. Its also necessary t

7、o have enough sleep and learn to relax. 范文2:How to stay HealthyAs we all know, its very important for us to stay healthy. But do you know how? Here are some good ways for you.First, have a balanced diet. We should eat more fruit and vegetables. They are good for our health. And remember not to eat much junk food. Second, get enough sleep. People should sleep for about eight hours every night. Dont stay up late. Its harmful to our health. Third, take more exercise. In our spare time, we need to take part in diff


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