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1、八下复习专练Units1-2 1. Why are you still _ in bed,dear?You _ in bed all day yesterday. I feel so tired these days.lying;lay B. lying;laid C. to lie;lay D. to lie;laid2. Ellas arm was _ in an accident on a farm. Im sorry to hear that.cut off B. turn off C. get off D. take off3. Mr. Black,you are becoming

2、healthier and healthier. Please keep on _.A. ran B. to run C. runs D. running4. We need to come up _ a plan for this new term.A. In B. onC. to D. with5. I missed the film Chinese Doctors. What a pity! It is _ meaningful film that it is really worth seeing.such a B. so C. such D. so a 6. _ the invent

3、ion of computers,we can have more fun _ our spare time.Instead of;at B. Thanks to;in C. Because of;on D. Thanks for;during7. John _ dislike the weather in Beijing in spring,because there is so much wind and sand.But now he _ it.is used to;used to B.used to;is used tois used to;is used to D.used to;u

4、sed to8. I find it difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it. English is very important in our daily life. Never _.give up it B. give it up C. give away it D. give it away9. Do you have any money,Jim? No,I dont. Ive _ my money.run out of B. run away C. run into D. run out10. The doctors wer

5、e _busy_ they had no time to rest.A. too;to B. so;that C. enough;that D. such;to 11. Whats _ matter? I have _ stomachache./;a B. the;a C. the;an D. a;a12. Mrs. White,could I do my homework tomorrow? Im afraid not. Dont _ what you can do today till tomorrow.put off B. get off C. cut off D. turn off13

6、. I think _ impossible for us to finish the work in two hours.A. one B. it C. this D. that14. Yesterday I had some _. Luckily,my friend Ben helped me _.A. difficult;out B. difficulty;off C. difficulties;out D. difficulties;off15. Toms grandmother lives _ in the village,but she never feels _ because

7、she talks to her friend by Wechat a lot.A. alone;lonely B. lonely;alone C. alone;alone D. lonely;lonelyYour pet dog is badly ill now. You shouldnt put off _ it to see the animal doctor.take B. taking C. to take D. to taking17. John isnt happy today. Lets go and _.A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. t

8、o cheer up D. cheer up18. To _ surprise,Jim passed the math exam. In fact,this math exam was a little difficult.A. IB. meC. myD. mine 19. The girl saw a snake _ on the road and was scared.lieB. liesC. layD. lying20. The lady took _ X-ray and she showed the X-ray to the doctor.A. a B. anC. theD. /二、语

9、法填空1、He got up too late this morning,so he went to school without _ (have) breakfast.2、Thanks_ Johns kind help,we finished the work on time.3、After lunch,my grandfather is used to _ (lie) on the bed for a rest.4、The old man saw a snake when _ (walk) in the park.5、There are two _ (knife) on the table

10、. Please put them away.6、The dog died two days ago. The dogs _ (die) made him sad.7、She had _ (difficult) finding the way to the museum.8、My parents words made a big _ (different) to my life.9、Everybody should try to help the _ (disable).10、Thanks to your _ (kind),we could set up a school.三、改错Li Nin

11、gs money has run out of,but he didnt dare to tell his father. _I think you need to take breaks away the computer. _I have a good friend. She is a fifteen-years-old girl. Her name is Lucy. _ He expected most or all of the passengers get off and wait for the next bus._5、But Wang Ping doesnt think abou

12、t him. He only thinks about helping others. _6、The girls could visit the ill kids in the hospital and cheer them up. _7、I got so a strong feeling of satisfaction when I saw the animals get better._8、I began to learn English on the age of nine. _9、I love animals and I am exciting about the idea of ha

13、ving a dog._10、Volunteer our time to help these people is a good way to spend our free time._八下unit3-41. I will finish _ the novel this afternoon. Then I will give it back to you.A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads2. The local guide spoke _ she could to make the visitors understand her.A. as clea

14、r as B. as clearly as C. so clear as D. so clearly as3. He saw a snake lying under the tree _ surprise.A. In B. to C. at D. with 4. I found my elder brother _ my things. I got angry with him and asked him to go out.A. looking up B. looking after C. looking out D. looking through5. He _ the last part

15、 of his speech,because he had no time to speak more.A. cut down B. cut out C. cut up D. cut off6. John isnt good at swimming. Oh,_.so am I B. so do I C. neither am I D. neither do I7. Mom,I watched TV for only forty minutes. Sometimes _ TV is good for us. Forty minutes _ enough. Now you must do your

16、 homework.watch;is B. watching;was C. watched;are D. watching;were8. Could I ride an electric bicycle to school,Mr.Wang? No,you _. Students under the age of 16 arent allowed to ride electric bicycles.couldnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt9. This project aims at _ the poor children in the village _ en

17、ough food and books and warm clothes.A. offering;to B. offering;with C. providing;with D. providing;for10. Where are you going for your holiday? Nowhere. I am just going to _ the holiday at home with my family.A. takeB. spendC. payD. cost11. Most parents can provide a comfortable environment at home

18、 _ their children.A. withB. of C. forD. in 12. _ kids learn to be independent ,_ it is for their future.A.Earlier;better B.The earlier;the better C.The earliest;the best D.The early;the good13. I will send you an e-mail _ I get home.A. as soon asB. in order to C. so thatD. in order that 14. Would yo

19、u like some coffee or juice? _. Id like some green tea.A. Neither B. Either C. None D. Both15. Lisa got up very early _ catch the first bus.A. so that B. in order C. in order to D. in order that16. I have no time for a trip,because I have to finish my homework in _.A. three daysholiday B. three-days

20、 holiday C. three days holiday D. three days holiday17. How will she deal with the work? She doesnt want to do it now. She wants to ask someone else to do it _. A. too B. either C. instead D. instead of18. Would you like _ to the movies this evening ? Id like to,but my parents dont allow me _ out at

21、 night.going;going B. going;to go C. to go;to go D. to go;going19. The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.A. lent B. offered C. took D. brought20. The math problem was so difficult. But Mike_ without any help.worked it out B. gave it up C. worked out it D. put it out二、语法填空1、 _ h

22、er opinion,students should have time to relax and think for themselves.2、 Two months _ (be) a long time,we can visit our grandparents during the vacation.3、The manager said that he would provide us _ food and drink.4、Lisa is my _ (old) sister and she is two years older than me.5、We need to learn how

23、 to dress _ (proper).6、Firstly,I dont have enough money. _ (second),I dont have free time.7、Its necessary for you to communicate _ your family.8、Dont give me too much _ (press). I am stressed out.9、So far,about forty students have entered for the singing _ (compete).10. I had an _ (usual) experience

24、 last night. I didn t believe it at all.三、改错1、Could you please cleaning your room? _2、I think two hours of TV are enough for you! _3、Could you take out the rubbishes,fold the clothes and do the dishes? _4、The minute I sat down in the front of the TV,my mom came over. _5、Finally,I couldnt find a clea

25、n dish and a clean shirt. _6、Could we get anything to drink after the movie? _7、Doing chores help to develop childrens independence. _8、I dont want to tell him the good news in the phone. _9、Relations among my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot. _10、You should tell your good friend that

26、 copying others homework is wrong . _八下units5-61. Why did the car hit the boy ? Because the driver _ on the phone at that time. talks B. is talking C. was talking D. has talkedOur team _ their team by 5:4 yesterday. We _ the match.beat;won B. wins;beats C. beats;win D. won;beatThe rest of the food _

27、 to the poor in the village yesterday.A. are sent B. is sent C. were sent D. was sent4. Why were you late for school today,Jenny? Sorry,Miss Brown. My alarm didnt_,so I woke up late.cut off B. put off C. go off D. take offShe was late for class because her mother forgot to_.wake her up B. wake up he

28、r C. put her up D. put up her6. John fell asleep _ he was listening to the music.A. After B. before C. while D. as soon as7. He was riding to school _ he was hit by a car this morning.A.while B. when C. after D. so8. I love to listen to rock music _ I am running.A. While B. after C. since D. until9.

29、 Many people play with mobile phones all day _ reading books. Thats too bad. Everyone should be a book lover.Because B. because of C. instead D. instead of Whose is the book on the floor? Its mine. Please _ for me.pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up D. pick up themI think his idea is good. But

30、many of the classmates are _ it,I dont know why.For B. against C. on D. in12. The little boys voice was _ after crying for an hour.A. dying down B. rising up C. going up D. going off13、The rest of the moneyenough to pay for another book. Could you lend me some?A. arent B. isnt C. are D. is14. I reme

31、mber _ you in the movie theater last week. Maybe. I went to the movies with my family last Tuesday.See B. saw C. to see D. seeingIt was such a funny show that people couldnt stop _ again and again.laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughedI had to look after my little sister _.A. the whole morning B.

32、whole the morning C. the all morning D. the morning all17. I fell in love with Hangzhou when I went there_ the first time.A. At B. with C. for D. in18. Liu Shishi _ to Wu Qilong on March 20,2016.A. married B. married with C. is married D. got married19. Whenever I listen to the song,it reminds me_ m

33、y best friend.A. of B. about C. on D. as20. Do you like the singer Huang Liling? Yes. Her _ is sweet and her songs _ beautiful.voice;sound B. noise;sound C. noise;look D. sound;look二、语法填空。1、The car _ (sudden) stopped in front of me.2、The oceans are _ (heavy) polluted by plastic waste.3、He wants to b

34、e a _ (report)when he grows up.4、My mother was so tired last night that she fell _ (sleep) soon.5、I want to know the _ (true) about the accident. Please tell me.6、He _ (shoot) at the bird with a gun,but he failed to kill it.7、The husband didnt want his wife to find his money,so he _ (hide) it under

35、the bed.8、Which do you prefer,Chinese food or _ (west) food?9、I am going to Tims party instead of _ (go) to the concert.10、Its brave _ the man to jump into the river and save the girl.三、改错。1、What were you doing last night on the time of the rainstorm? _2、I was going to school when it began to rain h

36、eavy._3、While you called me,I was taking a shower._4、What was Jenny doing when Linda was sleeping?_5、The roads were icy because the heavy snow from the night before._6、When the rainstorm came,I was making my way to home._7、Yu Gong found a good way to solving his problem._8、You cant pass the exam if

37、you work hard._9、Monkey King keeps fight to help the weak and never gives up._10、The new couple was so happy that they couldnt stop smiling when they got married._八下Units7-81. _ is the population of Fuyang? The population of Fuyang is about 10.7 million.How much B. What C. How many D. How long2. I t

38、hink Treasure Island might be one of_ books. Yes,its _ than Oliver Twist.the funniest;funnier B、funnier;funnier C、funnier;funniest D、funniest;funnier3. We should do some things to protect the environment. For example,we shouldnt_ too many trees.cut down B. write down C. put down D. turn down4.The tr

39、ee is _ than me.three times tall B. three time taller C. three times taller D. three times tallest5.If you dont _,you wont catch the early bus.stay up B. hurry up C. give up D. put upTom is _ than any other student in his class.short B. shorter C. shortest D. the shortest7. China is bigger than _ in

40、 Africa.A. any country B. any countries C. any other country D. any other countries8. Have you finished your homework_? Yes,I have. I have _ finished it.A. already;yet B. already;already C. yet;already D. yet;yet9. The population of China _ over 1.3 billion and China has a larger population than_ in

41、 the world.is;any country B. is;any other country C.are;the other countries D.are;any other countries10. The worlds population is growing _,and there is _ land and water for growing rice.A. larger;less B. larger;fewer C. more;less D. more;fewer11. Many cities in China,_ Beijing,have been deeply poll

42、uted by dirty air.A. Including B. Included C. include D. to include12. The box is too heavy to carry. Whats in it? Oh,it is _ books.filled of B. full of C. full with D. fill with13. Jim likes China very much. He cant wait_ to China.A. coming B. came C. comes D. to come14. I _ scared of dogs ever sin

43、ce a dog hurt me when I was six years old.A. will be B. was C. have been D. would15. Many Chinese students have come _ the importance of learning English.A. know B. to know C. knew D. knows16. Charity shops raise more than 130 _ dollars every year. The money is for sick and poor children,homeless an

44、d disabled people.A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of17. The iPad isnt _. It belongs to_.A. he;me B. her;mine C. his;me D. hers;mine18. Look at the cute baby over there. He is about 3.6 kilos _ birth.A. For B. in C. at D. on19. _ far as I know,her mother is a very famous writer.A. Wi

45、th B. In C. As D. So20. Every year a number of people _ Beijing,and the number of the visitors this year_ about one million.visit;are B. visits;is C. visited;are D. visit;is二、语法填空。1、I want to know the _ (weigh) of the vegetables.2、The boys were running in _ (excite) in the park.3、The old man died af

46、ter a long _ (ill).4、My favorite kind of colors _ (be) blue.5、China is 22 times _ (large) than Britain6、There are ten foreigners in our class. And two of them come from _ (Asian).7、_ (actual),she likes classical music instead of pop music.8、Their _ (laugh) makes me nervous,I want to leave at once.9、

47、 Maybe in the future,most of the people can live up _ over 100 years old.10. The weather was terrible,but the bus they took arrived _ (succeed) at last.三、改错。1、The Yangtze River is longer than any other rivers in China. _2、 China has the biggest population in the world. Its a lot bigger than those of

48、 the USA.3、China is one of the oldest country in the world._4、Yunnan Province is in the southwest part of China._5、Panda keepers are preparing milk for the baby pandas breakfast. _6、I hasnt finished reading the book yet._7、 The summer holiday is coming. I cant wait see my grandparents._8、 There are

49、now less than 2,000 pandas live in the forests._9、The great musician has sold more than 120 millions records. _10、I have already cut down trees and build a house._八下units9-101. I have never been to the space museum. _. But Im going this Saturday with my friends.Yes,I never. B. Me,too. C. Me,neither.

50、 D. Neither do I.2. Did you go _ last summer holiday? Yes,I went to Shanghai Disney Resort.somewhere special B. anywhere special C. special somewhere D. special anywhere3. Nowadays,_ farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.A. million of B. two millions C. millions of D. two mil

51、lions of4. Please tell me a story _ the three pictures. Er,its too difficult for me to do it.because of B. according to C. think of D. be able to5. Excuse me,when did you leave Jinzhou? In August,2017. I _ for about two years.have left B. left C. have been away D. was away6. Did you watch the footba

52、ll match last night? Yes,I have never seen _ exciting match before.such a B. so a C. such an D. so an7. Cindys parents encouraged her _ to dance when she was very young.A. learn B. learned C. learning D. to learn8. I _ the book for 3 days. I want to read it for _ days.A.have borrowed;another two B.b

53、orrowed;more twoC.have kept;two more D.kept;two another9. Here are still _ minutes left. We dont have to run,honey. No! The movie has already _ for five minutes.A.few;begun B.a couple of;begunC.few;been on D.a couple of;been on10. I think summer is the best time_ to Singapore. I agree with you.A. to

54、 go B. going C. go D. to going11. You can ask Mr. Brown for help _ you are in trouble.A. whoever B. whatever C. whenever D. whichever12. Its always warm in Yunnan,_ its spring,summer,autumn _ winter.A. if;and B. whether;and C. whether;or D. if;or13. He often eats noisily at table,I dont know_ or not

55、 he is right.A. That B. whether C. if D. weather14. Hello,this is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr. Black? Sorry,he isnt here. He _ the Xiaoyaojin Park.has been to B. went to C. has gone to D. have gone to _ have you stayed in this city? For about six years.How long B. How far C. How soon D. How oftenIm quite sure that Frank is the boy standing _


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