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1、2017 2018学年上期第一次月 考树人七年级英语试题卷A. A computer. B. A clock.19. Where i s the school bag?A. On the bed. B. On the table.C. Some books.C. Under the cha i r.20. What s i n the bookcase?注意:本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分。考试时间90分钟,满分100分。考生应首先阅读答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上的指定位置作答, 在试题卷上作答无效,交卷时只交答题卡。一、听力理解(每小题1分,共20分)第一节:听句子,从题中所给的A、B

2、、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。句子读两遍。A. A cIock and a basebaI I.B. Cindy s keys and a clock.C. A basebaI I and Cindy 1s keys.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21. There is hH and uin the word.A. No, that i sn t.A. Yes. its h i s.B. Yes, it i s.B. Yes, it isnt hersC. No, I 1 m not.C. No, it i sn 11 hers.A. a, an B an. an C. 22.A. at

3、B. i n5 You look so prettyan,a D.a,a Can you answer the quest i on French?C. for D. with漂凫)today.B. You are r ight. C. Thanks a lot. D. You are good.3. A. Yes, I can.B. 111 s a watch.C. W-ATCH.4. A. Yes, that i s.B. No, they aren 11.5. A.第二节:The same to you.听对话和问题,B. Thanks.从题中所给的A、B、C. Yes, those a

4、re.C. Excuse me.c三个选项中选出最佳答案(A. With24 plea池膜词中元音字母发音相同的一组是对话读两遍。6 A. Its blue.7 A. Bobs.8 A. 886-4572.9 A. Gina.B. It s brown.B. Da I e s.B. 897-3527.B. Brown.C. Its black.C. We dont knowC.897-5468.C. Linda.A. bit, sit, kidC. kite, fine, big 25.Do you I ike?A. orange26. Do you think theB. name, say

5、 , badD. no, not, orange No, I like blue.B. app I es C. f I owers of her sk i rt su i ts me ?D. milk10. A.It A underthetab I e. B. 111 s on the sofa. C. Its under the sofa.第三节:听长对话,回答问题(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第11至第12两个小题,对话读两遍。vegetables good for our health.A. Eat, are B. To eat, are C. Eating, is D. Ea

6、ting, areWhat zero and two?.Of course!A. s i zeYou always Iook beautifuI in red.B. color C. pr ice D. design11. Where i s Toms watch?D. am, ThreeA. In the drawer. B. In his backpack. C. On the sofa. 12. What i s under the sofa?A. Tom s backpack. B. Dads books. C. Moms watch.听第二段对话,回答第 13 至 第15三个小题.对

7、话读两遍。Who i s Ann?A. Sal ly1 s s i ster. B. John s s i ster. C. we dont know.i n the photo.A. John s grandparents. B. John s parents. C. John1s uncIe and aunt.Who is Paul?A. Johns uncle. B. John s brother. C. John s cousin.第四节:听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。This i s room.A. SamsB. CindysC. Sal Iy sWhat co I or i s

8、 the room?A. White B. Ye I low. C. Blue.What i s not on the tab Ie?39.A. p I ayground B.c lassroom C.street30.D. from Ch i neseA. angryA. roomA. seeB. surpr i sedB. jobB. findC. t i redC. coatC. be I i eveA. are, One B. is, Two C. /, Zero 29. Listen! Who is singing in the next room?must be Mary. She

9、 often s i ngs there.A. ItD. ThereA. spec i a IA. hearA. give四、阅读理解B. strangeB. makeB. te I IC. funnyC. helpC. fol low(20小题,每小题1分,共D. f I oorD. happyD. storyD. workD. I ove I yD. haveD. visit20分)May I know yourname?Mi I I er.A. First B.last C. f U I I D. m i dd I e 31. He i s. He lives in Shanghai.A

10、.China B.Chinese C. a ChinaMaryGreen i s myEng I i sh teacher. I caI I her.A.Ms. MaryB. Ms. Green C. Mr. MaryD.Mi ss MaryThewindow i sthe wall, but the photoi sthe wall.A. i n, in B. in, on C. on, on D. onf inThanks very much.A. You are we I come. B. That Sall r i ght. C. Not at all. D. A, B and CIs

11、 this computer?No. it * s not mine. I think its.A. your, Li ly s B. yours, Li ly C. yours, Li ly s D. your, Li Iy 二、 完形填空(每 小题1分,共10分)Ear Iy onemorning Clara goes to the office to meetJack , the boss. It is very 36 .Jack i sn11 there37 No One i s i n the38b i g dog. The dogi s sweep i ng (打扫)the 39C

12、lara is so There i s on Iy asurpr i sed (吃惊的).She asks herseIfloudly, Am I seeing things? ” The dog looks upand says, Don11 be 40 .Th i s i s just part of my 41Wow! says Clara. I 1 can11_42it! Does Jack know how 43 you are and how Iucky he i s to 44you?An animal can talk! ”No, no, “ says the dog. Pl

13、ease dont 45/him! If heknowscan ta I k,he wiI Imake me answer the phone as well!阅读下面四篇语力材料,然后按文后要求做题Hi, I am Sandy. I come from Amer ica. I have long hai r.I I i ke Ii sten i ng to mus i c ands i ngi ng. I don 11 Ii ke sports. I often caI I my fr i ends at the weekend.My name i s Jack. My Ch i nese

14、name i s Chen Chao. My eyes are not very good, and I oftenA. ear I yA. eitherA. kitchenB. darkB. yetB. fieldC. I argeC. a I waysC. officeD. bor i ngD. stillD. supermarketwear a pai r of glasses. I enjoy playing computer games and swimming. I I ike making fr iends and I have a Ch i nese fr i end.Hell

15、o, everyone. I, m Luo We i. I, m from Ch i na. My hair i s short. I Iove pets. And I have a IoveIy dog.My name i s Dan i eI. I come from England. I 1m good at math. I often he Ip my cI assmates with the i r math. I am not very tall. I like playing Plants vs Zombies ( 植 物大战量 尸)on the Internet. Would

16、you I ike to be my fr iend? Please wr ite emai Is to me.Jack s eyes are not good, so he.A. he Iikes playing computer games. B. doesnt Iike sports.C. often wears a pai r of glasses. D. often calls hi s fr iends at the weekend.What does Daniel often he Ip hi s cI assmates with?A. Chinese. B. Engl i sh

17、. C. Math. D. Sports.Who enjoys computer games?A. Daniel and Jack. B. Jack and Luo WeiC. Luo Wei and Daniel. D. Sandy and Jack.What does Luo We i Ii ke?A. Listening to music. B. Swimming.C. Playing with pets.D. Singing.You can Daniel to make fr iends.A. wr ite Ietters toB. pI ay sports withC. chat o

18、n the phone with D. wr ite ema i I s toBA. crue IB. goodC. funny D. usefu I59. How d id the bees fee I finally?Water i s very important. How much water do k i ds need to dr i nk every day? There i s no certa i n amount (数量).Usua I I y k i ds I i ke to dr i nk somethi ng with mea I s. You have to dr

19、i nk when you are thi rsty (渴的). Kids need more water in hot weather. When you are doing sports, you need more water, too.A. Surpr i sed. B. Af ra i d.C. Worr i ed. D. Sad.60. What does th i s passage mainly taIk about?A.B.How the bees made honey.How the bees stung peopIe.shouId dr i nk water before

20、, dur i ng, andcan 11 play best when you are th i rsty!The time when you dr i nk i s a I so i mportant. Youafter pI ay i ng. Don t forget your water bottle. YouC. How the bees got on I y one st i ng.D. How the bees stopped peopIe from steaIi ng honey.You can he Ip your body by dr i nk i ng water. Yo

21、urbody wi I I do a I I of its wonderfuIjobsand you wi I I fee I great.51.How much water shouId k i ds dr i nk every day?A. 5 cups of water.B. 7 cups of water. 8 cups of water.D. The amount i s not certa i n.Kids should dr i nk more water when it i s.A. coo IB. hot C. sunny D. warmWhat

22、does the sentence Dont forget your water bottIe. In Paragraph 2 mean?A. Your water bottIe i s beautiful.C. you shouldn11 forget anyth i ng.The passage mainly taIk about.A. dr i nk i ng waterC. hav i ng mea I sWho should read this passage?A. Teachers. B. Kids. C. Women.A bee stings (刺)us, and then we

23、B.D.D.B. Dont forget to buy a water bottIe.D.playinghelpingMen.Remember to dr i nk water.sportsothershurt. If a bee uses its sting, it wi I I die Iater.Th i sMany chi Idren fee I that the most important peopIe in the i r I i ves are the i r fr iends. They be Ii eve that fami ly members dont know the

24、m as we I I as thei r fr i ends. In Iarge fami I ies, it i s quite often for brothers and s i sters to f ight ( 打架) with each other and then they go to the i r f r i ends for some i deas.11 i s very important for chi Idren to have one or more good fr iends. Even when they are not with thei r fr iend

25、s, they usuaI Iy spend a lot of time talking on the phone with them. Th i s communication (沟通)i s very important for chi Idren s growth, because f r i ends can d i scuss somethi ngt but it i s difficult to di scuss it with fami ly members. However, most parents I ike to choose (选择)fr iends for thei

26、r chi Idren.Who chooses your fr i ends?Your answers are we I come.61. Many chi Idren think can understand them better.A. parents B. f r i endsC. s i sters D. teachers62. From the passage, we know that it is important for chi Idren to.A. fight with fr i endsC. communicate with fr iendsB. make f r i e

27、ndsD. B and CWhento death anyone who,n he said in a loudst i ng on Iy. When youi s because once, a very I ong time ago, the bees went to say to the king of a I I animal s.they made honey (蜂蜜)i n thei r nests, peop I e came to steaI (偷)it. They were very angry. The king Ii stened carefully. Then he a

28、sked them, What do you want me to do about it? ”The bees sa id angr i ly, We want to have the power (权利)of st ingi ng stea Is our honey. The king was very surpr i sed. That1 s crue I (残 忍的) voice. I refuse your requests (请求).What i s more, you sha I I have one use it, you wi I I d i e Iater. The bee

29、s heard this, and I eft sadly.Why were the bees angry?A. Because people hurt them.B. Because peopIe stoIe thei r nests.C. Because people stole thei r honey. D. Because they made I ittIe honey.What was the bees1 request?Getting the power of stinging to death.Hav i ng the power of helping peopIe.Gett

30、i ng on Iy one thing. D. Hav i ng many st i ngsThe king thought the bees request was.When chi Idren find it difficult to say someth i ng to the i r parents, they usuaI Iy.A. fight with parentsB. d i scuss it with the i r fr i endsC. go to the i r brothers and s i sters for he IpD. I eave homeThe und

31、er I i ned (戈 U 线)sentence Your answers are we I come. means .A you are we I come to d i scuss the quest i ons with us.we think your answers are wrongyou can gi ve us the r i ght answerswe dont be Ii eve your answersWhich of the fol lowing i s TRUE accordi ng to the passage?Parents don11 love the i r chi Idren at all.Brothers and s i sters never fight with us.Parents should understand thei r chi Idren better.Ch iIdren would Ii ke thei r parents to choose fr iends for them.五.词语运用(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确的形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。 请每空限填一词,每词限用一次。c


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