高中英语 选必B4 Unit4 Everyday economics Starting out and vocabulary 选必B4U Starting out 课件_第1页
高中英语 选必B4 Unit4 Everyday economics Starting out and vocabulary 选必B4U Starting out 课件_第2页
高中英语 选必B4 Unit4 Everyday economics Starting out and vocabulary 选必B4U Starting out 课件_第3页
高中英语 选必B4 Unit4 Everyday economics Starting out and vocabulary 选必B4U Starting out 课件_第4页
高中英语 选必B4 Unit4 Everyday economics Starting out and vocabulary 选必B4U Starting out 课件_第5页
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1、教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修四教学内容:Unit 4 Everyday economics第1课时: Starting out 执教人:倪娜/深圳市华侨城中学Feb. 24th, 2022Everyday economics了解经济常识了解创业创新与规划未来思考经济问题、提出建议Starting out 第1课时Using language 第3课时Listening: Personal finance management 第4课时Understanding ideas:Business Blossoms第2课时Developing ideas:What mine is your

2、s.第5课时Writing: Non-cash payments 第6课时Presenting ideas: Analyze economic situations第7课时单元大观念: 本单元语篇包括货币的发展、大学毕业生的创业故事、社会信用体系构建、理财观念培养、共享经济、无现金支付,引导学生关注和理解日常生活中的经济学现象,培养学生辩证思考能力,增强风险意识,树立正确的金钱观、理财观。Everyday economicsUnit 4StartingoutNew words and phrasesforeheadfridn.前额;额;blankblkadj.无表情的,木然的,空白的;完全的d

3、izzydiziadj.头晕目眩的;昏乱的;迷惑的chairwomantewumnn.女主席;女议长sunrisesnraizn.日出,黎明,拂晓potentialptenladj.可能的;潜在的n.潜力,可能性New words and phrasesbugbgn.突然地兴趣,迷恋enterprisingentpraiziadj.富有进取心的;冒险性的; 有创业精神的inputinputn.输入(资料);投入obstaclebstkln.障碍(物);故障;妨害物phasefeizn.阶段;时期manufacturermnjufktrn.制造者;制造商;制造厂New words and phr

4、asescosmeticskzmetiks n.(pl.)化妆品purchaseptsvt.购买;获得distributiondistribjunn.分发;分配;分布;销售bonusbunsn.奖金;额外酬金;红利;entrepreneurial ntrprn:riladj. 企业家的, 创业者的,具有创业精神的guidancegaidnsn.向导,指导;辅导;New words and phrasesconsultantknsltntn.顾问;咨询者conventionalknvennladj.传统的;常见的;习惯的;常规的discriminatediskrimineitv.辨别;歧视,不公

5、正待遇equatorikweitn.赤道estateisteitn.庄园superiorsjupiriadj.优越的;优良的,质量上乘的New words and phrasesmildmaildadj.轻的;温和的;不浓烈的calorieklrin.卡(热量单位)subjectivesbdektiva.主观的freshmanfremn(pl.freshmen)大学一年级学生;初学者make ends meet 使收支仅能相抵afloatflutadj.经济上周转的开,不欠债的New words and phrasesinterfereintfivi.干涉;介入;interfere with

6、妨碍,阻止rational rnladj.理智的;有理性的;合理的exceediksidvt.超过;超出go into debt 陷入债务之中,负债financialfainnladj.经济上的;财政的;金融的New words and phrasesaccumulatekjumjuleitvt.积聚;积累;堆积automaticallytmtikliadv.自动地;机械地;无意识地toddlertdln.初学走路的孩子;sorrowsrun.悲痛;遗憾;忧愁;不幸;伤心事frustrationfrstreinn.懊丧,懊恼,沮丧hirehaivt.(短期)租入;租出New words and

7、 phrasesdesigner clothes 名牌服装rent out 出租(房屋,房间,土地等)therebyebaiadv.因此,由此supervisionsjupvinn.监督,管理expenseikspensn.消费;花费at the expense of 以损害.为代价abusebjuzvt.滥用;虐待thefteftn.偷窃pursepsn.钱包;皮包拓展单词1_adj.有创业精神的,有进取心的_n. 企业;事业;进取心;事业心2._n. (商业的)分销,经销;发行_v.(书报的)发生3_ n.指导,引导_v.引导,带领,操纵4._ n. 顾问_v. 商量,请教,当顾问5._a

8、dj.传统的,常规的 _n.惯例,习俗enterprisingenterprisedistributiondistributeguidanceguideconsultantconsultconventionalconvention6._v.不公正地区别对待,歧视_n.歧视;区别,辨别7._ adj.财政的,金融的;财务的_ n. 财政;财政学;金融8._v.积累,积聚_n. 积累;堆积物9._adv.自动地_adj.自动的10._n. 懊丧,懊恼,沮丧_v. 使懊丧,使沮丧discriminate discrimination financial finance accumulate accu

9、mulation automatically automatic frustration frustrate短语巧记1.至于,关于 as to2. 完全不同于 a world away3. 一排又一排地 row upon row4. 启程,动身 start out5. 使收支仅能相抵 make ends meet6. 妨碍,阻碍 interfere with7. 陷入债务之中,负债 go into debt8. 对.的回应 response to9. 以最低价格 at rock-bottom prices10. 出租 rent out11. 以损害.为代价 at the expense of1

10、2. 受.影响,可能会受.影响 be subject toQ1:What is money andwhat is currency ? Definition: Lead inMoney is a medium that can be exchanged or traded for goods and services. Money can be used to measure the value of those goods and services at the current market price.Currency is the paper money or coins that we

11、 carry around to make our day to day payments.Q2:How did people make payments before money appeared? Example: Exchange goodsSaltGoldQ3:How can people make payments now?Example: Cash paymentCredit card paymentMobile payments1. What is the video about?Watch the video and answer:2. What stages are ment

12、ioned in the video? What are they like?The video is about a brief history of currency, or the development of currency.Activity 1Long before money was invented, people used _ to buy and sell things. A barter system is a way to _ _ for other goods and services.a barter system exchange goods and servic

13、es Later, some goods became more widely accepted than others. These could be used to _ of other products and services.calculate the valueAround the 11th century BC, Chinese people started to use _ to trade things. In the early stages, _ of different shapes were used. The coins _ in the Qin Dynasty a

14、nd started to take a _ shape with a square hole through the middle.small pieces of bronze coinswere standardised circularThere are different stages in the development of currency. Around the year 1000, the Chinese began to use _. The Song Dynasty saw the _, which is said to be not only the first exa

15、mple of _ used in China, but also in the world.Today, we have a modern system of _, but this is continuing to _ and _ to other forms.coins and paper noteschange developpaper moneypaper currency introduction of jiaoziPicturesWhat activities?What they have in common?1. What activities are shown in the

16、 pictures?2.What do they have in common?Activity 2Paying coins for some vegetables Using an ATM cardTo withdraw moneyDonating moneyto people in needPaying through anapp on a smart phoneThey all show types of economic behaviors, and they are all relatedto currency of various forms. 3.What other economic activities are part of your daily life?On-line shoppingIn-app Purchase, including digital goods or subscriptionsExample:China is introducing a pilot


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