1、Lecture 6Tourist Translation (1)1Teaching Contents:Features of English and Chinese tourist texts.Basic skills applied in tourist translation.Special skills for tourist text translation.2Texts analysis:Steps:1. Please carefully read the material , find the cultural differences reflected in the Englis
2、h and Chinese tourist texts, and the writing differences.2. Please read the material , tell which translated version is better than the other. Why? What are the translation obstacles?(discuss and exchange with your classmates)3. For what you think are acceptable, can you tell the exact translation s
3、kill it has applied?3Differences in English and Chinese texts:Different esthetic conceptions.Different thinking patterns.-different writing styles. Brevity is the soul of the wit. A proper word in a proper place is good English. Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary w
4、ords, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. 4Comment and Summarize:5Translation skills:1. Amplification增译法:寺前有冷泉。据说苏东坡守杭时,常携诗友僚属来此游览,并曾在冷泉上“书扇判案。译:It is said that the Northern Song Dynasty poet Su
5、 Dongpo, when he servered as a governor of Hangzhou, used to go to the temple with his friends and subordinate for a visit. And he is said to have handled a court case in the Cold Spring for the owner of a fan shop, for Su was a famous painter, calligrapher as well as a poet.6端午节那天,人们都要吃粽子。译:During
6、the Dragon Boat Festival which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, it is a common practice to eat Zongzi which is a rice pudding wrapped up with weed leaves. 7绍兴是历史名城,有勾践冶金铸剑的若那溪,秦王出巡望海的秦望山。Shao xing is famous historical and cultural city. Rueye Stream, Gou jian, king of yue caste the s
7、words here. Qingwang known as that Ying Zheng the first emperor in Chinese history who unified China in 221 B.C., watched the sea here while he was touring in the east. 82. Omission删减省译法:团结湖北京烤鸭店为全聚德挂炉烤鸭。为保证宾客品会精美风味,全部现吃现烤。精选纯北京白鸭,以果木挂炉烤制,只需40分钟就能品尝到为您特别烤制的色泽枣红,香酥脆嫩,浓香四溢的正宗烤鸭。 译:Tuanjiehu Beijing Ro
8、ast Duck Restaurant uses only the finest Beijing Ducks which are only roasted after you place your order. Preparation takes 40 minutes after which we will serve you with a delicious golden red Beijing Duck with crunchy skin.9湛峙山门一对石狮子,雕凿精细。寺外建有“药师琉璃光如来宝塔”,简称“药师塔”。 译:In front of the gate of Zhan Shan
9、si Temple stand a pair of exquisitely carved stone lions. By the side of the temple there stands the Yaoshta Pagoda.102. Explanation解释法:用别的词语或句子,尤其是用更容易理解的词句来翻译,而不是把原来的词句直接译成译文。宋代大诗人苏东坡把西湖比作西子。Poet Su Dongpo of the Northen Song Dynasty (960-1127) compared the West Lake to the most beautiful woman in
10、 ancient China.11Practice in class: Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders: geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls, Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as a wildlife sanctuary. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose, mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans,
11、 and a host of other animals. The worlds first national park, Yellow-stone covers more than two million acres (810,000 hectares)12泸沽湖是一个天然内陆淡水湖,位于滇西北云南与四川两省交界处,面积50平方公里,海拨2680米,平均水深45米,湖中有8岛14湾和1个海堤连岛,湖岸植被葱郁,青山环绕,风光旖旎。这些山峰,连同山上绿竹翠柳,岸边的村民农舍,时而化入水中,时而化入天际,真是“果然佳胜在兴坪”。 (宝峰湖)湖面如镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光迤逦。 13Luguh
12、u Lake is a natural freshwater lake located at the juncture of southwest Chinas Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, with an altitude at 2,680 meters above sea level and an average depth of 45 meters. It covers an area of 50 square km in which there are eight islands, 14 covers and a dyke, with green plant
13、s thriving on its banks. 14These hills and the green bamboo and willows and farmhouses merge with their reflections in the river and lead visitors to a dreamy world. Baofeng Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 15淡化法:惠州市是广东省辖城市,位于广东省的东南部
14、,珠江三角洲的东端,属于今日珠江三角洲经济开发区。战国时期属楚国,隋朝称“循州”并设府。公元1021年改称惠州。据东方纪要载:惠州“东接长汀,北连赣岭,控潮海之襟要,半广南只辅翼,大海横陈,群山拥后,诚岭南之名郡也。16Hui Zhou city is located at the south-eastern part of Guangdong province and the east part Pearl River Delta, economic developments. It has been and administration prefecture named Xunzhou e
15、ver since the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD). After 1021 it was named Hui Zhou until now. The city is a very important spot for her strategic and geographic position. 17深化法:路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书,“云外流春”四个大字。To its left is another rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (beyond c
16、louds flows springs) written by Su DongPo (1037-1101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty.18Practice in class:相传三国时期,吴淞江的北岸就建起了一座寺院。后易名为静安寺。Legend has it that during the Three Kingdoms Period, a temple was built on the north bank of Wusong River, and it later adopted its present na
17、me of Jing An Temple.19(A) Situated in the heart of the nations capital, the Jianguo Hotel Beijing combines elegant traditional interiors with every modern guest amenity. (B) Luxuriant water gardens and a courtyard highlight the Hotels low-rise setting. (C) Just 10 minutes from Tiananmen Square and
18、20 minutes from Beijings Capital Air-port, we are ideally located for business and sightseeing.20庐山的奇峰峻岭,怪石异洞,深峡幽谷,飞瀑流泉,古树名木,与雄浑长江,碧波鄱阳湖浑然一体,组合成一幅瑰丽多姿的自然图景。千百年来,无数的先贤逸士,文人墨客,游僧道侣,富豪政客,纷至沓来,投身于这座奇秀大山的怀抱,在这幅美妙的自然画卷上,留下了浓墨重彩的一笔又一笔,充分地展现着他们对美的意蕴的追求,把那巧夺天工的亭台楼阁,宏大壮观的梅院寺观,精巧奇妙的祠塔桥榭,风格迥异的中外别墅,镶嵌在这奇山秀水当中,与自然景观交相辉映,互为表里,构架形成了一道独具魅力的亮丽风景线。21 襟江带湖的优越地理位置,自然景观与人文景观的和谐交融,组合成以庐山山体为主,呈环状向四周辐射的风景名胜区。在这座完整的山岳型风景名胜区内,散布着远古文化遗迹20余处。中古文化遗迹600余处,景点474处,现存摩崖古刻900余处,碑刻300多块,它们以瀑布、山石、气象、植物、地质、江湖、人文、别墅建筑为类型错落在景区内,与长江、鄱阳湖相依、相融、相映,形成了它鲜明的个性和独特的魅力,使人们在与自然的亲和中,随深邃的人文而进入一个崇高的心灵之壤,去认识庐山真面目。22Mt. Lus
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