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2、ative speakers of English live in _.B.the United States1.1Todays English speakers would find it easy to understand Old English. _错误English belongs to the _ branch of the Indo-European language family.C.Germanic Old English was mainly derived from the dialects of _.Anglo-SaxonsThe origin of the words

3、 like “sky”, “egg”, “window” are from _ countries.C.Scandinavian After the Norman Conquest in 1066, _ languages were used side by side in England.B.three“The Canterbury Tales” was written by _.A.Geoffery ChaucerProto-Indo-European language is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages, s

4、uch as Greek, German, Spanish, French and Italian.正确The history of English can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and modern English.正确English script and alphabetic system were from Greek.错误1.2In 1588, England defeated the famous fleet Armada from _.C.SpainIn 1604,the first E

5、nglish dictionary was published by _.B.Samuel JohnsonThe sudden vowel shift in the history of English helped to shape _ English.C.Early ModernWhich country does the loan word lychee come from?B.ChineseWhich country does the loan word yoghurt come from?A.TurkishWhich country does the loan word violin

6、 come from?B.ItalianWhich country does the loan word alcohol come from?C.ArabicWhich country does the loan word shampoo come from?D.Hindi1.3Sonnet refers to a poem of _ lines.14 Which of the following is not a comedy of William Shakespeare?Othello “To be, or not to be, thats a question.” is taken fr

7、om _ of William Shakespeare.Hamlet 1William Shakespeare is a great writer in the _ language.B.English 2. Shakespeare was born in a small town in _.A.England 3. Shakespeare wrote 154 _ and some verses in his lifetime.B.sonnets 4. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous _ of ShakespeareA.tragedies

8、As you like it is a _.B.comedy Shakespeare wrote 40 plays in his lifetime. 错误2. Romeo and Juliet is one of the four most famous tragedies of Shakespeare.错误3. Ben Johnson described Shakespeare as “ He belonged to all time”.正确1.4RP, or Received Pronunciation, is widely used as standard English in toda

9、ys Britain. 错误American English was thought to be a classless sort of English正确The words “hamburger”, “seminar”, “dumb” and “poker” are from the language of black people. 错误An American Dictionary of the English Language edited by Noah Webster was the first American dictionary. 正确_American English is

10、represented by VOA and British English is represented by BBC. 正确The word “ballet” is pronounced as/ble/in BrE and as/ble/ in AmE.错误In American English, double letters were reduced to single ones, like the l in “traveller” and g in “waggon”正确A New York person will use the word a “lift” instead of an

11、“elevator”.错误1. For something that has occurred in the recent past, BrE tends to use the simple tense while AmE shows the preference for the present perfect tense.错误2. For the meaning of 在周末, British people prefer to use at the weekend while American people will prefer on the weekend.正确3. For the me

12、aning of 全家在看电视, British English will use The family is watching TV. and American English will prefer The family are watching TV.错误4.The word 颜色 is spelt in British English as color.错误5. The word 组织 is splet in American English as organize.正确6. The word 中心 is spelt in British English as centre.正确7.

13、The word 许可证 is splet in American English as licence.错误8.In British English, 糖果 is expressed as candies.错误9. The American expression of 玉米 is corn.正确1.5Many words from Hindi flew back to English, such as “bungalow”, “coolie”, “cashmere”, “ pajamas” and “yoga”.正确2. Now, English is used as the first l

14、anguage and official language in Singapore.错误3. In 1985, the Peoples Republic of China made English the main foreign language in education. 错误4. Since there are many misuse and mistakes of English in Chinglish, we should avoid the use of Chinglish as much as possible.错误2.1The United Kingdom is an in

15、dependent and single country. _错误Britain is made up of four parts. _正确The flags of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can be found in the flag of the UK.错误_ is the official name of Britain.A.The United Kingdom2. The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of _ Britain and _.B.Great; No

16、rthern Ireland3. There are _ parts in Great Britain and _ parts in Britain.A.three; four4. British Isles include two large islands: _ and Ireland island.C.Great Britain5. The capital of the Republic of Ireland is _.D.Dublin2.2The Pennies is known as the backbone of England. _正确In England, it is cold

17、 in winter and hot in summer. _错误Stonehenge is a famous monument dated from the 16th century. _错误The longest river in Britain is _.A.River SevernBritain enjoys a _ climate.B.temperate maritime“If winter comes, will spring be far behind?”comes from Ode to the _ wind by Shelly.B.west 4. TheActs of Uni

18、on 1707 made the kingdoms of England and _united to formGreat Britain.B.Scotland July is normally the best month in a year and the west wind from the Atlantic is the warmest.正确Jane Austen who has written “Pride and Prejudice”, “Sense and sensibility” and other novels.正确“Ladies and gentlemen” only re

19、fers to those cultured and refined men and women. 错误2.3Scotland takes up half of Great Britain and is the second largest country in the UK.错误The American movie “A water horse” is based on the tale of monster in Loch Ness.正确3. Kilt, tartan and Bagpipe are all characteristic of Scotland.正确4. 2014 Refe

20、rendum is the first time for the Scottish to pursue freedom from the United Kingdom.错误5. Nowadays, Scotland will still remain in the territory of the United Kingdom.正确2.41. The Scots, Welsh and Irish are descendents of _.C.the Celts2. Wales is located in the _ of Great Britain.B.westWales was not co

21、nquered by the English until _.A.15364. The Giants Causeway was located in _.D.Northern Ireland5. The capital of Northern Ireland is _.C.Belfast 1. Much of the land in Wales is pasture and only 22% of the land is arable. 错误2. Today, a quarter of the Welsh still speak Welsh as their first language. _

22、正确 The greatest event of the year of Northern Ireland is the National Eisteddfod. 错误4. The majority of Northern Irish people wanted to be independent but was forced to remain within the United Kingdom. _错误2.5The present royal family belongs to the House of _.A.WindsorUp until now, Queen Elizabeth ha

23、s ruled in Britain for over _ decades.C.sixQueen _ was called virgin queen because she remained unmarried all her life.A.Elizabeth I During the reign of _, Britain became an empire “the sun never sets”.B.Queen Victoria 1. The nickname of _ is “the grandmother of Europe”.D.Queen Victoria2. The house

24、of Windsor starts from _.A.George V3. _ ruled Britain in Shakespeares time.C.Queen Elizabeth I1. The monarchy in Britain has been passed in succession in the past 1000 years and has never been broken. _错误2. The age of constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution. _正确3. The king or the

25、 queen is the head of the UK and has no real power. _正确The members of the royal family have to earn money to support themselves. _错误3.1How many contiguous states are there in the USA?C.48 Please choose the right letter to represent the location of Appalachian Mountains on the map.D.area of DWhich of

26、 the two states are the last two states to join the union?C.Alaska and Hawaii 1. The United States of America consists of 50 states and a federal government.正确2. Great Salt Lake is a major waterway that empty into the Gulf Mexico.错误3. Alaska is the largest state on the continuous continent.错误3.2The

27、Hollywood sign was created as an advertisement for the Hollywoodland housing development.错误The Hoover Dam was the way to provide power and water to dry regions in the west America.正确The Independence hall is the place where the first and the second Continent Congress was held.正确1. The heads of which

28、Presidents are carved into Mount Rushmore?D.Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Lincoln2. The Statue of Liberty is a gift from the people of _.B.France3.3White House is where Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous “I have a dream” speech. 错误Ex-president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in For

29、ds Theater. _正确New York City is in the southwestern America with the nickname of “Big Apple”. 错误Boston is the scene of several key events of American Revolution like Boston Tea Party正确Declaration of Independence was signed in Boston.正确1. Which state does Washington D.C. belong to?C.no state2. The of

30、ficial home to the US president is _A.White House3. Which of the following locations is not included in the Free Trail?D.Independence Hall4. Which of the following cities is the meeting place for the first and second Continental Congress?D.Philadelphia3.4In 1620, the first group of puritan Pilgrims

31、arrived in America for religious freedom. 正确In 1806, President Lincoln signed legislation for building a road to facilitate people to move west. _错误Route 66 is known as the loneliest road in America. 错误It was Carl Fisher who had the idea to build a coast-to-coast highway named Lincoln Highway. 正确Roa

32、ds with even numbers represent the highways from north to south. 错误1. Which of the following does not represent freedom?C.Uncle Sam2. Which of the following roads is called Mother Road?A.Route 663. Which of the following roads represent highway from east to west?D.Interstate 904.11.America Vespuccis

33、 first voyage led to the discovery of Americas that he thought was India and called the natives on the island Indians._错误2.After 1588 war, Spain became the biggest colonizer in North America. _错误3.1607, the first successful English colony in North America was planted in Jamestown, Virginia. 正确4.Jame

34、stowns prosperity was in a large part owing to a farmer who planted tobacco. 正确5. In 1620, 102 Pilgrim Fathers crossed the Atlantic to seek gold in the New World on the boat of Mayflower.错误The French and Indian War was started owing to _B.landFrench and Indian War was between _.D.French and Indian v

35、s BritishWhich of the following is not included in the Stamp Act to tax on?A.diamondWhere was the First Continental Congress held?D.Philadelphia4.21.The Second Continental Congress appointed George Washington as the first president of America.错误2.In Valley Forge, many soldiers died of hunger and sma

36、llpox.正确3.The peace treaty was signed in 1782, in which the independence, freedom and sovereignty of the 13 states were acknowledged正确1. Which day is Americas National Day or Independence Day?A.July 4, 17762. Who drafted Declaration of Independence?C.Thomas Jefferson3. Who was the first president of

37、 America?D.George Washington4. Where was the Second Continental Congress held?D.Philadelphia4.31.The successful ending of the French and Indian War extended Englands territory to the Appalachian Mountains._错误2.he 1783 Treaty of Paris with Great Britain, 13 independent colonies expanded their territo

38、ry to Mississippi River.正确3.In 1803, President Washington made the biggest real estate deal and bought the vast Louisiana from Napoleon.错误4.In 1862, President Lincoln asked the Congress to pass the Homestead Act aiming to promote moving westward for land.正确1. The 1783 Treaty of Paris with Great Brit

39、ain defined the large expansion of land west to_C.Mississippi River 2. How far did Captain Meriwether Lewis and the Second Lieutenant William Clark reach on the journey commissioned by Thomas Jefferson?D.Pacific Ocean3. Which state is the place attracting thousands of gold-seekers?A.California4. Whi

40、ch of the following state is secured by Mexican-American war?D.Texas4.41.Cotton was widely planted in the north while Industry and manufacture developed in the south.错误The leader of Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman.正确3.Harriet Tubman also met and debated with Lincoln in the White House. 错误1.

41、Which of the following state is not slave-holding state in 1860?A.New York2. Which book conveyed the message that slavery was the root of social cruelty?C.Uncle Toms Cabin3. Which is the hidden weapon that Lincoln employed to fight with Confederate Army and finally achieved the reunion of the nation

42、?C.railroadMilitary tactics was the hidden weapon that Lincoln employed to fight with Confederate Army and finally achieved the reunion of the nation.错误5.11.US hasnt a country-level education system or curriculum applied to the entire country 正确2.Most children attend kindergarten when they are 4 in

43、America.错误1. Which subject is the compulsory subject to American students?B. English 2. Which examination should a student must attend if he wants to go to the university in the UK?A.the A level system 3. How many years for a British student need to study in the university?B.3 5.21.Cambridge is the

44、first-oldest university in the English-speaking world错误2.Harvard University is one of the Ivy League in America. 正确1. The University of Cambridge was established in _C.12092. In the following universities, which one doesnt belong to the Ivy League in America_?C.Sanford University 3. In the following

45、 celebrities, who was not graduate from Cambridge University_.D.John Rockefeller5.31. Before you start your applications, whats the first thing you have to do?A.making a careful plan about how to find the best schools that suit your needsWhat are needed in your application process except_?C.demonstr

46、ating their English language proficiency scores from TOEFL or GRE3. What is the most necessary material you need to submit if you want to apply to an undergraduate degree?A.the original or certified copies of his secondary school transcripts or mark sheetsThe score of TOEFL that a test taker gets ca

47、n be hold valid for _ years.A.2 Which of the following sentences about those international tests are true except _?C.1Paper-based SAT Test is offered by ETS five times a year. ETS has _ TOEFL test centers in_ different countries.B. 4500,165 单元测试Which examination should a student must attend if he wa

48、nts to go to the university in the UK?A.the A level system Most children attend kindergarten when they are 4 in America.错误Full education is compulsory for all children who range from age 5 to 17.正确Harvard University is one of the Ivy League in America. 正确6.11. Bubble and Squeak is the classic Englis

49、h take-away food.错误2. Spotted-Dick is a traditional American food.错误3. In UK theres an old saying, To eat well in England you should have breakfast three times a day.正确Which of the following food does not belong to British traditional food?B.Curry, sushi1.Full English breakfast is a very substantial

50、 meal enjoyed by both the nobility and the working class.正确2. A traditional English breakfast usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans, black pudding, tomatoes and mushrooms正确3. A full English breakfast is same in different regions in Britain.错误4. Many British and Irish ca

51、fs and pubs serve the full English breakfast at any time as an all-day breakfast.正确5. A typical Sunday Roast usually consists of roasted meat, roast potato or mashed potato, with accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.正确6. The most common joints for Sunday Roast are

52、 beef, lamb or pork. Chicken is not popular.错误6.21. Drive-through windows also followed so that people can order and eat food right in their cars.正确White Castle was the second fast food restaurant set up in America.错误3. If left unabated, obesity will then surpass smoking as the leading cause of prev

53、entable death in America.正确Which of the following statements is not true?A.Fast food is the invention of American people.1.The history of fast food in America runs parallel to the invention of the car.正确2. Fast food franchises became quite popular thanks to theirstandardized menus, signage, and adve

54、rtising.正确6.31. It is said that in every single day, the British drink about 165 million cups of tea. That is almost three cups per person.正确Tea was born in the UK.错误3. The Queen Catherine of Braganza brought tea to the royal court.正确1. Which of the following statements about tea is false?C.Adultera

55、tion disappeared immediately after the duty on tea was slashed.2. Which of the following statements about Boston Tea Party was true?B.Bostonians, increasingly touchy about the issue of taxation without representation, refused to let the ships unload.1. The monopoly on imports held by the merchants o

56、f the east India Company kept tea prices artificially high to protect profits, and on top of this government imposed a high level of duty.正确2. To avoid taxation and cater for the increasing need of tea, smuggling and adulteration appeared.正确After the cut of the taxation, there was a matter involving

57、 tea in American colonies, known as “Boston Tea Party”, which eventually sparked off the American War of Independence.错误6.41.Research shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee, and coffee is the second most heavily traded product in the world only after oil.正确2. Legend

58、goes that Shen Nung, an ancient Chinese emperor, discovered tea accidentally.正确3.America is the largest producer of coffee in the world.正确Which of the following statements about coffee was false?B.The worlds first Starbucks opened in New York in 1971.1. Seattle1 can be called Americas capital of caf

59、feine.正确Starbucks has grown into the second largest coffeehouse company in the world.错误6.51. There are no waiters coming to serve you in a British pub. 正确2. While waiting to be served at the bar, you should not chat with other customers.错误3. You should wait in a queue when you want to buy the drink

60、in a British pub.错误1. Which of the following statements is not true about British pub etiquette?B.You can shout“service” or wave money about to attract the attention of the barmen.2. What can you enjoy at a British pub?D.all the above.(a variety of beer some games stand-up comedy performances)3. Whi


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