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1、音乐剧High School Musical改编版舞台剧本(双语版)主要出场人物介绍:Troy:约17岁,外形俊朗,品学兼优。在艺术方面有着很好的天赋和潜力,崇尚艺术是心灵的表达,是校艺术团的团长,也是学生中的明星人物。(简称T)Gabriella:约16岁,转校生。恬静可爱,学习成绩卓越。是学生和老师心目中的标准好学生。同时有着天籁般的嗓音,于上季刚刚加入校合唱团。(简称G)Sharpay:约17岁,高调华丽,以出身著名演艺家族及自身的多项才艺而闻名校园,有些自我和自恋。(简称S)Ryan: 约16岁,Sharpay的弟弟,外形时尚,热爱艺术。同Sharpay一样从小接受各种艺术熏陶,很听姐

2、姐的话,却不赞同她的某些做法。有着很好的舞蹈天赋。(简称R)Chad:约17岁,坦诚壮实,是校篮球队的主力。重兄弟情谊,说话直白,对Troy比较崇拜,因此也对艺术含有兴趣。(简称C)Kelsi: 约16岁,内向不爱言语,对音乐创作极其热爱。是T和G共同的好友。(简称K)Mary: 约16岁,胖胖的身材,常成为Sharpay说笑的对象。平庸但很单纯善良,梦想是成为一位舞蹈演员。(简称M)Miss Darbus:约45岁,艺术团的指导教师,兼任Troy班的班主任。和蔼慈祥又不失严厉,很热爱艺术人才。(简称D)Kip Lee:约35岁,著名国际歌舞组合Wild Cate的音乐制作人。对T和G的才能很

3、关注重视。(简称L)Jason:约16岁,对待什么事情都很认真。在同学们眼里是个思路奇怪的人。经常投入的打岔。(简称J)Talyor:约17岁,有领导能力的班干部,是Miss Darbus的代言人。演出开始前循环播放:【主要人物视频介绍】剧目开始序 幕:假期到来人 物:全体主要人物及舞蹈演员地点布景:美国East高中的教室道 具:道具型课桌,书本等【钟表声响起,幕布缓缓拉开,居于舞台背景中央上方的屏幕上播放着时钟特写的画面,秒针正伴随着钟表声走动。当幕布全拉开时,钟表声淡出。教室纵切面的布景呈现在观众眼前,Miss Darbus站在位于布景左侧的讲台旁,学生们分别坐在自己的桌椅上。第一排从台前

4、向台后分别是:Kelsi、Troy、Martha,Chad坐在Troy的后面,Martha后面依次是Sharpay、Ryan、Gabriella、Gabriella旁边是Taylor和Jason。】(Miss Darbus正在激情的向学生们讲述着)Miss Darbus: You must remember, young thespians, learning is never seasonal. so, do allow the shimmering. Lights of summer to refresh and illuminate your fertile young minds.(D

5、arbus小姐说道“summer”时情绪异常高涨,无精打采的学生们不由一醒神)Chad(对Troy):Whatt she talking about?Miss Darbus:The future greets you with its magic mirror,reflecting each golden moment,(已经坐不大住的Troy回头望向Gabriela,Gabriela对他无奈的笑了笑,Troy也一笑,回过头来望向Miss Darbus)each emboldened choice.Troy:(再次回头对Chad)Dude,Miss Darbus has snapped her

6、 cap.Chad: Dude,youre actually listening?Miss Darbus:Yes?Jason.(坐在最后一排的Jason举手)Jason:(极其认真投入的)So,What was your favorite summer memory, Miss Darbus?(所有同学都回头看Jason,听他说完,所有人都发出“啊“,面部表情无奈。)Miss Darbus:(兴奋地)Summers have passed fleetings since I was your age,but I remember each with poignant clarity.(钟表的走

7、动声再次响起,淡入)Chad:(拍拍前面的Troy,看着回头的Troy)Summer(看着视频中的时钟)Summer.(声音随着钟表声的节奏基本两拍一下)Martha:(声音加入进来)Summer,Summer.(Troy的目光转向Martha随后他又望向Kelsi)Kelsi:Summer.(随钟表声变成一拍一下)Gabriella:Summer.(Troy的目光转向Gabriella,又望向屏幕中的钟表)Sharpay:Summer.(用手指摆弄着头发,微笑着)All:Summer,Summer,Summer!(大家声音的律动越来越快,越来越密)Miss Darbus:A shland S

8、hakespeare Festival of 88 leaps fondly to mind .【钟表声越来越响,大家不禁两手握拳跟着钟表的节奏打着拍子,Summer声也到达顶峰。下课铃终于响起来。学生们欢呼着把各种试卷抛向天空,What time is it音乐响起。Chad兴奋的跑上讲台与Miss Darbus舞蹈一周,学生们都离开自己的课桌,唯有Jason抱头趴在课桌上。一部分学生们冲到舞台前集体舞蹈,另一部分学生下场换装。座位上只剩下Jason,Miss Darbus挨坐收着大家的作业本,走到Jason桌旁时,故意用书本拍击桌面的动作惊醒了无精打采爬在桌子上的Jason,Miss Da

9、rbus也跟随音乐舞动了起来。】 What time is it (舞蹈1)(舞蹈服装、队形1)Choir: what time is it? summertime! its our vacation what time is it? party time! t hats right,say it loud what time is it? the time of our lives! anticipation what time is it? summertime! schools out,scream and shout! Troy: finally summers here good t

10、o be chiilinout im off the clock,the pressures out now my girls what its all aboutGabriella: ready for some sunshine for my heart to take a chance im here to stay,not movinaway ready for a summer romance T & G: everybody ready,going crazy,yeah were out come on and let me hear you say it now,right no

11、w Choir: what time is it? summertime! its our vacation what time is it? party time! thats right,say it loud what time is it? the time of our lives! anticipation what time is it? summertime! schools out,scream and shout!(舞蹈服装、队形2) Sharpay: weve got no rules no summer school im free to shop till i dro

12、pRyan: its an education vacationS & R: and the party never has to stopSharpay: weve got things to do ill see you soonRyan: and were really gonna miss you allSharpay: ill see you and youRyan: and you and youS & R: bye bye until next fall everybody ready going crazy yeah were out come on and let me he

13、re you say it now right now Choir: what time is it? summertime! its our vacation what time is it? party time! thats right,say it loud what time is it? the time of our lives! anticipation what time is it? summertime! schools out, scream and shout!(舞蹈服装、队形3) T & G: no more wakinup at 6 am cause now ou

14、r time is all our ownS & R: enough already,were waiting come on lets go go out of control!(篮球服装舞蹈,道具篮球板) all right everybody yeah come on Choir: school pride lets show it the champions we know it wildcats,are the best red white and gold! when its time to win we do it were number one we proved it let

15、s live it up,party down! thats what the summers all about what time is it?Gabriella: summertime is finally hereChoir: lets celebrateGabriella: we wanna hear you loud and clear nowChoir: schools outTroy: we can sleep as late as we want toChoir: its party timeS & R: now we can do whatever we wanna do

16、what time is it ? its summertime! were loving it! come on and say it again now! what time is it? its party time! lets go and have! the time of our lives! Lets go!(铃声再次响,群舞队伍舞台造型欢呼。序幕落。)第 一 幕:集结,音乐季人 物:除L外的全体主要人物及舞蹈演员地点布景:音乐排演教室背景(可拆卸),场景旋转板,带台阶高台道 具:可粘贴背景图案,手花,彩带等【视频衔接:假期的校园搭配音乐,过度到第一幕场景,音乐教室。舞台上摆放着

17、钢琴、带台阶高台,排练用的桌椅等,灯光起。】Miss Darbus:Last year, the performance of our art troupe was really successful, especially the new entrant, Gabriella, who do contribute a lot. Of course, we should thank our head Troy and our core members Sharpay and Ryan. Sharpay:(做自我陶醉状)Thanks, thanks! (Ryan不好意思的附和动作,淅沥的掌声)M

18、iss Darbus:We ll have a special activity for our rehearsal of this summer. (故作玄虚的看看大家,学生交头接耳的议论声,Sharpay不屑的对着小镜子摆弄着自己的头发)That is(停顿)the world famous band-Wildcat will come to our school and have a talent show. (大家兴奋惊讶的尖叫,刚才没集中注意力听的S表现出尤其的惊讶与兴奋)And,The most outstanding four will have the chance to fi

19、nish the publishing and the recording of their next new album together!(语气隆重的)(Sharpay兴奋的晕倒-舞蹈动作侧倒被众扶住。Ryan赶快拿喷雾把她弄醒,Sharpay缓慢睁开眼睛)Miss Darbus:The talent show gonna start next weekend and the title is You are the music in me. You can organize a team and fix your presentation.Sharpay: Miss Darbys,(Sh

20、arpay举手打断Miss D的话走到台前) my brother and I decide to use our own professional team, ok?Ryan:(惊讶状小声的)What?Miss Darbus: Em, but you have so many classmates to play it together with you. And we still remember you have done an excellent job last time. Sharpay:But this time is quite different. This talent s

21、how is very important for me. I must make sure that its professional and successful.Miss Darbus:Well, ok, if you have to.Ryan:But Sister,I think well be fun if we all together(语气弱势被Sharpay打断)Sharpay:Ryan!(把他拽到身边小声、神秘状)Can you see our future? Can you see the glory?(面向观众,开始幻想般的)We can become a real Su

22、per Star through this talent show.(不屑的撇了眼身后)How can I have these mediocrities stand on the same stage with me! (自我陶醉的)You can imagine there will be lots of big bugs following me ! oh, my all, my dream!(此刻灯光拉掉,换追光,音乐起.)I want it all (舞 蹈2)Sharpay: Imagine having everything we ever dreamed,Dont you wa

23、nt it? (边唱边按节拍4步走向下台口,第5步定点造型)Ryan: Maybe Sharpay: Cant ya see it?Ryan: Kinda Sharpay: Imagine first audition after college I get the lead .(说着两人按节奏以共同的舞步从下台口往上台口方向走)Ryan: A part for me? Sharpay: Well, of course Ryan: Yeah, rightSharpay: You gotta believe it.Ryan: keep talkingSharpay: You and I, all

24、 the fame Ryan: Sharpay and whats his name Sharpay: Sound exciting? -Ryan: Inviting Sharpay: Lets do it then Ryan: Listening Sharpay: Personal stylist agent and a publicist 【此时幕布缓缓拉开,后面已经更换好的场景显示在观众们面前.有场景旋转面板还有贴画背景板-红色调,上面粘银色反光图案】Ryan: But where do I fit into this? Sharpay: With you, we can win Rya

25、n: Win the part? Sharpay: Think bigger (往台阶上踏一步)Ryan: Become superstars? Sharpay: Thats better (舞蹈演员迅速上台站位,背朝观众)Sharpay: Dont you see that bigger is better ,And better is bigger ,A little bit it is never enough No, no, no (说no的时候舞蹈演员做节奏性跟随动作摇晃食指)Choir: Dont you want it all? (这时所有舞蹈演员转过身面向观众)Sharpay:

26、 You want it ,You know that you want it The fame and the fortune and more Choir: You want it all Sharpay: You want it ,You know that you want it You gotta have your star on the door Choir: You want the world, nothing less All the glam and the press Only giving you the best reviews Sharpay: Say it! C

27、hoir: I want it all I want it I want it, want it My name in lights at Carnegie Hall I want it all Sharpay: Cant you see it? Ryan: Yeah. Sharpay: Theyre gonna love me Ryan: clears throat Sharpay: I mean us !Sharpay: Red carpet, rose bouquets Crowd waiting backstage Boy Choir: Im with her, dont stop m

28、e Im not the paparazzi Girl Choir:Invitations ,Standing ovations Ryan: Magazines Sharpay: Yes, please Choir: Gonna be celebrities Sharpay: Photographs, fan club Give the people what they love Sharpay: Now youre excited Ryan: I like it Sharpay: Lets do it then S&R: Times Square, jetsetter Sequels pay

29、 better ,New York today Tomorrow the world !Ryan: Sold out shows? Sharpay: Think bigger Ryan: And the Oscar goes to. Sharpay: Thats better S&R: Dont ya see that bigger is better and better is bigger .A little bit is never enough .No, no, no Choir: I want it all I want it, want it, want it The fame a

30、nd the fortune and more I want it all I want it, want it, want it I gotta have my star on the door I want the world Nothing less, all the glam and the press Only giving me the best reviews I want it all I want it, want it, want it Radio City Music Hall We want it all Ryan: Here in the spotlight we s

31、hine, look at who we are Sharpay: When Broadway knows your name You know that youre a star Ryan: Oh, dance ( R: Madison Square Garden! S:They love you. R: Thank you! Thank you all! )Choir: I want it l-l-I want it, want it I want it, I want it l-l-I want it all, yeah I want it l-l-I want it, want it

32、I want it, l-l-I want it - I want it all I gotta, ooh, I gotta I want to, I have to, I want to I want it, I want it I have to have it I want it, I have to Ryan: I want it all Choir: I want it, want it, want it The fame and the fortune and more -S&R: I want it all Choir: I want it, want it, want it I

33、 gotta have my star on the door I want the world, nothing less All the glam and the press Only giving me the best reviews I want it all (S:Paris, R: London, S:Rome, R: Toronto, L.A., S: Sydney, R: Buenos Aires S:Tokyo, R: Moscow, S: Bollywood )S&R: New York City !Choir: We want it. All Sharpay: Its

34、ours, Ryan. (头转向Ryan,说完又很有力度的转向观众)(第一幕落)第 二 幕:梦想的每一天人 物:T,G,K,W,M地点布景:校园蓝天,黑色星光布景道 具:彩色纸屑,连椅,路灯(木板)、诗歌纸张等【视频衔接:各人物排练花絮,节目准备片段;舞台上摆有绿色连椅、路灯等。节奏型音乐引入,随视频淡出,灯光起。Gabriella坐在台上沉思,略带忧伤(面光)。舞台后方高台上,背景人物46名视舞台宽度而定随音乐律动做着各自的练习动作。(芭蕾,台词朗诵,太空步,双截棍)(面光不给到,只看到人影)。男主角走进场景,对话起(背景人物动作停止,造型)】Troy: Hi,Gabriella,Hows

35、your show going?Gabriella: (抬头看到Troy,不好意思的笑了下) Nothing newTroy: I remember that WILD CAT is always your favorite band. You have all their albums. And you like singing so much!Gabriella: Yes, but you know, I was just a follower. When I have the chance to get close to them, I just feel that, I am so h

36、umble and not confident. (摆弄着自己的衣角)Troy: You must believe yourself! Last time when we have the recruitment, I heard your singing and I just feel that you are born to sing! (真诚的)Gabriella:You also have done a very good job! We all applaud for you. And it seems that everyone was moved by your song. We

37、ll, Troy, do you want to be a professional singer in the future? Troy: Em, I have never thought about it,my father want me to be a basketball player.I think, singing, for me, is a way to express myself. I just want to use my voice to make everyone strong, to keep the faith. (这时Chad,Kelsi,Mary从上场口走上台

38、来)C&kK&M:Hi, Troy; Hi,Gabriella.(大家靠近坐下)Chad:(问Troy)How is your show,Troy?Troy: (撇了下嘴耸耸肩)Havent got it. Yours?Mary:You kown ,I want show my dance,but my parents said that i am too fat for dancing.(左右看看大家的反应)Chad: obviously, I am not suitable for singing. But I decide to recite a poem, you know, it i

39、s very manly. (说这从裤兜里掏出张皱皱巴巴的纸用美声的感觉念到)“To be or not to be, that is a question!”(大家被Chad的乐观和直白逗笑)Gabriella:(咯咯笑着说)You,Chad,youll be a poemer one day.I am seriour.Chad: Yes,my honer my dream.(依然诗人语气般)Troy:What is your dream, Kelsi?Kelsi:(小声腼腆的)if it could be, I hope one day someone could hear my crea

40、tion.Gabriella: Wah,Thats amazing!(赞扬的,崇拜的)Chad: (突发奇想的)I have just got an idea! Since we can not decide what to show, wed better to form a team to take part in the show, all right?Troy:That is wonderful! (点头表示同意)Kelsi:Can we? You know, Sharpay and Ryan have the professional team and they have the g

41、ranted talent. We will be humbled.(很没有自信的)Troy:Thats no importance! If we can be together to sing out our feeling, our dream, it is meaningful. I always believe it!音乐起:Everyday (舞 蹈3)Troy: once in a lifetimemeans theres no second chanceso i believe that you and meshould grab it while we canGabriella

42、: make it last forever and never give it backTroy: its our turn and im loving where were atChoir: because this moments really all we haveTroy: everyday,of our livesGabriella: wanna find you therewanna hold on tightTroy: gonna runChoir: while were youngand keep the faithTroy: everydayChoir: from righ

43、t nowgonna use our voices and scream out loudGabriella: take my handTroy: together we will celebratecelebrateChoir: oh,everyday(背景人物变鲜活走进舞台,全场灯光起。变换队形,全场舞蹈起)Gabriella: they say that you should followTroy: and chase down what you dreamGabriella:but if you get lost and lose yourselfTroy: what does is

44、really mean?Gabriella:no matter where were goingTroy: it starts from where we areChoir: theres more to life when we listen to our hearts and because of you ive got the strength to start yeah,yeah,yeah! everyday,of our lives wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while were young and keep

45、 the faith everyday from right now gonna use our voices and scream out loud take my hand together we will celebrate oh,everydayTroy: were taking it back were doing it heretogether!Gabriella:its better like that and stronger now than ever!Choir: were not gonna lose cause we get to choose thats how it

46、s gonna be!Troy: everyday of our livesGabriella:wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while were youngChoir: and keep the faith keep the faith! everyday,of our lives wanna find you there wanna hold on tight gonna run while were young and keep the faith everyday from right now gonna use

47、our voices and scream out loud take my hand together we will celebrate everyday!音乐结束,舞台落彩色纸片,造型灯光拉下。(第二幕结束)第 三 幕:It is show time人 物:T,G,K,W,C,L,S,R地点布景:星光舞台,背景高台道 具:气质座椅,立麦,星棒,钢琴等【视频衔接: (新闻播报感觉)主持人播报:“今天下午2时著名国际组合WILD CAT的制作人将在校艺术团举办现场新秀选拔,这次海选推出的最终人物将跟随WILD CAT参与年终新专辑的录制并全球巡演,WILD CAT是连续5年走红国际乐坛的年轻

48、一代音乐组合,其中涌出了像Sara, Michael等一系列青年偶像”声音淡出,舞台灯光起。舞台最深处高台上评审席,后排光,一个贵族气质的单人沙发,大腕形象1名(右肘托腮,二郎腿)。上面悬挂色彩炫丽反光材质“评审席”字样。舞台光起,群舞造型,小段音乐表示上个节目尾声展现。】画外音:下面有请第7组“S&R”上台表演。【音乐起,You are the music in me舞曲版。S和R步入舞台。群舞跟随。(电脑灯色彩闪烁)】You are the music in me舞曲版(舞 蹈4)Sharpay: 5,6,7,8na na na na na na na na you are the mus

49、ic in na na na na na na na na you are the music in are the music in you know the words once upon a time make you listen? theres a reason. when you dream theres a chance youll find a little laughter or happy ever afterChoir: yeah harmony to the melody its echoing inside my headSharpay: single voice (

50、single voice)Ryan: above the noiseSharpay: and like a common thread youre singing to me Ryan: when i hear my favorite song i know that we belong oh,you are the music in meSharpay: its living in all of us its brought us here because you are the music in me na na na na(ohh) na na na na na na na you ar

51、e the music in na na na na(ohh) na na na na na na na you are the music in ,music in Ryan: when i hear my favorite song i know that we belong oh,you are the music in meSharpay: its living in all of us its brought us here because you are the music in me me me me me na na na you are the music in na na

52、na na(ohh) na na na na na na na you are the music in me.【表演获得大片掌声。Sharpay高调表现回应观众。屏幕画外音播报分数98分】画外音感谢S&R的精彩演出,下面让我们请上第8组也是最后一组的T&G。(追光起,舞台左方T,G,W,K,M)Chad: Its our turn! Come on! Fighting!Mary: Can we make it?Gabriella:I am just a little bit nervous.Kelsi: I am too nervous, I cant move!Troy: Calm dow

53、n, guys! Dont be nervous! Lets sing out our dream as usual. And that is success!【大家伸出手背叠放在一起。追光关,群舞队伍速度上造型。(舞蹈风格:柔美)音乐起,You are the music in me柔情版。灯光起,Troy和Gabriella随solo歌声上场,Kelsi演奏钢琴.(舞台气氛:干冰,舞台旋转灯,节奏色彩灯)】You are the music in me柔情版(舞 蹈5)Gabriella: na na na na na na na na yeah you are the music in

54、me you know the words once upon a time make you listen? theres a reason. when you dream theres a chance youll find a little laughter or happy ever afterChoir: yeah harmony to the melody its echoing inside my head single voice (single voice) above the noise and like a common thread hmm,youre pulling

55、me(节奏元素进入的时候Mary和Chad以领舞形式上场)Gabriella: when i hear my favorite song i know that we belongTroy: oh,you are the music in me yeah its living in all of us Gabriella: its brought us here becauseChoir: because you are the music in me na na na na(ohh) na na na na na yeah yeah yeah you are the music in meG

56、abriella: like i knew you before we met (before we met) cant explain it (ohh ohh) theres no name for it (no name for it)Choir: im saying words i never saidTroy: and it was easy (so easy) just you see the real me (i see)Choir: as i am you understand and thats more than ive ever knownGabriella: to hea

57、r your voice (hear your voice) above the noise (ohh ohh) and no,im not alone oh youre singing to me (ohh yeah)Choir: when i hear my favorite song i know that we belong (yeah ohh) you are the music in me its living in all of us and its brought us here because you are the music in me together were gon

58、na sing (yeah) we got the power to sing what we feel (what we feel) connected and real cant keep it all inside (ohh)(全场舞蹈演员转变成统一动作衬景,拍手或挥手) na na na na (ohh yeah) na na na na (ohh yeah) na na na na you are the music in me (in me) na na na na (ohh yeah) na na na na (ohh yeah) na na na na you are the

59、music in me when i hear my favorite song (favorite song) i know that we belong (we belong) you are the music in me yeah its living in all of us its brought us here because (here because) you are the music in me na na na na (ohh yeah) na na na na (ohh yeah) na na na na you are the music in me (yeah)【

60、舞蹈结束,背景高台上,一直坐着的评审站立鼓掌。台下欢呼声】画外音:Impressive,the final mark is 98。【大家欢呼,并开心拥抱。高台上的评审走上舞台。】Kip Lee:Congratulations, you are the winner. I will inform you that the next meeting time.(说着分别和大家握手,尤其到了Troy关注的拍了他肩旁两下)【Sharpay、Ryan也从舞台后方走上台前,R与Troy、Gabriella互相祝贺握手。Sharpay依然表现着高傲和不睬。】Kip Lee:The same to you,S


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