已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、瓣Univers伴ity背 of 斑Wales英国威尔士大学背BACHELO败R OF AR昂TS IN B靶USINESS百 ADMINI稗STRATIO邦N (Hons疤.)版工商管理文学学八士(荣誉)学位隘课程Year 1第一学年 扳Module 翱Code B2暗科目代码: B敖2瓣Economi伴cs经济学叭Septemb阿er 200拔92009年9月坝Assignm办ent Mar瓣king Sc拔heme作业评分标准作业题目:郑州市住房价格走势分析 The Analysis on Zhengzhous Housing Price TrendsDate Issued: Septe

2、mber,25-30,2010布置日期: 2010年9月25-30日 Submission Date: December,20,2010递交日期: 2010年12月20日(Value: 50% of Total Module Assessment)背背景:扮随着社会经济的疤发展、城市规模胺的扩大,郑州市般住房价格逐渐提袄高。作为当代大安学生,理所当然板应该对房地产市唉场有所了解,并把具备一定的分析靶能力。作业要求邦在大量市场调查把的基础上,运用柏所学的微观经济捌学和宏观经济学爱原理,对目前郑靶州市房地产价格肮的影响因素进行皑分析,然后根据蔼房地产价格的这笆些影响因素对郑颁州市住房价格将凹来的走

3、势进行预般测,为个人和企捌业进行房地产投稗资提出合理化的奥建议。把Assignm凹ent傲 绊Task安:作业任务:皑1败调查郑州市住房吧供给与需求的基胺本情况,包括房拜地产开发商供给阿商品房的影响因昂素、居民个人购霸买住房的制约因伴素等。颁(500-扳1000胺 艾字阿)皑注意:进行郑州颁市房地产供给与办需求状况调查时扮,可以数位学生埃结成小组共同进办行,实现资源共安享,节约个人投懊入时间。绊2.爸根据调查结果,艾对开发商开发商案品房的主要影响板因素进行分析,澳对居民购买住房胺的主要制约因素鞍进行评价。(1瓣500-200阿0字,可运用图傲表)白注意:要对每一矮种影响房地产价斑格的主要因素进

4、奥行详尽的分析,盎从而实现对房地碍产市场有较深入背的了解。暗3.拜 澳根据房地产价格澳的影响因素对郑笆州市住房价格将盎来的走势进行预蔼测,为个人和企芭业进行房地产投般资提出合理化的败建议。(600绊-1000字)伴注意:选择的方败案切合实际,具袄有较强可操作性吧,真正做到学以瓣致用。半你必须在作业上拜交前三周提交一疤份500字左右把的提纲,简要介把绍作业的主要内百容。该提纲占作芭业总分的10%鞍。提纲交给任课耙教师后,你应安霸排时间和其简短拌讨论你的提纲。暗迟交会被视为零摆分。扮Guidanc爱e Notes班 for St癌udents:背写给学生的指导氨注解:拌Word Le办ngth:按

5、 3,500癌 words般长度:爸3靶,500字哀Format绊:凹Write i叭n a bus败iness r斑eport s叭tyle. 般The rep矮ort sho案uld inc拜lude th唉e main 扒3 parts版 listed碍 in t靶he Task俺 sectio俺n, plus巴 a tabl碍e of co安ntents 挨and cov皑er page啊.肮格式:敖作业应以商业报稗告的形式来撰写爸。报告内容应包霸括三部分(已列袄在任务部分),肮并附上目录和封埃面。班The mai扳n body 巴of your跋 work s爱hould b般e t

6、yped隘 in Ari办al 10 p蔼oint, d霸ouble s盎paced. 伴 All qu搬otation袄s (exte蔼nded or蔼 otherw搬ise) ar安e to be艾 enclos傲ed in d胺ouble q坝uo叭tation 百marks a笆nd type邦d in it澳alic (s袄uch as:爸 “熬economi鞍c polic斑ies邦”).斑作业的主体为昂Arial 1般0斑号字(注:中文安为宋体小四号字班),双倍行距。哎所有引用(不论懊篇幅大小)需用芭双引号括起来,伴斜体(如:拔“岸经济政策叭”拔)。安Content佰:罢When

7、 id埃entifyi搬ng key 澳models,哀 concep般ts and 碍theorie啊s you s败hould i背llustra爸te your巴 answer碍 with a斑t least搬 八2柏 refere啊nces 凹from ap爸propria霸te lite扮rature 霸sources板. You s拌hould i百nclude 般any imp爸ortant 碍models 半with an搬 explan靶ation o安f their百 signif按icance.八 Appro芭priate 哎literat叭ure sou办rces in

8、罢clude t巴extbook扳s and a爱cademic爱 journa耙ls.拌内容:半在指出关键的模笆式、概念和理论肮时,你需要从适百合的资料中作至哀少2处参考来论扒证你的答案。提爱出任何重要的模坝式时都需要解释岸其重要性。合适背的资料包括教科澳书和学术期刊。鞍You sho氨uld 肮not cut扮 and pa哀ste 靶complet按e secti隘ons fro皑m websi搬tes, ev芭en if p敖roperly颁 refere哀nced an肮d attri坝buted. 扮 As a r奥ough gu啊ide, yo拌ur repo芭rt shou伴l

9、d be a安t least把 90% yo哎ur own 芭words t耙houghts背 and or吧ganizat碍ion隘 (搬refers 瓣to Harv霸ard Ref疤erence 芭which a摆t the e瓣nd of t敖he docu扒ment靶)邦.百不能拌从网站上直接暗剪截粘贴按完整的段落,即澳使标注了参考书扒目和注释序号。罢大体来说,你的扒报告的至少皑90%爱是自己原创的语笆言、思想及组织巴。癌Plagiar耙ism: 靶Your wo霸rk may 昂include耙 refere岸nce to 柏appropr跋iate li皑teratur板e, w

10、ebs奥ites an摆d corpo昂ration 懊promoti百onal ma扳terial.办 Any li败teratur摆e shoul哎d be co安rrectly颁 attrib艾uted蔼 and re八ference霸d using癌 the Ha皑rvard R巴eferenc癌ing Sys靶tem. A 耙guide t扳o using邦 Harvar傲d Refer盎encing 扳is atta翱ched. I拌f you a百re usin阿g direc肮t quota爱tions f翱rom any埃 source败 the qu盎otation哎 sh

11、ould熬 be in 凹inverte巴d comma班s (“ “)捌 and ty碍ped in 皑italic,埃 attrib瓣uting t捌he sour柏ce in y笆our wor背k. 奥抄袭:艾你的作业可能会背包括对适合的文办献、网站和公司皑广告宣传资料的肮参考。任何文献俺都应使用哈佛参伴考体系正确标明氨注释序号和参考爸书目。哈佛参考半使用指示请见附胺件。如果你从资斑料中作直接引用澳,引用部分应加鞍有引号,斜体,般标明注释序号和昂参考书目。稗Plagiar耙ism is 吧a 吧very se霸rious o扒ffence.奥 埃Any ass叭ignment疤 not

12、 co版rrectly摆 attrib癌uted an俺d refer疤enced w芭ill 安fail埃 and th般e stude翱nt resp绊onsible阿 will b佰e su鞍bjected皑 to an 霸Unfair 绊Practic耙e Enqui啊ry.懊抄袭是一种澳十分严重的违法坝行为安。没有正确标明芭注释序号和参考霸书目的作业都会邦被判坝不及格扮,扒学生将承担由不胺正当表现委员会败质询的责任叭。癌Marking拌 Criter扳ia:评分标准:跋1癌st安 class 背Hons: 哀work in白 this c澳ategory背 should霸 鞍一级荣誉

13、:邦这类作业的要求瓣是疤Evidenc巴e wide 坝and app芭ropriat按e readi蔼ng beyo白nd the 跋standar啊d text 捌book拔在普通教科书以巴外,能从广泛、搬适合的阅读中提盎取证明爱Correct笆ly iden叭tify an白d expla半in the 哎appropr笆iate mo背dels, c翱oncepts笆 and th鞍eories 唉related癌 to the按 touris叭m indus坝try.罢正确指出并解释绊适合的模式、概扮念和理论板Demonst百rate a 凹clear u吧ndersta蔼nding

14、 o耙f basic罢 micro 癌and mac八ro econ岸omic is敖sues as隘 they r盎elate t半o the 坝real 芭estate 隘price斑.啊证明能够清楚地哀理解与罢房地产价格稗相关的基本的微板、宏观经济学问扒题翱Critica癌lly eva绊luate t疤he key 爱issues 坝in the 唉tasks.熬批判性评价事件霸的主要问题艾Demonst隘rates t搬he abil奥ity to 颁relate 扮appropr颁iate mo暗dels, c般oncepts版 and th拜eories 案to the 板spe

15、cifi隘c conte袄xt and 稗situati碍on皑证明能够将适合傲的模式、概念和案理论与具体情况班相联系捌Provide案 c澳reative艾 and pr碍actical袄 insigh坝ts into碍 the pr肮oblems 拔and how澳 they m皑ight be蔼 resolv扮ed爱对问题及其解决蔼方法有创造性、凹实际的洞察力肮Fulfill搬 the br熬ief (i.敖e., do 安what yo氨u were 癌asked) 俺in term傲s of wo半rd coun背t, task摆, forma拔t and c颁ontent罢在任务、

16、格式和岸内容方面都能完岸成大纲要求(即按:完成所布置的皑作业)癌Be corr懊ectly r俺eferenc靶ed u背sing th案e Harva摆rd Stan肮dard澳使用哈佛标准正柏确标明参考书目白2:1 cla摆ss Hons半: 邦work in唉 this c捌ategory办 should巴 百二级上荣誉:办这类作业的要求癌是哎Evidenc颁e appro跋priate 岸reading班 beyond哀 the st熬andard 凹text bo颁ok白 在普通教氨科书以外,能从阿适合的阅读中提氨取证明暗Correct坝ly iden霸tify an八d expla

17、案in the 叭appropr败iate mo蔼dels, c拔oncepts巴 and 懊theorie搬s扳 正确指出肮并解释适合的模扮式、概念和理论斑Demonst佰rate a八n 按underst坝anding 暗of basi颁c micro绊 and ma班cro eco拌nomic i伴ssues a熬s they 澳relate 办to the 昂real es碍tate pr疤ice敖.敖 巴证明能够理解与艾房地产价格翱相关的基本的微疤、宏观经济学问按题白Evaluat昂e the k傲ey issu澳es in t敖he case搬 评价事件摆的主要问题坝Demonst

18、稗rates t昂he abil爸ity to 坝relate 哎s敖ome mod佰els, co扮ncepts 板and the霸ories t柏o a spe扒cific c败ontext 绊and sit伴uation皑 证明能够傲将一些模式、概扮念和理论与具体挨情况相联系鞍Provide白 accura矮te and 八practic板al insi斑ghts in邦to the 氨problem邦s and h胺ow they哎 might 皑be reso吧lved皑 对问题及啊其解决方法有准扮确、实际的洞察哀力班Fulfill拔 the br按ief (i.芭e., do 佰w

19、hat yo扒u were 扮asked哎) in te颁rms of 爸task, f跋ormat a半nd cont拜ent肮 在任务、耙格式和内容方面胺都能完成大纲要奥求(即:完成所敖布置的作业)阿Be corr唉ectly r罢eferenc扒ed usin吧g the H捌arvard 伴Standar搬d熬 使用哈佛安标准正确标明参鞍考书目搬2:2 cla半ss Hons胺: 疤work in稗 this c懊ategory靶 should澳 挨二级下荣誉:罢这类作业的要求奥是袄Evidenc柏e some 隘related哎 readin安g beyon佰d the s佰tand

20、ard俺 t班ext boo碍k皑 在普通教唉科书以外,能从稗适合的阅读中提巴取证明板Correct案ly iden癌tify an罢d expla板in some般 approp靶riate m瓣odels, 芭concept暗s and t耙heories哀 正确指出暗并解释一些适合班的模式、概念和搬理论爸Demonst敖rate an扳 unders扮tanding绊 of mos笆t basic啊 micro 办and mac颁ro econ瓣omi佰c issue岸s as th爸ey rela败te to t拜he 坝real es氨tate pr芭ice扒.搬证明能够理解与扮房地

21、产价格捌相关的大部分微埃、宏观经济学问瓣题伴Evaluat版e or id半entify 白the key叭 issues隘 in the搬 case癌 评价或指班出事件的主要问傲题矮Demonst艾rates t颁he abil版ity to 败relate 背some mo摆dels, c邦oncepts办 and th凹eories 案to a sp矮ecific 凹context半 and si安tuation蔼 证明能够芭将一些模式、概挨念和理论与具体袄情况相联系懊Identif阿y and d板escribe盎 the ma邦in aspe按cts of 跋the pro扳blem

22、s a翱nd how 巴they mi啊ght be 挨resolve盎d案指出并描述问题拌的主要方面及其碍解决方法敖Fulfill盎 the br半ief (i.唉e., do 扮what yo败u were 挨asked) 绊in term盎s of ta哎sk, for白mat and八 conten埃t案 在任务、澳格式和内容方面扳都能完成大纲要八求(即:完成所巴布置的作业)皑Be corr百ectly r肮eferenc绊ed usin翱g the H氨arvard 哎Standar捌d板 使用哈佛坝标准正确标明参绊考书目袄3凹rd板 class 癌Hons: 般work in办 t

23、his c摆ategory肮 should邦 背三级荣誉:敖这类作业的要求稗是斑Identif奥y some 扮appropr暗iate mo版dels, c肮oncepts罢 and th暗eories艾 指出一些巴适合的模式、概埃念和理论捌Demonst爸rate a 澳basic u吧ndersta熬nding o安f most 拜basic m伴icro an扮d macro傲 econom啊ic issu按es as t凹hey rel翱ate to 拔the 坝real es哀tate pr般ice白.霸证明能够基本理百解与办房地产价格哎相关的癌部分吧微、宏观经济学哎问题扳Iden

24、tif颁y some 疤key iss鞍ues in 澳the cas奥e爱指出事件的主要奥问题敖Identif笆y some 哎of the 绊problem胺s and h芭ow they败 might 癌be reso挨lved败 指出一些敖问题及其解决方跋法伴Fulfill矮 the br斑ief (i.拔e., do 耙what yo叭u were 巴asked) 癌in term绊s of ta熬sk, for版mat and罢 conten疤t澳 在任务、哎格式和内容方面扮都能完成大纲要绊求(即:完成所瓣布置的作业)邦Be corr拜ectly r岸eferenc爱ed usin

25、跋g the H扒arvard 哎Standar疤d背 使用哈佛吧标准正确标明参袄考书目跋Failure芭: 败work wh邦ich :皑不及格:绊作业情况背Does no敖t fulfi疤ll the 耙brief (肮i.e., d捌o what 八you wer伴e asked岸) in te佰rms of 拔task, f搬ormat a拔nd cont败ent肮未能在任务、格埃式和内容方面都拌能完成大纲要求捌(即:完成所布爱置的作业)昂Is 搬incorre坝ctly at吧tribute哎d and/o百r refer背enced o把r does 靶not use叭 the H

26、a绊rvard S暗tandard安未能正确标明注扳释序号/或参考半书目,或没有使八用哈佛标准颁Is susp吧ected t搬o conta吧in plag埃iarism 懊of any 艾kind (t绊he fina柏l resul哎t will 拔be subj斑ect to 搬an Unfa版ir Prac俺tice In肮quiry)暗被怀疑涉及任何矮方式的抄袭(最百终成绩将由不正胺当表现调查会判奥定)皑Contain邦s less 霸than 95扮% origi傲nal stu安dent wo阿rk (mea跋sured b氨y word 绊count)安学生作业中的原阿创部分

27、少于按95%颁(由稗word笆文档进行字数统靶计)巴Is writ斑ten in 胺poor En埃glish (盎this me绊ans tha柏t the e俺xternal按/intern拌al exam办iners c矮annot u白ndersta八nd the 爸assignm疤ent suf捌ficient坝ly well斑 to pro拌perly a白ssess i笆t)挨中文书面表达能邦力差(即外部/哎内部检察官不能碍充分理解作业,碍无法进行评估)柏If you 拜DO NOT 百DO ALL 爸THESE M凹INIMUM 挨THINGS 摆then yo盎u 芭will

28、安 埃fail拜, regar氨dless o般f how g岸ood the绊 rest o摆f your 吧work is般.氨如果你不理会这笆些细节要求,你搬的作业搬将被判为不及格敖,无论作业的其般他方面有多优秀哀。笆Failure办: 懊work wh摆ich佰不及格:败作业情况柏Does no蔼t ident板ify any摆 approp搬riate m碍odels, 百concept奥s and t霸heories扒未能指出任何适氨合的模式、概念扒和理论澳Does no扮t ident懊ify any按 key is案sues in背 the ca叭se凹未能指出事件的翱主要问题

29、搬Does no拜t ident癌ify any哎 of th澳e probl拌ems and白 how th捌ey migh氨t be re拌solved芭未能指出任何问叭题及其解决方法敖Such wo熬rk 跋might扮 fail背, depen颁ding on隘 the ju盎dgment 肮of the 白examine摆r.伴上述作业笆可能不及格昂,由盎主考官碍判定。佰Harvard翱 Refere敖nce Sys唉tem: Br哎ief Int背roducti扒on.瓣In the 啊Harvard搬 Refere胺nce sys拌tem, th捌ere are俺 two pa氨

30、rts:芭“attrib埃utions”暗, which伴 are co背ntained肮 in the拜 main b阿ody of 柏your te罢xt,奥“refere败nces”, 稗which a耙re note艾s in th瓣e Refer跋ence Se敖ction (昂after t颁he main笆 body o拜f the t叭ext).半Both ar凹e neede皑d.八The “at矮tributi八on” is 靶used wh案en you 稗are wri办ting yo拜ur repo颁rt as a肮 quick 鞍way to 板show th版e

31、reade坝r that 白the ide翱as they斑 are re背ading a啊bout ca袄n be re澳ad abou半t in mo坝re deta碍il some坝where e白lse. Th白e idea 芭is that鞍 the at癌tributi盎on is s澳mall an坝d shoul案d not i唉nterfer哎e with 鞍their r矮eading:懊 it is 澳an aid 板to the 办reader.隘 If th败e reade阿r does 般wish to艾 explor袄e some 爱idea fu稗rther (

32、胺or unde隘rstand 傲the bac凹kground耙 of som靶e idea 隘you hav佰e menti摆oned), 摆then th俺ey can 搬go to t摆he “ref挨erence”哎 sectio安n of yo百ur work阿 and ca挨n easil板y find 碍the act哀ual “re隘ference傲” by se败arching哀 for it疤 in the搬 Refere扮nce Sec敖tion. 傲Each of伴 the re岸ference伴s in th碍is sect翱ion giv罢es deta敖iled

33、 in昂formati癌on abou伴t the s敖ource w安hich th耙e reade板r shoul把d go to埃. The 摆informa巴tion gi伴ven wil氨l allow巴 the us昂er to i澳dentify白 exactl澳y which拔 book/m哀agazine柏/journa办l/etc. 百they sh皑ould re皑ad. 伴However蔼, in ad啊dition 叭to simp袄ly bein背g a con摆venienc案e for t袄he read拜er, all翱 refere扳nce sys靶tems

34、 ar按e inten爱ded to 唉support搬 the id鞍ea of “碍intelle瓣ctual h搬onesty”百 and “i瓣ntellec拌tual de癌bate”. 拜 Most p摆eoples暗 ideas 颁are bui盎lt on t扒op of o岸ther pe把oples 鞍ideas, 盎and it 罢is impo傲rtant t瓣o see t绊he chai班n of th把inking 艾in orde挨r to do柏 any pr蔼oper an傲alysis 吧of them耙. You 挨can be 袄sure th拌at

35、some吧 new id奥ea that暗 is per埃suasive按 and “h稗ot” tod奥ay is d奥iscover敖ed to b班e dead 盎wrong t懊omorrow澳; and i芭n this 叭case it按s almo癌st alwa板ys bett氨er to n芭ote whe百re the 百idea ca拔me from隘, and n颁ot clai绊m it as柏 your o盎wn.碍Referen坝ce Sect扳ion皑You can扒 easily凹 find a蔼 refere稗nce in 霸the Har白vard Sy昂

36、stems b昂ecause 拜it requ安ires yo案u to or败ganize 扮your Re稗ference八 Sectio巴n as fo阿llows:巴Alphabe瓣tically摆, by au版thours稗 family靶 name.爱If you 八have se般veral r凹eferenc翱es from笆 people按 with t隘he same背 name, 胺then fo背r this 班group o搬f refer扮ences y靶ou sort熬 them a佰s follo八ws:把Numeric盎ally, b埃y date 绊of

37、publ唉ication背.耙Individ罢ual Ref翱erence懊Each ty败pe of r邦esource鞍 (e.g.,俺 book, 安journal败 articl袄e, webs叭ite, ma跋gazine 颁article摆, etc.)百 which 按you ref败er your佰 reader癌 to loo扳k at re板quires 靶you to 罢write d袄own a d盎ifferen笆t set o办f infor昂mation 白so that翱 your r碍eader c按an be g邦uarante耙ed to b案e able

38、 岸to find颁 that r俺esource搬. 疤The gen挨eral fo般rmat of般 a 芭journal鞍 articl艾e八 refere把nce is 版shown b摆elow:巴Smith, 疤J. (199把9) “How扒 to suc哀ceed!” 吧Journal扳 of Ent吧reprene阿urs爸, 1(2),耙 p. 34-坝56哎Author啊s surna胺me and 拜initial敖s are l扳isted f澳irst, f袄ollowed艾 by yea般r of pu昂blicati爱on in b搬rackets岸. The

39、n 拌there i爸s the t袄itle of柏 articl摆e and j百ournal 版where a半rticle 肮appears白, which板 is und傲erlined案 or in 八italics办. Final胺ly, sta暗te the 百volume 瓣and iss绊ue Numb跋er (in 八bracket败s) alon哀g with 捌the pag坝es wher败e artic佰le can 袄be loca稗ted.鞍The gen隘eral fo八rmat of巴 a 疤book暗 refere肮nce is 佰shown b霸elo

40、w:癌Bohland挨er, G. 芭(2003),皑 and Sn巴ell, S.艾, “傲Managin翱g Human拜 Resour艾ces, 13肮th坝 Ed.哀”, 白Dongbei稗 拌Univers挨ity颁 of Fin澳ance an芭d Econo板mics Pr白ess.捌First a拔uthors艾 surnam摆e and i澳nitials背 are li傲sted fi颁rst, fo瓣llowed 邦by year叭 of pub佰licatio熬n in br氨ackets.哀 After 跋this co伴mes the袄 second八 author

41、白 (if th熬ere is 澳one). 扒Then th耙ere is 哀the tit敖le of t蔼he book颁 in ita懊lics. F傲inally,绊 state 安the pub扮lisher 案of the 袄book.柏For fur阿ther in澳formati埃on, inc瓣luding 胺instruc笆tions o俺n how t岸o cite 办website扳s凹, pleas叭e acces哀s the f坝ollowin疤g websi爱te: HYPERLINK /busienss.htm 伴http:/隘www.hau埃.c芭n/bus

42、ie疤nss.htm氨which a邦ddresse拌s frequ捌ently a敖sked qu伴estions蔼 in rel澳ation t跋o the H扒arvard 背referen摆cing sy艾stem.拌Attribu矮tion矮In your翱 text, 癌you ref肮er to a扳 resour半ce (suc翱h as a 哎book or板 articl凹e) only般 throug翱h the p败rimary 啊author皑s surna拌me, and傲 the da按te of p胺ublicat八ion. T爸his mat爱ches on败e entry邦 (办i.e.搬, havin背g the s白ame Sur绊name an吧d Date 癌of Publ按ication按) in yo俺ur Refe奥rence S昂ection.斑For exa安mple,扒a rece拜nt arti扒cle


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