2022高考总复习英语配人教版(老高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第一册选择性必修第一册 UNIT 2 语言运用题组-求精准_第1页
2022高考总复习英语配人教版(老高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第一册选择性必修第一册 UNIT 2 语言运用题组-求精准_第2页
2022高考总复习英语配人教版(老高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第一册选择性必修第一册 UNIT 2 语言运用题组-求精准_第3页
2022高考总复习英语配人教版(老高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第一册选择性必修第一册 UNIT 2 语言运用题组-求精准_第4页




1、选择性必修第一册UNIT 2语言运用题组求精准(25 mins).完形填空A video of a tearful young man bursting with joy,pride and gratitude during his high school graduation recently went popular.Dontrail Spencer was 1 holding his diploma and screaming out the names of his teachers and family members who had 2 him along the way.They

2、 had been encouraging him to keep his eyes on the 3 and to push through the 4 days.None of us can 5 life without encouragement6 from a parent,best friend,school teacher or spiritual leader.Their 7 keeps us going and believing in ourselves.When someone gives you encouragement,you are given the 8 to d

3、o something important.You are made 9.Even volunteers like myself 10 words of encouragement.Back in February,I was in my fifth week as a community volunteer during the pandemics (大流行病).I dont 11 meeting Grace,a lady who had been very 12 and in the hospital.But one morning I 13 an email from her:Thank

4、 you and all involved for keeping our community and life moving forward.It makes me sad that our 14 a relationship has been so limited.I enjoy your Wednesday chorus and 15 find you inspirational.Im 16 to be part of it.Love,Grace.A few days later I received a call that she had 17.Grace was nearing th

5、e end of her life,but she took time to encourage me.Every time I read her email,Im 18 by her words.When we encourage one anothereverybody 19.Be generous in your 20.We all need it.Some now more than ever.1.A.noticedB.monitoredC.filmedD.heard2.A.helpedB.trainedC.warnedD.informed3.A.gradesB.goalsC.achi

6、evementsD.interests4.A.strangeB.oldC.toughD.regular5.A.make use ofB.pay attention toC.give upD.get through6.A.simplyB.especiallyC.completelyD.originally7.A.patienceB.attentionC.serviceD.support8.A.courageB.taskC.moneyD.advice9.A.healthierB.warmerC.smarterD.stronger10.A.prepareB.needC.conveyD.choose1

7、1.A.rememberB.succeedC.practiceD.appreciate12.A.hopelessB.ordinaryC.sickD.sensitive13.A.recordedB.expectedC.evaluatedD.received14.A.endingB.buildingC.controllingD.accepting15.A.directlyB.occasionallyC.trulyD.causally16.A.qualifiedB.suitableC.eagerD.grateful17.A.moved outB.woken upC.passed awayD.fall

8、en over18.A.inspiredB.botheredC.cheatedD.changed19.A.agreesB.winsC.cheersD.hesitates20.A.encouragementB.wealthC.sympathyD.time.语法填空Before the high-speed rail,it took around 34 hours to travel more than l,600 kilometers by train from Beijing to Lanzhou via Baotou.For railway fans,the trip was,and sti

9、ll is,really 1. treat.After 2. (leave) at night from Beijing,you wake up the next morning to be greeted by the sight of the plains of Inner Mongolia.In the distance,to the north you see low mountains,and to the south,hills.The plains themselves are mostly empty,except for grass and periodically shee

10、p,or 3. (end) fields of wheat or sunflowers shining in all 4. (they) glory in the summer sun.Within the sleeper carriage,5. little else to do,people talk or play cards,and soon a small community 6. (develop) among the passengers.Near Baotou the Yellow River winds along the hills south of the rail li

11、ne.Its waters 7. (fill) with the characteristic silt (淤泥) that gives it its light brownish color.8. the sky grows dark once more,you return to your bed and go to sleep,to be awakened early the next morning 9. (happy) by the sight of a deep desert valley just outside Lanzhou.The train crosses the Yel

12、low River,bidding it goodbye,10. pulls into Lanzhou Station.选择性必修第一册UNIT 2 语言运用题组求精准.【语篇导读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过一则网上热传的毕业视频引出话题,印证了鼓励对于人生的重要意义。1.C解析 根据上文的“A video of a tearful young man bursting with joy,pride and gratitude.”可知,Dontrail Spencer拿着毕业证被拍了(filmed)视频。2.A解析 根据下文的“They had been encouraging him.”可

13、知,他的老师和家人一直在鼓励他。他们是曾经帮助过(helped) Dontrail Spencer的人。3.B解析 此处的“帮助”应该指他们鼓励Dontrail Spencer把注意力放在目标上(goals)。4.C解析 根据上文的“push through”可知,此处指努力度过艰难的(tough)日子。5.D解析 根据上文可知,正是来自老师和家人的鼓励,Dontrail Spencer度过了艰难的日子。这说明没有鼓励,我们谁也无法度过(get through)一生。6.B解析 由本处语境可知,此处指鼓励的具体特别的例子,具体指尤其是(especially)来自父母、最好的朋友、学校老师或精神

14、领袖的鼓励。7.D解析 他们的支持(support)使我们继续前进并相信自己。8.A解析 由上文语境可知,鼓励会带来支持,人就会有勇气(courage)去做一些重要的事情。9.D解析 人们得到了支持,就会变得比之前更强大(stronger)。10.B解析 根据下文语境可知,作者收到了一封来自她帮助过的女士的感谢邮件,作者受到了鼓励;这说明像作者这样的志愿者也需要(need)鼓励的话语。11.A解析 作者当社区志愿者,并不记得(remember)见过格蕾丝。12.C解析 根据下文的“in the hospital”可知,格蕾丝在医院,说明她病了(sick)。13.D解析 根据下文的“an ema

15、il from her”和“Every time I read her email”可知,作者收到了(received)格蕾丝的电子邮件。14.B解析 根据上文语境可知,作者在大流行病期间做社区志愿者时遇到了病患格蕾丝,所以此处指二人建立(building)关系。15.C解析 根据上文的“I enjoy your Wednesday chorus”和上文语境可知,格蕾丝写感谢邮件,说喜欢作者星期三的合唱,是发自内心地感谢作者帮助了她,真诚地(truly)觉得作者很鼓舞人心。16.D解析 格蕾丝发自内心地感谢作者帮助了她,她很感激(grateful)能参与其中。17.C解析 根据下文的“Grac

16、e was nearing the end of her life,but she took time to encourage me.”可知,格蕾丝是在生命即将结束时给作者写感谢邮件。由此可知,几天后,格蕾丝去世了(passed away)。18.A解析 根据上文的“she took time to encourage me”可知,格蕾丝花时间在邮件中鼓励作者,所以看到邮件,作者就会被格蕾丝的话所鼓励(inspired)。19.B解析 根据上文的“When we encourage one another”可知,鼓励是有好处的,因此我们互相鼓励时,人人都能获益(wins)。20.A解析 全文

17、都在讲鼓励的例子和作用,因此作者建议我们要慷慨地给予鼓励(encouragement)。.【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者坐火车从北京经过包头到兰州的旅行。1.a解析 考查冠词。treat“乐事”是可数名词,此处为单数,表示泛指概念,所以填a。2.leaving解析 考查非谓语动词。After为介词,后接动词时要用动词-ing形式。3.endless解析 考查形容词。根据句意以及空格后名词fields可知,此处应用end的反义形容词endless作定语。4.their解析 考查代词。根据空格后的名词glory可知,此处应用形容词性的物主代词作定语,故填their。5.with解析 考查介词。分析句子结构可知,此处为“with+名词+不定式结构”作状语。6.develops解析 考查动词时态。根据句意及上文“people talk or play cards”可知,此处应用一般现在时,主语a small community为第三人称单数,故填develops。7.are filled解析 考查动词的时态和语态。动词fil


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