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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 2 escape from;feel good about oneself;beg for;come to power;come back to.;set up;release.from.;show. around.;for the first time;be sentenced to. .短语填空1Since he_,the situation in the country has been greatly improved. 2The thief_five months in prison because of ste

2、aling things in the shop. 3The poor man had no money so he had to_food in the street. 4After he was_prison,he found a job and behaved well. 5The policeman caught the robber,who was trying to_the police car. 6Dont_;what you did is far from perfect. 7In 2022 I went to Beijing_. 8The visitors were_the

3、park by the guide. 9At the sight of the old photos my childhood_again. 10After many failures,he finally_his own company. 答案 1.came to power 2.was sentenced to 3.beg for 4.released from 5.escape from 6.feel good about yourself 7for the first time 8.shown around 9.came back to me 10.set up .单项填空1It ha

4、s been five years since he came to _.2022 莆田高一检测 Apower Bcontrol Cforce Dcharge 答案 A 考查名词; come to power 相当于 come into power 当权;上台;句意:他执政已经五年了; 2Pollution must _ protect the environment. Abe prevented from Bbe helped to Cbe stopped to Dbe supported to 答案C句意:必需阻挡污染来爱护环境;由句意可知应选C, to protect作目的状语; 3I

5、did not do well in the exam.How about you. I did _ you.Maybe even worse.2022 嘉兴高一检测 Anot better than Bno better than Cas well as Dnot worse than 答案 B 4He was _ to six years in prison because of a car accident. Amade Bcaused Csentenced Dkilled 答案C考查动词;句意:由于一场车祸,他被判处六年监禁;be sentenced to.“被判处 ” 为固定搭配;

6、5He was crossing the street when a car was driving fast towards him and he narrowly escaped _. Akilling Bbeing killed Cbe killed Dkill 答案 B 句意:他在横穿街道时, 一辆车快速向他开来, 他差点丧生; escape后可接 v.-ing 形式,又由于是 “被杀 ”,所以答案为 B; 6He is well _,so he can do well in this kind of job. Aamused Beducated Cdirected Dconcerne

7、d 答案 B 7We often see some poor people _ money in the market. Aask for Bask to Cbeg for Dbeg of 答案 C 句意:我们常常观察一些可怜的人在市场上讨钱;beg for“恳求,乞讨 ”; 8The brave man received a _ for saving the drowning溺水 man. Areward Bhonor Cpraise Dresult 答案 A reward“奖金 ”;B、C 两项为不行数名词, result“结果 ”;结合句意及名词用法可知 A 项正确; 9A monume

8、nt纪念碑 was _ in honor of the heroes who gave up their lives for the country.2022厦门高一检测 Cbuilt up Dturned up Agot up Bset up 答案B 10 These football players were not specially _ until they joined our club.2022 大庆高一检测 Aeducated Bexercised Cpracticed Dtrained 答案 D 句意:这些足球运动员直到加入我们俱乐部才得到特地训练;educate训练; exe

9、rcise锤炼; practice练习; train 训练; 11Safety in school has been of great concern关注 because of recent reports about accidents _ students got injured or killed at school. Afor which Bwhen Cwhich Din which 答案D 12Encouraged by his friends,Jack didnt _ and kept on trying it. Alose face Blose heart Ccome up Dc

10、heer up 答案 B 句意:受到伴侣们的勉励, 杰克没有丢失信心, 连续努力下去; lose face 丢脸; lose heart灰心,泄气,丢失信心; come up走近,发生,被提出;cheer up兴奋起来,使振作; 13This is the first time that he _ the Great Wall. Ahas visited Bvisited Chad visited Dwill visit 答案A 14The competition竞争 among them is fierce猛烈的 ,and everyone has a _ of losing jobs. A

11、terror Bfear Chope Dhelp 答案 A 句意:他们之间竞争猛烈, 每一个人都可怕失去工作; have a terror of doing sth 可怕做某事; 15_ my opinion,you shouldnt go there by yourself. AOn BTo CIn DAt 答案C句意:在我看来,你不应当独自去那里;in ones opinion 在某人看来; .完成句子 1He _恳请她的原谅 2I send him a book _报答他的帮忙 3He _被选为会长 of the club. 4He was asked to _给出他内心真实的看法 5N

12、o matter what you do,_千万不行泄气 6The school has _办了一个特殊班 to help poor readers. 7_第一次 they visited the Science Museum,they showed great interest in everything they saw. 8It was lucky that he _差一点被敌人抓住 答案 1.begged her for forgiveness 2.in reward for his help 3.was made president 6.set up a special class

13、7.The first 4.give his honest opinion 5never lose heart time 8.escaped being caught by the enemy .完形填空 Martin Luther King was born in Georgia in 1929.When he was _1_ a boy ,Dr. King learnt that his _2_,the black Americans,were _3_ treated differently from most of _4_ fellow Americans.Many could not

14、attend good schools,_5_ good jobs,or live in nice houses because of the colour of their _6_.Dr. King knew that in a free country this was _7_.He wanted to help his black brothers,_8_ he decided to go to school and become _9_ minister.He became a pastor牧师 in Montgomery ,Alabama.This is _10_ Martin Lu

15、ther Kings “ Peaceful Fightn. ” first begaDr. King worked _11_ equality in other cities.He knew that the _12_ way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful,_13_ in face of danger.Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his achievement and _14_.The whole nation _15_ the terrible eve

16、nt that _16_ on April 4,1968,in Memphis,Tennessee.Martin Luther King was _17_.The man who had preached non-violence非暴力的 died _18_. But Dr. Kings dream can never _19_.Many Americans are still _20_ to make that dream come true. 1A.already Bstill Csuch Dnot 答案 B 依据句意,用 still 表示 “仍,仍旧 ”之意; 2A.family Bfr

17、iends Cpeople Dcountry 答案 C 结合句意及选项可知选项 C 正确; 3A.seldom Bsometimes Csome time Doften 答案 D 依据全文得知黑人没有得到公平待遇,并且是“常常性 ”的; 4A.his Bits Cour Dtheir 答案 D 此处指黑人的同胞; 5A.get Blook for Close Dto do 答案 A 由于全句中有并列连词 or,应选项应与 live 和 attend 并列, get 在此表示 “得到”之意,符合句意; 6A.faces Bskin Cbodies Dclothes 答案 B 此处指皮肤的肤色;

18、7A.even worse Bbetter Cwrong Dreasonable 答案 C 依据上句的 a free country来看,这种做法明显是 “不对”的; 8A.as Bbecause Cso Dbut 答案 C so 表示 “因此 ”,上下文自然连接; 9A.the Bone Canother Da 答案 D a minister 在此表示职业,即 “牧师 ”; 10A.where Bwhy Cwhat Dwhether 答案 A where 在此引导表语从句; 11A.with Bin Cby Dfor 答案 D 表目的用介词 for; 12A.only Bother Cwro

19、ng Dsecond 答案 A 依据下文得知他认为这是唯独的方法; 13A.except Beven Cif Dalso 答案 B even 在此表示进一步说明,有让步之意; 14A.honour Bvictory Ccourage Dfailure 答案 B 依据句中前面部分中的 won 可以看出; 15A.discouraged Bsaw Cmourned Drebelled 答案 C mourn 是“为某事 哀痛 ”,依据后文的介绍可知答案; 16A.passed Bspread Chappened Dappeared 答案 C that 是关系代词,指前面的先行词 the terrib

20、le event,故 happened符合句意; 17A.defeated Bshot Ccaught Dstruck 答案 B shot 才能与后面的 died 相呼应; 18A.bravely Bviolently Cquietly Dsuddenly 答案 B violently 与 non-violence 形成对比, 说明 Martin Luther King 死于暴力; 19A.die Bbelieve Crealize Dfail 答案 A 依据后文得知 Kings dream永久不会 “消逝,熄灭 ”; 20A.wanted Bworking Cprepared Dstrugg

21、ling 答案 D 实现理想必定要 “奋斗、斗争、努力 ”,以达到最终目的; .依据下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的正确选项;选项中有两项为余外选项;When its hot,we put sunblock防晒霜 over our bodies and drink cool pops to refresh our bodies.But we often forget about our pets who,just like us, are sensitive to high temperatures. _1_It is difficult for us to know when

22、 the animal is in danger of overheating.So here are some tips to help you keep your dogs healthy during a very hot summer. First ensure that the dog hair is well groomed梳洗according to the season.For colder seasons,winter and fall,you can keep the coat long,but when sunner arrives,have you pet groome

23、d._2_ Provide a comfortable place for your pet to rest and sleep.The pets room should not be higher than 7780F.If it is a very hot summer day,put a fan near the area where you animal sleeps._3_ Check your dogs water bowl.Make sure the water bowl is at least half full at all times.During summer,the water in the bowl can become warm._4_ During summer,there are more bugs.Be sure to protect your pet against ticks 壁虱 ,fleas and worms.Remember that fleas and ticks can be dangerous for your dog,and the worms they carry can also be transmissible to humans.Fur


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