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1、Text BBook OneReadingText BLanguage PointsSentence AnalysisBook OneSentence AnalysisBook One 1. I will argue that a line can be drawn and should be drawn to use gene transfer only for the treatment of serious disease, and not for any other purpose. (Para. 1, Line 4-6) argue:除了“争论”、“辩论”外,还有 “主张”、“认为”

2、的 意思,在议论文里argue经常被用来表明或提出观点。e.g. He argued that man was descended from apes. 他论证人类的祖先是猿。draw a line:set a limit to what will be done 限制 e.g. We would like to invite everybody to our party, but we have to draw a line somewhere. 我们愿意邀请所有人参加晚会,但我们必须有所限制。译文:我认为可以并且应该限制基因移植仅用于严重疾病的治疗, 而不能用来做别的。Book One 2

3、. The most obvious example at the moment would be in the insertion of a growth hormone gene into a normal child in the hope that this would make the child grow larger. (Para. 3, Line 4-6)in the hope that: 寄希望于,希望能类似用法:in the hope of sth.e.g. A man saves money in the hope that inflation will not wipe

4、 it out. 人们之所以存钱就是希望它不至于被通货膨胀吞没。译文:目前最明显的例子就是将某种生长激素基因注入一个正常孩子体 内希望他能长得更高。Book One3. And it would be morally precarious, in that it would require moral decisions our society is not now prepared to make, and it could lead to an increase in inequality and discriminatory practices. (Para. 6, Line 3-5)

5、precarious: dangerously lacking in security or stability 不稳当的,不安全的 e.g. a precarious posture 不稳当的姿势 precarious footing on the ladder 在梯子上没站稳 He was unable to get down from his precarious position on the rocks. 他无法从危险的岩石上下来。Book Onein that: for the reason that; because 由于;因为 e.g. Men differ from brut

6、es in that they can think and speak. 人不同于禽兽,在于人会思考、会说话。 He didnt attend the negotiation in that he was ill. 他因为生病,没有参加谈判。译文:这在道德上很危险,因为它要求我们这个还没有准备好的 社会在道德上进行判断,同时它将加剧社会不公和歧视行 为。Book One4. What if a human gene were cloned that could produce a brain chemical resulting in markedly increased memory cap

7、acity in monkeys after gene transfer? (Para. 10, Line 4-6) what if: 如果将会怎样? e.g. What if you go intstead of me? 如果你代替我去会怎样? What if Jack scores a touchdown? 如果杰克底线得分,该怎么办? “that could produce a brain chemical” 是修饰human gene的定语从句,resulting in是修饰were cloned的结果状语从句。译文:如果克隆能产生大脑化学物的人类基因并把它移植到猴子的大 脑,使得猴子

8、的记忆能力显著增强,那会怎样呢?Book OneLanguage PointsBook One n. a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other 铰链,关键,枢纽,合页 e.g. The door opens easily because the hinges were oiled. 这门开起来很容易,因为合页上了油。 A casement is a window that opened by means of hinge at the side. 竖铰链窗是一种用边上的铰链

9、开启的窗户。 vi. attach with a hinge, depend on 装上合叶;用铰链接合;取决于 e.g. This door is not well hinged. 这扇门的铰链不灵活。 He hinged his action on future sales. 他的行动取决于将来的销路。hingeBook Onehinge on 取决于,随而定,以为转移e.g. His acceptance will hinges on the terms. 他接受与否将视条件而定。 This plan hinges on her approval. 这个计划取决于她同意与否。 off t

10、he hinges 脱节;损坏; 混乱;身体欠佳;惊慌失措e.g. All business hear appears to be off the hinges. 这里的一切事情都显得失常。Book One awen. an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration 敬畏 e.g. The children stared at the teacher with awe. 孩子很敬畏地凝视着老师。 We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe. 我们都怀着敬畏之心倾听着这位德高望重的学者的讲话。

11、 be struck with awe hold sb. in awe 畏惧,敬畏 对某人敬畏;望而生畏 stand in awe of / be in awe of 对望而生畏;对感到害怕vt. inspire with awe 使敬畏,使害怕 e.g. The silence awed the boy. 寂静使这个小男孩害怕了。Book Oneawe into: force (sb.) into (a state) through fear and respect 威吓,使敬畏 e.g. The children were awed into silence by the new teac

12、hers commanding presence. 新老师来了,他的样子很威严,吓得孩子们都不敢吱声了。Book Onen. special skills or knowledge in a particular subject 专门技能/知识e.g. We are amazed at his expertise on the ski slope. 他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。 A foreign coach has special knowledge and expertise. 外国教练具有专门的知识和专长。例题: The areas of our mutual cooperation

13、 continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial _. A. result B. knowledge C. principle D. expertise句意:我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。principle expertiseBook Onen. unfair treatme

14、nt of a person or group on the basis of prejudice 歧视,区别对待 近义词:favoritisme.g. We are strongly opposed to racial discrimination. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。 the ability to distinguish two things 辨别力,识别力e.g. He has a fine discrimination in choosing wine. 他有很好的品酒的鉴别力。 cultivate a sort of discrimination 培养一种鉴别能力 train a

15、rtistic discrimination 培养艺术鉴赏能力discriminationBook Onedetractvt. take (sb.s attention) away (from) 分散,转移(注意)等,使分心 e.g. detract sbs attention from the real issues 转移某人对实质性重大问题的注意vi. ( from): 减损,诋毁,贬低e.g. A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 花瓶上的小裂痕降低了它的价值。 That does not detract from his merit. 那无损于他的优点。 detract from the work of other people 诋毁他人的工作Book Oneadolescent n. a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity;in the state of development between puberty and maturity青少年,青春期近义词:stripling, teenagere.g.


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