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1、 初一英语作业纸七年级下册7B Unit 6 Period 1 Welcome to the unit班级 姓名 学号(友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后,闭卷完成下列作业)【自主学习】一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话 15分钟; 二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。1户外乐趣 2快一点3太累4抱怨太多5去野营 6呆在外面 【基础训练】一、根据句意及提示完成单词The ice is thick. We can go(溜冰).I think(野营)is great fun.Please wait o. I am coming.Shall w

2、e go(skate) this afternoon?I dont think all of the outdoor(activity) are dangerous if we are careful.Most boys like to go horse(ride).This morning Daniel got up late, so he( 匆忙)to school without breakfast.After the meeting, he couldn t stop(complain) about the plan.What(户外的)activity would you like t

3、o try? 二、单项选择)1.We must if we want to be there on time.A. dress up B. pick up C. put up D. hurry up()2. Are you people at any time?A. ready to help B. ready to helping C. help D. ready with helping ()3. He often funny stories and always us.A. speaks; makes; laughB. tells; makes; laughC. says; makes;

4、 laughingD. tells; makes; to laugh()4. Dont too much about homework. You shouldn t do your homework and listen tomusic at the same time.A. talk B. say C. think D. complain ()5. 一 outdoor activity do you like, skating or swimming? We dont like any of them. We often walk for half an hour after dinner

5、every evening.A. What B. Which C. How many D. How much ()6. I was very after the game.A. tiring B. tired C. big D. tire()7.We often help John water.A. carry B. take C. get D. bring( )8.The problem isnt difficult. Please work it out by yourself.A. like B. this C. that D. what三、根据汉语完成句子.我最喜欢的户外运动是远足。M

6、y is hiking.请帮我背一下包。Please help me.我表弟喜欢整天发牢骚。My cousin likes.这个周末你想去野营吗?Do you want?.你想尝试什么课外活动?What would you like?.这个包没那么重。The bag.我喜欢待在户外,亲近美丽的湖泊和小山。I like,.能力提而一、完形填空Canada is the second largest country in the world . It is over 7,000 kilometres from thecoast(海岸)to the east. It 2 six time zones

7、(时区).3 it is 9 am inVancouver(温哥华)on the west coast, it is l:30p.m. in St Johns on the east coast.English and French 4 the two main languages in Canada. About 60% of 5population(人口 ) speak French. More 6 70 percent of its population live in cities near theUSA border(边境).Ottawa(渥太华)is its capital. Ev

8、ery year millions of tourists go there to 7 museums and take part in the cultural(文化的)activities. Toronto is the largest city of the country8 about 2.5 million people . Montreal(蒙特禾U 尔)is 9 second biggestFrench-speaking city in the world .The maple leaf is the national symbol( 象征)of Canada. The Cana

9、dian flag has a red maple leaf on a red 10 white background(背景).()1. A. westB. eastC. southD. north()2. A. isB. hadC. hasD. have()3. A. WhichB. WhatC. WhereD. When()4. A. areB. isC. will beD. has been()5. A. theirB. hisC. itsD. our()6. A. upB. overC.aboutD. than()7. A. seeB. visitC. lookD. find()8.

10、A. withB. forC. fromD. at()9. A. aB. anC. theD. /()10. A. orB. andC. butD. however、任务型阅读We students often talk about the rules at school, such as Don t fight. C Clean the classroom every day. Donru n in the hallways. Donarrive late for class. Doneat in the classroom. We should follow these rules, bu

11、t the problem is we have to wear school uniformsevery day. All my classmates think the uniforms are not beautiful. We think young people should look smart, so we would like to wear our own clothes. Our teachers say, “ Ifyou do that, you would concentrate(集中注意力 more on your clothes than your studies.

12、 We disagree. We should feel more comfortable and that is good for studying. If we cannot do that, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms. We also think everyone should be different from others. That would be a6.【家长反馈】3.7.8.是否复习后独立完成(是、否)作业完成时间 (分钟)4.5.9. 10.是否完成课前预习(是、否)家长签字good way to kee

13、p both teachers and students happy.(1) Students have to wear (2)at school everyday ,but they don t like to do that .观点)opinions(The uniforms are not (4).Young people should look (5).(6)their own clothes would make them feelMore comfortable.(7) opinion(8)would concentrate more on their clothes thanth

14、eir studies.The(9)solve it .toStudents should be allowed to (10)their ownuniforms.初一英语作业纸七年级下册7B Unit 6 Period 2 Reading I班级 姓名 学号(友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后,闭卷完成下列作业)【自主学习】一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话 15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。1坐在河旁边2路过3把手表从口袋拿出来 4起立5离开6跌落很久7 撞击地面 8 发现她 自 己一个人 9一个又长又矮的大厅 10注意到一

15、个小门11把钥匙放进去 12在另外一边 13试图从门进去【基础训练】一、根据句意及提示完成单词There are some(同)in your coat. You need to buy a new one.I heard a strange sound when I p his room.After his talk, everyone s up and clapped(鼓掌).These days some people like wearing golden w.If it is fine tomorrow, I will go shopping( 单独).Tom came into t

16、he room, but nobody n him.A small river runs t our village.A car(撞击)the tree and stopped yesterday.She(fall) off her bike. She found(she) in hospital after she woke up.The door is(lock). Who did it?11.Now many people like keeping r as pets.二、单项选择()1.A car the tree last night.A.hitted B. hitC. hits D

17、. hitting( )2.The door is locked. Can y find a key it?A.fitB. fixC.to fixD.to fit( )3.Did you hear somebody in the next room yesterday evening?A.singB. sangC.singingD. to sing()4.Sam likes walking the jungle( 丛林),because he thinks its exciting.betweenB. alongC. overD. through()5.The first thing I ab

18、ou the rom was the smell.A.noticedB. noticeC. seeD. seeing( )6.Who taught her English? Nobody. She learnt it.A. sheB. herselfC. herD.hers三、根据汉语完成句子1、在阳光明媚的一天,我和我的朋友坐在河边。2、我爷爷从口袋拿出一块表,看了看时间。3、我不想让兔子离开。4、她发现她独自一人在房子里。5、她能看见一个可爱的花园在另一边。【能力提高】 一、阅读理解house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves()1. The wolves g

19、o out for food because(home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.The wolves(狼)are very hungry. They go out to look for food. There are many sheep( 绵羊)near the hill. There are also a few sheepdogs with them. The wolves think of an idea. They speak to the sheepdogs, “ You are like us and we

20、 are brothers. But we have a very different life. We do what we like, and you must work for men. They make you look after their sheep. They eat meat and give you the bones(骨头).If you listen to us and give us the sheep, we can eat them together. All of us will be happy, right? ” The dogs are happy an

21、d do like this. The wolves ask the dogs to go to theirA. they see the sheep near the mountainB. they see the sheepdogsC. they are hungryD. they want to go out)2. The sheepdogs work for.A. menB. sheepC. wolvesD. dogs)3. Why do the wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their home?A. Because they want to e

22、at them.Because they want to be sheepdogs friends.Because they want to help sheepdogs to get freedom(自 由).()4. What do the sheepdogs do?A. Play with the sheep. C. Work with men.()5. What do you think of the wolves?A. Shy.B. Sly.(狡猾的)二、根据文意及首字母提示补全短文Because their home is near this mountainLook after

23、the sheep.D. Eat the bones.Kind.D. Lazy.Yesterday I r 1 a book about dreams. It says that a person has o 2 1,000d 3 a year. Im s 4 to know about it. Why do people have so m 5dreams? Some people often have dreams so they even can t sleep w 6. The next daythey feel very t 7. So they cant work well. So

24、metimes some people have s 8 dreams at night. They feel frightened w 9 they wake up. Sometimes theyhave to go to see a d 10.【家长反馈】是否复习后独立完成(是、否)是否完成课前预习(是、否)作业完成时间 (分钟)家长签字 作业完成时间 (分钟)家长签字 初一英语作业纸七年级下册 7B Unit 6 Period 3 Reading II班级 姓名 学号(友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后,闭卷完成下列作业)【自主

25、学习】一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话 15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。1阳光明媚的一天 2听到一个声音 3向上看 4穿衣服的一个白兔5跑过田地 6跳进洞里【基础训练】一、根据句意及提示完成单词I.How lovely the(兔子)are!.Try to block up these(洞)in the wall.Amy can t be in his office because the door is被锁着)now.I dont p the Maths exam again.There are trees on both s of th

26、e road.The little girl wrote the letter all by( she ).Her song s everyone in the hall.Be careful. A car may(撞至U )you.He(落下来)off the tree yesterday, but he didn t hurt badly.He always sings in a(彳氐的)voice.You must(注意)the new words when you read the new book.Walk(穿过)the forest, and you well get to the

27、 gate of the park.二、句型转换He ran across the field to run after the rabbit.(般疑问句 ) he across the field to run after the rabbit?The rabbit jumped down a big hole.(划线提问) the rabbit?She found herself in a hole.(否定句)She herself in a hole.The strange rabbit surprised her.(同义句)She the strange rabbit.Jack ope

28、ned a small door with the key.(戈U线提问) Jack a small door?三、根据汉语完成句子1、她向上看,看见一只穿着衣服的白兔子经过。2、兔子跳进了一个大洞。3、她掉了很久,然后撞到了地面。4、这把小钥匙不适合任何一扇门。5、她试着走进门,但是她太大了。【能力提高】一、完形填空Peter and Paul passed by a small house on their way home late at night. They saw thick coming out of its windows. It fires aid Peter, “ Wemu

29、st get help. The two brothers ran_2 the road shouting Fire! Fire! 3 oThby door of the next house. They asked them to 4 the police and firemen. They ran back to the house. They saw 5 the window an old lady sitting in an armchair. It was 6 that she could not move. Peter and Paul tried hard to carry he

30、r out of the 7 and so they did! Some neighbors(邻居)came and helped take some things out. In no time the firemen 8 as well as the policemen. The fire was put out. The old lady cried sadly9 she was not hurt. She thanked Peter, Paul and her neighbors 10()1.A.snowB. cloudsC. smokeD.wind()2.A.withB. along

31、C. atD.over()3.A.knockedB. beatC. lockedD.opened()4.A.toldB. reportedC. callD.shout()5.A.atB. throughC. aboveD.on()6.A.oldB. difficultC. importantD.clear()7.A.armchairB. windowC. houseD.road()8.A.arrivedB. goC. leftD.went()9.A.soB. forC. andD.but()10.A.up and downB. again and againC. hour after hour

32、D. from side to side、任务型阅读Street Markets Around the WorldThere are many ways of shopping.You can shop by telephone, by post or through your home computer , but for many people , the most exciting way to shop is also the most traditional at a street market. You can find markets anywhere in the world.

33、 Here are four of them:There are many a floating markets in Asia ; perhaps the most unusual is ThUla,ndt( a place called Damnoen Saduak. It s open from six in the morning to the noon every day. People sell fresh fruit from their boats.Many Belgians(比利时人 )say that the Grand Place is the most beautifu

34、l square in the world.It the home of a colourful flower market. It open every day except Monday. On Monday, instead of flowres, there s a wonderful bird market.One of the world s famous markets is in Mexico Cltyf哥城)the Sonora Market. You can buy toys, birds, herbs and medicine. There re al kinds of

35、things. It s open every day fr(in the morning till late at night.In England, every weekend, thousands of young people from all over London travel to the Camden Market it s the place to go for street fashion, CDs and tapes. Many people also go there for fun.根据以上内容,完成下列表格,每空一词Names1.FeatureThings to S

36、ellOpen Timethe DamnoenSaduakThailand2.fresh 3.every daythe Grand4.Belgium(比禾1J 时)beautiful5.every day except 6.the Sonora MarketMexico7.all kinds of 8.every daythe Camden Market9.fashionablefashion thingsEvery【家长反馈】是否复习后独立画T是应言完成课前预习(是、否)初一英语作业纸七年级下册7B Unit 6 Period 4 Grammar I班级 姓

37、名 学号(友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后,闭卷完成下列作业)【自主学习】一一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。写出下列动词的过去式。staysharechatprepare study carry _planinvitestopbuildbuycut【基础训练】一、用所给动词的正确形式填空。(注意:找准提示语,分清各时态!)The man often(do) morning exercises near the river last year.Look! How hard the studen

38、ts(work) on the farm.There(be) a football match on TV yesterday, but there(be) a basketball match tomorrow.your daughter(stay) at home yesterday? Yes, she(be) busy with her study.When his grandfather(die)? On a sunny morning.- What(happen)? A car rushed into a shop.How long she(spend )on her homewor

39、k last Monday?Where we(meet) the day after tomorrow?(eat) a lot of seafood during my last trip.When Bill Gates(be) born, it(rain) hard.He(not go ) home until the rain stopped just now.there (be) a tiger in the hill long long ago?After he searched, he(can find)something amazing.Last year I often(shop

40、) with Lucy.But this year I always(go) by myself.It(take) us an hour(ride) to the theatre two days ago.What you(have) for yesterday s lunch?Who(be) at home at this time yesterday, Lucy or Tom?(be) one of the cashiers ill last Sunday?He put on his coat and(run)away.Mother said the earth( go ) around

41、the sun.二、单项选择)1. Who the cry first? Tom did.A. heardB. listenedC. listened to D.sounded)2. He left for Shanghai without goodbye to me.saidB. spokeC. sayingD.speaking()3. They Beijing at 10:30, and Guangzhou at 13:30 last Sunday.A. leaved; got B. left; got in C. leaved for; got D. left; got to()4. -

42、When you come here?- We here last week.A. do; come B. do; came C. did; cameD. did; come()5. The girl watered the flowers.A. tomorrow B. sometimes C. yesterday morning D. every day()6. She often helps her mother some housework when she is free.A. doesB. didC. doD. doing【能力提高】一、阅读理解t eat sweetAlice is

43、 a young woman. She likes to exercise for her health. She walks five kilometers before breakfast every morning, and goes swimming twice a week at the swimming pool. She doesn t smoke annever drinks wine( 酒).She doesn t eat chocolate, and she doesn and fatty foods.One day Alice was on her daily walk

44、when she saw a man sitting in a chair. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking( 发抖),but he looked very happy. He smiled at her and said,“ Good morning! Lovely day, isn t it? He had a big smile on his face, and his eyes showed his happiness. But

45、Alice saw that he had no teeth.“Good morning! ” said Alice. Yes, it s a lovely day. ”Alice thought he was old and clever. She thought he must be more than 90 years old. She wanted to ask him about the secret of a happy old age.“Excuse me. But what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hop

46、e I can look as happy as you do when I am your age. ”The man in the chair said, “ Mysecret for happiness? I smoke every day, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers, I eat chocolate and I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit an d watch TV all

47、 day. ”Alice couldn t understand. She wanted to know how the man got to be so old when he did everything wrong. She thought he should be sick and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life without eating well and doing lots of sports.“How old are you? she

48、 asked.It s my birthday today. Said the man-seven. ”I am forty()1. What does Alice like?A. Smoking. B. Drinking wines. C. Eating unhealthy food. D. Doing sports. ()2. Which is WRONG about the old man?A. He didn t have any teeth.B. He was more than 90 years old.C. He looked happy although he looked t

49、hin and weak. D. He looked very old.()3. How often did the old man do sports?A. Never.B. Often.C. Sometimes.D. Every day.()4. How did Alice feel when he heard the old man s secret for happiness?A. Happy.B. Interested.C. Excited.D. Surprised.()5. After the old man told Alice about his age, Alice knew

50、 .A. the man was in good health for his agethe man had a healthier lifestyle than hera good lifestyle was important for one s healthpeople could live a long life without a good lifestyle二、根据文意及首字母提示补全短文My 14-year-old brother John and I saw the coat at the same time. The thick black woolen coat was s

51、oft, and it cost only $ 28. We looked at each other, saying n 1, but John s face wasshining (发光) with joy. Dark woolen coats were p 2 with boys just then, and couldc 3 several hundred dollars. But this coat was even better and much cheaper.John t 4 on the coat and bought it at once. John wore the co

52、at to school the next day and came home with a big smile. H 5 did the ki ds like your coat? ” I asked. They loved it, he said. I started c 6 him Lor峨爷)John ”.A few weeks later , something good h 7 to John. He became more polite, more helpful and more pleasing. He was willing to lend his classmates h

53、is pens; he was willing (愿意) to bring his father a cup of tea when he got home; he was willing to help a blind man c 8 the road. When my mother told this to one of his teachers, he said,“It must be his coat!” One day,library, my brother and I ran into a friend. Could this be John? ” he asked. John s

54、hoo k hands 手)with him, l 9 a gentleman侈申士)!I think John changed b 10 of his own attitude( 态度).If you think you are a gentlemanor a lady, you can become a perfect one.【家长反馈】是否复习后独立完成T是F是否完成课前预习(是、否)作业完成时间 (分钟) 家长签字初一英语作业纸七年级下册7B Unit 6 Period 5 Grammar II班级 姓名 学号(友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后

55、,闭卷完成下列作业)【自主学习】一一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。写出下列动词的过去式。1. think2. let3. sleep4. write5. feel6. buy7. study8. swim9. draw10. drive11. give12. read13. meet14. play15. stand16. teach17. stay18. worry19. try20. can基础训羽一、用所给动词的适当形式填空.Look! One of the students(have) wonderf

56、ul toys in his hands.(be)there anything wrong with your washing machine just now?.Nobody(know) what(happen)to us in a hundred years.4.I often(hear) them sing in the open air last summer in our hometown.5.He(not remember)to turn off the lights twenty minutes ago6.It s so sunny outside. What about(dri

57、ve)to the park to have a picnic together?.When and where you(bear)? In Jiangyin in 1995.Who(teach) you English last term ? Mr. Zhang did. m sure there(be) some interesting things to do in the coming holiday.We(not buy) anything in the shopping mall on the way home yesterday.When(be)your uncle free ?

58、 Two days ago? No, Last week.It s spring now. It s time for us(plant) trees in our city(make) the air fresh.He(not do) his homework carefully as usual yesterday.Where(be)he a moment ago? He(stay) here to read an email.My daughter(take) plenty of photos when she travelled to Australia. Many children(

59、play)the piano in the Children s Palace a months ago.you(have) a parents meeting ornthefevennli 2 nd? No, we didn t.They(go)there the other day. They(go) there again.She( not worry) about being late for the last bus because she still had a little time left.20.He(plan) a trip to the Fun World Museum

60、with his family the day before yesterday()1.He his homework the day before yesterday.A.don t do B. didn t C. wasn t do D. didn t do()2.you at at work at this time last Sunday?A.WereB. WasC.DidD.Are()3.I went riding yesterday.A.onB. inC.atD.不填()4.he and his father work in the same factory? Yes,.A. Di


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