1、换单须知一.换单资料一.凭头程提单换单(有提单就一定是凭提单放货)1.能提供完整三份提单,只需要有一家关联方背书即可。2.无法提供完整三份提单的,则需要头程收货人及实际收货人背书。如果头程收货人是“TO ORDER”需要发货人、通知人及实际收货人背书。二.电放电放分两种一种是头程收货人与实际收货人是同一家公司,只需要提供一份收货人的提货保函即可,格式可自定义或参考模板,模板请查看附件。另一种是头程收货人和二程收货人不同的格式和要求如下:货权转让书需要中远格式,盖头程提单收货人的章(非业务章)货权更改申请需要中远格式,盖头程提单收货人的章(非业务章)提货保函可自定义格式,盖二程收货人的章(非业务
2、章)这三份文件的格式及参考格式请查看附件二货物信息查询1.货物查询、到港时间、头程船、二程船船名航次、换单方式查询电子商务,输入提单号数字部分查询.或直接直接输入提单号查询/NewEBWeb/public/cargoTracking/cargoTracking.xhtml?MM_PG_M eetingSearch&flag=l&PortalLanguage=GB18030&uid=&language=zh换单联系人:备注:因信息是由人工定期更新因为时间差可能与货物的实际信息存在差异,所以查询的信息均作为参考,具体可业务确认,!三货物免柜期滞箱费查询免柜期、滞箱费等箱体信息查询请联系人:箱管部同
3、事。;,:黄Hua:坏箱、洗箱费等查询,联系人:蒋:jia:四附换单资料模板:附页一提货保函附页二货权转让书;货权更改申请提货保函TO:广州中远海运国际货运船名/航次:提单号: 货名:柜号(柜量):兹有上述货物作为 电放/海运单 收货人办理提货并同意如下:特此确认上述交付视为贵司已完全履行该 电放/海运单项下的货物义务。1.赔偿并承担贵司以及贵司雇员或的一切损失。由此产生的一切责任和2.若贵司或贵司雇员或律费用。若贵司船舶或者因此被,将随时提供足够的法3.因此被扣押或羁押或遭如此,将提4.供所需的保释金或其它担保以解除或上述扣押或羁留,并赔偿贵司由此所受的一切损失,损害或费用。本保函适用中国法
4、律并接受广州海事委托管辖。5.6.公司,到贵司办理换单、提货及付款等相关手续,由此产生的一切责任及损失由承担。公司签章:法定代表人:日期:年月日注:保函由二程提单收货人盖章Letter of IndemnityTo : Cosco ShipGuangzhouernational Freight Co.,.Date:Name of Carrying Ve/Voy:Port of Loading/Discharge:B/L No.:Container No.:We,as the original consignee under the.B/L NO.:confirm and hereby auth
5、orize you to make delivery of the cargoto the new consignee.In consideration of your complying with our above request, we hereby agree as follows: -1.To indemnify you, your servants and agents and to hold all of you harmless in respect of anyliability, loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature wh
6、ich you may sustain by reason of delivering the cargo in accordance with our request.In the event of any proceedings being commenced against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the delivery of the cargo as aforesaid, to provide you or them on demand with sufficient funds to defe
7、nd the same.If, in connection with the delivery of the cargo as aforesaid, the ship, or any other ship pertyhe same or assoted ownership, management or control, should be arrested ordetained or should the arrest or detention thereof be threatened, or should there be anyerferencehe use or tr
8、ading of the ve(whether by virtue of a caveat being enteredon the ships registry or otherwise howsoever), to provide on demand such bail or othersecurity as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release ofsuch ship or property or to remove sucherference and to indemnif
9、y you in respect of anyliability, loss, damage or expense caused by such arrest or detention or threatened arrest ordetention or suchor detention or sucherference, whether or not such arrest or detention or threatened arresterference may be justified.4.If the place at which we have asked you to make
10、 delivery is a bulk liquidas terminal orfacility, or another ship, lighter or barge, then delivery to such terminal, facility, ship, lighter or barge shall be deemed to be delivery to the party to whom we have requested you to makesuch delivery.5.If the named consigneehe letter is not available or r
11、eject or is not able to take delivery ofthe shipment in 15 days from the day when the shipment was discharged in discharging portwe agreet you could sell or dise the shipment in any time and we will indemnify andhold the carrier harmless for any liability and cost and expense for the sale or diswe w
12、ill liable for the detention and demurrage as per your rate.al. And6.The liability of each and everyunder this indemnity shall be joand several andshall not be conditional upon your proceedingis party to or liable under this indemnity.against any, whether or not suchThis indemnity shall beerned by a
13、nd construed in accordance with Chilaw.Yours faithfully,For and on behalf of(Company St& Authorized Signature)Address:Application for Amendment of Memo B/LTo: Cosco ShipGuangzhouernational Freight Co.,.Carrying Ve/Voyage:Loading Port: Discharge Port:Bill of Loading (B/L NO.)Container No.:With respec
14、t of the above-mentioned consignment, we as the consigneeshipment would request the amendment as follows:of the captionedIn consideration of your agreement of our above request, we hereby agree as follows:1.2.We agree to pay any relevant charges due to the correction for above-mentioned shipment.We
15、warrant and representt we shall comply with all applicable Customs and otherregulations and applicable law in respect of the amendment aforesaid, including but notlimited to the obligation to file accurate and complete information in a timely manner.3.We warrant and representt the amendment as afore
16、said will be subject to COSCONs B/Lclauses. We further warrant and representt we shall indemnify you, your servants andagents to hold all of you harmless in respect of any liability, loss or expense resulting from our applying the amendment as aforesaid.In the event of any proceedings being commence
17、d against you or any of your servants or agents in connection with the amendment as aforesaid, to provide you or them on demand with sufficient funds to defend the same.If, in connection with the delivery of the cargo or amendment as aforesaid, the ship, or any4.5.other ship or propertyhe same or as
18、soted ownership, management or control, should bearrested or detained or should the arrest or detention thereof be threatened, or should there beanyerference in the use or trading of the ve(whether by virtue of a caveat beingentered on the ships registry or otherwise howsoever), to provide on demand
19、 such bail orother security as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release ofsuch ship or property or to remove sucherference and to indemnify you in respect of anyliability, loss, damage or expense caused by such arrest or detention or threatened arrest ordetention
20、or suchdetention or sucherference, whether or not such arrest or detention or threatened arrest orerference may be justified.6.If the place at which we have asked you to make delivery is a bulk liquidas terminal orOriginalAmendmentfacility, or another ship, lighter or barge, then delivery to such terminal, facility, ship, lighter or barge shall be deemed to be delivery to the party to whom we have requested you to make such delivery.If the named consignee in the amendment is not ava
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