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1、Committee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethirdlenary session,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnel

2、problem s have beenarranged,yo u canconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleading collective ,oftenbylooki ng atthe third plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe current central leadership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe a

3、nalysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform in Chi na, plenarysessi on, 12session,14,16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking thefour stage sofChi naseconomi c reform,and thatthestart-upphase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfecting theSocialistmarketeconomyframework sta

4、ge ofsocialistmarketeconomy.Previousplenary sessiontopicspropose dto thethird plenary sessi on oftaking classstruggleasthekey link, shifted tosocialist modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpublicCommittee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilita

5、ry Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethirdlenary session,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelproblem s have beenarranged,yo u canconcentrateon nati onal dev

6、elopmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleading collective ,oftenbylooki ng atthe third plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe current central leadership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform in Chi na, plenarysessi

7、on, 12session,14,16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking thefour stage sofChi naseconomi c reform,and thatthestart-upphase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfecting theSocialistmarketeconomyframework stage ofsocialistmarketeconomy.Previousplenary sessiontopicspropos

8、e dto thethird plenary sessi on oftaking classstruggleasthekey link, shifted tosocialist modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpublic关于学校道路交通安全专项整治工作方案为了贯彻落实国务院关于进一步加强道路交通安全工作电视电话会议精神,预防和减少学校及师生交通安全事故,杜绝群死群伤重特大恶性事故,根据 海南省道路交通安全专项整治工作方案要求,结合我省教育实际,决定在全省范围内开展学校

9、道路交通安全专项整治工作,具体方案如下:一、指导思想以“三个代表”重要思想为指导, 认真贯彻党的十六大精神,坚持“预防为主、防治结合、各负其责、综合治理”的原则,督促各级各类学校广泛开展交通安全和交通法规宣传,提高广大师生的交通安全意识,彻底整改消除校内道路交通安全隐患,大力加强校内基础工作,改善校园道路行车条件,创造安全畅通的道路交通环境。二、工作目标通过学校道路交通安全专项整治,使各级各类学校道路交通安全事故明显下降,学校校园及周边事故多发点段和安全隐患点段得到有效治理,学校道路交通秩序和行车条件明显改善,学校交通安全宣传工作显著加强,广大师生交通安全意识普遍增强,配合当地政府初步建立以“


11、教工生活区、学生宿舍区。五、专项整治工作的步骤和措施全省学校交通安全整治工作为期3 个月,即从2003 年 10 月至 2004 年 1 月 21 日。各单位(学校)要采取自查与依法整治相结合的工作方法,按照组织部署、治理整改、督查验收3 个步骤进行。(一)组织部署阶段(2003 年 10 月 21 日至 11 月 15 日)。各单位 (学校) 要深入排查学校及周边道路交通安全存在的问题,认真制定专项整治工作实施方案,部署学校及周边道路安全专项Committee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission

12、.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethirdCommittee members, deci sions,such as members oftheCe ntralMilitary Commission. Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainly

13、to discussa newStatepersonneli ssues. But by t hethirdcialpr otection ofhumao improvethecultI nrights.opmeh Chi nesecharacteristind bettermeetCommittee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,main

14、lyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethirdlenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelproblem s have beenarra nged,yo u canconcentrateon national developmentand reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleadi ng collectiv

15、e ,oftenbylooki ng atthe thir d plenum ofthe initiativetofoundthe curre nt central lea dership colle ctivegover nance characteristics.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform in Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14,16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeaning,respective ly, marking t hefour s

16、tage sofChi naseconomi c reform,and t hatthestart-upphase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfe cting theS ocialistmarketeconomyframework stage ofsocialistmarketeconomy.Previousple nary sessiontopicspropose dto thethirdplenary sessi on oftaking class struggleasthekey link, shifted tosocialist

17、modernization;12session marked the changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpubliccoordinate d economic, politig cultural ,socivalang breeutionalreform.Thefive in onecountrysi -oes;research villagescussi ng ele ctionCentralstop lea ders,ntralCommittee in aplenarysessi on washeld immediatelyafterth

18、epartysCongress, on thetheme personnel,dioneand theimofoverall scheme of reform,will prompoliti calBurea整治工作。(二)治理整改阶段(2003 年 11 月 16 日至 12 月 31 日)。各单位 (学校) 要开展交通安全知识讲座、图片展览等多种形式,向广大师生开展交通安全宣传教育活动。同时进行自查自改,消除学校校园及周边交通安全隐患,治理校园及周边地区事故多发点段和安全隐患点段,并协助有关部门做好“交通安全学校”建设工作。(三)督查验收阶段(2004 年 1 月 1 日至 1 月 21

19、日)。我厅将对各级各类学校专项整治工作情况进行检查,对成绩突出的单位(学校)给予通报表扬,对工作不力、安全问题突出的单位(学校)给予通报批评。六、专项治理的要求(一)提高认识,加强领导。各级地方教育行政部门和各级各类学校要按照 “三个代表”重要思想的要求,从讲政治、促发展、保稳定的高度,充分开展学校交通安全专项整治工作的重要性、必要性, 把这次专项治理作为需要迫切解决的突出问题纳入重要工作日程,采取一切必要措施,保障治理工作落到实处。(二)部门联动,形成合力。各级地方教育行政部门和各级各类学校要主动与当地公安、建设、交通、安全行政监督管理等部门加强联系,消除本单位(学校)存在的各种道路交通安全

20、隐患,确保广大师生交通安全。尤其是学生宿舍在校外的学校,要与交通警察部门紧密配合,建立起联防共防机制。(三)加强宣传教育,建立长效机制,巩固整治成果。在专项整治工作中,各级地方教育行政部门和各级各类学校要把学生交通安全教育纳入日常工作,当作一项重要工作来抓,通过广泛号召、典型引导、学习培训、检查评价、总结表彰等方式,组织推动这项工作的开展。(四)学校门口要实行交通管制。周一至周五期间(寒暑假除外) 外来车辆未经门卫许可不得进入教学区,学校保卫人员或门岗要对外来人员进行登记;机动车辆不得进入封闭式管理的学生宿舍区和操场;教工生活区道路要有明显标志,车辆不得乱停乱放。(五)学校用车要定期进行检查、

21、维修,确保车辆安全,对严重违章肇事的要追究当事人的责任。(六) 要严格执行责任追究制。对造成道路重大交通安全事故的部门、单位和学校,要按照国务院关于特大安全事故行政责任追究的规定和海南省重大安全事故行政责任追究的规定,严肃追究有关负责人员和直接责任领导的责任。安远县学校道路交通安全专项整治行动工作方案中小学生和幼儿的交通安全事关中小学、幼儿园正常教育教学秩序,涉及千家万户的幸福安宁。为认真贯彻落实安远县人民政府关于印发安远县道路交通安全专项整治行动lenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti on

22、sand personnelpr oblem s have beenarra nged,youca nconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleadi ng collective ,oftenbyl ooki ng atthe thir d plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe curre nt central lea dership collectivegover nance charac

23、teristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14, 16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking t hefour stage sofChi naseconomi c reform,and t hatthestart-up phase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfe cting theSstmarke

24、teconomy.Previousple nary sessiontopics propose dto thethird plenary sessi on oftaking class struggleast hekey link, shifted to socialist modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpublic13session at atime whe n both t he ol d and theectivcehcaonorisdmi sforthenat

25、ionofpower restrictinew systemnance aa nd re ctifythe economicngthe n anti-corr uptii on ionrsdtietur;ti14 .Fairandefficientand aut horitativeSocialistjudi cialsystem, safeguard t hepeoplesinterests.onal innovationa nd i nstituti onal protecti on, sound improveme ntstyle normal system.Plenary sessio

26、n, builofadministrativelaweer, must adhereto thenforceme nt, ensuret hatthe rig httoexerciseorientati on ofa dvanced Socialist culturjudicial power indepe nde II. I_I -r e,adhere to thedevelng mechanism ofjudi cialpowe r,improvet hesystem ofjudics,a dheret othe people-centre d work -orie nted,furthe

27、rdee pening reform ofculture.sh a nd imprdheretotheuthoritytoletthe pow errun inthe Sun,is shutding modern public culturalservicesystem,improvetup i n acage ofthesystem power polihelevelofcultureopening.Plecy. DecisionScie nce , impleme ntation shoul dbenary session, achievi ngdevel opmentre sultsmo

28、reequitableng ofpowerfulsyste upreformm,improvethe system of punishing a nd preventingofsocial programsa ndsolvethe i ssuesof concern tng politicali.Iachieve工作方案的通知(安府字201048 号)文件精神,切实加强对学生交通法规教育,增强学生交通安全意识,保障学生交通安全,决定在全县范围开展学生交通安全教育和专项整治活动。特制定本方案。一、指导思想认真贯彻落实安远县人民政府关于印发安远县道路交通安全专项整治行动工作方案的通知(安府字201

29、048 号)文件精神,按照“安全第一,预防为主”的方针和创建“平安校园”的要求,以“安全乘车、安全骑车、安全走路”养成教育为主线,以“交通安全教育进校园”为抓手,集中开展多种形式的学生交通安全教育和整治活动,营造全社会关注中小学交通安全的良好氛围,为我县中小学生和幼儿创建一个安全的交通环境。二、工作目标1 、通过教育使广大中小学生的交通安全意识进一步增强,交通安全知识进一步增长,交通行为习惯进一步培养。要求交通安全教育进校园活动覆盖率达到100%,学生参与率达到 98% ,交通安全知识知晓率达95%,交通安全行为达标率在 98% 以上。2、通过设置醒目的交通安全警示牌、铺设减速设施、添加学校门

30、口人行横道标志线等有效措施,使学校 (幼儿园)周边的交通环境得到明显改善。3、通过对学校、幼儿园的租用拼装车、报废车和个人机动车等接送车的整治,确保师生出行安全。三、组织领导stmarketeconomy.Previousple nary sessiontopics propose dto thethird plenary sessi on oftaking class struggleast hekey link, shifted tosocialist moder nization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta b

31、lishedwit hpubliclenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelpr oblem s have beenarra nged,yo u canconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleadi ng collective ,oftenbyl ooki ng atthe thir d pl

32、enum ofthe initiativetofoundthe curre nt central lea dership colle ctivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14, 16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking t hefour stage sofChi naseconomi c refor

33、m,and t hatthestart-up phase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfe cting theS13session at atime when both t he ol d and the new system-.一 - LLII一ectivechcaownoirsdmi sforthenationofpower restrictinance a nd re ctifythe economic一-一 -.- ngthe n anti-corr uptii on ionrsdtietur;ti14 .Fairandeffici

34、entand aut horitativeSocialistjudi cialsystem, safeguard t hepeoplesinterests.onal innovationa nd i nstituti onal protecti on, sound improveme ntstyle normal system.Plenary session, builofadministrativelawe nforceme nt, ensuret hatthe rig httoexercise judicial power indepe ndeer, must adhereto theor

35、ientati on ofa dvanced Socialist cultur e,adhere to thedevel opmeng mechanism of judicialpowe r,improvet hesystem ofjudi cialpr otection ofhumah Chi nesecharacteristi cs,a dheret othe people-centre d work -orie nted,furtherdee pening reform ofculture.o improvetheculturalmanagemesh a nd imprdheretoth

36、euthoritytoletthe pow errun inthe Sun,is shutding modern public culturalservicesystem,improvetup i n acage ofthesystem power polihelevelofcultureopening.Plecy. DecisionScie ncenary session, achievi, impleme ntationshoulngdevel opmentre sultsmoreequitableng ofpowerfulsyste upreformm,improvethe system

37、 of punishing a nd preventingofsocial programsa ndsolvethe i ssuesof concern tcorr uption, promoti-.-Iothe peoplethemost direngpolictitcaanldi renateglriitnyt,earest,and strive toachievend bettermeet为切实加强组织领导,成立由教育局长唐云峰任组长,副局长钟树春任副组长,安全股人员、各学校校长(幼儿园园长)为成员的工作领导小组,领导小组下设办公室,设在教育局安全股,由安全股股长龚享庆任办公室主任,负责

38、专项整治工作的组织、协调、督导等日常工作。四、时间安排第一阶段:(8月 28 日至 9月 28 日)为各校对学生进行全面的交通安全知识宣传教育阶段。充分利用各种交通安全宣传形式,开展自觉遵守交通法规,抵制交通违法行为,共建安全、畅通、和谐交通环境为主要内容的宣传教育活动。举办创建交通安全文明学校启动仪式,广泛开展普及交通安全法律、法规和安全常识为主要内容的宣传教育活动。在深入学习、宣传、动员的基础上,使广大师生员工充分认识开展交通安全意识教育和交通文明素质教育的重要意义。第二阶段:(9月 29 日至 11 月 28日)为各校推进道路交通安全活动落实阶段。配合公安交管部门加强对校车驾驶人员的资格

39、审查,组织学校对校车集中进行一次检验,对存在交通安全隐患的,立即整改。加强校园周边的交通管理,对学校门口的交通标志标线进行全面排查,将排查情况于9 月 20 日前报送县教育局登记造册,由教育局将情况汇总后提出整改建议递交相关部门。全力推进创建活动的深入开展。第三阶段:(11 月 29 日至 12 月 31 日)stmarketeconomy.Previousple nary sessiontopics propose dto thethird plenary sessi on oftaking class struggleast hekey link, shifted to socialist

40、 modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpubliclenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelpr oblem s have beenarra nged,youca nconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brande

41、dw ith acentralleadi ng collective ,oftenbyl ooki ng atthe thir d plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe curre nt central lea dership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14, 16plenaryse ssion have programmaticme

42、ani ng,respective ly, marking t hefour stage sofChi naseconomi c reform,and t hatthestart-up phase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfe cting theS13session at atime whe n both t he ol d and theectivcehcaonorisdmi sforthenationofpower restrictinew systemnance aa nd re ctifythe economicngthe n

43、anti-corr uptii on ionrsdtietur;ti14 .Fairandefficientand aut horitativeSocialistjudi cialsystem, safeguard t hepeoplesinterests.onal innovationa nd i nstituti onal protecti on, sound improveme ntstyle normal system.Plenary session, builofadministrativelaweer, must adhereto thenforceme nt, ensuret h

44、atthe rig httoexerciseorientati on ofa dvanced Socialist culturjudicial power indepe nder e,adhere to thedevelng mechanism ofjudi cialpowe r,improvet hesystem ofjudics,a dheret othe people-centre d work -orie nted,furtherdee pening reform ofculture.sh a nd imprdheretotheuthoritytoletthe pow errun in

45、the Sun,is shutding modern public culturalservicesystem,improvetup i n acage ofthesystem power polihelevelofcultureopening.Plecy. DecisionScie nce , impleme ntation shoul dbenary session, achievi ngdevel opmentre sultsmoreequitableng ofpowerfulsyste upreformm,improvethe system of punishing a nd prev

46、entingofsocial programsa ndsolvethe i ssuesof concern tng politicali.Iachievelenary aha on- instti ons ad pesnne pr ob_ s have bee on- nary - s-n s ole n a often etalea des ere ch-3. cs of theproc_ of aplenary -nary nhae prog-m-m - i ng esete tag Iht testa of phase a. pee ci make asage of sals make

47、nary- nialbn;12 _n makealt t hpubilenary aha on- instti ons ad pesnne pr ob_ s have bee on- nary - s-n s ole n a often etalea des ere ch-3. cs of theproc_ of aplenary -nary nhae prog-m-m - i ng esete tag Iht testa of phase a. pee ci make asage of sals make nary- nialbn;12 _n makealt t hpubiCommittee

48、 members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethirdlenary session,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelproblem s

49、 have beenarranged,yo u canconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleading collective ,oftenbylooki ng atthe third plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe current central leadership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis o

50、f theprocess ofeconomicreform in Chi na, plenarysessi on, 12session,14,16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking thefour stage sofChi naseconomi c reform,and thatthestart-upphase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfecting theSocialistmarketeconomyframework stage ofsoci

51、alistmarketeconomy.Previousplenary sessiontopicspropose dto thethird plenary sessi on oftaking classstruggleasthekey link, shifted tosocialist modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpublic为各校集中开展对学校及校园周边道路交通整治巩固阶段。进一步落实各项道路交通安全管理工作措施,教育局将联合公安交管部门根据初步掌握的情况和学校自查

52、的反馈情况,进行一次实地检查,针对实地察看、检查中暴露出来的交通安全隐患,认识分析研究,制定整改方案,并向上报告,争取支持,形成合力,共同做好整治工作。五、工作要求1 、提高认识,加强领导。各校要按照 “三个代表”重要思想的要求,从讲政治、促发展、保稳定的高度,充分认识开展学校交通安全专项整治工作的重要性、必要性,把这次专项治理作为需要迫切解决的突出问题纳入重要工作日程,采取积极有效的措施,保障治理工作落到实处。2、部门联动,形成合力。各学校要主动与当地党委、政府,公安交管等部门加强联系,消除学校及周边的各种道路交通安全隐患,确保广大师生交通安全。尤其是学生宿舍在校外的学校,要与交管部门紧密配

53、合,建立起联防共防机制。3、加强宣传教育,建立长效机制,巩固整治成果。在专项整治工作中,各校要把学生交通安全教育纳入日常工作,当作一项重要工作来抓,通过广泛号召、典型引导、学习培训、 检查评价、总结表彰等方式,组织推动这项工作的开展。4、学校门口要实行交通管制。周一至周五期间(寒暑假除外)外来车辆未经门卫许可不得进入教学区,学校保卫人员要对外来人员进行登记;机动车辆不得进入学生宿舍区和学校操场;教工生活区道路要有明显标志,车辆不得乱停乱放。5、学校用车要定期进行检查、维修,确保车辆安全,对 严重违章肇事的要追究当事人的责任。6、要严格执行责任追究制。对造成道路重大交通安全 事故的部门、单位和学

54、校,按照国务院关于特大安全事故 行政责任追究的规定和江西省重大安全事故行政责任追 究的规定,严肃追究有关负责人员和直接责任领导的责任。主题词:学校交通安全整治方案通知抄送:县委常委、宣传部长张伟,县政府副县长肖旺,县人大科教文卫委,县政协教文卫体委。安远县教育局办公室2010年8月30日印发共印75份安远县中小学幼儿园校车排查情况登记表填表日期:2010年 月 日中小学校、幼 儿园名称学校地址(填至街道、乡 镇、村庄)车 辆车辆所 有人车辆 号码车辆出厂 日期厂牌 型号核载 人数是否 喷涂 校车 专用 标志注册 登记 日期定期 检验 后效 期至驾 驶 人姓名身份 证号健康 状况驾驶 证号准驾

55、车型发证 机关初领 证日 期交通 违法 计分 情况联系 电话备 注注:各学校要认真检查本校校车情况,并于 9月20日前将此表报县教育局安全股。各乡镇中心校负责本辖区内小学、幼儿园的校车登记(含民办学校)。e a s- si t.a .e v e-d- e-a tl el .e .Pvl y . a e- c -a e.v ekg -.- - vt c cligva. c.c-rt sF a-.tsciea ly sei -i.1- s si vg.tc.g es.v.akg-e aat a u.- e cs,c-s a ef -g-a - c a w - tgssake c yPvl y ei

56、cs-eases-. tggl-e ts-t.a-. .o ke - s.e t u i 全县校园周边道路交通安全专项整治实施方案3 ss- t - hc-c s -e-a-a u t.da ye a-udee-ea-t-u 1tt-vtimisep.ssy e- - tt-.ee -v. -isulu e a e - d ea.-sa-a-.ua- xcs .一 - ee.aaes s . ei e -w - -ae -vstj-e u-e .-g e .te-.- v -1-e u- s-g ei u u 1 e-st-ie cte-gpicy e-. -e a- sy e- c-evg

57、ev estq-is - g asv-se eye-gee-gc ev-e -为切实加强校园周边道路交通安全管理工作,进一步强化各项事故预防措施,建立健全预防学校周边及校园交通安全管理的长效机制,努力减少涉及校园周边道路的交通违法行为和事故发生,为广大师生的出行创造安全、有序、畅通的道路交通环境,结合我县当前交通管理工作实际,现制定方案如下:工作目标通过对校园周边道路交通安全环境的排查整治,严厉查处各类危害师生人身财产安全的道路交通违法行为, 不断完善校园及周边道路交通安全设施,创造和谐稳定的校园周边环境,保障广大师生人身财产安全。通过狠抓各项工作措施的落实,重点解决学校及周边道路存在的乱穿马

58、路、乱停车、 超速行驶、机动车辆随意进出校园等严重危害交通安全和影响交通秩序的突出交通违法行为,规范周边路面停车秩序、行车秩序、行人秩序,从而减少道路交通事故发生,营造良好的学校及周边道路交通环境,使我县学校及周边交通秩序明显改善,师生安全感明显增强。组织领导为确保此次专项整治工作的顺利开Committee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,m

59、ainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethirdlenary session,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelproblem s have beenarranged,yo u canconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleading collect

60、ive ,oftenbylooki ng atthe third plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe current central leadership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform in Chi na, plenarysessi on, 12session,14,16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking thefour


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