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1、 /32精品文档小学四年级英语语法练习题及答案I him this her watch child _photo _ _diary day foot book dress tooth sheep box strawberry thief yo-yo peach sandwich man woman paper jui ce wat ermi 1 k _ rice tea 二、写出下列动词的第三人称单数drink go stay make look have pass carry com e wat c h plan t fly study brush do 精品文档 /32teach 三、用括

2、号内动词的适当形式填空。He often dinner at home.Daniel and Tommy in Class One.We TV on Monday.Nick to the zoo on Sunday. they the World Cup?What they often on Saturdays?your parents newspapers everyday?8. The girl us English on Sundays.9. She and I a walk together every evening.10.There some water in the bottle

3、.ILMike cooking.12.They the same hobby.13.My aunt after her baby carefully.14.You always your homework well.15.ill. I m staying in bed.She to school from Monday to FridayLiu Tao not like PE.The child often TV in the evening.Su Hai and Su Yang eight lessons this term.What day it today? It s Saturday.

4、四、按照要求改写句子Daniel watches TV every eveninI do my homework every day. . She likes milk. 4. Amy likes playing computer games. We go to school every mornin He speaks English very well.I like taking photos in the park. John comes from Canada.She is always a good student. 10. Simon and Daniellike going sk

5、ating.五、改错1. Is your brother speakEnglish? 2. Does helikes going fishing? He likes play games afterclass. Mr. Wu teachs us English She don t do her homework on Sundays. 六、写出下列动词的现在分词:play run swim make go like write ski read have sing dance put see buy love live take come get stop sit begin shop 精品文

6、档 /32七、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:The boy a picture now.Listen . Some girls in theclassroom .My mother some nice foodnow.What you now?Look . They an English lesson .They the flowers now.Look! the girls in theclassroom .What is our granddaughter doing? She to music.It s5o clock now We supper now Helen clothes? Ye

7、s , she is . 八、句型转换:They are doing housework . The students are cleaning the classroom . 3e Im playing the football in the playground . 4. Tom is reading books in his study . 九、用所给词的适当形式填空That kite is very1- That is not kite.small, but isvery big.2. The dress is. Giveit to.3. Is this watch?No, it s

8、not 4. _is my brother. _ name isJack. Look!Those stamps are .5. _ dresses are red.What colour are9 Here are many dolls, which one is ?I can find my toy, but where s ?Show your kite, OK?I have a beautiful cat. name is Mimi.These cakes are .Are these tickets? No, are not .名词的数名词的格第一章代词人称代词物主代词第二章冠词与数词

9、冠词数词 第三章一般现在时态 第四章现在进行时态 第五章句型陈述句疑问句祈使句 There be 句型与 have has第六章总结考试第一章名词名词的概念在生活中,我们会接触到各种各样的人和事物,用来 表示这些人或事物名称的词就是名词。一、名词的数名词的数指名词的单数和复数形式。可数名词表示“一个”时用单数,“两个以上”时用复数;不可数名词表 示量时,通常用“数词+单位+of+物质名词”的形式,如a piece of bread ,变为复数时,只须将单位名词变为复数, 如:two pieces of breado *名词复数的构成法则s.词尾读音shopshops 在清辅音后读s bagba

10、gs在浊辅音后读z window windows在元音后读z 2.以 s, x, sh, ch结尾的单词在词尾加es。class classes词尾读音izboxboxesmatch matchesbrush brushes以“辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i加es.storystories 词尾读音iz 结尾的词,在词尾直接加skeykeys词尾读音z 精品文档 /32monkey monkeys以 ”结尾的名词,复数一般在词尾加“s”, 但个别加tomatotomatoes词尾读音z 土豆)zoozoosphoto photos* 口诀: 黑人英雄,左手拿着西红柿,右手拿着破土豆, 头顶一个

11、大芒果。以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f或fe为ves radio 17. zoo 18. life 19. story 20. leaf 21. baby 22. dress 3. butterfly 24. deer 25. class 26. brush 7. key 28. English29.mouse30. man二、汉译英1. Tom的足球 老师们的自行4.哥哥的文具车 TOC o 1-5 h z 3.学生们的课桌 侖 .猴子们的香蕉5.姑姑的卡片 蚂蚁们的早餐 8.妈妈的包 9.姐姐的连衣裙 10女孩们的苹果 三、把下列句子翻译成英文.这些 是Peter 的篮球吗? .这个是老师的

12、钢笔吗? .有一些书在Sam的课桌上。 .有一些孩子们在教室里。 四、改错1. There are some butterflys on the table. 2. This is Alice dress. /32精品文档I like tomato very much. 五、将下列句子变成复数形式。This dog is brown. There is a book and a pen on the table. That woman is a teacher. 能力测试卷一、将下列名词变成复数形式。plane treelessonmonth apple shirtboxbusbrushwat

13、ch class foxknife life leafWifethiefday boy monkeybaby countrystoryphoto radio piano精品文档 /32精品文档 /32tomato herochild tooth manSheep English Chinese二、判断正误,并改正错句,正确的打“ V ”The house is my brother. 2. He hasvisited manycountry. 3.TheyareEnglishs. This is Tom red bike. 三、选择填空There are two in the room.A.

14、Chineses B. EnglishmanThe old man will have out.A. two toothsB. two teeth are sold in this bookstore.A. Children s booksB. Children booksSome friends of will come here.A. John s B. JohnCan you give me ?A. some papers B. a piece of paperThere are on the floor.A. some box B. some boxes四、将下列句子变成复数形式。Th

15、is sheep is white.There is a desk and a chair in the room.That man is a doctor.第二章代词一、人称代词人称代词即表示“你、我、他、你们、我们、他 们”等的词,它的人称、数和格的变化见人称代词有主格和宾格两种形式。主格主要用来做句 子的主语;宾格主要用作宾语。人称代词主格用在句首作 主语。She is sitting in a bus.她正坐在公共汽车上。人称代词宾格在动词后作宾语。This pen is bad. I can, t write with it.这支钢笔不好,我没法用它写字。人称代词的排列顺序人称代词并

16、列使用时,通常以下列顺序出现,请熟悉 并记忆。单数代词:you and I; you and he ; he and I ;you , he and I复数代词:we and they ; we and you ; you andthey; we, you and they第三人称单数代词:he and she*人称代词排序口诀:人称代词并列观,注意顺序礼貌见;单数人称二、三、,复数人称一、二、三; 麻烦事情“我”站前,其他人称没意见;两性并用为三单,男先女后是习惯。二、物王代词例,Whose coat is this?这是谁的上衣?It s hers. 是她的。hers= her coat*

17、关于物主代词的口诀:物主代词很重要,译成汉语都有“的”,后面必须加 上物,否则就要犯错误,my your his her its our their 不放过。形容词性是基础,除了我的“mine”夕卜,其他词尾“s性精品文档 /32形物代能力差,出门常把名词加;名物代能力强,常 来独去又独往。三、反身代词反身代词也叫“自身代词”,表示“*自己” O*反身代词的构成规律记忆口诀:反身代词有规律,第三人称宾格加,其余开头用物主, 复数-ves替-f四、指示代词 Thisthese 指近处的事物 Thatthese 指远处的事物例,This is a book. 这是本书。These are some

18、 books. 这些是书。.一、根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。Mary is a friend of .This is _ ruler. is in the bag.Her brother is too young to look after This is book. This book is These pens are Eg, This is my book.The book is mine.1. These are their footballs.This is mybackpack . Those are your boxes.四、把下列句子改写成复数。1.This isa bu

19、tterfly.2.Thatisabus.3.Itisamouse.五、改错。1.Thisisminelamp.2. Theseareoursbooks.3. That aretheirteacher.4. Thehouse ismybrother.He has visited many country.They are Chineses.This is Tom red bike.能力测试卷一、帮下面的好朋友团圆I她its我们her他们 we我they你的小学阶段英语语法详解与练习题大全可数名词与不可数名词“分家”一、可数名词与不可数名词的区别普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这 类

20、名词叫可数名词。可数名词分为个体名词和集体名词。如 Ki果普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词 就叫不可数名词。不可数名词分为物质名词和抽象名词。二、可数名词的家务事 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。名词由单数形式变成复数形式的规则如下:1. 一般的名词词尾直接加-S 。如:book books room rooms house 一 houses day days2.以s, ss, ch, sh, x结尾的名词,在词尾加-es。如:bus buses glass 一 glasses watch 一 watches

21、dish 一 dishes box 一 boxes 3-以”辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,要先将y改为i再加-es。如:city cities body bodies factory factories 等等。4,以f或fe结尾的名词,要将f或fe改为v再加 -eSo 如:half halves leaf leaves knife knives wife wives 5.特例悄悄话:特例常常考,要记住。 child children man men woman women policeman policemen精品文档 /32(3) tomato 一 tomatoes potato 一 potat

22、oes悄悄话:初中英语以。结尾的名词变复数时只有这 两个词加-es,其余的当然加-s喽!如:photo photos foot feet tooth teeth 悄悄话:oo 变 成 eeo sheep, Chinese, Japanese单、复数同形悄悄 话:变复数时词形不变。people单数形式表示复数意 义,要求谓语动词用复数;people的复数形式peoples通 常指”多个民族” o三、不可数名词的家务事不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓 语动词要用单数形式。如:The food is very fresh.食品很新鲜。有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式, 但他们的意

23、义发生变化。如:water watersorange 一 oranges很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表示种 类时就可数,但意义大多不发生变化。如:fruit fruits food foods精品文档 /32fish fishes hair 一 hairs*用所给名词的适当形式填空。How many are there on the hill?There is some in the basket.The baby has only two There is a lot of There are five Let,sI havenow.in the bottle.in his fami

24、ly.take lots of here.The on the tree turnyellow.9. The are playing games on theplayground now.10.Their look new.ILI see you have a few white 12.They are doctors.13.Can you give me some bottles of ,please?14.There are many in the picture.15.I would like some apple . I am verythirsty.参考答案:1. sheep, fo

25、od, teeth, water, people, photos.tomatoes, leaves9. children 10. dictionaries 11. hair, hairs12. women 13. orange 14.foxes 15. juice名词可数不可数“六注意”:、可数名词是可以用来计数的名词。可数名词有单数和复数形式。如:desk-desks, apple-apples等。不可数名词是不可以直接用来计数的名词。不可数名词没有复数形 式,只有单数形式。如:some bread, a little milk等。二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a,表示特指时,

26、前面要用定冠词the;而不可数名词前不能用a 修饰,表示特指时,前 面一定要用定冠词the。如:He is a factory worker他是一名工人 No one can see air.没有人能看见空气。三、可数名词和不可数名词前都可以用some, any, a lot of, lots of等来修饰,表示” 一些,许多” O如:There are some oranges on the desk. 桌子上有一 些桔子。There is a lot of water in the bottle. 瓶里有 许多水。四、可数名词前可用具体的数词来表示具体的数量。 Ki如:two apples

27、, four books等。不可数名词前通常用”单 位词+of” 来表示数量。如:a piece of paper, three pieces of paper 等。五、可数名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与主语的 单复数保持一致。如:This picture is very beautiful.这幅画很美。不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式,但是 不可数名词前有复数”单位词”时,谓语动词要用复数形 式。如:There are two cups of tea on the table. 桌上有 两杯茶。六、对可数名词前的修饰语提问用how many;对不可 数名词前的修饰语提问用how m

28、ucho如:How many apples are there in the box?盒子里有多少个苹果?How much tea is there in the cup?杯里有多少茶水?注意:对不可数名词前的”单位词”的修饰语提问时,are疑问词用 how manyo 如: How many pieces of bread there on the plate?盘子里有多少片面包?“行行色色”的名词所有格在英语中,特别是表示有生命的名词,可以加s表示所属关系,名词的这种形式我们称之为名词的所有格。一、名词词尾加S的所有格1. 一般情况在名词后加so例如:That girl s精品文档 /32

29、coat is in the room.那个女孩的衣服在房间里。在以s结尾的名词后面,只加 L 如果复数名词不是以s结尾的,末尾也要加s。例如:Today is September 10th, Teachers? Day. 今天 是九月十日,教师节。Children s Day is coming, I should buy somethinnew for my son.儿童节马上就要到了,我应该为我的儿子买一些新东西。表示词组内的并列名词各自的所有关系时,须在各个名词后加s;如果一个东西为两个人或者两个以上的 人共同拥有,只在最后一个名词后面加so例如:They are John, s an

30、d Kate * s rooms. How beautiful they are!这是约翰和凯特的房间。它们太漂亮了!He is Lily and Lucy s father.他是莉莉和露西 的爸爸。表示某人的家、店铺等的所有格,一般可以省略 它后面所修饰的名词。例如:Johnson s .My father and I will have dinner at the我爸爸和我将要去约翰逊的家吃晚饭。We will have our hair cut at the barberJ stomorrow afternoon.明天下午我们要去理发店理发。有些指时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,也可 以

31、加s构成所有格。例如:There is something important in today s newspaper.今天的报纸上有一些重要的东西。It s about ten minutes walk from school to ourhome every day.每天从学校到我们家步行大约需要十分钟。英语名词所有格修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,后面则可以省略,以防止重复。例如:This is not Dick, sdictionary, but is Toms.这不是迪克的字典,但是是汤姆的。二、由。f短语构成的所有格1.表示“无生命的名词” 一般与of构成短语,表示所有关系。例如:

32、There is a river on the other side of the road.在公路的另一边有一条河。2.有时我们用名词+ of +名词所有格构成双重所有格的形式。例如:S.This is a photo of Mr Brown s.这是一张布朗先生的照片。不用定冠词” the”的八项纪律、定冠词不与表示一类人或事物的复数名词连用。例如:I like reading the books. I like readingbooks.She likes the cats. She likes cats.二、定冠词不能用在某些习惯用语中的名词前面。例 如:L I have lunch

33、at the noon. I have lunch at noon.2. We go to school by the bus. We go to school by bus.三、定冠词不能用在某些专用名词和不可数名词前 面。例如:I like the China. I like China.Would you like a cup of the water?Would you like a cup of water?四、定冠词不能用在节日、日期、月份、季节前面。 例如:Today is the Teachers Day. Today isTeachers Day. /32精品文档He was

34、 born in the May in 1987. He was born in May in 1987.五、定冠词不能用在表示称呼语或某些头衔的名词前 面。 例如:L Good morning, the sir! Good morning, sir!2. I need some help, the Mummy. I need some help, Mummy.六、定冠词不能与名伺前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any 等 代词连用。例如:1 This the pen is mine. This pen is mine.2. I have the som

35、e money. I have some money.七、定冠词不能用在表示科目名词的前面。例如:We will learn the Chinese, the history and the Maths this afternoon. We will learn Chinese, history and Maths this afternoon.The English is the most interesting of all the subjects.English is the most interesting of all thesubjects.八、定冠词不能用在三餐和球类运动名词的

36、前面。例如:1. She goes to school after the breakfast everymorning.精品文档 /32She goes to school after breakfast every morn in.We often play the football after school.We often play football after school.介词for的用法小结1.表示“当作、作为”。如:I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。What will we have for supp

37、er?我们晩餐吃什么?2-表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。如:Thank youforhelping me with my English.谢谢你帮我学习英语。Thank youforyour last letter.谢谢你上次的来信。Thank youforteaching us so well.感谢你如此尽心地教我们。表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给”、 “对。如:Let me pick it up for you.让我为你捡起来。Watching TV too much is bad for your health, 看 电视太多有害于你的健康。表示时间、距离,意为“计、达”。如:I

38、 usually do the running for an hour in themorning.我早晨通常跑步一小时。We will stay there fortwo days.我们将在那里逗留两天。表示去向、目的,意为“向、往、取、买等。如:Let s go for a walk.我们出去散步吧。I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。I paid twenty yuan for the dictionary. 我花了 20元买这本词典。表示所属关系或用途,意为“为、适于的”。 如:It s time for school.到上学的时间了。Here is a letter for you.这儿有你的一封信。表示“支持、赞成” o如:Are you for this plan or against it?你是支持 还是反对这个计划?用于一些固定搭配中。如:Who are you waiting for?你在等谁?For example, Mr Green is a kind teacher.


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