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1、Thed Piper of HamelinP4-5.Picture wordsPied Piper 穿花衣的吹笛手mayor children 儿童 Hamelin 哈 rats 老鼠 mountain 山 Pipe 笛子P6.Many years ago, there was a beautiful little town called Hamelin. The people of Hamelin were very happy, until the rats came.许多年前,有一个美丽的小镇叫哈。哈P8.的人民一直非常,直到老鼠来了。Thousands of rats came to

2、Hamelin. There were big rats and little rats, thin rats and fat rats.There were rats in all the houses and rats in all the shops.成千上万的老鼠来到哈。有大、小老鼠,还有瘦、胖老鼠。所有的房子里都是老鼠,所有的商店里也都是老鼠。P10.“There are rats on my table!” said one man.“There are rats under my chair!” said another man.“There are rats“There are

3、 ratsy kitchen!” calledoman.y bed!” shouted another woman.桌子上有老鼠!一个说。椅子下有老鼠!另一个说。厨房里有老鼠!一个女人喊道有老鼠在!另一个女人喊道。P12.“There are rats all over the house!” said a littoy.“Make these rats leave the town!” called a little girl.房子里到处都是老鼠一个小男孩说。让这些老鼠滚出这个城镇!一个小 14.叫道。The people of Hamelin went to see the mayor.“

4、Make these rats leave the town!” they shouted.“What can I do?” said the mayor. “There are ratsy house, too. I have tried and tried tomake them leave. They wont go.”哈的人民去见。让这些老鼠离开这个城市!他们大叫。我能怎么办?说。我家也有老鼠我试图让他们离开。但是我也没办法。16.“You must make all the rats leave,” the people said. “If you dont make them le

5、ave, we will find another mayor.”“你必须让所有的老鼠离开,”人们说。如果你不让他们离开,会再选一个P18.。Then one day, a strange man went to see the mayor. He was wearing red and yellow clothes andhe carried a pipe in his hand.“I am thed Piper,” said the strange man, “and I can make the rats leave Hamelin.”一天,一个奇怪的人去见。他穿着红黄相间的衣服,手里拿

6、着一根笛子。“我是花衣魔笛手。”陌生人说,“我可以让老鼠离开哈P20.。”The mayor said, “If you can make these rats leave Hamelin, I will give you lots of money.”“I will remembert,” said thed Piper.Then, the strange man wenthis pipe.o the streets of Hamelin. He began to play some strange music on说:“如果你能让这些老鼠离开哈“我记住你说的话了,”魔笛手说。,我就给你很多

7、钱。”然后,那个奇怪的人走进了哈P22.的大街。他开始用笛子吹奏一些奇怪的音乐。The rats heard the music and they stopped to listen.Suddenly, one rat followed thed Piper. Then, another rat followed him. And another.Soon, all the rats were following thed Piper老鼠们听到了音乐,就停下来听。突然,一只老鼠跟着魔笛手。然后,又有一只老鼠跟着他。一只接一只.过了一会儿,所有的老鼠都跟着魔笛手走了。P24.Thed Piper

8、 walked toward the river. He was still playing the strange music on his pipe.The rats followed him and they all jumpedHamelin.o the river. Andt was the end of the rats in魔笛手向河边走去。他还在用笛子吹着神奇的音乐。老鼠们跟着他,它们都跳进了河里。哈的老鼠就这样都没了。P26.Thed Piper went back to see the mayor.“The rats have all gone,”he said. “Ple

9、ase, can I have my money.”“No, you cant,”said the mayor. “I donve any money to give you.”魔笛手回去见。“老鼠都跑了,”他说。现在,你能把钱给我了吗“不,P28.,”说。我没有钱给你。“If you dont give me my money,” said th you wont be very happy.”ed Piper, “I will play some different music, and“If you want to play music, I wont stop you,” said t

10、he mayor.“如果你不把钱给我,”魔笛手说,“我将演奏一些不同的音乐,你会不太高兴的。”“如果你想演奏,我不会P30.你的,”说。So, thed Piper went outo the street and he began to play some different music.In all the houses and in all the streets, the children stopped playing. Then, one by one, theystarted to follow thed Piper.于是,魔笛手走到街上,开始演奏各式各样的音乐。在所有的房子和街

11、道上,孩子们都停止了玩耍。然后,他们一个接一个地跟着魔笛手走。P32.The people of Hamelin told the children to stop, but the children didnt hear them. Theyfollowed thed Piper through the streets of the town and across the bridge.哈 穿过桥。P34.的人叫孩子们停下来,但孩子们并没有听见。他们跟着魔笛手穿过城里的街道,They followed thed Piper out of the town and up a mountain.

12、他们跟着魔笛手出了城,爬上一座山。36.Then the mountain opened and thed Piper went inside it. The children followed him. Insidethe mountain, there was a beautiful land full of trees and flowers and birds.山打开了,风笛手走进了山。孩子们跟着他。山里面,是一片美丽的土地,满是树木、鸟语花香P38.But one littoy had a broken leg and he couldnt walk as fast as the o

13、ther children. He saw hisfriends goagain.o the mountain, but he was not fast enough to follow them. The mountain closed但是,有一个小男孩的腿跛了,他不能像其他孩子那样走得快。他看见他的朋友们进了山,但他走得不够快,没有跟上他们。于是,山又关闭了。P40.The littoy went back to the town.“My friends are inside the mountain with th never come back.”ed Piper,” he said

14、to the mayor. “They will小男孩回到了城里。“朋友们和魔笛手在山里,”他对说。他们再也回不来了P42.The people of Hamelin were very unhappy.“Where have our children gone?” they shouted to the mayor. “You must go and find them.”哈的人民非常不高兴。的孩子去哪了?他们向大声喊叫。你必须找到他们。P44.So the mayor went to look for the children. He looked for years and years

15、and years. He is still looking for them now.于是就去寻找孩子们。他找了好多年。直到现在,还在寻找他们。P45Activities 活动手册The key below describes the skills practiced in each activity.Spelling and writing ReadingSpeaking Critical thinkingPreparation for the CambridgeYoung Learners Exams1 Choose the correct words and write them on

16、 the lines.选择正确的单词并写在行上。 2 Look and read. Write yes or no.看和读。写是或否。Match the two parts of the sentence.连接句子的两个部分。Work wifriend. Look at the two pictures. How are they different?和朋友一起。看那两张。他们不同?Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 15.读读这个。从框中选择一个词。把正确的单词写在数字 1

17、5 旁边。Read the questions. Write complete answers.阅读问题。写出完整。Look and read. Write yes or no.看和读。写是或否。Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 15.读读这个。从框中选择一个词。把正确的单词写在数字 15 旁边。9 Look at the letters. Write the words.看看那些字母。写下这些单词。 10 Read and choose the right words.读一读,然后选择正确的单词。11 Complete the senten.


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