已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、助动词be, do, have, shall, will的基本用法;助动词是“辅助性”动词,一般没有词义,不能单独作谓语,但可用来帮助构成谓语,表示不同的时态,语态,和数的变化。 常见的助动词有:(1)be (am, is, are, was, were, being, been) 与现在分词结合,构成各种进行时态;或与过去分词结合构成被动语态。Im looking for my pen. 我正在找我的笔。(现在进行时) These cups are made in China. 这些杯子是中国制造的。(被动语态)主语肯定(缩略肯定)否定缩略否定原形现在式 过去式分词现在分词过去分词没有时态、

2、人称、数的变化Ihe/ she/ it/ 单数n/不可数nis ( hes/ shes/ its )is notyou/ we/ they/ 复数nare ( youre/ were/ theyre)are notbenot beam ( Im )am notIm notisnt arentI/ he / she/ it/ 单数n/ 不可数nyou/ we / they/ 复数nwas werebeingbeenwas notwasntwere notnot beingnot beenwerent 助动词be的功能有两个:与现在分词构成各种进行时态;和过去分词构成各种被动语态。(2010攀枝花

3、)Mary with her sisters _ Chinese in China. Aare studying Bhave studied Cis studying Dstudy(2010宿迁)I _ the charity show on TV when the telephone rang. Awatch Bwatched Cam watching Dwas watching (2)助动词do有以下几种形式:主语搭配肯定否定缩略否定现在式第一、二人称/第三人称复数/复数ndodo notdont单数n/ 第三人称单数doesdoes notdoesnt过去式无人称和数的变化diddid

4、notdidnt助动词do/ does/ did 有四大功能:构成否定句、构成疑问句、做代动词和强调作用(加强语气:“确实”)(2010菏泽)Its dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign. Oh, I _ notice it. Thanks for telling me. Ahavent Bwont Cdont Ddidnt(2010兰州)They _(agree) with each other, so they argued for a long time.didnt agreeDThey did hand in their homework y

5、esterday. 他们昨天确实交了作业。People dont do as much exercise as they did in the past.人们现在做的运动不如他们以前做的多。(4) 助动词will(过去式would)和shall(过去式should)有下列几种形式: 肯定缩略肯定否定缩略否定任何人称原形will llwill not wont (ll not)过去式woulddwould notwouldnt (d not)第一人称原形shallllshall not shant (ll not)过去式shoulddshould notshouldnt (d not)助动词 w

6、ill、shall 用于一般将来时; would、should用于过去将来时;The plane will arrive in ten minutes. 飞机十分中后将要到达。 I was sure we would win.我确信用我们会赢。will (would) 可搭配一切人称;shall(should)与I、We 搭配 We shall meet at the school gate tomorrow. 我们明天将在校门口见。 I told them that I should do the work alone. 我告诉他们我将独自做那项工作。(2)have (has, had, h

7、aving)与过去分词结合,构成完成时。 They have known each other for twenty years. 他们互相认识有二十年了。(现在完成时)He had built a chemistry lab for himself by the age of ten. 他十岁时就已经为自己建了一个化学实验室。(过去完成时)(4)助动词 have 有以下几种形式:肯定(缩略肯定)否定缩略否定原形have (ve)have nothavent现在式第三人称单数has ( s )has nothasnt过去式had ( d )had nothadnt现在分词havingnot h

8、aving过去分词had助动词have/ has/ had +过去分词 ,构成各种完成时时态。They have known each other for twenty years. 他们互相认识有二十年了。(现在完成时)He had built a chemistry lab for himself by the age of ten. 他十岁时就已经为自己建了一个化学实验室。(过去完成时)(2010滨州)Have you ever been anywhere for a trip?A trip? I _ away from my hometown even once.Awent Bhave

9、 goneChave been Dhave never been(2010扬州)Its said that an airport _in Yangzhou. Its true. Thats what we are getting excited about these days. Abuilds Bwill build Cis building Dwill be built(2010江西)Hello, Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing? Im watching a match. It started at 7 p.m. and _ on for a

10、nother half an hour. Ahas been Bwas Chad been Dwill be巩固练习1. His father any washing in the morning. A. doesnt do B. doesnt C. doesnt does D. doesnt does2. I 1000 English words by the end of last term. A. have learned B. had learned C. would learn D. was learning3. How long you the bicycle? A. havebo

11、ught B. havehad C. didbuy D. dobuy4. My brother knows London very well. He there many times. A. has been B. has gone C. was D. went5. The children want to know if Miss Green free tomorrow. A. is B. is going to C. will D. will be6. Listen, the music nice. A. sounds B. is sounding C. is sound D. was s

12、ounding7. He early every morning from now on. A. gets up B. does get up C. does gets up D. will get up8. Our teacher told us that light faster than sound. A. travelled B. travels C. was travelled D. had travelled9. Mr. Brown is not at home. He to the library. A. has gone B. has been C. had been D. h

13、ad gone10. He said he would go to the cinema with us if he free. A. is B. were C. was D. will be11. Tom _ his homework after breakfast. A. dont B. doesnt C. dont do D. doesnt do12. Jenny _a letter to her mother three days ago. A. wrote B. writes C. write D. has written13. He _ with us yesterday morn

14、ing. A. doesnt go swimming B. goes swimming C. didnt go swimming D. went to swimming14. There _a basketball match on our school the day after tomorrow. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. would have15. _ you _ us a talk this afternoon? A. Are, giving B. Are, given C. Will, give D. Were, g

15、oing to give16. Look! Li Lei _ Jim with his Chinese. A. is helping B. has helped C. is going to help D. would help17. Dont make any noise. The baby _ . A. has slept B. is slept C. will sleep D. is sleeping18. The students of Class 3 _a football game now. Lets go and watch. A. are having B. will have

16、 C. is having D. will be had19. How many English songs _ you _ by the end of last term? A. have, learned B. did, learn C. had, learned D. were, learned20. My mother _ breakfast while I _ my face this morning. A. cooked, was cooking B. was cooking, was washing C. was cooking D. would cook, was washin

17、g二、用下列动词的适当形式填空1. He told me that he (visit) the Summer Palace the next day.2. Who has borrowed the dictionary? I want to use it. Miss Li. She (keep) it for a week.3. The old man (die) last summer. He (die) for eight months.4. Father (cook) when I got home.would visithas keptdiedhas been deadwas cooking5. Mr. Smith told us he (show) the guests around the factory later.6. In winter when your clothes (wash), it is not easy to get them dry.7. t


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