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1、机载监视系统Airborne Surveillance System课程简介本课程性质:专业限选课,面向电子专业,内容不断更新,可直接为民航机载监视类设备原理提供基础知识和相关实验。本课程安排: 学时:36学时(课堂教学28学时,实验8学时)课堂教学内容:1.Airborne Weather Radar(WXR)2.Secondary Surveillance Radar(SSR)3.Traffic Collision Avoidance System(TCAS)4.Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System(EGPWS)5.Automatic Depen

2、dent Surveillance-Broadcast(ADS-B)教学目的: 了解民航机载监视相关设备的原理,掌握相关专业词汇。教材:编写中 成绩:考勤+作业:15%;实验:30%;考试:55%。2Civil Aviation English 行业性英语,其覆盖内容几乎包含了民用航空企业的所有部门航空企业的雇佣条件大多包含英语水平,即使入职后,仍会进行民航英语学习,并且随着民航事业的不断发展,各航空企业对在职员工民航英语要求也越来越高。行业特色明显 - 缩写非常普遍 - 专业词汇较多 - 维修手册(AMM,FIM,CMM,WDM等),试航指令(AD),服务通告(SB)等都是英文。3缩写(Ab

3、breviation)Example 1:AOCAOC: Airline Operational Communications AOC :Airline Operation Control AOC: Aircraft Operations Centre AOC: Aircraft Operating CompanyAOC: Aeronautical Operational Control AOC :Aeronautical Operational CommunicationsAOC :Air Operators Certificate AIS(En) Aeronautical Informat

4、ion Services SIA (Fr) Service dInformation AronautiqueACC(En) Area Control Centre CCR(Fr) Centre de Contrle RgionalExample 2:AIS, ACC4专业词汇(Specialized vocabulary)TaxiwayCabinPitch/roll/yawAltitudeNautical mileApproachflight/aircraft/plane/aeroplane/airplane/jet/helicopter/glider/UAV5Introduction to

5、Airborne Surveillance System中国民航大学电子信息工程学院Outline1 General introduction2 Surveillance functions3 Surveillance sensors7Outline1 General introduction2 Surveillance functions3 Surveillance sensors8General introduction The life of a flightSafety?Reminder on Air Traffic Services The objectives of the Air

6、 Traffic Services(ATS) Ob1: prevent collisions between aircraft(避撞) Ob2: prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area(避撞) Ob3:expedite and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic(有序) Ob4:provide useful advice and information for the safe and efficient con

7、duct of flights(安全高效) Ob5:notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organizations as required(预警)Reminder on Air Traffic Services ATS comprise the three following services(1) The air traffic control service, : Area control service: the prov

8、ision of air traffic control service for controlled flights, in order to accomplish objectives 1 & 3; Approach control service: the provision of air traffic control service for arrival or departure, in order to accomplish objectives 1 &3; Aerodrome control service: the provision of air traffic contr

9、ol service for aerodrome traffic, in order to accomplish objectives 1, 2 & 3.(2)The flight information service, to accomplish objective 4.(3)The alerting service, to accomplish objective 5.Relationship12Surveillance itemsPSR(WXR)SSR(ATCRBS)SDPS, FDPSA-SMGCSSafety nets(STCA(TCAS),MSAW(EGPWS)ADSMLAT(M

10、ultilateration) and WAM 13STCA14Short Term Conflict AlertMSAW15Minimum Safe Altitude WarningICAO(国际民用航空组织)16International Civil Aviation OrganizationAppendix 10 : Aeronautical CommunicationsBook 1 Radio Navigation Aids Book 2 Communication Procedures including those with PANS StatusBook 3 Communicat

11、ions Systems Book 4 Surveillance Radar and Collision Avoidance SystemsBook 5 Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum UtilizationSurveillance structure17Outline1 General introduction2 Surveillance functions3 Surveillance sensors182 Surveillance functionsSurveillance purposes within CNSSurveillance conc

12、eptsCommunicationControl aircraft trajectories by giving pilots instructionsNavigationProvide pilots means to follow the requested trajectories on their own SurveillanceKnow where aircrafts are at a given instantKnow there they are going to20See AMM to revise and distinguishCNS ServicesCommunication

13、 Fixed/Mobile Service Voice Communication Data-CommunicationNavigation Ground Based Navigation Systems ILS, VOR, DME, VDF Airspace Based Navigation Systems GPS21Surveillance Non Cooperative PSR Cooperative SSR, MLAT Dependant ADS/B/CPhases of Flight22Associated Services23Surveillance functions Surve

14、illance with COM and NAV is an essential element ofintegrated ATM operations Provides the necessary information to ensure safe and expeditious sequencing of air traffic control Real time report of air situation : Position and identification of moving targets Detection and alerts for conflict situati

15、on (safe horizontal/vertical separation) Appropriate data processing, distribution and displays to the users Ground: controller position Airborne: pilot position24Outline1 General introduction2 Surveillance functions3 Surveillance sensors25Surveillance sensorsAirborne WXRSSR transponderTCASEGPWSADS-

16、B26WXR: Airborne weather radarWXR provides the flight crew with a representation of weather (compensated for a/c attitudes): - Localization (tilt and distance) and density of water particles - Turbulence information and wind shear detection through particle horizontal speed detection27反射率(mm/h)颜色显示无

17、雨区50.8Airborne WXR28SSR and transponder29TCAS/ACASTCAS:Trafic Collision Avoidance SystemACAS:Airborne Collision Avoidance System30EGPWS/TAWSEGPWS: Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning SystemTAWS: Terrain Awareness Warning System31ADS-BADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast32Sensors Position33Sensors Position34Sensors Position35PerspectiveAESS(Aircraft Environment Surveillance System)= TAWS + TCAS + ATC transponder + Weather radar within a single equipment, also called ISS(Integerate Surveillance System). From 5 surveillance systems (22 to 30 MCU)+ 7 antennas to36本课程整体安排1 Introduct


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