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1、Unit 1 Nine to FiveSection 1 Lead-in1.Video and QuestionsWatch the video and answer the questions.Clip One. 1). Why is the girl, Ryden Malby, screaming in the end? Clip Two. 1). What does Ryden respond to the question “What are you up to” at the party?2). What does she say about her situation?Clip T

2、hree. 1). Watch the clip to see if there is any difference between the three fathers attitudes and behaviors? Which one do you prefer?2.Discussion1) What is the first problem facing the students leaving university?2) How do you think they will react if they cant find a job?3) What do you think their

3、 parents will do if they cant find a job? 3. Listening in 1). Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published in September 2008 in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. For many gra

4、duates finding a job became harder in 2008 and 2009 because of the economic downturn then a recession (萎缩). After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then found that it was difficult to find employment in their field or at the level they wanted. The arti

5、cle addresses the problem of such new graduates who might be stuck at home. The style is partly of a report, but also of a humorous comment for light entertainment. 2). Listen to the passage and answer the questions. Why are there more graduates looking for jobs? Because universities in Europe, part

6、icularly in Britain, have expanded greatly in the last fifteen years. Why did the competitive situation of job market become even worse in 2008?Because of the credit crunch and economic depression that year. What is the advice the author gives to the students?Active to seek a job, they need to fill

7、in many application forms and try to get job interviews: they wont find employment by lying on the sofa at home.Listening Script:Universities in Europe, especially in Britain, have expanded greatly in the last fifteen years, so there are more graduates looking for jobs. This competitive situation be

8、came a lot worse in 2008 onwards with the credit crunch and economic depression, which means that there were fewer jobs available and a rise in unemployment. Thus new graduates have to be active to seek a job, they need to fill in many application forms and try to get job interviews: they wont find

9、employment by lying on the sofa at home.Section 2 Passage Learning1.Background informationCultural Note: Honors Degree1)Most people get a second. 2)Traditionally, in the British university system, BA (文学学士) and BS (理学学士) are awarded in different categories: a first class degree (I), a second (IIi or

10、 IIii called “a two one” and “a two two”), a third (written III) and a pass degree. 3)There are also ordinary degrees with more general courses of study without these categories.Key: 2,1,3Generation Y and Grunt1). Work in pairs and answer the question. How to name the generations and characterize th

11、em? Years of birthNames Characteristics1946 1960Baby boomersBorn in the great increase of births 1960 1980Generation Xindependent, informal, entrepreneurial1980s 1990sGeneration Y orMillennial Generationspoilt by parents; have structured lives; teamwork; 2). Why is Generation Y is also called Genera

12、tion Grunt? Complete the passage with the words in the box.express children available experienceIt is an ironic name referring to repetitive, low status, routine or mindless work this may be the only work available to some graduates, who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience . “Grunt

13、” also refers to coarse behavior or bad manners and to the deep sound that is made by a pig. When people “grunt” they express disgust but do not communicate with words this may be how the parents of new graduates think their children communicate with them! 2.Text organization General structure:Probl

14、ems after graduationAdvice for dealing with the problemsDetailed structure:Looking at the problems from variousviewpointsparents(Paras 1-2) author(Para 3) graduates (Paras 4-6) mother(Paras 7-9) Psychotherapist Advice author(Para 16)(Paras 10-15) Parents balance: positive not making More exampleslif

15、e too comfortable Better for fathers to help boys after a job setback. Its a good idea toget some jobs like bar work, shelf-stacking.3.Information analysis Work in pairs. Look at the sentences and discuss the implied meanings unsaid.1)“Will he ever get a job?” Who is asking this question? What mood

16、does it express?The parents are asking the question. The mood seems to express patience or resignation because the word “ever” suggests that getting a job will take a long time.2)Who describes Generation Y as “rebels without a cause”? Is it a fair description?This is the writers description to indic

17、ate that this generation is rebelling against parents or society, but they have nothing particular to rebel against.This does not seem very fair because the students are trying to find work it is just that they dont like their parents nagging them. 3)Jack “walked into the university careers service

18、and straight back out again”. What does this suggest about Jacks character?It suggests that Jack is not very determined. As soon as he saw the queue he left without waiting and without trying to ask about jobs or careers.4)Jack spent the summer “hiding”. Hiding from what? Why are quotation marks use

19、d?Hiding from the world of work, staying at home and not looking for a job. The quotation marks tell us that he wasnt literally hiding, he just spent a lot of time at home.5)How is Mrs. Goodwins point of view affected by her own personal experience?In one way her experience hasnt affected her attitu

20、de. She left school and went immediately to a job (without going to university) and has been working full-time since then and yet she is sympathetic and takes a soft line.6)How is Lindenfields point of view affected by her own personal experiences?Her personal experience was that she worked in a bar

21、 before finding her first proper job as an aerial photographic assistant. So she says such work is a great networking opportunity. If new graduates are good at such work and bright, cheerful and polite, they will soon be promoted. Her personal experience thus reflects or perhaps has created her poin

22、t of view.7)What would the first two paragraphs have focused on if they had been presented from the point of view of the students rather than the parents?The first two paragraphs would have focused on the need for the new graduates to rest for a bit after their hard studies. It is OK for students to

23、 relax with the TV or to socialize with friends for a while, then they can start a serious search for employment after that.4.Theme Discussion 1) Do you think the Goodwins are good parents?Yes. If they take a hard line with Jack, it will just make him angry: He has already tried to find work and he

24、needs rest and sympathy now. His parents are letting him go to South America. But after that he will have to make a more serious effort and hell need to contribute to the household budget, which means he must find work then. So the soft line is the best approach.No, their soft line is not good enoug

25、h. They should insist that he make more effort and they should actively help him to find work, even a temporary job. Their soft approach just encourages him to delay and by the time he comes back from his holiday all the likely jobs will have been taken. So they are not really helping at all. How ca

26、n they let him take a three week holiday abroad when he hasnt got a job to come back.2)Which advice Lindenfield gives to parents do you agree with (if any), and why?I agree with her advice that parents should strike the right balance between being positive and understanding without making life too c

27、omfortable, otherwise students will not look for a job. Her advice about working in a bar or supermarket seems sensible too, because one job can lead to another.3 )Is Jacks point of view that he doesnt want to do temporary bar work justifiable?No. He thinks that kind of work is a dead-end job and no

28、t suitable for him. But hes wrong because he has the wrong attitude toward work. A new graduate may expect to start at the bottom: Thats OK while you get experience. If you have a good attitude and work well, you will soon be promoted or you can find a much better job later. Hes unrealistic, I think

29、.4) Do you agree that men can give boys better advice than women when they are stuck in setbacks? Why / Why not?Yes. Men will understand the male point of view better and conversely women will understand a female point of view better. So each gender will give the best advice to someone of their own

30、gender.No, to understand setbacks in the search for work is not a gender issue. I think anyone who knows the situation can give good advice, whether they are male or female.5)Do you think the passage is a fair overview of the problem of graduate unemployment?No, because there is no mention of those

31、who persistently apply for many jobs but dont get interviews or offers of employment. The article seems to suggest that new graduates sit around at home, but I know many people who really search hard for work. Some find it, some dont. Its easy to say that this is a matter of luck, it is a matter of

32、having a positive attitude and being flexible about the first job you can always change your field of work later.5.Summary Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. This text is a newspaper article with individual examples of job searching and problems after graduation. T

33、he problems are examined from different peoples viewpoints: parents attitudes towards their jobless children, students quote about looking for jobs, psychologists summery of the viewpoints of parents and advice for dealing with the problems, and the authors own comments. In the end the author conclu

34、des that if the graduates cannot find an ideal job, they can take a temporary one.6Language points Difficult sentences1.Those memories of forking out thousands of pounds a year so that he could eat well and go to the odd party, began to fade. (Para 1)2. I passed the exams, but at the interviews they

35、 accused me of being too detached and talking in language that was too technocratic, which I didnt think possible, but obviously it is. (Para 5)3. I went to a comprehensive and I worked my backside off to go to the good university, (Para 6)4. Carry on life as normal and dont allow them to abuse your

36、 bank account or sap your reserve of emotional energy. (Para 11)5. After that the son or daughter needs to be nudged firmly back into the saddle. (Para 12)Words to note:1. revert 2. comprehensive 3. proceed 4. transition Phrases:1. in the same boat 2. come full circle 3. take a soft/hard line 4. str

37、ike the right note Useful expressions:Section 3 ExercisesInstructionsCompulsory Work:1. Learn all the new words and expressions of this unit (Vocabulary Handbook).2. Complete Ex. 3-7 on P5-6. (Ex. 3-4 should be finished when students preview the text.)3. Read the passage in “Active reading (2)” afte

38、r class and finish Ex. 4-7 on P9. 4. Read the passage in “Reading across cultures” after class and finish Ex. 1 on P14.5. Finish “Language in Use” on P12-13.Compulsory Work:1. Learn all the new words and expressions of this unit (Vocabulary Handbook).2. Complete Ex. 3-7 on P5-6. (Ex. 3-4 should be f

39、inished when students preview the text.)3. Read the passage in “Active reading (2)” after class and finish Ex. 4-7 on P9. 4. Read the passage in “Reading across cultures” after class and finish Ex. 1 on P14.5. Finish “Language in Use” on P12-13.Keys Active reading (1) (P4)Reading and understanding2.

40、 Choose the best answer to the questions.1. c2. b3. a4. c5. c6. d Dealing with unfamiliar words: 3 1. proceed2. transition3. detached4. upcoming5. slump6. revert7. recount Dealing with unfamiliar words: 4 1. transition2. slumped3. proceed4. recounting5. detached6. upcoming7. revert Dealing with unfa

41、miliar words: 5 1. comprehensive2. cop3. aerial4. clutched5. advocate6. healedDealing with unfamiliar words: 6 1. b2. a3. a4. a5. bDealing with unfamiliar words: 7 1. b2. b3. a4. a5. a6. a7. a8. a Keys Active reading (2) (P9)Reading and understanding2. Choose the best answer to the questions.1. a2.

42、d3. a4. b5. c6. c Dealing with unfamiliar words: 4 1. amusing 2. fortunately3. loan4. deduct5. highlight6. sympathize7. demanding Dealing with unfamiliar words: 5 1. sympathize2. fortunately3. loan4. demanding5. amusing6. highlight7. deductedDealing with unfamiliar words: 6 1. belongings2. dropouts3

43、. gamble4. exceeded5. odds6. thriving7. honesty Dealing with unfamiliar words: 7 1. b2. b3. a4. a5. b6. a7. a8. a9. a Keys Language in use (P12)1. word formation: compound nounsLook at the sentences from the passage Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa. proudly clutched his ho

44、nors degree for his graduation photo.I dont want to do bar work.Paying for career consultations, train fares to interviews or books Its a great antidote to graduate apathy.Now write the compound nouns which mean:1) a degree which is awarded a first classa first-class degree 2) work in a hospitalhosp

45、ital work 3) a ticket for a plane journeya plane ticket 4) a discount for studentsa student discount 5) a pass which allows you to travel on busesa bus pass 6) a room where an interview is heldan interview room 7 ) a period spent in traininga training period 2. word formation: noun phrasesLook at th

46、e sentences from the passage Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa . most in these financially testing times have no idea what to do next.Now write the noun phrases which mean:1)a career which is rewarding from the financial point of viewa financially rewarding career 2) legisl

47、ation which has been introduced recentlyrecently introduced legislation 3) instructions which are more complex than usualunusually complex instructions 4) an institution which is orientated towards academican academically orientated institution 5) work which makes physical demands on youphysically d

48、emanding work 6 ) information which has the potential to be importantpotentially important information 7) candidates who have been selected after a careful procedurecarefully selected candidates 8) a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully a beautifully planned course book 3. try

49、 as mightLook at the sentence.I try very hard to stay cheerful, but all I ever get is hassle.You can rewrite it like this:Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle.Now rewrite the sentences using try as might.1) Im trying to fill this last page, but I just cant think of anything.Try

50、as I might to fill this last page, I just cant think of anything.2)I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesnt seem to respond.Try as I might to be friendly with Marta, she doesnt seem to respond.3) I try hard to get to sleep, but I cant help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sle

51、ep, I cant help thinking about my family. 4) He just doesnt seem to get the promotion he deserves, even though he keeps trying.Keep trying as he might, he just doesnt seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Keep trying as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just doesnt seem to get it.5)I

52、keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Keep trying as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank. 4. given that Look at the sentence.Since I had a good degree, I thought Id like to go on to get my masters.You can rewrite it like this:Given that I had got a good degree, I thou

53、ght Id like to go on to get my masters.Now rewrite the sentences using given that 1) Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2) Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Gi

54、ven that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3) Since were all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that were all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4) Since its rather late, I think we should leave this last task un

55、til tomorrow.Given that its rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.5. clauses introduced by thanLook at the sentences from the passage Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa.He has seen more daytime television than is healthy.Lindenfield believes that

56、 men are often better at helping their sons, nephews, or friends sons than are mothers and sisters.Now rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than.1) Shes experienced at giving advice. Im more experienced.Im more experienced at giving advice than is she.2) You eat too much chocolate. It i

57、snt good for you.You eat too more chocolate than is good for you. 3) She worked very hard. Most part-timers dont work so hard.She worked harder than do most part-timers.4)You have arrived late too many times. That isnt acceptable.You have arrived late too more times than is acceptable.5) I dont thin

58、k you should have given so much personal information. It isnt wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.6. collocationsRead the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1)highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What

59、would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it with a pencil or pen or you can use highlighters.(c

60、) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents from being scored.2)loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I havent. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy h


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