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1、2021年安徽省人教版初中英语八年级上册期末测试卷第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分)一.单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21.-How about having a cup of coffee? We have half an hour before the movie.- Whatever you want to do is good with me.A. It just depends B. Its up to you C. That sounds lovely D. Glad to hear

2、that 22. We Ye so tired that we can t go any farther a rest.A. forB. toC. exceptD. without. -What time can you get to the station?-Ill be there at nine, the train is late.A. ifB. whenC. unlessD. until.-What will you tell them about your parents?-I will tell them that my dad is a a and cooks in a nic

3、e restaurant.A. doctorB. cookC. pianistD. pilot. -We have a lot of rules at my house.-So do we . How we teenagers are!A. happyB. upsetC. impoliteD.unlucky. -lets take a coffee break, shall we?-I wish I could, but I .A. wontB. dontC. cantD. mustn t. I am prepared to lend you the money if you to pay i

4、t back.A. planB. wantC. promiseD. advise.-Im hungry. Lets make some cakes to eat.-But do you know to make it?A. whenB . whatC. whereD. how.-New Year is coming. Whats your resolution?-I a lot of exercise.A. gotB. am gettingC. are going to eatD.will get.-The building is very dangerousD. lie down- You

5、are right. It looks as if its going to .A. push downB.go downC. fall down第1页共10页二.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AMy name is Robinson, I am from England. I am eighteen years old. My father is German. My mother is English. I have two brothers. I have one sister. We are a g

6、oodfamily.My father is a good businessman( 商人),so we have 31 .I have a good school. I have a good life. But I have a 32 .I want to travel. I want to see the33 .My father wants the best for me,34 my dream is not his dream. He is not happy. Thesituation( 情形)is not 35.It is morning. My father is in his

7、 room. He wants to 36 with me. I_go to his room.My father has some 37. My father wants to know why I want to travel.My father says, Travelling is 38 .Travelling is not comfortable. You can die.I 39it. Travelling is dangerous. It is not comfortable. I can die. But it is alsovery40 . I can see new cou

8、ntries. I can meet new people.C paper ,D farm31. A. moneyB.newsC.paperD.farm32. A. storyB. dreamC. giftD. habit33. A. zooB. worldC. movieD. sky34. A. andB. soC. becauseD. but35. A.difficultB.lateC.easyD. boring36. A. singB. readC. washD. talk37. A. clothesB. questionsC. hobbiesD. subject38. A. relax

9、ingB. cheapC. dangerousD.simple39. A. think aboutB. look forC. look likeD. listen to40. A. earlyB. interestingC. boringD.expensiveBGrecia was a sad toucan( 巨嘴鸟).The bird 41 its beak(鸟嘴).But with the help of kind people and science, Grecia got a42 beak.The toucan lives in Costa Rica. One day, a group

10、 of children43 it with a stickGrecia lost part of its beak. Toucans use their beaks to 44 So for over a year, poor Greciahad a 45 life.第2页共10页46 , some farmers took Grecia to an animalhome. To 47 Grecia, the animalhome raised thousands of dollars online. A local company(当地公司)was willing to makea new

11、 beak for Grecia with 3D printing technology.This month, the beak was 48. Now Grecia wears it and can finally eat like anormal 49.Grecias story also made people 50 aboutyiolence to animals. People want to pass ananimal rights bill( 权禾法案)because of this.41. A. sawB. hatedC. lostD. had42. A. smallB. n

12、ewC. oldD. short43. A. heardB. gotC. hitD. caught44. A. flyB. swimC.walkD. eat45. A. hardB.happyC. easyD. long46. A. QuicklyB ReallyC. LuckilyD. Slowly47. A.sellB. buyC. helpD. enjoy48. A. killedB. finishedC.cutD.covered49. A .kidB. catC. dogD. bird50. A. sadB. exciteC. angryD.relaxed第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满

13、分45)补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余 选项How about yours?How was your winter vacation?It was really terrible.Why?Did you skate there?Who did you go with?Then what did you do at home?Hi, Ming. 51Not very good.52_I wanted to go to Wuhu for my vacation. But it snowed hard there, so I had to stay

14、 at home.What a pity! 53 I only did my homework every day. It was so boring. 54Oh, I went to Harbin.It was great. What was the weather like in Harbin?It was very cold and sometimes it snowed.55第3页共10页Vffl .阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出六个最佳选项AName: Sophia Dangelico Nationality

15、: USA Gender: femaleAge Group:13-15E-Mail Address: HYPERLINK mailto:Dangsop000 Dangsop000Hobbies: I like reading,writing,watching Once Upon a Time,and riding horses Pen pal message/wishes:Hi! Im glad you found me here! I love reading and quite like science fictions.I also love riding horses! And I l

16、ove hanging out with my twin sister! Omg!I haven t told you my name yet! My name is Sophia! I like watching my new favorite show, Once Upon a time! Its so good! I also have two cats, and I really want a dog! I love animals so much, and I want to do something with them when I grow up, most likely tea

17、ching kids how to ride horses. Anyway, if you want to be my pen friends, please send me an email I would love to be your pen pal,! It would be best for me if we could communicate through emails, because I check my mail a lot! So yeah! Hope to hear from you soon! Bye! I will take pen pals from anywhe

18、re in the world boys or girls!56.Who does Sophia likes hanging out with?A.Her sister B.Her friend C.Her mother D.Her father 57.What does Sophia think of Once Upon a Time?A.She loves it.B.She hates it.C.She can t stand it.D.She doesn t mind it.58. How can you get in touch with Sophia if you want to b

19、e her pen pal?A.By calling herB.By sending her emails.C.By calling her parents.D.By going to her home.B Students learns from home. We talk to four kids about what its like. Jose Tomas, Age 6, Temuco, Chile第4页共10页In the morning, I watch videos and do art projects. I do my homework for school in the a

20、fternoon. My mom finds me videos online. We do P E. class in my backyard(院子)onWednesday afternoons.Mavis, Age 10, Hong Kong, ChinaI have an iPad. I use it to take my class. Io practice my math, I play a card game. For music class, I made a song by tapping( 拍打)on glasses of water. I have many books i

21、n my bedroom. But I still love going to school.Andrea, Age 12, Milan, ItalyI wake up and eat breakfast. Then I study for two hours in the morning. meet with my teachers and classmates on a video call three days a week. I get bored staying at home all day. But not always. It is important for kids to

22、be patient(而寸心的)right now.Elisabeth, Age 7, Berlin, GermanyLearning from home is cool. I read, play games, and watch shows on the iPad. I have lessons in German, geography, and math. I try to learn three to five hours every day. 59.When does Jose have P E. class?A.On Monday morningB.On Tuesday after

23、noonC.On Wednesday afternoonD. On Friday morning60.Mavis takes classes at home.A.on TV B.on mobile phoneC.on iPadD.on computer61.It takes Andrea to study at home in the morning.A.one hour B.one and a half hourB.two hoursD.three hours.How many subjects does Elisabeth learn at home?A.2.B.3.C.4.D.5.CA

24、dog and her babies lived on a farm. There was a well(井)on the farm. The wellwas deep( 深).The mother dog told the babies not go near the well or play around it. One of the babies wanted to know why they shouldnt go to the well and decided to find it out.He went to the well and looked inside.There he

25、saw his reflection and thought it was another dog. I he baby dog saw that the other dog in the well(his reflection)was doing the same thing he was doing, and got angry with him. He decided to fight with the dog and jumped into the well. But he on/y found no dog in the water. He barked( 狗吠)and barked

26、 and swam until the farmer came第5页共10页and saved him. The baby dog had learned his lesson.The story tells us. Always listen to what the elders say. Question them, but believe them. What did the mother dog told her babies?A.Stay away from the wellB. Not to drink the water from the wellC.Stay away from

27、 another dog.D.Not to play inside the well.What does the underlined wordreflection mean in Chinese?A.形状B.风格65.Whats the best title for the passage?A.Dont Believe the Old PeopleC.The Mother Dog and Her BabiesC.倒影D.变化B.The Dog at the WellD.The Dog and the FarmDIt was the first week of summer vacation.

28、 Gabby was at home. Her parents and little brother went on a one-week trip to Hawaii. Gabby didnt want to go travelling, so shesaid she would stay at home. It would be great. She could stay up late and do what she wanted to do.She asked her friends , William and Agatha , to her house. Wow , it is so

29、 cool to have the house yourself. Your parents must really trust you! Angela said. Gabby/ sparents trusted Gabby because she always told the truth and did the right thing. You should have a party , William said. Gabby thought about it. Maybe her parents wouldn t know it.OkayllIdo it! ” Gabby said.Ga

30、bby asked her classmates to her house. A lot of people came and the house was full. It seemed like everyone had a good time. They really liked the food and the music at the party. They started shouting at each other and things broke.Suddenly , the door opened( 门开了 ). It was Gabby s parents. MDmd ,ar

31、en t you coming back tomorrow? Gabby asked. We were, but we came here to surprise you with a gift , “ her dad said. What would Gabby like to do during the first week of summer vacation?A.Go travelling. B.Stay up late C.Go to bed early. D. Get up early. 67. What did Gabby s friends do?第6页共10页A. Broke

32、 things. B.Drunk too much. C.Cleaned the house. D.Spent much money. 68. How might Gabby feel when she saw her parents?A.ShyB.HappyC.SadD.SorryEDear Aunt Alice,I am a 16-year-old with a great and friendly family. My twin brother and I are home- schooled by our mother. Recently one of my good friends

33、and her mother came over to visit.My friend and I were looking at some websites for a game. She began to show me of the music she listens to and some of the videos that go with the music. I did not like music or the videos.For one reason, they scared me. I found them dark.I could not find out how to

34、 say that I would really rather not listen to (or watch) those things. She gets angry and upset if I disagree with her. She said her mother had no idea about the music she was listening to and the video she was watching. I began to feel terrible.How can I tell her I dont want her to go on these webs

35、ites on my computer? I really want to tell her mom what she is up to, but I dont want this to end our friendship.I am very worried and dont want my friend to go down the wrong way. I told my mom and dad about what happened, and my mom thought that maybe I should tell my friends mom, but Im not sure,

36、 What should I do? Can you help me?A Worried Girl.How many people are there in the worried girls family?A.ThreeB.FourC.FiveD.six.What does the worried girl think of her friends music and videos? A.Interesting B.Strange. C.Relaxing. D.Terrible.What will happened if the worried girl tells her friends

37、mother what her daughter does ?Her friend will be sorry.B.She will lost her friendC.Her friend will be sad.D.Her friend will leave home.72.Whats the worried girls mothers advice?A.She should go away from her friend.She should make a new friend.第7页共10页C.She should like what her friend likes.D.She sho

38、uld tell her friends mother.F阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。A man went to visit a rich friend. When he walked along the road, he saw an apple by the road. He said to himself, I do not want to eat that apple, because the rich friend must give me delicious food to eat when I see him. So he picked up t

39、he apple and threw( 扔)it In a ditch( 壕沟)near the road.He went on walking and then he came to a river. There was no boat on the river, so he couldnt cross it. He waited for a long time. But still there was no boat for him to cross friends house today. It is a big danger for me to cross this river.He began to


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