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1、King Henry VIIIMajesty with MenaceHe lasted almost four decades, during which he presided over the foundation of the Church of England, a remodelling of the machinery of government and of taxation, a major growth in the importance of Parliament, the incorporation of Wales into the regular system of

2、English local administration, the establishment of the Kingdom of Ireland, the arrival in England of Renaissance modes of art and literature, a major building programme which included colleges, palaces and fortresses.His reputation among 20th century historians has generally been low, but in his own

3、 time it stood much higher.Renaissance Europe expected its kings to be a mixture of the lion and the fox - audacious, generous, majestic, ruthless and devious - and Henry fitted the image.WeaknessesHenry never showed any capacity as a general, and his foreign policy was a failure.He repeatedly attem

4、pted to reconquer parts of France, and ended up with BoulogneHe tried to conquer Scotland, and only forced the Scots to e allies of his enemes the FrenchHenry repeatedly declared both that he was determined to rule effectively and that the best way of managing people was through fearAs well as savag

5、ely punishing ministers for failure, he constantly encouraged them to watch each other for signs of petence or disloyalty and to inform the king privately of such signs.He managed the nobility by honouring and flattering them and, by carefully seeking the endorsement of Parliament for all his reform

6、s, he increased both the power of the Crown and of representative democracy.His damage to traditional Christianity in England is obvious: his policies resulted in the destruction of hundreds of beautiful buildings and works of art, incalculable damage to libraries, and the execution of the Englishme

7、n mostly widely respected in Europe for their godliness. In place of all this he instituted not a Protestant Church (that was the work of his children), but a decaying Catholic one.Queen ElizabethGolden AgeGolden AgeIt was a time of extravagance and luxury in which a flourishing popular culture was

8、expressed through writers such as Shakespeare, and explorers like Drake and Raleigh sought to expand Englands territory overseas.Not so GoldenThe sixteenth century was also a time when the poor became poorer, books and opinions were censored, and plots to overthrow the Queen were rife. Elizabeths mi

9、nisters had to employ spies and even use torture to gain information about threats to her life.Elizabeth could be as ruthless and calculating as any king before her but at the same time she was vain, sentimental and easily swayed by flattery.She relied upon the ministers close to her but would infur

10、iate them with her indecisionReligionShe recognised how important it was to establish a clear religious framework and between 1559 and 1563 introduced the acts which made up the Church Settlement.This returned England to the Protestant faith stating that public worship, religious books such as the B

11、ible and prayers were to be conducted in English rather than Latin. But Elizabeth was careful not to erase all traces of Catholic worship and retained, for example, the traditions of candlesticks, crucifixes and clerical robes.MarriageQueen Elizabeth never married, she claimed I am already bound unt

12、o a husband which is the Kingdom of England.If I followed the inclination of my nature, it is this, she said, beggar woman and single, far rather than queen and married.Mary, The Scottish QueenShe became Queen of Scotland aged only six days following the death of her father, and spent her early chil

13、dhood with her mother in Scotland.Mary went to live at the French court and at the age of fifteen married Francis, heir to the French throne.Francis II reigned for only a few months with Mary as his Queen and, when he died in 1560Mary, soon after, returned to ScotlandShe agreed to allow Scotland to

14、be protestant as long as she could worship Catholicism privatelyMary married a ruthless man with a drinking problem.Drama ensuses, her husband kills her adviserShe plots with another man to blow up her husbandShe is imprisoned by the nobles, and forced to abdicate the throne. Her son James VI ascend

15、s the Scottish throneConnection to the throne of EnglandMary was the granddaughter of Henry VIIIs elder sister, Margaret, and so had a claim to the English throne. She had married Darnley whose lineage could be traced back to Henry VII, creating an even stronger claim. Marys naiveteMary, thinking he

16、r cousin Elizabeth would rally to her cause escapes and flees to England.Elizabeth has entirely different ideas for the catholic Scottish queen.Mary is confined to a castle, realizing too late that she will never meet Elizabeth.There is something about MaryMary, being Catholic with a legitimate clai

17、m to the throne, during a time period where protestantism is still being established creates a huge problem for ElizabethExecuting Mary also poses a problem, setting a precedent for executing a Queen doesnt seem like a good idea either.Plots and conspiraciesAs predicted, Mary quickly became the focus of plots to overthrow Elizabeth and return England to the Catholic faith.She was implicated in one of these plotsElizabeth was forced to have her executed for treasonPart of the reason Spain tries to invade soon after.


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