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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、Jeff, could you tell me how to take

2、 a taxi through “Didi”?_AYoure welcome.BSure, Id love to.CTake it easy.DIt doesnt matter.2、This pair of blue jeans looks cool. Can I try _ on?Sure. The fitting room is over there.Ait Bthem Cthis Dthat3、-Could you tell me some information about the hotels in your city?-Why not _ on the Internet?Alook

3、 for it Bto look for it Clook it up Dto look it up4、-Would you like to attend the TV show?-_. But Im busy studying for my test.ADont mention it.BId love to.CThats all right.DMy pleasure.5、He accepted the _ with pleasure. He thought it an honor to attend such a great party.Ainstruction Binvitation Ci

4、ntroduction Dinvention6、 Look at the young man in yellow. Is it Mr. Green? No, it _be him. He is wearing a green coat today.AmustntBneedntCcant7、We all know that learning a foreign language time and effort.AreducesBrequiresCremovesDrepeats8、Im sorry. My parents arent here now. They have _ on their j

5、ourney to Hainan.Asold outBleft outCset outDbrought out9、Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer _ you give it up halfway.I will, thank you, Miss Rowling.AunlessBifCsinceDthough10、Mr. White became _ because the plane couldnt take off on time.AnervousBangryCgladD

6、careful. 完形填空11、 Im a 14-year-old girl in Xian. I have 1 living habits. Some of Lucys habits are not the same 2 mine. I do exercise every morning but Lucy 3 up late. As for breakfast, I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg. Now I am 4 than before. After breakfast, I go to school. When I 5 school

7、 I read English first. I like to make friends and I am the 6 girl in my class. After school, I walk home, then I do my homework I enjoy 7 to music, I want to be a singer when I grow up. Also listening to music makes me 8 Yesterday, I 9 a resolution, I wanted to 10 a new piano. If I try hard, I belie

8、ve I can be better and better.1AhealthBhealthyChealthilyDunhealthy2AwithBfromCinDas3AgetBgetsCgotDgetting4AtallBtallerCtallestDshorter5AarriveBgetCreach toDarrive at6Amost outgoingBmore outgoingCoutgoingDless outgoing7AlisteningBto listenClistenDlistens8ArelaxesBrelaxingCrelaxedDto relax9AmakeBmakes

9、CmadeDmaking10Amake upBput upCcut upDtake up. 语法填空12、One sunny afternoon Bernard Shaw was having a walk in the quiet field. The air was fresh and the view was beautiful. While he 1 (walk), a bike rider ran into him. Mr Shaw 2(fall) to the ground. The rider was very sorry. He got off his bike 3(help)

10、 Mr Shaw get up. Luckily, Mr Shaw 4(not hurt). Im so sorry! said the rider. Oh, no, said Bernard Shaw. I should 5 (say) sorry. Im sorry for not 6 (give) luck to you. Mr Shaw looked at the puzzled rider and added, If you killed me, you know, you would be famous all over the world. 阅读理解A13、The Farmer,

11、 His Horse, and His sonOnce there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Father and son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired.They met two men on the road who said, Why are

12、you walking, farmer? You have a horse, Its a long way to market(市场). The farmer knows that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked.Then they met two old women, What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant you see how tired boy is? So the farmer got down, and his son rode instead.Ne

13、xt, three old men stopped them, one said, Why are you walking, farmer?Get up, Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today, So the farmer got up behind his son, and they rode on.Some time later, a young woman passed them, Why arent you walking? she asked, It isnt far to the market. Give your po

14、or horse a rest.” So the farmer, and his son, got down once again. It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.1(小题1)The farmer wanted to sell the horse _.Abefore it was deadBbefore it become too tiredCbefore the market was over2(小题2)The two men on the road _.Aasked how far it wa

15、s to the marketBsaid they thought the horse looked very tiredCasked why the farmer was not riding on his horse3(小题3)What did the two old women say?AIts a long way to market.BCant you see how tired boy is?CWhy arent you walking?4(小题4)The farmer got up behind his son because _.Athe old man said it was

16、 too hot for him to walkBthe three old men stopped them on the roadChe did not know why he was walking5(小题5)The young woman was most sorry _.Afor the old manBfor the horseCfor the farmers young sonB14、Choose the best answerMonday810 a. mTECHNOLOGY Information Technology (IT )Using the InternetIn thi

17、s lesson, students learn how to surf the internet safely and effectively. There will also be information about using different search engines. Finally, this lesson teaches students about the best websites to use to continue their education online.1012 a. mARTS10:00 a. mDRAMAStudents learn the play t

18、hat the teacher gave before class. During this lesson, students will have the chance to act out roles with other students.11:00 a. mPAINTING WITH WATERCOLOURSFor most of this term, students learn how to use watercolours properly to make pictures. If the weather is good, the lesson may take place out

19、doors.LUNCH12 p. mSCIENCES Biology/ChemistryStudents can choose which class to attendIn biology this week, the topic is Human Body. Students will learn about how it works.Alternatively, students can study chemistry. This class takes place in the science lab, and this week students learn about H2 and

20、 O224 p. mSPORTS2:00 p. mSKILLSStudents learn about the skills in a certain sport. We use video to see real action from past games.3:00 p. mPRACTICEAfter we have picked teams, students will play a short match lasting 45 minutes. This week, the sports are football(for boys) and tennis (for girls)HOME

21、WORKIT the teacher will give students websites to look up at home (about 30minutes)Drama students have to learn a part for the next lesson (about 40 minutes)Biology/ Chemistrystudents have to write a short report of the lesson (about 20 minutes)1At _ , students are having a painting lesson.A9:30 a.

22、mB11:35 a. mC1:30 p. mD2:15 p. m2The underlined word “Alternatively” in closest in meaning to “_ ”.AAs another choiceBFor this reasonCAt the same timeDIn other words3Students should prepare a new part of _ ahead of time as their homework.ATechnologyBDramaCBiologyDChemistry4Students can learn how to

23、_ according to the information in the table.Amake a videoBwrite a report on DramaCplay basketballDsurf the internet safely5An average student need about _ minutes to finish his homework.A30B40C90D110C15、Dear Ralph,I am a student of Grade Nine. I consider myself a beautiful and friendly girl. Male st

24、udents say I am easy to get along with, so they are always after me. They call me and send messages from time to time. But I am_them. I just want to learn as much as I can in this golden time. The problem is that I do not know how to refuse or say no to them. After all, they are my friends. What sho

25、uld I do? Please give me some helpful suggestions.AriesDear Aries,Don t answer any call or message. When you want to study, simply turn off your mobile phone. That way you wont be bothered. When boys call, they will get a power-off (关机) message. After you finish studying, turn the phone back on and

26、reply to people who have sent messages while you were studying. Accept calls only if you feel ready for them. A good friend can understand if you miss his too many calls or text messages, limit the number of people to whom you give your phone number. If youre not sure how well you like someone, firs

27、t leave just your dormitory (宿舍) phone. Then that person cant bother you all the time. You are right that you need friends, so you shouldnt completely escape from them. I believe you can deal with this problem well and be happy every day.Ralph根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1What do you think the reading

28、is?ALetters.BNews.CAdvertisements.DNotice.2Which description of the girl is NOT according to the reading?AShe is friendly and beautiful.BShe is easy to get along with.CShe likes studying very much.DShe often has problems with her friends.3The girls problem is that she doesnt know how to _.Aimprove h

29、er learningBgive her friends suggestionsCrefuse her friendsDanswer her friends messages4The underlined words mean _ in Chinese.A满意B厌烦C担心D感激5Which of the following is NOT the suggestion given by Ralph?AShe shouldnt answer every call or message.BShe should turn off her phone while studying.CShe should

30、nt tell everybody her phone number.DShe should keep away from her friends completely.D16、Time zone:Eastern Standard Time(EST): GMT+ 10 hours. There is no daylight saving time in Queensland. Legal drinking age:18 years and older. Always keep your ID with you to prove your age. Alcohol (酒) shops & hot

31、els are the only places where alcohol can be bought. Dangers:Dial 000 from a fixed line or 112 from a mobile phone. Police, ambulance, fire. Electricity:240/250 volts AC 50Hz Universal outlets for 110 volts (shavers only) standard in hotels, apartments, motels. Telephones:Australian international co

32、de is 61. Road rules:Left hand side driving. There is a 50kmh speed limit in most living areas and on open highways100-110kmh. Seat belts must be worn all the time. If you want to hire a car, take along your drivers license. No smoking:Indoors: Indoor areas are no smoking. Poker Machines: Poker mach

33、ine areas are no smoking. Outdoors: Non-enclosed eating and drinking areas are no smoking. Swimming Safety:ALWAYS SWIM BETWEEN THE RED AND YELLOW FLAGS and pay attention to the life guards advice. Gold Coast beaches are guarded by skilled life guards and volunteers at weekends.1The above information

34、 is most probably taken from a (an) _.Ascience magazineBeducation newspaperCtravel guidebookDhorror novel2We can learn from the above information that in Queensland _.Asmoking is not allowed in lots of placesBpeople can buy alcohol anywhere with IDCpeople can swim beyond the red and yellow flagsDwhe

35、n a building is on fire, dial 112 from a fixed line3If Mr Black is having a holiday in Queensland, he can _.Adrive on the right hand sideBhire a car with his drivers licenseCdrive at the speed of 120kmh on highwaysDdrive his car without wearing the seat beltE17、The sun gives energy and the earth rec

36、eives the suns energy. The way the earth interacts with the suns energy can be displayed in a picture called the earths energy budget(预算). It displays the suns energy that reaches us and how much of that energy is taken in and how much is thrown back by the earth and its air. Once the energy reaches

37、 the earth, some of it is taken by land and oceans. The amount of energy that is taken in influences the temperatures. The energy that is not taken in is thrown back to space.Generally, the amount of energy coming in is_the amount of energy going out. So, we say the earths energy budget is balanced.

38、 If more energy was coming in than was going out, the earths temperature would increase. On the other hand, if too much energy is thrown back, and not taken in, we would see the earths temperature dropping.Of all of the suns energy that hits the earth, about 67% is taken in by the land, oceans, air

39、and clouds and about 33% is thrown back into space.1The picture above shows us how _ hits the earth.Athe high temperature Bthe heavy rain Cthe suns energy2In the 2nd paragraph, the underlined phrase “equal to ” means “_”.Aless than Bthe same as Cmore than3Picture _ shows us the main idea of the last

40、 paragraph.A B C4If too much energy is thrown back, we will feel _on the earth.Acold Bhot Cwarm5The amount of energy that is _ influences the temperatures.Awell balancedBthrown backCtaken inF18、We recycle rubbish, so why not language? Recycling language means using vocabulary that you have learnt be

41、fore again and again. However, unlike rubbish that piles up (堆积) in our environment, if we do not recycle language, we simply forget it. So how do you recycle language?There are basically three ways to do it. The first is through reading. Go back to your favourite articles and read them once more. J

42、ust reread them and do not worry about each vocabulary item. If there are some that you are not sure about, make a guess and you will probably guess right. The second way to recycle is through writing. Look at some of your favourite articles and write either a short paragraph or a few sentences in y

43、our won words. After you have don this a few times, go back and read through what you have written, checking vocabulary functions. Dont worry if you have made mistakes. Thats how you learn. The third way to recycle language is by having an imaginary chat with yourself about your favourite articles a

44、t home. You can pretend there is someone with you who speaks English and tell him what you are thinking about or how you feel.1According to the passage, recycling language means _ .Arepeating vocabulary at timesBrevising vocabulary at a proper timeClearning new vocabulary as much as possibleDusing vocabulary that we have learnt very often2If we recycle language, it may_ .Abe kept in our mind


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