果蔬贮藏保鲜概论:第四章 果蔬的低温伤害及其它生理伤害(第1节)_第1页
果蔬贮藏保鲜概论:第四章 果蔬的低温伤害及其它生理伤害(第1节)_第2页
果蔬贮藏保鲜概论:第四章 果蔬的低温伤害及其它生理伤害(第1节)_第3页
果蔬贮藏保鲜概论:第四章 果蔬的低温伤害及其它生理伤害(第1节)_第4页
果蔬贮藏保鲜概论:第四章 果蔬的低温伤害及其它生理伤害(第1节)_第5页
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1、第四章 果蔬采后低温伤害及其它生理伤害采后侵染性病害病原菌、虫害采后生理性病害(生理失调、生理紊乱)组织衰老温度引起的生理失调: 冷害、冻害气体成份不适引起的生理失调低氧、高CO2、制冷剂NH3泄露、保鲜剂S02过量 生长条件不适引起的采后生理失调营养条件 缺素、过量光照 日灼斑温度 高温、低温伤害果蔬采后病害的类型第一节 果蔬的冷害一、冷害 Chilling injury0以上不适宜的低温对果蔬造成的伤害表现的滞后性 往往在货架销售或消费期间出现二、冷害的临界温度13:香蕉、芒果、鳄梨、柠檬、黄瓜、10:西葫芦、菠萝、绿熟番茄7:甜瓜、甜椒、红熟番茄、食荚菜豆、茄子0:苹果、梨、桃、马铃薯,

2、甘蓝1、表皮出现麻点、凹陷斑、变色/褐变哈密瓜、辣椒、番茄、柑橘、石榴、苹果三、冷害症状Cavendish Williams bananas harvested at the hard green stage from the same banana hand were either stored at 22C for 11 d (non-chilled) or placed at 4C for 7 d (chilled) before transfer to 22C for 4 d. A Red Delicious apple showing external browning and sk

3、in translucency constistant with chilling injury.Chilling injuryexposure to temperatures below 5C (41F) during storage and transport for longer than 4 weeks.SymptomsExternal symptoms include brown discoloration (scald) of the skin, pitting, and increased susceptibility to decay.Internal symptoms inc

4、lude brown discoloration of the white segments separating the arils and pale color (loss of red color) of the arils.2、内部组织崩溃、褐变香蕉、芒果、梨、哈密瓜Blackamber plum chilling injury symptoms observed during cold storage: flesh browning, flesh bleeding, gel breakdown, flesh translucency (overripe or bladderiness

5、). Crisosto et al., Postharvest Biology and Technology 34 (2004) 237244Representation of the “Venus” nectarine fruit: a) “control” fruit without cold storage. b) Chilling injury in “cold” nectarines after 5 weeks of storage at 5 C and 90% relative humidity plus ripening period at 20 C.Giraldo et al.

6、, Applicability of 2-DE to assess differences in the protein profile between cold storage and not cold storage in nectarine fruits. Journal of proteomics 75 (2012) 5774-5782. 黄金梨冷藏180d果实果心及果皮褐变1-MCP处理对黄金梨果实黑心和褐变的影响(冷藏180d,上CK,中0.5LL-1,下1.0LL-1)八月红梨PE挽口冷藏4个月锦丰梨0.03PVC扎口贮藏8个月冷害发生的“中温效应”现象Chilling inde

7、x in peach fruit stored at 0C and 5C for 28 days.Chilling injury can be a major cause of deterioration of Fuyu persimmons during marketing after exposure to temperatures below 15C (59F).Symptom development is fastest at 5-7C (41-45F) and slowest at 0C (32F), which is the recommended storage and tran

8、sport temperature for persimmons.3、表面出现水浸状斑、褐变黄瓜、番木瓜、青椒、豆角12,10天 20, 3天 5,10天 20,10天4、未成熟果实不能正常成熟或成熟不均匀番茄、柑橘、芒果Tomatoes exposed to temperatures below 15 C for 2 weeks or longer develop symptoms of chilling injury, including failure to develop full color, irregular color development, or premature sof

9、tening. 5、表面出现霉状物或腐烂哈密瓜、番茄、黄瓜、叶菜、豆角产品最低安全贮藏温度 (C) 冷害症状 产品最低安全贮藏温度 (C) 冷害症状芒果香蕉菠萝柑桔5121261010果皮无光泽,出现褐变斑点果皮变黑,不能正常后熟果肉变褐或变黑果皮出现凹陷斑或褐变斑点番茄黄瓜茄子青椒712137912不能正常成熟,出现凹陷斑表皮现水浸状斑点果皮无光泽,出现褐变斑点表皮出现水浸状斑点,凹陷斑果蔬发生冷害时,往往出现多种症状四、冷害引发的果蔬组织生化变化离子渗透增加 Ca2+、K+、Na+丙二醛(MDA)含量升高刺激呼吸、乙烯代谢增强活性氧代谢增强可溶性糖、游离氨基酸含量升高积累乙醛、乙醇 Chi

10、lling Non-chillingElectrical conductivity(mS cm-1)map pf avocado Ettinger slices after 3 weeks at 5 C followed by 1 week of simulated shelf life at 20 C.Round Tomatoes, cv Bobcat, color stage 2-3 Stored at 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 C for up to 3 weeks Transferred to 20C to complete ripeningRound Tomatoes,

11、 cv Bobcat, color stage 2-3 Stored at 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 C for up to 3 weeks Transferred to 20C to complete ripeningSnchez-Bel et al., Understanding the mechanisms of chilling injury in bell pepper fruits using the proteomic approach.Journal of Proteomics 75 (2012) 5463-5478Visual symptoms of chill

12、ing injury and transmission electronmicroscopy images from transversal sections of pericarp of bell pepper. Visual aspect of fruits at harvest (A0) and after 21 days of storage at 10 C (A1) or 1 C (A2) plus 3 days of reconditioning at 20 C. Ct = Cuticle; CW= Cell Wall; Ep = Epidermal cell; Pt = Plas

13、tid.Snchez-Bel et al., Understanding the mechanisms of chilling injury in bell pepper fruits using the proteomic approach.Journal of Proteomics 75 (2012) 5463-5478五、冷害的发生机制(了解大致发生过程即可)细胞膜脂相变液 相 高温液晶相 低温 凝胶相膜脂相变 代谢紊乱M.S. Aghdam, S. Bodbodak.Scientia Horticulturae 156 (2013) 7385六、影响果蔬冷害发生的因素 (一)内部因素种

14、类、品种成熟度栽培条件、生长季节(二)外部因素1. 低温的程度和持续时间“3T” (Temperature, Time, Tolerance)2. 湿度3. 气体成分七、防止和减轻冷害的措施调控温度适温贮藏 临界温度缓慢降温 鸭梨变温贮藏 桃间歇升温调节贮藏环境的湿度、气体成分化学调控 钙处理、1-MCP、ABA、乙烯、水杨酸(SA)、茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)4. 物理处理 热激处理、UV-C处理一定要适温贮藏(过低产生冷害,过高产生青皮熟)利用1-甲基环丙烯保鲜Treatment with 1-MCPSkin and flesh color appearance of Blackamber (A) and Red Lane (B) plums untreated or treated with 1-MCP at 0 C for 24 h, after ten days of storage at0 or 10C, plus six additional days of ripening at 20 C. FF=fruit firmnessMinas et al.,


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