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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、一 _unusual music he is playing!一Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.AHowBHow anCWhatDWhat an2、-Do you think Peter

2、is free today?- _. He is really busy preparing(准备) for the coming test these days.AOf course B I have an idea C 1 m afraid so D I don t think so3、-The two old friends were _ busy _ with each other that they forgot the time.-Yes. They hadnt met for over ten years, so they kept talking the whole night

3、.Atoo; to talkBtoo; talkingCso; to talkDso; talking;4、-Would you like to attend the TV show?-_. But Im busy studying for my test.ADont mention it.BId love to.CThats all right.DMy pleasure.5、The dictionary at the Lost and Found office _ be Tims, because his name is on its corner.AcanBcantCmustDmustnt

4、6、Each year a large number of tourists are _ to Qinghai Lake, which is Chinas largest saltwater lake.AattractedBattendedCacceptedDachieved7、His name is James but he calls _Jim.AhisBhimselfChimD不填8、She is not good at math she never gives it up.AorBsoCbutDand9、Lily doesnt know _ she and her friends ca

5、n do to help the little boy _ parents have left their hometown for making money.Athat; whoseBhow; whoCwhat; whoDwhat; whose10、On _Childrens Day,Jack received a prize for being _honest boy.Athe;anB/;anC/;aDthe;a. 完形填空11、 The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand yearsIt runs from the

6、 east to the west in North China It is about 6,300kilometers _It is often _Ten thousandLi Great WallIt is one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient worldThe Great Wall is wide enough for ten men to walk _ Horses can also run along it,tooThe Great Wall 1 stones and bricks(砖)There are huge stones on 2 s

7、ide and on the highest part But now some sections of it are worn outThere are tall watchtowers alone the Great Wall Once upon 3 time, the soldiers kept watching the enemies(敌人)in the watchtowers day and night They made 4 on the towers to 5 each other when the enemies cameNowadays we dont use the Gre

8、at Wall to keep away the enemies any more It is a famous place of interest to all the people in 6 Every year 7 people come to visit from all over the world1AwideBtallClongDdeep2AcallingBcallCcalledDto call3Aside by sideBone by oneCone after anotherDlittle by little4Awas made ofBwas made fromCwas mad

9、e inDwas made for5AbothBallCeachDneither6AanBaCtheD/7AfireBa kiteCa faceDfun8AtellBtalkCspeakDsay9AAsiaBAmericaCEuropeDthe world10AthousandBa few thousandsCthousands ofDthousand of. 语法填空12、(B) Complete the passage with the proper forms of given words.Zengzi was a famous thinker in Chinese history. H

10、is 1(teach) was Confucius (孔子). One day, Zengzis wife was going to the market to sell something for money without their son. The boy kept 2(cry) and shouting. She said to her son, “When I come back, Ill kill our pig to make a meal for you.”But she didnt do as she said. “How can you cheat a child?” Z

11、engzi said 3(serious) “The small child only 4(follow) the example of his parents. If you cheat him, he may cheat 5(other) like you.” Having said this, Zengzi raised the knife and killed the pig. 阅读理解A13、Right at this minute, a red car is flying above you in space. How can a car go into space? US com

12、pany SpaceXs heavy-lift rocket the Falcon Heavy sent it there on February6, 2018, CNN reported.This was the Falcon Heavys first successful test launch. It was described as the start of “a new space age”.The Falcon Heavy is the worlds most powerful rocket. It can carry things weighing 64,000 kilogram

13、s into space, the Atlantic reported. This means the Falcon Heavy could send about 1,000 passengers into space once.However, the rocket isnt just for taking cars into space. Space X and its founder Elon Mask,46,want to restart task to the moon and help humans land on Mars.In September 2017 in Austral

14、ia, Musk shared his plans to put a million people on Mars in the next 40 to 100 years. It seems like a dream. But he added it could be just a few years away.The red car actually shows Musks dream of exploring space. He put a model personin the drivers seat. The model wears a spacesuit and listens to

15、 the song Space Oddity written by UK rock star David Bowie. Musk said the car and its passenger will travel in space for millions of years. They might even be found by aliens in space someday.1From the passage we know the Falcon Heavy is a .Acar Bspacesuit Crocket Dsatellite2According to the passage

16、, the Falcon Heavy .Ajust takes red cars into spaceBwill send lots of people into spaceCcan help humans land on Mars nowDis the most powerful rocket in the USA3In the passage, the underlined word “it” refers to .Athe plan to Mars Bthe report from CNNCthe trip to space Dthe task to the moon4The main

17、idea of the passage is that .Athe heavy-lift rocket sent 1000 passengers into spaceBthe red car stands for Musks dream of exploring spaceCthe red car can be found by aliens in space somedayDthe Falcon Heavy will play an important part later on5We can read the passage from .Aa story book Ba travellin

18、g magazineCa science report Da driving guideB14、TF boysOvernight, TF boys, a boy band including three middle school students, became the talk all over China. The oldest member of TF boys now is only 17, but the number of their followers on Sina Weibo has reached 100 million.Some say that TF boys has

19、 become popular only because of their faces. But take a serious look at the three boys, and you may find out what has helped them win so many people.Wang JunkaiWhat did you do when you were 8 years old? Wang had become a trainee(受训者) at TF company at that age. He still went to school like other kids

20、 on weekdays. But his weekends were filled with training classes. Many boys gave up, but he didnt. Before finally became a TF boys, the tough guy has been practicing for 5 years.Wang YuanFans like to call Wang “Er Yuan”because he is a funny guy whos always telling dry jokes. But when he starts to si

21、ng, youd be shocked by his clear voice. The cheerful boy doesnt like to compare himself with others. He just wants to be the best himself.Yiyang QianxiYiyang Qianxi is the shortest of the three boys, but he has the most excellent resume(履历). He is a top student. He takes part in TV shows. He has man

22、y different roles in many movies. He is even good at calligraphy(书法). How can he do well in these things? “Id practice dancing and writing while others were playing games,” he said.1The underlined word “Overnight”in the first paragraph means in Chinese.A通宵B一夜成名C突然D昨晚2Wang Junkai when he was 8 years

23、old.Ahad training classes on weekendsBplayed computer games all dayCgave up the schoolworkDlearnt English, math and dancing on weekends3From the passage, we know that always make people laugh.AYiyang QianxiBWang YuanCWang JunkaiDthe TF boys4What is Yiyang Qianxi good at?ASinging and dancing.BTelling

24、 dry jokes.CCalligraphy.DPlaying computer games.5The article mainly tells us that .Athe TF boys always work hardBthe TF boys are tired of their training classesCthe TF boys always try to be famousDthe TF boys have become popular not only because of their good looks but also their hard-workingC15、1Th

25、e worlds population _.Awill reach 7 billion in the endBreached 7 billion by the end of 2011Creached 7 billion before 2011Dreached 7 billion in 20002Which country is the third population in the world by 2050?AChina.BIndonesia.CThe U. S. A.DNigeria. 3When did the worlds population grow most slowly?AFr

26、om 1800 to 1930.BFrom 1930 to 1960.CFrom 1960 to 1974.DFrom 1974 to 1999.4The population of China and India made up _ of the worlds population at the end of 2011.A19%B16. 7%C35. 7%D42. 9%5Whats the Chinese meaning of “billion”?A1, 000, 000, 000B100, 000, 000C10, 000, 000D1, 000, 000D16、Now lots of t

27、eenagers like smoking. Its a big problem. Some of them smoke, just for fun and some think smoking looks cool. Others smoke because there are many people around them that smoke.As we all know, smoking is harmful, especially to students. Some teenagers even steal money so that they can buy cigarettes.

28、 Besides, smoking does harm to brains and it can influence studies. Finally, it is bad for health because it can cause diseases.Therefore(因此), we should protect ourselves from smoking. First, we should learn more about the danger of smoking. Second, we should keep away from people who smoke.1Now som

29、e teenagers like smoking because_.Asmoking is good for themBtheir parents want them to do soCthey think it is fun2Smoking is harmful to_ .Abrains Blegs Ceyes3The writer of the passage wants teenagers_.Ato smoke Bnot to smoke Cnot to keep away from smokingE17、Getting electricity(电)has always been a p

30、roblem for the 173 people living in Nuevo Saposoa, a small village in Peru, South America. However, things went from bad to worse in March 2015 after heavy rains damaged(损坏)the only power cables(电缆)in the area. The villagers were forced to use oil lamps, which are not only expensive but also dangero

31、us because of the harmful gases they produce.Luckily, researchers at the University of Technology(UT)in Lima, Peru heard about their problem and found a wonderful solution(解决方法).They made a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil, both of which can be easily found in the Amazonian rainforest whe

32、re the village lies. The lamp takes energy from a plant growing in a wooden box and uses it to light up an LED light bulb.While that may sound amazing and even impossible, the science behind the idea is quite simple. As plants create their food (using the suns energy, water and chemicals from the so

33、il ),they also produce waste which they return to the soil. Tiny animals in the soil eat this waste and they produce electrons一the building blocks of electrical energy. The UT team put special sticks inside the soil to get the energy and keep it in the lamps batteries for later use. The researchers

34、say a single charge can power a 50-watt LED light for two hours 一enough time for local villagers to get their evening work done.The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa in October 2015. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented t

35、he lamp,believes the Plant Lamp could help improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities. 2% of whom have no electricity.1What is true about the Plant Lamp?AIt can be made by local people.BIt is much easier to use than oil lamps.CIt can produce all the electricity the vil

36、lagers need.DThe things it needs to make electricity are easy to find.2The Plant Lamps inventor believes it could be most helpful for .Arainforest communities BcarsCpoor people in cities Dfarmers3What is the purpose of the passage?ATo report on a new inventionBTo explain a new scientific theory(理论)C

37、To describe how electricity is madeDTo discuss the problems of poor villagesF18、DDo you and your friends ever talk about your dreams with each other? If you do, you might have noticed something interesting some of your friends seldom remember their dreams, but some can always describe their dreams s

38、o clearly that it seems like theyre describing things that really happened to them. What makes those people different?The answer is simple. There are two different types of dreamers low dream recallers(回忆者)and high dream recallers.Low dream recallers usually remember their dreams only twice a month.

39、 But high dream recallers are able to remember them about five mornings a week. And a new study suggests that activity in a certain part of the brain could have something to do with it, reported The Huffington Post.Perrine Ruby, a French researcher at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, studied 4

40、1 people (21 high dream recallers and 20 low dream recallers) and recorded their brain activity.She found that a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction (颞顶联合区) was more active in high dream recallers than in low dream recallers both when they were sleeping and awake.This brain area c

41、ollects and processes(编程)information from the outside world. This means that high dream recallers know more about whats happening around them. For example, when they are awake, they respond (对有反应) more strongly to hearing their own names, and when they are sleeping, they are woken more easily by sou

42、nds and movements. By closely studying peoples brain activities, Ruby found that high dream recallers have twice as much “wakefulness time” during sleep as low dream recallers do. And it is during these short times of wakefulness that the brain remembers dreams. “The sleeping brain is not able to re

43、member new information,” Ruby told The Washington Post. “It needs to wake up to be able to do that.” This is not hard to understand. Just try to think of your own sleeping experiences. If you are worried during the night, you are more likely to remember your dreams, but if you sleep well, you will r

44、emember little in the morning, and this is because “you never get a chance to remember”, Robert Stickgold, a Harvard Medical School researcher, told The Washington Post.1According to the article, high dream recallers _.Ahave very little brain activity during sleepBcan remember their dreams clearlyCdont know how to describe their dreamsDremember their dreams twice a week2Compared to high dream recallers, low dream recallers _.Ahave higher sleep qualityBhave more sleepless nightsCare more easily woken at nightDrespond faster when hearing their names3What is the main purp


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