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1、 泰国本科留学申请书模板2022 泰国本科留学申请书2022 Dear _, I intend to continue the study of History at university. As a subject I have been interested in since childhood, I enjoy studying the past and how it has shaped our future. The study of History allows us to view the mistakes and successes of the past and employ

2、 them to the future. a?History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are. (McCullough) History allows society to form an identity and to advance through learned tolerance and understanding.Last year in AS History I studied he unification of Italy

3、 which was key in my understanding of history. It was fascinating to explore how Italy came together as one country from several states and to discuss whether Italy would have formed alone or whether in required to push from those such as Garibaldi or Cavour. Having spent many years studying modern

4、history and decided to take it upon myself to expand my knowledge into ancient history. Earlier this year I read a book called Cleopatra by Lucy Hughes- Hallet. It was interesting to read about such a famous and influential woman of history from another womans perspective. Often Cleopatra is portray

5、ed as femme fatale- as in the portrait by John William Waterhouse or Shakespeare who said a?other women cloy the appetites they feed: but she makes hungry, where most she satisfies. She is often seen by historians as a seductive, potentially poisonous temptress, however this is not necessarily how H

6、ughes-Hallet interprets her; to her she is plainer, more ambitious and less cruel. I think it is difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to ancient history and especially in this case someone as constantly redesigned as Cleopatra. History has taught me to make substantiated judgments a

7、nd to interpret and analyse external material as well as my own opinions. I find History intriguing because it gives me the opportunity to study the development of human society over a long-term. My inquisitive mind has further contributed to my enthusiasm for the subject and I enjoy working indepen

8、dently. But all three of my subjects have honed my writing skills, to be able to select and organise knowledge and communicate it coherently and concisely. More specifically, Sociology has been helpful in discerning social trends, and understanding something of the human psyche; and English Literatu

9、re allows me to study works, in context. All these skills will enable me to read History at university. I enjoy visiting museums and monuments of history when I have the opportunity. I particularly love the trench experience at the Imperial War Museum and more ancient history- such as the ancient hu

10、man occupation of Britain - at the National History Museum. I work well within a team, but also have the necessary attributes to lead if I am called upon, demonstrated in my active participation in my schools Charities Committee for the past six years, organising various charity events throughout th

11、e school. My work as secretary of the Charities Committee allows me to represent the school in the community and has taught me management and organisation skills. In school I have also been a keen participant in the orchestra in which I am lead violinist in school and also play for the borough. I ha

12、ve been involved in several school plays either back stage, in the orchestra or as part of the cast. I have also been involved in numerous school sports teams, including the netball and athletics teams. I am a naturally cheerful person who has a positive outlook on life, but with the maturity necess

13、ary for university, and as such, I feel that I am fully prepared for the academic step up to degree level. I greatly anticipating the opportunity not only to go to university, but specifically to read History as I know it will provide me with vital life skills, as well as giving me access to a poten

14、tially wide and varied career within the specialty. Yours sincerely, 泰国留学申请准备指南 一、目标确认 要先明确的,是自己要申请的学校和专业,大家需要根据自己的情况进行确认,这样才可以找到自己合适的目标,然后进行后续的准备,需要大家时间准备充分一些。 二、材料准备 如果是准备本科的申请,大家要先确认自己的资格合格,然后获取而且提交自己的会考成绩和平均成绩,如果英语能够符合要求的话直接提交,没有达标也不用担心,可以先申请语言学习。 而硕士的申请则会有更高的要求,需要大家获取本科毕业的证书证明,而且成绩单也要进行提交,还需要达标

15、;此外还要进行语言的晋升,确认自己的英语能够符合学校入学的要求。 三、招生信息 学校会直接在官网上发布自己的招生的信息,大家需要密切的进行关注,因为会实时的跟进最新的信息,大家一定要紧跟着的进行确认,这样才不会耽误大家的正常申请。 学校不同,开放招生的渠道的时间也是会有差异的,不过大部分的学校会在10-12月发放最新的信息,然后在12-3月将报名提交成功,在4-5月的时候会安置入学考试,再准备签证的申请,7月前往泰国。 四、报名入口 登录官方网站,就可以找到报名的入口,需要先进行认真的准备,获取确认信息后再提交准备的材料,现在是可以直接扫描进行上传的,不需要额外邮寄,中间没有时差。 在学校获取

16、了申请表和材料以后,还需要联系招生办进行身份的确认,进入到了正式的审核流程以后,才可以放下心来去做其他的事情。 泰国留学签证申请材料 (1)护照原件及复印件一份 (2)签证申请表4份 (3)2寸彩色照片4张 (4)录取通知书原件及复印件一份 (5)文凭公证书原件及复印件一份 (6)学分公证书原件及复印件一份 (7)无犯罪记录公证书原件及复印件一份 (8)单程机票或单程机票定执单原件及复印件1份 (9)身份证原件和复印件一份 (10)存款证明书(20,000元),冻结不少于3个月 (11)在泰国学校课程或学习表 (12)新学期已付学费票据 泰国留学签证申请流程 第一步:申请泰国留学项目 不同院校

17、间的申请流程会有所不同,但是一般都需要报名表、毕业证书或毕业证明信的公证书、毕业成绩单公证书、护照、推荐信等。 PS:只有泰国校方收到相关申请费用和学费后,留学申请才会被完全确认。 第二步:收到录取信 一旦你的泰国留学申请被成功受理,泰国校方会寄出一份录取通知书。录取信的抬头会印有该大学的标志,你的姓名和护照号码,你所选专业的名称以及尾部会有领导的确认签名,它象征着你已经被此项目所录取而且邀请你与指定日期内到大学开始你的留学生活。 录取信不仅仅是进入一所学校的入场券,同时也是申请学生留学签证的门票。一年泰国留学签,只会批准给确实有留学意向的人而不是想在假期里去泰国玩乐的人。因此每个学期内,你至少


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