1、新闻英文翻译和技巧 Teaching Objectives:1. Have a good understanding of stylistic features concerning English news (45 minutes);2. Have a good master of the skills used in translating headline, jargon, slang, idiom and new coined words. (90 minutes).3. Be aware of some strategies adopted in translating metaph
2、ors (45 minutes).4. Have an analysis of either good translated versions or mistranslated ones. (90 minutes)新闻英语新闻英语是在新闻学、传播学、社会学、政治学、经济学等多种学科和语体的综合影响下所形成的,因而颇具研究价值。新闻英语作为一种应用语言,因其所具有的特殊性,已逐渐从普通英语中独立出来,其用词造句等方面也与普通英语有着不少差异,从而使之成为一种具有鲜明语言形式和文体特点的语言资料。Part I. 语言特征一、标题语言 二、新闻词汇一、标题语言省略时态 语态标点黑体1省略省略指省去非
3、关键性词语。标题原来都是一个完整的句子,但为了起到言简意赅的效果,从而突出重要内容,标题中常常删略去某些语法成分或虚词,如:冠词连词“and”人称关系代词系动词 “to be”1)冠词基本省略 Top Pakistan judge dismissed after refusing to take oath(= A top Pakistan judge dismissed after refusing to take oath)China sees housing as engine to drive economy(China sees housing as an engine to driv
4、e the economy)Hungry dog saves abandoned baby(=A hungry dog saves an abandoned baby)Location of 2003 Grammy undecided The Location of the 2003 Grammy Awards undecided 2)连词“and”的省略,通常用逗号代替 China,US warned of repeat of Cold WarChina and US warned of repeat of Cold WarPlatinum, diamond market sparkling
5、Platinum and diamond market sparklingU.S., Vietnam resume talksU.S. and Vietnam resume talks3)人称关系代词的省略 Daewoo to increase investment in China Daewoo to increase its investment in ChinaMother,Daughter Share Fulbright YearA Mother and Her Daughter Share a Fulbright Year4)连系动词的省略 Shanghai worried abou
6、t surge of accidentsShanghai is worried about surge of accidentsThree dead after inhaling oven gasThree are dead after inhaling oven gasCourses on Practical Skills Popular with StudentsCourses on Practical Skills remain Popular with 2008 Olympic security budget ready for approval2008 Olympic securit
7、y budget is ready for approval5)助动词的省略 China urged to speed up scientific pursuitsChina is urged to speed up scientific pursuitsMoscows food prices soaringMoscows food prices are soaring2时态(Tense)一般现在时 一般将来时现在进行时 A.一般现在时 Present tense is often used for something that happened in the past. For exampl
8、e,Car bombs kill 7, wound 19Car bombs killed 7, wounded 19汽车连环爆炸,7死19伤A.一般现在时Comeback gives China a sensational Thomas cup winThe comeback gave China a sensational Thomas cup win中国队反败为胜,荣获汤姆斯杯Husband and Wife Team Unlocks New Gene SecretsThe Husband and Wife Team Unlocked New Gene Secrets夫妻联手解开新的基因奥
9、秘B. 一般将来时 The infinitive is often used for something that will happen. For example,Wheat harvest to enhance food security小麦丰收将加强食品安全US$3M fund to aid poor college students300万美元将用于资助贫困大学生C. 现在进行时The present participle is often used for something that is happening, while the past participle is mostly
10、 used for the passive voice rather than the past tense. For example, Across US residents (are) opening homes to Katrina refugees全美居民为“卡特里娜” 飓风灾民敞开家园US congress (is) sending $ 10.5B in relief aid美国国会送出105亿美元救济金3.语态标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被动语态结构中“be+过去分词”形式中的助动词“be”通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来引导动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在英文新闻标题里就可直接表示
11、被动意义。For example, New concepts (are) wanted to solve water shortage 解决水资源匮乏所需的新观念U.S. (was) attacked 美国遭袭4标点(Punctuations)英文标题一贯注重结构精炼,并不使用所有的标点符号。即便使用某个标点符号,其主要目的不外乎两种,一是区分表示各句子成分句群之间的关系;二则旨在进一步节省标题字数。现简要介绍一下标题中常见的几种标点符号的用法:逗号(and),破折号(say or for further explanation),冒号(say or verb “be”)见(P143)5.黑体
12、为了达到夺目的效果,新闻报道的标题多用黑体,与导语和正文相比字号较大并且多为居中型左对齐倒金字塔型。“本拉登被击毙”的英语新闻报道中,纽约时报的标题是黑体居中,而新华社新闻网的相关阅读栏的标题很多是倒金字塔形,如: 5.黑体Bin Laden Is Dead, Obama Says (The New York Times) Killing bin Laden more symbolic than actual meaning 二、新闻词汇的特点 用词简明扼要 借用人、物名称 新词层出不穷 生造词新颖别致缩略语屡见不鲜 时髦词过目难忘1. 用词简明扼要(Short and simple word
13、s are preferred)记者喜爱用简洁易懂的词汇来吸引读者、节约版面。新闻报道的词汇特征可以概括如下:运用较多短小精悍的词汇频繁使用缩略词用阿拉伯数字代替英语单词表示数量“说”的表达方法变换多样如中国日报和纽约时报“拉登被击毙”的报道中,“说”的词汇有:say, announce, declare, urge, call, tell, warn, confirm, add,众多“说”词可以避免用词重复和单一。1. 用词简明扼要Call for probe into US banking practices.Twists and Turns on Way to Arms Pact wit
14、h Russia.World eyes mid-East peace talksBeijing: Tokyo must back words with actions 中国认为:日本必须拿出行动来支持自己的言论Suspects held Suspects are arrested.1. 用词简明扼要 cut= blast = top = tie = aid = bar= drop =More examples:reductionexplosionexceed relationassistancepreventdecrease 1. 用词简明扼要hit, wreck, hurt, ruin=da
15、magedrop, give up, quit, skip, yield=abandonblast, ram, crash, smash=explode2.借用人、物名称 新闻报道中经常借用人名、地名、物名等专有名词来表示某一意思,例如:用首都名称代表某国政府用建筑物的名称代表有关的组织机构既生动形象又便于理解,这也是新闻英语的一大特点。 2.借用人、物名称White House Pentagon Elephant 指美国共和党;HollywoodWall Street Downing Street 指英国首相府英国首相英国政府英国内阁等。2.借用人、物名称How White House Ma
16、naged the News? 白宫如何控制新闻?World Leaders Line up for White House Attention. 各国领导人竞相争取白宫的重视。Big Banks Paid Billions in Bonuses Amid Wall St. Crisis.3.新词层出不穷贬义词的词义升格(elevation)。如:“evil, nasty, terrible, crazy, mad ,wild, awesome, wicked” 等形容词被青年人用作“棒极了,好极了”的同义词。愤世嫉俗的青年人创造了大量含有嘲讽鄙视意味的新词,如: airhead 傻瓜(尤指相
17、貌姣好愚昧无知的女性) 、 bimbo花瓶式美女、 himbo草包美男子、 toyboy (被比自己年长的女性包养的)玩具男伴等。 3.新词层出不穷信息技术发展的革命,也使得新词语大量涌现,如:cybercash(电子货币);cybercrime(电脑犯罪);cyberculture(网络文化);netizen(网民);e-waste(电子垃圾);bioengineering(生物工程);deglobalisation(去全球化)等。3.新词层出不穷汉语新词的英译,如 :可持续发展 sustainable development风险投资 risk investment虚拟现实 virtual
18、reality网上购物 shopping online知识经济 knowledge-based economy 3.新词层出不穷民办学校non-government-run school国有企业state-owned enterprise下岗职工laid-off worker售后服务after-sale service转基因食品 genetically-modified foods3.新词层出不穷股份制企业share-holding enterprise择业观念job-seeking idea应试教育exam-oriented education软着陆经济soft-landing econom
19、y3.新词层出不穷开放政策opening-to-the-outside-world policy421综合征four-two-one syndrome一次偿还信贷 non-installment;用工荒 labor shortage;哈租族 hire clan3.新词层出不穷不 感 冒 have no interest 畅 通 工 程 Smooth Traffic Project倡议书 initial written proposal植入式广告 product placement蜗居 pigeonhole吃香 be very popular,be most welcome,be in grea
20、t demand;4.生造词新颖别致具有安慰或美化作用的委婉语应运而生旧词新义临时造词具有安慰或美化作用的委婉语应运而生,如:welfare mother jobless mother 失业母亲entitlement (s) program social security program社会保障等计划the oldest profession in the world prostitution 卖淫业preemptive action aggression侵略the South,the Third World,the developing nations,the underdeveloped
21、nations the poor nations旧词新义,如:chemistry 原意化学,现指人际关系screen-saver face原意为屏幕保护,现指百无聊赖临时造词,如:American-led fight against terrorism美国领导的反恐战争 high- value target 重要目标 futurology未来学 Weightism 对胖人的歧视 5.缩略语屡见不鲜 在措辞上,用来指代特殊机构、专有名词或人名和地名的缩略词,缩略词可以分为: Acronym InitialismClipped Words A. Acronym Acronym: a word fo
22、rmed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of sth., and pronounced as a word. For example, AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome (艾滋病)Dink double income, no kidsNilkno income, lots of kidsB. Initialism Initialism: a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up
23、the name of sth., and pronounced as letters. For example,WHO the World Health Organization FAO Food and Agriculture Organization BBS Bulletin Board System FAQ Frequently Asked QuestionsC. Clipped Words Lib= liberation cric=criticpro=professional cig = cigarettead=advertisement grad=graduateexam= exa
24、mination nuke = Nuclear C. Clipped Wordsauto = automobile ped=pedestrian sec=secretaryphone=telephone copter = helicopter flu=influenza fridge=refrigerator6.拼缀词过目难忘 newscastnews十broadcast(新闻广播)atobombatom + bomb(原子弹)blacketeer black marketer (黑市商人)cinemanufacturer cinema manufacturer(电影制片商);6.拼缀词过目难
25、忘fruice fruit + juice (果汁)slanguage slang + language(俚语)politburopolitical bureau (政治局)teleceivertelevision receiver(电视接收机)英语新闻报道的文体风格.pdf刍议英语新闻的文体学特征_以_本_拉登被击毙_的报道为例.pdf中英文网络新闻报道的文体对比.pdfPart II. 译技讲解一、新闻标题的汉译 二、行业用语的汉译三、新闻中俚(俗)语的汉译四、如何译好惯用语五、如何译好新词语一、新闻标题的汉译直译意译添加注释不可少 省略 原文修辞须再现 差异处理要灵活巧用汉语四字格 1.
26、直译 Astronauts cheered in Houston 宇航员在休斯敦欢庆胜利 Korean scientists clone first dog韩国科学家首次克隆出狗Baby geniuses save the world?!神童拯救世界New Potter book breaks sales records哈利波特打破销售记录 2.意译New Potter book breaks sales records哈利波特再创销售神话 By their colors you should know them 欧洲色彩时尚Ground Zero rebuilding plans revea
27、led.世贸遗址重建计划公之于众。The Chinese Market, A Bottomless Pit 中国市场潜力巨大3. 添加注释不可少(Amplification)由于布局有限,英语题目通常省略一些成分,译者应将这些省略的部分还原并且翻译出来让读者清晰地理解标题,使标题更加突出。如:GOP (Grand Old Party) Shakedown Cruise共和党的竞选试航揭开序幕 Sony headless chicken ad mocks French World Cup team索尼无头公鸡广告嘲笑法国队世界杯出局 3. 添加注释Sharapova jumps to No.1
28、in WTA rankings俄罗斯名将莎拉波娃登上世界女子职业网球协会头号女单宝座China demands for bombing probe and apology中国要求北约就轰炸中国驻南使馆进行全面调查和道歉 the real James Bond? 谁是真正的帮德? Quake death toll tops 5000日本阪神地震死亡人数已逾五千 4.省略(Omission)Animal world captured in movies 电影中的动物世界the battle of human versus computers at chess人机象棋大战Her husband is
29、 a man in a womans world泡在女人堆里的男人 5. 原文修辞须再现为了增强新闻的吸引力,可使用恰当的修辞手法让新闻标题更加生动让读者难忘。修辞方法的使用都取决于读者的理解程度。因此,译文应该保持原文的修辞手法并将其改成相应的中文修辞手法,从而达到忠于源语言文本的目的。如: 5. 原文修辞须再现1)押韵和活用谚语A bowl of soup a day could keep the pounds at bay. 一天一碗汤,脂肪减光光。 一天一碗汤,苗条又健康。2)借代Barcelona moves to keep bikinis off the streets.巴塞罗那不
30、欢迎街头“泳衣客”。6. 差异处理要灵活 Swine flu not just a threat to young.甲流不只“爱”年轻人Fly me to the moon? Thatll be $100 million你想到月球旅行吗?一亿美元让你梦想成真。Harry Potter bewitches Guantanamo Bay prisoners哈利波特施魔法 迷倒关塔那摩监狱犯人Is “globalization” helping or hurting? 全球化:幸耶不幸?7. 巧用汉语习语、四字格 Making good use of the grace and beauty of
31、the Chinese languageDaughter praises “Papy” Chirac希拉克政坛失意 干女儿赞誉有加Women getting rich faster than men in UK巾帼不让须眉 英国女人比男人富得快 Saving labor for a Rainy day储蓄劳务 未雨绸缪Stepping up to the Firing line裁人难,难于上青天Exercises: Put the following titles into Chinese:Man recalls being first Disneyland visitor迪斯尼乐园第一位游客
32、忆往昔时光Schroeder “nominated for Nobel peace price”对伊战说“不”,施罗德获诺贝尔和平奖提名Melting ice displaces Alaska walrus全球变暖 海象“搬家”Singles are happy poll调查: 单身也快乐!Mooncakes acquire networking flavor月饼“变味”了?Student unearths Einstein paper荷兰大学生无意中发现爱因斯坦手稿Maradona owns up to “Hand of God”马拉多纳首次承认“上帝之手”Supplementary Rea
33、ding从功能翻译理论看英语新闻标题的翻译.kdh论等值标准与新闻标题翻译.kdh浅论语义翻译和交际翻译在新闻标题翻译中的应用.kdh顺应论指导下新闻标题翻译策略的选择和运用.kdh二、行业用语的汉译 报刊新闻就像一个万花筒,时间、空间有限但题材包罗万象,涉及到政治、经济、军事、科技、外交、文化、体育、宗教、法律各个行业,不熟悉地域方言与行话往往会造成误译。二、行业用语的汉译In the whole operation, the soldier kept a clear head because he was given a local anesthesia and could go out
34、of the operation room himself.在整个手术中,那位军人的神志一直是清醒的,因为对他采用的是当地麻醉方法,他可以自己走出手术室。I do not have a crystal ball. I cannot predict how long it will take.误译:我没有水晶球。我无法预计它会持续多久。改译:我不能预见将来的情况,所以不清楚会谈将持续多久。一条龙服务 one package service 产运销一条龙 integral coordination in manufacturing, distribution and marketing 碰头会a
35、brief meeting让利销售cut-price sales三、新闻中俚(俗)语的汉译英语新闻用词的另一个显著特征就是使用大量的和时事紧密相连的俗语和俚语,既迎合了社会各阶层的口味,生动诙谐,通俗易懂,又丰富了语言色彩,简练贴切,增强可读性。如:三、新闻中俚(俗)语的汉译SO CIG OF CRUNCHRecession has Shameless effect as fag sales rocket. Broke Brits continue to be dragged down by the credit crunch - turning to booze and fags to be
36、at the recession blues. And in a desperate bid to save cash on weekly bills, hard-up families are ditching healthy fruit n veg and gorging on cheap junk food instead.三、新闻中俚(俗)语的汉译标题中的cig (香烟) 是俚语;副标题中的fag (香烟 )是口语词;文中broke (破产的),Brit (英国人)和booze (豪饮) 均是俗语;ditch (抛开) 和 fruit n veg (水果蔬菜) 也是俚语。三、新闻中俚(
37、俗)语的汉译wheeler dealer 机灵鬼、善于交际brain drain 人才外流play hooky 逃学to come down to brasstacks 照直说,不要拐弯抹角 cancer stick 香烟apple-polishing 拍马屁clock watcher 干活磨洋工 bottle-man 酒瓶子 三、新闻中俚(俗)语的汉译babbling brook 比喻爱唠叨的女人 hound dog 用来形容追逐女人成性的色鬼Hit the hay. 睡觉吧He is pretty lousy. 那人真差劲儿Have a fag. 抽支烟Look at that chick
38、. 瞧那个妞儿准确理解原文Michey Mouse 易对付的课 A Big Moment 心上人/心肝宝贝 have a bun in the oven 有了/有喜了 准确理解原文He is dead drunk, and he is now driving the big bus.他喝个烂醉,现在在卫生间扶着“方向盘”大吐呢? -Is she straight?-她长得端好吗?-她不是同志吧? 汉英语义等值体现 He got a crush on Mary ever since high school get a crush on somebody 迷上某人、迷恋某人、喜欢某人 四、如何译好
39、惯用语 如何译好惯用语(见P153-154)五、如何译好新词语 “词无定译,译无定则”。翻译新词语时,可以采取多种方式把意思表达清楚。 直译直译加解释 意译 音译 (音译加注) 代换法 1.直译和谐社会 harmonious society假日经济 holiday economy西部大开发 Development of the West Region集体婚礼 mass wedding ceremony 2.直译加解释汉语新词语产生于中国独特的语言、文化环境中,具有鲜明的民族特色。受语言、文化差异影响,很多新词语英译时,简单的直译有时还不能完全表达其特定含义,在直译后附加解释说明。采用“直译+注
40、释”的方法,可以使词的语义内涵完整地传递给译入语读者。 2.直译加解释三包 three guarantees (for repair,replacement or compensation of faulty products;安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project(for low income urban residents); 三讲 three-stress (stress theoretical study, political awareness and integrity)2.直译加解释Locals have come to know the new pro
41、jects by wry nicknames: the futuristic 90, 000-seat National Olympic Stadiumis the “birds nest”. The equally stunning National Aquatics Center,that looks like bubble wrap, is known as the “water cube”. Then theres the “ducks egg”, the National Opera HouseAnd perhaps most breathtaking of all is the n
42、ew headquartersforCCTV. The two 230-meter-high L-shaped towers lean into each other to form a vertiginous loop; local wags call it “trouser legs”.3.意译塞翁失马,焉知非福 A loss may turn out to be a gain.白色收入 legal income黑色/灰色收入 illegal income红色网站 politically-minded/oriented web3.意译彩信 multimedia message吃大锅饭 ge
43、t an equal share regardless of the work done; be treated the same despite the differences in working attitude and contribution4.音译 (音译加注) 有些词文化色彩浓厚,翻译时很难找到与之相对应的词来表达, 用其他方法翻译又难以体现其含义和色彩,这时可用音译法。如:炒面chow mien麻将mah- jong功夫kung fu4音译 (音译加注)In private, hes been known to accompany her singing by playing
44、a Chinese fiddle, or erhu. Beijing preservationists lament the disappearance of charming residential lanes known as hutonga Mongol word for “alleyway”, many of which have been razed to make way for wide, modern boulevards. 5. 代换法代换法指在保留原文交际意义的基础上,用译文概念意义不同、语用意义相近的词来代替原词。 炒鱿鱼: give sb. the sack; give
45、 sb. the pink slip 二进宫: be put into prison again;be put into prison a second time; get inside again;译技讲解Part III. 译理融会一、汉译比喻手法的若干原则二、新闻误译现象例析一、汉译比喻修辞的若干原则保留喻体替换喻体 舍“形”取“义”1. 保留喻体Hes as sly as a foxHes foxy. Youve got to watch himYou ass! You stupid ass! How could you do a thing like that?The Childre
46、n were as busy as bees,making preparations for the festival2. 替换喻体as hungry as a bear Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. When the cat is away, the mice will play.ass in a lions skin 狐假虎威shed crocodile tears kill two birds with one stone3. 舍“形”取“义” The car we bought last year is a white
47、elephant; it uses a lot of petrol and breaks down again and again.我们去年买的那部车成了我们沉重的负担;它既耗费汽油,还一次又一次地抛锚。George was always the black sheep of the family.乔治始终是家中的败家子。3. 舍“形”取“义”She is a descent of the Qing Dynasty, and she is very proud of having blue blood in her veins.她是清皇室的后裔,她为她的高贵血统感到非常骄傲。He left p
48、oor and later returned with ship coming home.他离开时贫穷,但后来衣锦还乡。Everybody thinks he is an exporter, but I know he is sailing under false colors. He smuggles arms.人人都以为他是出口商,但我知道他是挂羊头卖狗肉的,他专门走私军火。二、新闻误译现象例析词汇理解不到位语法分析不精准政治立场不明朗1. 词汇理解不到位理解准确是翻译准确的前提。词汇只有置于具体的语境中才有意义,也只有根据具体语境确定某个词汇的准确含义,这是正确翻译的第一步。有的新闻译员
49、,往往就词论词地死译,不求甚解,忽略了新闻英语的词汇特点,如一词多义、新闻惯用语、新词和典故的使用等等。具体说来,对新闻英语中词汇的误解误译有以下几种情形。1. 词汇理解不到位对多义词缺乏了解 对惯用语缺乏了解 对英语词汇新发展缺乏了解 对西方社会常识和文化缺乏了解 对专业知识缺乏了解 对港台译文的盲信 1、对多义词缺乏了解Neither Michael Jackson nor his attorney showed up Wednesday for a hearing in a civil case that accuses the pop star of sexual assaulting
50、 an 18-year-old during the 1984 Worlds Fair.误译:本周三,指控迈克杰克逊在1984年世博会期间对一名18岁少年进行性侵犯的文职案件进行了预审,流行歌星杰克逊本人及其律师均未出席。1、对多义词缺乏了解The former White House intern repeatedly implied that she possessed compromising information about Clinton, which was, if publicized, liable to harm his re-election presidency.误译:
51、这名前白宫实习生多次暗示,她掌握着克林顿的妥协性情况,这些材料公布出来会危及克林顿能否连任总统。compromising在此意为 “对造成损害的,殃及名誉的”。2)对惯用语缺乏了解Those who had opposed the war were told that they should now eat their own words.误译:那些曾经反对战争的人被告之,如今他们该自食其言了。改译:那些曾经反对战争的人被告之,如今他们该承认前言有失了。2)对惯用语缺乏了解The gunman enjoyed violent computer games and kept his parent
52、s in the dark about his expulsion from school, police said Sunday.误译:警方称,持枪者喜欢玩暴力的电脑游戏,并就被学校开除一事使他的父母陷于黑暗中。改译:警方称,持枪者喜欢玩暴力的电脑游戏,并向父母隐瞒他被学校开除之事。3)对英语词汇新发展缺乏了解trench warfare 堑壕战 墨守成规、缺乏灵活性而很难克敌制胜的战斗smokeout 戒烟运动e-cruiting 网上招聘splitsville 处在正式离婚边缘的夫妻B2B 企业对企业交易 3)对英语词汇新发展缺乏了解If you are lucky to be touc
53、hed by an angel, remember your 3 Ks: Know your market, Know the people in your market, be Known.如果你有幸受到某位天使投资者的垂青,谨记三个“了解”:了解你的市场,了解市场中的人,被了解。angel被赋与了新含义,“在新生的高科技企业投资的人”。4)对西方社会常识和文化缺乏了解作为社会事件的及时记录,英语新闻涉及到西方社会的自然、历史、文化、国情等,而中西方在这些方面的差异,正是新闻汉译面临的又一难题。稍有不慎,便会因为缺乏常识而误译,贻笑大方。 There is typically more cr
54、ime and drugs in inner-city schools, than schools located in rural areas.误译:常见的情况是,市内学校的犯罪和吸毒现象比农村学校多。5)对专业知识缺乏了解In the whole operation, the soldier kept a clear head because he was given a local anesthesia and could go out of the operation room himself.误译:在整个手术中,那位军人的神志一直是清醒的,因为对他采用的是当地麻醉方法。他可以自己走出
55、手术室。6)对港台译文的盲信资讯科技的发展,网络的普及,为大陆与港澳台和海外华语新闻界带来了频繁的交流机会。这一方面开阔了我们的视野,另一方面却令一些人忽略了传统文化规范,盲目照搬外来说法,如将 pooling effect(聚合效应)硬说成“洼地效应”,把selling point一律抄成铜臭味十足的“卖点”,殊不知还有“优点”、“长处”的译法更加忠实质朴。2. 语法分析不精准从句法角度看,新闻英语标题的最大特点就是省略,如冠词、介词、连词、助动词的省略等,以缩短标题的长度,言简意赅。但这种省略也很容易造成新闻译员的误译。如: Blair caught up in seats-for-sal
56、e probe.误译:布莱尔赶上“鬻爵”调查。改译:布莱尔卷入“鬻爵”调查。3. 政治立场不明朗公正、客观是人们对新闻的基本要求。但由于新闻离不开所处社会的文化、意识形态等主观倾向的影响,看似公正透明的西方媒体,实质上也有严重的倾向性。在国际信息交流的过程中,西方大国在很大程度上操纵着国际舆论的话语权。一些译文“有时很难摆脱西方霸权语气的负面影响”,人云亦云,不知不觉丢失了自己的政治立场。1)政治立场的丧失The White House insisted the meetings outcome would have no bearing on Bushs pending decision t
57、his month on whether to sell advanced destroyers to Taiwan, which China considers a renegade province.美国媒体赋予了a renegade province复杂的含义,我们如果不假思索照单直译成“叛乱省”,便会出现原则性的失误,不妨将这一非限制性定语从句省去不译。2)语气欠斟酌King said that it is believed the rebel fighters, while loyal to Hekmatyar, have sympathies and possible links
58、to the ousted Taliban and Al-Qaida.误译:金认为,这些忠于希克马蒂亚尔的叛乱分子,同情被推翻的塔利班和“基地”组织,并可能与他们有牵连。“叛乱分子”具有明显的贬义色彩。如果能译为“反政府武装”,则更能体现中国在国际事务中公正的政治立场。译理融会Part IV.拙译举偶一、欧式中文(见P163-165)二、熟词硬译(见P165-167)三、忽略内涵(见P167-169)四、“洋”而不“化”(见P169-170)一、欧式中文 缺乏语用知识,不注意表达得体性。 如:even in a pre-historic cave 即使在史前的山洞里改译:即使在史前的穴居年代里
59、 to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way基于家庭幸福源于孩子这一假设而增加孩子的数量改译:出于多子多福的观念而多生孩子 among those prominent summer deaths在那些著名的、青壮年时期便去世的人物当中改译:在那些英年早逝的杰出人物当中 二、熟词硬译 由于英语基本功欠缺,导致对英译汉中原文理解和汉译英中表达的失误。英译汉中原文理解失误主要表现在缺乏语境和语篇意识,对英语词汇多义性认识不足,词义理解不透彻,词义掌握片面单一。如:line-caught fi
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