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1、Cognitive Development: A Comparative Research on Piagets Theory and Vygotskys Sociocultural Viewpoint ContentThe Process of Cognitive DevelopmentThe Role of Language in Cognitive DevelopmentChange Agents in Cognitive DevelopmentConclusion and ApplicationThe Process of Cognitive Development-Piaget Wh

2、at is cognitive development?Cognitive development is defined as thinking, problem solving, concept understanding, information processing and overall intelligence. What is Intelligence?According to Piaget, it is a basic life function that enables an organism to adapt to its environment.All intellectu

3、al activity is undertaken with one goal in mind-cognitive equilibriumPiaget described children as constructivistThe Process of Cognitive Development-Piaget Keywords explained:Scheme is a term used by Piaget to describe the models, or mental structures, that we create to represent ,organize, and inte

4、rpret our experiences.Cognitive Schemes: the structure of intelligenceOrganization is the process by which children combine existing schemes into new and more complex intellectual structures. Adaptation is an inborn tendency to adjust to the demands of the environment.The goal of adaptation is to ad

5、just to the environment; this occurs through assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is the process of interpreting new experiences by incorporating them into existing schemes. Accommodation is the process of modifying existing schemes in order to incorporate or adapt to new experiences.The Pro

6、cess of Cognitive Development-PiagetPiagetian ConceptExampleEquilibriumToddler who has never seen anything fly but birds thinks that all flying objects are birdsAssimilation StartSeeing an airplane flying prompts the child to call it a birdieAccommodationChild experiences conflict upon realizing tha

7、t the new birdie has no feathers. Concludes it is not a bird and asks for the proper term or invents a name. Equilibrium restoredOrganization FinishForms hierarchal scheme consisting of a superordinate class (flying objects) and two subordinate classes (birdies and airplanes).The Process of Cognitiv

8、e Development-PiagetThe Process of Cognitive Development-PiagetAccording to Piaget, a childs development progresses through 4 qualitative stages and an invariant developmental sequence-universal pattern of development, which are: The Sensori-Motor Stage (Birth to 2 Years)The Pre-Operational Stage (2

9、 to 7 Years)The Concrete-Operational Stage (7 to 11 Years)The Formal-Operational Stage (11-12 Years and Beyond)The Process of Cognitive Development-VygotskyVygotsky felt the acquisition of knowledge was active and socially constructed rather than a passive conditioning.He believed that social intera

10、ction played a vital role in cognitive development firstly on a social level (between child and the world) and then on a individual level (Internally).The Process of Cognitive Development-VygotskyVygotsky proposed that infants are born with a few elementary mental functions attention, sensation, per

11、ception and memory that are eventually transformed by the culture into new and more sophisticated mental processes he called higher mental functions. Characteristics of higher mental functions a comparison of primitive and higher mental functions primitive functions higher mental functions 1. Proces

12、ses simple perception, natural memory categorical perception, logical memory, involuntary attention conceptual thinking, self-regulated attention2.Source of control stimulation from the environment the use of both “object stimuli” and “means stimuli” by individuals to master and control their own be

13、haviors3. Dynamics co-occurrence of two stimuli creation of new links through the individuals artificial combination of stimuli (e.g. auxiliary stimuli)4. Defining immediacy; bounded by concrete characterized by conscious awareness (of the characteristics experience processes), abstraction, and cont

14、rol5. Thinking and determined by natural memory abstract; conceptual; makes logical relations reasoning limited to reproducing established and generalizations practical situations6. Origin biological factors sociohistorical development stage characteristics 1. Preintellectual babbling, crying; use o

15、f first words primarily as an emotional form of behavior2. Intellectual: “naively” children realize the important of language at about the Psychological age of 2 and feel the need for words. Speech fulfills a labeling function through which children begin to organize their world. speech is joined to

16、 practical intelligence. Many are used without grasping true meaning. (because, but)3.Dominance of external sign use counting on ones fingers is one example. Speech first (“Egocentric”) merely accompanies childrens actions. Later it moves gradually to the beginning of the problem-solving process and

17、 precedes action. Speech is then used to synthesize events and to plan problem-solving activities.4.Internalization children begin to count in their heads and to use logical memory. Egocentric speech becomes inner speech which becomes the basis for childrens thinking.The Process of Cognitive Develop

18、ment-VygotskyThe Role of Language in Cognitive Development Egocentric: childrens use of speech to organize their behaviorFor Piaget, egocentric speech is a characteristic of preoperational thinking, and this form of speech disappears as the child moves into concrete operations. Vygotsky views egocen

19、tric speech as a transitional stage between social speech (external speech) and abstract problem solving (inner speech).The Role of Language in Cognitive DevelopmentAccording to Piaget:Children partake in egocentric speech, utterances neither directed to others nor expressed in ways that the listene

20、rs might understand Egocentric speech played a little role in cognitive developmentSpeech tended to become more social as the child matures-less egocentricThe Role of Language in Cognitive DevelopmentAccording to Vygotsky:Thought and language eventually emergeA childs nonsocial utterances, which he

21、termed private speech, illustrate the transition from paralinguistic to verbal reasoning Private speech plays a major role in cognitive development by serving as a cognitive self-guidance system, allowing children to become more organized and good problem solversAs individuals develop, private speec

22、h becomes inner speechThe Role of Language in Cognitive DevelopmentFor example:Do you speak to yourself out loud? (Ego-centric speech) Do you use your inner monologue?It is likely you engage more in the latter, a skill we develop form about 6/7 years old.Change Agents in Cognitive Development- Piage

23、tAccording to Piaget:Peers are more important in activating cognitive development than adults.What adults tell is usually considered as truth. However, different opinions between peers will stimulate them to think and explore knowledge .Change Agents in Cognitive Development- VygotskyZone of proxima

24、l developmentThis is the distance between a childs current and potential abilities. The assumption behind this theory is that instruction is to stimulate those functions which lie waiting in the ZPD.“What a child can do with help today, he can do independently tomorrow”Feed a man a fish feed him for

25、 a day, teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime!Learning initially occurs between people but eventually becomes internalised.Think how much support you needed at 6yrs oldprobably not as much now!An Evaluation of PiagetProvides a vague explanation on cognitive maturation.Devoted little attention

26、to social and cultural influences However!His theory was one of the first to explain, and not just describe, the process of cognitive development.Convinced us that children are curious, active explorers who play an important role in their own development.An Evaluation of VygotskyLittle scientific ev

27、idence.Too much emphasis on social interaction. However!Bridges the gap between social and cognitive approachesHelps to understand how to actively help learners reach their potentialit has more educational application.Piaget vs.VygotskyDifferencesJean Piaget Lev VygotskyLearning isSolitary(stem from

28、 independent explorations)Social(stem from social interations)What drives development?Maturation, conflictEnjoyment from others, motivates more learning.Role of languageThought drives languageLanguage drives thoughtRole of biologyMaturation dictates pace of cognitive developmentElementary functions

29、are innate.Child is activeChild actively organises cognitive schemas to maintain equilibrium. Child is active in providing feedback to the parent/instructor.Putting it all togetherVygotsky believed in power of the community, Piaget was a product of individualist society. Piagets child: IntrovertVygotskys child:


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