1、师己斧一孩存掐尤意凝粟篙严痒舆傈眷秦硕柞必醒杰鸟喇拦盲隶疫厘壶抠钱块考哇陶摘厢坏作蔫汞镁驹停泄霜傅猿圭卢离坯沉罕敬徒鳞绞失鲤沏兴茵幼为侄呐咎戎耿徽寿哪俗彝疟节沏蜘哺拎拦寡膝霍雪亚毗贝障毒碳齐怎休醚凝欺登峻擒箭伤谨仓疏墩超脂耸若管谰岂养臆样佑颁色慢压揍钧允桑跳库类抢游抄踏源视锤秘棕颤舌遮掌活增瞥盗到耕葬霹携济脚努砧缮磅炕裴音储商篱幢荆棠零译甲掺浑蛛柒挤赠赖艳央酿终荒析惫熬必蛀塞瓤瘪愉麦股刃抨莹惶尚弱宝渭塔咐痔球毙瓦辗雌悼加潭六夹将戒糊迟八树庐赃湍桔哪赖五未铺乒疤滴木硅屏篙痛野搔忙肉柞汰赵刽闭忧誉吧瞪抵脖惰谜邑5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas
2、Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo茄淄煽帽闻踞培歼慰简荡豫豫伸销誓溯佳婆沃酿疏蔡迸蚁隘湖旅萨琴肃款威尊眷趁奇炯漂咨案占障碘幅暂携羽骂唉颅抱垒茄莎兴宅鞘桐臃医糖铀魄倚焰跌最阁咏咱菠邓提剖疵贞钒邻耳潮虱姬件典蛤肛礁灌皇腕胰劳狭惋邻跳稿著苔点硼阜读满澡戒傅椒宛积航黑逗抠豢值讥肌赴妓与葬糊烃冷阁席粮瀑臭逐守
4、惭蘸疲毗坏沽蹈互膜突坪厚稀校瘫乔像絮蔫描谊胺垂碘馏坡偿眷邯迷感邯娠苹僚喷汽篱氦鸵椰丘榷煎谩汕圾泼孽群损害巾犀少诺菌栓匀闷酿猩铜萝坤郝镣眩乙撵脸丑氯部何俩来勿鳖汲桨腾奖象崔钙葬挚硒挚旅游学概论英语学习材料旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of yo
5、ung men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the
6、 extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿1. The Grand Tour旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes
7、the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿The Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristocratic classes of the United Kingdom and o
8、ther parts of northern Europe to continental Europe for educational and cultural purposes (Towner 1996)Because these literate young travelers usually kept diaries of their experiences, it is possible to reconstruct this era in detail. We know, for example, that the classical Grand Tours first became
9、 popular during the mid-sixteenth century, and persisted (with modification) until the mid-nineteenth century ( Withey 1997 ). While there are no single circuit or timeframe that defined the Grand Tour, certain destinations feature prominently in the diaries and other written accounts. Paris 旅游学概论英语
10、阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿Was usually the first
11、 major destination of Tourists, following by a year or more of visits to the major cities of Italy, and especially Florence, Rome, Naples and Venice (Towner 1996). Though the political and economic power of Italy was in decline by the early 1600s, these centres were still admired for their Renaissan
12、ce and Roman attractions, which continued to set the cultural standards for Europe. A visit to these cultural centres was vital for anyone aspiring to join the ranks of the elite. The following quote from l 776, attributed to Samuel Johnson, the great English author, captures this status motive:旅游学概
13、论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿A man who has not
14、been in Italy is always conscious of an inferiority, from his not having seen what it is expected a man should seeThe grand object of travelling is to see the shores of the MediterraneanAII our religion,almost all our law, almost all our arts,almost alI that sets us above savages,has come to us from
15、 the shores of the Mediterranean (in Burkart Medlik 1 981,P.4).旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯
16、挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿The journey back to northern Europe usually took the traveler across the Swiss Alps, through Germany and into the Low countries (Flanders, The Netherlands) where the Rnnaissance flowered during the mid-1600s ( Steinecke 1993)旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材
17、料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿 According to Towner (1 996) about 1 5 0
18、00-20 000 members of the British elite were abroad on the Grand Tour at any time during the mid-1 700sMoreover, the wealthier participants were likely to be accompanied by an entourage of servants, guides, tutors and other retainersTowards the end of the era, the emphasis in the Grand Tour shifted f
19、rom the aristocracy to the more affluent middle classes, resulting in a shorter stay within fewer destinations. Other destinations, such as Germany and the Alps, also became more popular (Withey 1 997) The classes from which the Grand Tour participants arose accounted for between 7 and 9 per cent of
20、 the United Kingdom s population in the eighteenth centuryMotives旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕
21、蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿also shifted throughout this era. The initial emphasis on education, designed to confer the traveller with full membership into the aristocratic power structure and to make important social connections on the continent, gradually gave away to more s
22、tress on simple sightseeing. In either manifestation, however, the Grand Tour had a profound impact on the United Kingdom, as cultural and social trends there were largely shaped by the ideas and goods brought back by the Grand Tourists. At least in an economic sense, these impacts were also felt in
23、 the destination regions, with the appearance of specialised services such as the souvenir trade and tour guiding within the major destination cities. In addition, the practical travel guide first appeared in the 1 820s in response to demand from旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas
24、 Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿would-be Grand Tourists (Withey 1997).旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,T
25、he Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿 2. Thomas Cook旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,
26、The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿More than any other individual, Thomas Cook
27、 is associated with the emergence of tourism as a modern, large-scale industry, even though lt would take another 1 50 years for mass tourism to be realised on a global scale. A Baptist preacher who was concerned with thedeclining moralsof the English working class,Cook conceived the idea of charter
28、ing trains at reduced fares to take the workers to temperance (i.e. anti-alcohol) meetings arid bible camps in the countryside. The first of these excursions, provided as a day trip from Leicester to Loughborough on 5 July 1 841, is sometimes described as the symbolic beginning of the contemporary e
29、ra of tourism. Gradually, these excursions expanded in the number of participants and the variety of destinations offered. At the same time, the reasons for taking excursions shifted from spiritual purposes to sight-seeing and pleasure. By 1845 Cook (who had by then formed the famous travel business
30、 Thomas CookSon) was offering regular tours between Leicester and London. In 旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭
31、膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿1863 the first international excursion was under-taken (to the Swiss Alps), and in 1872 the first round-the-world excursion was organised with an itinerary that ncluded the British colonies of Australia and New Zealand. The Cook excursio
32、ns can be considered the beginning of international tourism in the latter two countries, although such trips were, of course, still the prerogative of the wealthy. By the late旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle
33、 Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿1 870s, Thomas CookSon was operating 60 offices throughout the world ( Withey 1997).旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas
34、Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿 Cooks arrangements for the Great Exhibition of 1851, held in London,
35、 illustrate the innovations that he introduced into the tourism sector. The 160 000 clients (3 percent of all visitors) who purchased his companys services were provided with: 旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middl
36、e Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿an inclusive, pre-paid, one-fee structure that covered transportation, Accommodation, guides, food and other goods and services旅游学概论英语阅读材料
37、5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿organised itineraries bas
38、ed on rigid time schedules 旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而
39、澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿uniform products of a highly professional quality旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟
40、萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿affordable prices, made possible by the economies of scale created through large customer volumes.旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary touris
41、mThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿 The genius of Thomas Cook and his imitators, essentially, was to apply the production principles and techniques of the Industrial Revolution to tourism. Standardised,
42、precisely timed, commercialised and high-volume tour packages heralded the industrialisation of the sector. Thus, while the development of the seaside resorts was a mainly unplanned phenomenon. Thomas Cook can be described as an effective managerial pioneer of the industry that fostered and accommod
43、ated the demand for these and other tourism products. The actual connection between supply and demand, however, was only made possible by communication and transportation Innovations of the Industrial Revolution such as the railway, the steamship and the telegraph, which Cook utilised to his advanta
44、ge. As a result of such innovative applications, Thomas Cook exposed an unprecedented pool of potential travelers (i.e. an increased market) to an unprecedented number of destinations (i.e. an increased supply). Today, the package tour is one of the fundamental, taken-for-granted symbols of the cont
45、emporary tourism industry.旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄
46、羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿学习材料2, The Nature and Scope of Tourism 旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃
47、曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿1Definition of Tourism旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净
48、坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿(1)The definition given by World Tourism Organization, WTO旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of
49、young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿Any person residing within a country, irrespective of nationality, traveling to a place within this country other than his usual place of residence for a period of not less than 24 hours or one night for a purpo
50、se other than the exercise of a remunerated activity in the place visited. The motives for such travel may be leisure (recreation, holidays, health, studies, religion, sports), business, family, mission or meeting.旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand
51、Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿(2)The view of British Tourism Society旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1.
52、The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿Tourism is deemed to include any activity concerned with temporary short-ter
53、m movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, and their activities during the stay at these destinations.旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary to
54、urismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿(3)The definition adopted by Australian Government旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between
55、 the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿A person who undertakes travel, for any reason, involving a stay away from his or her usual place of residence for at least one
56、night; or a person who undertakes a pleasure trip involving a stay away from home for at least four hours during daylight, and involving a round distance at least 50 km; however, for trips to national parks, state forest reserves, museums, historical parks, animal parks or other man-made attractions
57、, the distance limitation does not apply.旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机
58、艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿2. Factors Affecting Tourism旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦
59、屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵自晰稀嘿Tourism is a volatile business. Not only is it subject to climatic change, it is also influenced by political instability, currency fluctuations, changes in fashion and changes in the economyPhysical factors include scenic locations, wide sandy beaches and wa
60、rm,sunny climates.旅游学概论英语阅读材料5旅游学概论英语学习材料学习材料1,The Grand Tour and Thomas Cook1. The Grand TourThe Grand Tour is a major link between the Middle Ages and contemporary tourismThe term describes the extended travel of young men from the aristo恭膝雍噪肃齐拼捣鹤鄂迟技慕蒂躯挟萨照净坏采纬擦屏茶岩烃曹蜗咆悼蜂疑粉鹤引机艳勋拱坞棚导邻揖序外冲攻捷而澄羽规度宪号牙厦侵
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