



1、寒假去当疫情志愿者英语作文妈妈的微信一直响个不停,我实在忍不住问了一声,妈妈说是党支部在招募抗疫情志愿者。我想妈妈肯定会报名参加的,因为她有一颗无私奉献的心,对于工作也非常认真。My mothers wechat has been ringing all the time. I couldnt help asking. My mother said that the Party branch was recruiting anti epidemic volunteers. I think my mother will sign up for it, because she has a self

2、less dedication and is very serious about her work.不出所料,妈妈说:“你在家里听外婆的话,外公也是优秀党员,我们都得去执勤任务。”我问妈妈任务是什么?妈妈说:在乾潭的商会大厦路口和乾潭桥洞路口,拦截车子,因为这两个口子是必经之路,进出车量非常多。”我心里很想知道妈妈具体做的是什么工作,是否安全,又接着问,那你具体做什么呢?妈妈语重心长的告诉我:“那么多支援者报名参加,说明大家都想尽一份自己的力量来抗击疫情,对于报名的志愿者也是要了解身体情况的,是否有发烧、感冒等症状,通过后就安排卡点值班,第一班:早上8点到下午4点;第二班:下午4点到凌晨12


4、情真的不容易。As expected, mom said, you listen to grandma at home. Grandpa is also an excellent Party member. We all have to go on duty. I asked my mother what the task was. My mother said: at the intersection of the chamber of Commerce building and the qiantanqiaodong road in Qiantan, I stopped the cars,

5、 because these two roads are the only way, and there are a lot of cars in and out. I want to know in my heart what kind of work my mother does and whether it is safe. Then I ask, what do you do? My mother told me: so many supporters sign up to participate, which means that everyone wants to do their

6、 best to fight against the epidemic. For the volunteers who sign up, they also need to know their physical conditions, whether they have fever, cold and other symptoms. They will be safe after passing The first shift is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; the second shift is from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.; t

7、he third shift is from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., 24-hour shift. The purpose is to protect our small homes first, and pile up each healthy small home into a healthy big home. I was curious, and then I asked, is it right to take the temperature of people in the car just like on TV? my mother patiently

8、told me: my mothers job is to take the temperature of everyone who enters the checkpoint. First of all, I need to wear masks and gloves, see pedestrians, battery cars, private cars and other cars passing by, all pull over and turn off the fire, and then other volunteers are responsible for registrat

9、ion License plate, ID card, check the access card, ask where you are from? Where are you going? Are there any people who have been in contact with the epidemic area, if the temperature is higher than 37.3 degrees, they will take another temperature measurement and report to the person in charge afte

10、r resting in place, and they must do a good job not to let any suspicious people in or out of the dry pool, and so on. It seems that a simple job also contains so many complex processes. Its really not easy to do a good job.我想我每天呆在家里,写写作业,讲究卫生,锻炼身体,看看新闻,这也是在为祖国做一点点微小的贡献,我要好好学习,长大后为祖国做更多的贡献!I think I stay at home every day, write my homework, pay attention to health, exercise a


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