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1、 非谓语动词思维流程非谓语动词的句法功能形式成分to dodoing done主语宾语表语定语状语 补语解答非谓语动词的题目时,一般要遵循以下思路:(1)解析句子结构,确定谓语动词和非谓语动词;(2)找准相关动词的逻辑主语,确定该动词与逻辑主语的关系(主动还是被动);(3)搜索句子中相关的时间信息,确定非谓语动词时态;(4)将该选项放入空格中,看看能否句意通顺,完成交际任务。What made her so upset?Her not _(allow) to go to the ball made it.答案being allowed根据上文问句可知是对主语提问,承接上文的回答是作主语的。用动

2、名词的否定形式作主语。1.能作主语的非谓语动词有to do和doing。二者的区别是:表示某一具体的动作时,多用to do;表示比较抽象的一般行为倾向的,多用doing。doing作主语时通常位于句首;to do作主语时常置于句末,用it作形式主语放在句首。知识点二非谓语动词作主语(1)Smoking is prohibited(禁止) here.我们这儿禁止抽烟。(2)It is not very good for you to smoke so much.抽太多烟对你不好。(3)To make a plan first is a good idea.It is a good idea to

3、 make a plan first.首先制定好计划是个好主意。(4)It takes three hours to walk there.从这儿步行到那儿花费三个钟头。2. 但在下列句型中常用doing作主语。It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。It is of little good staying up too late every day.每天熬夜太晚不大好。想一想,类似的结构还有哪一些?1.Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview._(have) the answers ready

4、will be of great help.答案Having本题考查动名词作主语。表示预备好答案这件事,故用动名词。句意:进行工作面试前有必要好好准备。预备好答案会很有帮助的。2.In fact _ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important match.答案it本题考查形式主语,其真正的主语是不定式to keep order。句意:事实上对警察而言在重要比赛中维持秩序是一项艰难的工作。知识点三非谓语动词作宾语to do和doing都可作动词或介词的宾语。常见形式有以下几类:1.有些动词后常跟不定式作宾语通常只能接不定式

5、作宾语的动词有: agree (同意); offer(提出); intend, plan(打算,计划); demand, ask(要求);promise(答应); prepare(准备); decide(决定); refuse(拒绝); dare(敢于); choose(选择); wish, hope, want, expect(希望,想要);fail(失败); pretend(假装); manage(设法); determine(决心)等。如:They have agreed to give me another chance.他们已经答应给我另外一次机会。He refused to tel

6、l me their plan. 他拒绝告诉我他们的计划。2.有些动词后常跟doing作宾语,如: admit(承认),appreciate(欣赏),avoid(避免),consider(考虑),delay (耽误;延迟), dislike(不喜欢); enjoy(欣赏;享受), escape(逃脱;逃避),excuse (原谅),finish(完成),forgive(原谅),imagine(想象), keep(保持), mind(介意), miss (错过), practise(练习), resist(拒绝,抵制), risk(冒险),suggest(建议),deny(否认;否决)。如:Yo

7、ud better make good preparations for you cant risk losing the chance.你最好做好准备,因为你不能冒失去这次机会的风险。Do you mind my opening the door? 你介意我打开窗户吗?to是介词的固定词组很多,常见的有:look forward to(盼望), devoteto /be devoted to(致力于), be/get used to(习惯), lead to(导致), get down to(开始认真), pay attention to(注意), refer to(谈到), point t

8、o(指向), turn to(转向), object to(反对), equal to(等于,能胜任), belong to(属于)等。3.有些动词后既可以跟to do 又可以跟doing作宾语,意义上无多大区别。如begin/start(开始);continue(继续);love(喜欢)等。如:I like swimming very much, but I dont like to swim this afternoon.我非常喜欢游泳;但是今天下午我不想去游泳。4.既可接不定式又可接doing作宾语,但不定式用被动式的形式;doing用主动式的形式。句子的意思没有差别。但句子的主语一般是

9、动作的承受着。这类动词主要有:want,need,require,deserve等。 如:(1)Your watch needs repairing/to be repaired.你的手表需要被修理一下。(2)The windows need painting again/to be painted again.这些窗户需要再漆一下。思考:该类结构中,主语与need/-后动词的关系5.有些动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟动名词作宾语,但意义上有区别。如forget,remember, mean, regret, stop, try,go on, cant help等。 如:I remembere

10、d opening the door but forgot to close it.我记得打开了门,但忘记把它关上了。既能接不定式,又能接动词-ing形式,但意思不同的动词或短语:remember to do记着要去做某事forget to do忘记要做某事 remember doing记得做过某事 forget doing忘记做过了某事 mean to do打算要做某事 try to do尽力去做某事mean doing意味着做某事 try doing试着去做某事 regret to do对即将要做的事感到遗憾 stop to do停下来去做另一件事regret doing后悔做过某事 st

11、op doing停止做某事 go on to do做完一件再做另一件事 go on doing继续做同一件事cant help to do不能帮助做某事cant help doing 情不自禁地做某事7.介词后通常跟doing作宾语,但是but/except 后面接不定式作宾语,如果前面有实义动词do,则不带to。如:He had nothing to do but lie down to sleep.他无事可做,只好躺下睡觉。I have no choice but to accept the fact.我别无选择只好接受事实。1.I dont want _(sound) like Im s

12、peaking ill of anybody, but the managers plan is unfair.答案to sound动词want后常跟不定式作宾语。2.I cant stand _(work) with Jane in the same office.She just refuses _(stop) talking while she works.答案working;to stop动词stand此处表示“忍耐;忍受”之意,后面常跟动名词作宾语;而refuse后面只能跟不定式作宾语。句意:我无法忍受和Jane在同一个办公室。她总是拒绝在工作时停止谈话。3.Little Jim s

13、hould love _(take) to the theatre this evening.答案to be takenshould love后面只能跟不定式;主语是动作的承受者,所以用被动。4.Our classroom needs _(clean), who is on duty today?答案cleaning/to be cleanedneed 后面跟动名词,表示主语需要承受该工作,所以用cleaning。也可用不定式的被动形式。句意:我们的教室需要被打扫一下,今天该谁值日?5.That would mean _(waste) a lot of labor.Really? I dont

14、 mean _(waste) any labor.答案wasting;to wastemean doing意味着; mean to do打算做。句意:那将意味着浪费很多劳动力。真的吗?我没打算浪费任何劳动力的。6.Isnt it time you got down to _(mark) the papers?答案markingget down to doing sth 开始着手做某事,后跟动名词作宾语, mark是主语主动发出的动作,不用被动。7.He didnt know how_(operate) the computer.答案to operate知识点四非谓语动词作宾补能作宾语补足语的非

15、谓语动词有to do,doing,done,用哪种非谓语动词形式往往取决于前面动词的句型和不同的非谓语动词所表示的意义。一、不定式作补足语1.使役动词,感官动词能接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语, 常见的使役动词有make, let, have等;感官动词有see, hear,watch, observe, notice, find以及listen to等。如:I saw him go into the room just now.刚才我看到他走进了房间。1.常跟不带to的不定式做宾补的词“一感觉(feel)”、 “二听(hear/listen to)”、 “三让(let/have/make)”

16、紧跟着,“四看(watch/find/see/notice)”、“半个帮助(help sb do/help sb to do)”。2.此种句子一旦变成被动句以后,则一定要带上不定式符号to。如:I saw him go into the room.He was seen to go into the room.他被看到进了房间。1.Children should be allowed _(make) their own decisions.答案to makeallow sb to do sth 是常用短语,后跟不定式作宾语补足语。句意:孩子们应该被允许做出自己的决定。2.My teacher

17、told me _(not be) so careless.答案not to betell sb to do sth 是常用短语,后跟不定式作宾补,所以此处选择不定式的否定形式。句意:老师告诉我不要那么粗心。二、动词-ing形式作宾语补足语动词-ing形式作宾语补足语时,句中的宾语往往是其逻辑主语,该动词与宾语之间存在主谓关系。动词-ing形式作宾语补足语强调正在进行的主动的动作。可以带有这种复合宾语的有see, watch, hear, observe, feel, find, have, keep等。如:Listen! Do you hear someone calling for hel

18、p?听!你听到有人正在呼救吗?3.Walking along the river, we saw someone _(fish) by the river.答案fishingsee sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事,用现在分词作宾补,表示宾语正在进行的动作,此处不用现在分词的完成形式。4.When she returned home, she found the window open and something _(steal).答案stolenfind sth done用过去分词作宾补表示sth 是动作的承受者。三、动词-ed形式做宾补动词-ed形式作宾语补足语时,句中的宾语往

19、往就是其逻辑宾语,该动词与宾语之间存在着动宾关系。如:He is a humorous man and he always keeps us amused with his jokes.他是个很幽默的人,总是用他的笑话让我们消遣。I found him buried in a novel.我发现他在埋头读一本小说。We have done things we ought not to have done and left undone things we ought to have done.我们做了我们本不该做的事,而那些应该做的事我们却没有做。过去分词作补语,表被动或完成。我发现我的项链不

20、见了。I found my necklace gone.5.用所给词的正确形式填空I heard her _(sing) an English song just now.I heard her _(sing) an English song when I passed by her room yesterday.I heard the English song _(sing) many times.答案singsingingsung知识点五非谓语动词作定语不定式、动名词和分词都可以作定语,主要区别在于它们的时态意义和语态意义。一、不定式作定语1.不定式作定语和被修饰的名词具有“动宾关系”,即

21、被修饰的名词是不定式的动作的承受者;如果不定式是不及物动词,就要在不定式动词后加上相应的介词。如: (1)I have a lot of things to do.我有好多的事情要去做。 (2)The Browns have a comfortable house to live in.布朗一家有一座舒服的大房子住。2.若名词前有序数词、最高级修饰,后面一般用不定式作定语。如:He was the last one to leave school yesterday.他是昨天最后一个离开学校的。3.有一些抽象名词常用不定式作定语,常见的有:ability,chance, attempt, de

22、cision等。如: Their decision to give up the experiment surprised us.他们放弃实验的决定让我们很吃惊。二、动词-ing形式作定语1.表示动作伴随或进行 如:(1)Please tell the children playing outside not to make so much noise.请告诉正在外面玩耍的孩子不要有那么大的噪音。(2)The building being built will be completed next year.正在兴建的建筑将在明年完工。2.动名词作定语表示的是被修饰的事物的性质或用途。如:(1)

23、He bought a ticket for a sleeping car for his vacation.为了假期,他买了一张卧铺车的票。(2)There is a swimming pool in the backyard.在后院有个游泳池。3.表示被修饰词的内容,如:I got a call saying I was fired yestersay.三、过去分词作定语过去分词作定语与其修饰的名词有“动宾关系”,表示一个被动或完成的动作,相当于一个被动的定语从句。如:Some of the experiments described in the book are easy to per

24、form.在这本书里描述的一些实验很容易操作。1.The room is empty except for a bookshelf_(stand) in one corner.答案standing本题考查非谓语动词作定语。句中stand是被修饰的词bookshelf主动发出的动作,所以用现在分词,表主动。2.It is said that Beijing University was the first institute of higher learning _(establish) in China.答案established本题考查非谓语动词作定语。因为被修饰的词institute是动作

25、establish的承受者,且该动作发生在过去, 已结束,所以应用过去分词作后置定语。句意:据说北大是建立在中国的第一高等学府。知识点六非谓语动词作状语能作状语的有不定式、现在分词和过去分词。作什么样的状语往往取决于它们的位置和在句中的意义。一、不定式作状语不定式作状语,表示目的、结果:He hurried home only to find his money stolen.(结果状语) 他匆忙赶到家结果发现钱被偷了。To make himself heard, he raised his voice.(目的状语)为了让自己被人听到,他提高了声音。句首表示目的,句中或句末表示目的或结果二、分

26、词作状语(1)Given a chance, I can surprise the world.(条件状语)给我一次机会,我可以震惊整个世界。(2)Coming into the room, he found his father angry.(时间状语)当他进入房间时,他发现他的父亲很生气。(3)Being tired, they went on working.(让步状语)尽管很累了,可他们继续工作。(4)He put a finger in his mouth, tasted it and smiled, looking rather pleased.(伴随状语) 他把一只手指放进嘴里,

27、尝了尝,笑了,看起来非常高兴。(5)Please make a sentence using this word.(方式状语)请用这个词造个句子。【温馨提示】现在分词与不定式作结果状语时的区别现在分词作结果状语往往表示“正常出现的、自然而然的或意料之中的”结果。不定式作结果状语时通常表示“偶然的、出乎意料的”一种结果。如:(1)His parents died when he was very young, leaving him an orphan.他父母在他很小时就去世了,使得他成了孤儿。(2)He hurried to his house only to find his house b

28、roken into.他匆忙赶到家发现房子已经被人破门而入了。1.European football is played in 80 countries,_(make) it the most popular sport in the world.答案making根据句意:“80个国家的人都踢欧式足球,使得它成为世界上最流行的运动。”可知,这是一个顺理成章的结果,所以用现在分词作结果状语。2.He hurried to the station only _(find) that the train had left.答案to find根据句意:“他匆忙赶到车站结果发现车已经离开了。”可知,这是

29、出乎他预料的结果,所以用不定式引导结果状语。窗户是开着的,门是锁着的。【误】The window is opened.The door is locked.【正】The window is open.The door is locked.误点:_3.It remains _(see) whether Jimll be fit enough to play in the finals.答案to be seen本题考查非谓语动词作表语。remain后常跟不定式作表语,it是形式主语,指的是事物有待被观察,所以不定式后用被动语态。句意:Jim是否适合参加决赛还有待观察。4.Tom sounds ve

30、ry much _(interest) in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it.答案interested本题考查非谓语动词作表语。此句中指人对于事物感兴趣。所以,应用过去分词表被动。句意:Tom听起来对这个工作有兴趣,但我不敢确定他是否能做得好。5.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _(not make) it more difficult.答案not to make本题考查不定式作宾语。根据前半句话to make life easier 可知选项应与

31、其同样用不定式表目的,而且此处突出两者的对比,通常不省略to。【即时小练】_(compare) with others in the world, he found himself a lucky one.答案Compared本句中的compare的逻辑主语是“he”,是compare动作的承受者,故用过去分词作状语,表被动,compare with是固定搭配“与相比”的意思。【即时小练】His work _(finish),and he went out to play.答案was finished根据句式判断,句中有连词and,该句为并列句,前半句话应是一个完整的句子,空中应填谓语动词,因

32、为工作是被完成的,所以用被动语态。易错点非谓语动词中的语态问题Do you have anything more _(type), sir?No.You can have a rest or do something else.解析句意:先生,你还有什么东西需要打印吗?没有了,你可以休息一下或做点其他事情。答案to be typed【即时小练】(1)(原创)Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening?Id like to.But I have an important report _(prepare).答案to prepa

33、re根据句意,第二句中的主语是动作的主动发出者,且该动作还未发生,所以应选择不定式的主动形式。句意:你愿意今晚参加我的生日聚会吗?我愿意,可我有个重要报告要准备。易错点独立主格结构The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _(finish) for the day.答案finished由于动词finish与their lessons之间为动宾关系。又由于逗号前后的两部分之间没有连接词,故横线处不可能是谓语动词。此处是独立主格的一种用法,表示被动和完成。1. Mary will never forget the f

34、irst time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, _(wear) sun glasses. 因已有谓语动词appeared,动词wear前又没有并列连词,即wear不是并列谓语,它应是非谓语动词,作状语, 表示伴随情况; 又因he与wear是主动关系,故用现在分词。 wearing 灵活运用 单句填空 2. I noticed a man 18 _ (sit)at the front.已有谓语动词noticed, 且sit前没有并列连词, 因此, sit是非谓语动词; 由固定句式notice sb. doing/do s

35、th. (注意到某人在做/做了某事) 可知, 填sitting或sit, 但我们认为, 根据文中提供的情境, 不难推出, 作者“注意到”时, 那个人是“正坐在”作者前面的, 故填sitting更准确、更切实际,也更生动。sitting/sit3. He spit it out, _(say) it was awful.因句中已有谓语spit, 此处又没有连词, say不是并列谓语, 而是非谓语动词; 又因he与say是主动关系, 故用现在分词作伴随状语。saying4. She wished that he was as easy _ (please) as her mother, who w

36、as always delighted with perfume.句中已有谓语was easy了, please应为非谓语动词; 因在形容词后作状语, 只能用动词不定式, 故填to please。 to please5. For exle, the proverb, “plucking up a crop _ (help) it grow”, is based on the following story.作目的状语, 用动词不定式。to help6. Simon made a big bamboo box _ _(keep) the little sick bird till it coul

37、d fly.这句中的make表示“做; 制造”, 其后的不定式为目的状语。句意为: 西蒙做了一个大竹盒子来养这只有病的小鸟, 等它能飞的时候再放走它。 tokeep7. His first book _(publish) next month is based on a true story.根据句中的next month可知是将出版, 故要用不定式; 又因为book与publish之间为被动关系, 故要用不定式的被动式。8. Lydia doesnt feel like _(study) abroad. Her parents are old. 因为feel like中的like是介词,根据

38、英语语法,介词后接动词一般要用动名词。to be publishedstudying9. Sarah pretended to be cheerful, _ (say) nothing about the argument.现在分词短语saying nothing about.为伴随状语, 句意为: 莎拉假装开心, 对那次争论什么也没说。saying10. I had great difficulty _(find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.因have difficulty (in) doing sth.为固定句式, 其

39、意为“做某事有困难”。finding11. It rained heavily in the south, _ (cause) serious flooding in several provinces.“引起严重水灾”是“下大雨”的自然结果, 作结果状语, 用现在分词作状语。causing.与which caused.相当。causing12.The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ (weigh) less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.因y

40、oung children与weigh是主动关系, 故用现在分词作定语。句中介词短语under.和现在分词短语weighing.一起作定语, 修饰young children。weighing13. I cant stand _(work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _ (stop) talking while she works. 因为cant stand(不能忍受)后习惯上要接动词的-ing形式; 又因refuse后要求接带to的不定式。workingto stop14. As a result of the seriou

41、s flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need _(repair).在表示“需要”的need后要接动词-ing形式的主动形式, 或用不定式的被动式。15. Isnt it time you got down to _ (mark) the papers? 因为get down to中的to是介词, 后面应接动词的-ing形式。repairing/to be repairedmarking16. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _(set) up some school

42、s for poor children.因devote.to.中to是介词, 接动词-ing形式; all是devote的宾语, he had是省略了关系代词that的定语从句, 修饰all。setting17. Tsinghua University, _ (found) in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.由于Tsinghua University(清华大学)与found(成立)之间为被动关系, 即清华大学被成立于1911年, 故用过去分词。 founded18. Li Jian put up a pictur

43、e of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _ (remind) of his own dreams.该考点涉及的搭配是remind sb. of sth. (提醒某人记住或想起某事), 显然空格前的himself与动词remind之间存在着被动关系, 故用过去分词。 reminded19. _(offer)an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous.由于句子主语Andy与动词offer之间为被动关系(即Andy被人提供了某物), 故用过去分词。O

44、ffered20. Claire had her luggage _ (check) an hour before her plane left.checked考查“have+名词+非谓语动词”结构。由于her luggage(她的行李)与check(检查)之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。句意为:飞机出发前1小时, 克莱尔携带的行李接受了检查。21. Alexander tried to get his work _ (recognize) in the medical circles.因“宾语(his work)”与其后的recognize (承认)是被动关系, 故用动词-ed形式。recog

45、nized22. A great number of students _ (question) said they were forced to practise the piano.由于students与question(提问,询问) 之间为被动关系, 故用动词-ed形式作定语。 questioned单句改错 一:1. He managed escape from the fire.manage后加to 由manage to do sth.(设法做成某事)可知。2. Nothing will make me to change my mind.把to 去掉 因make sb. do sth

46、.(使某人做某事) ,用不带to 的不定式作宾补 。 3. Mary doesnt have to be made learn because she always works hard.在be made后加to 当make sb. do sth. 用于被动形式时,后接不可省略to的不定式作宾补。 4. He hurried to the train station, only find the train had gone.在find前加to 因only to do 作结果状语,表示事先没有预料到的结果。5. Tired from work, he wants to do nothing b

47、ut to watch TV.把but后面的to去掉 当but和except 前面有动词do时,后面用不带to的动词不定式。 6. At present, I have no choice but wait.but 后加to 当but前没有do,则后面的动词不定式要带to,have no choice but to do sth.(别无选择,只能)。7. You feel stressed out. Why not having a chat with our teachers?having have 习惯用why not do sth.(为什么不) 表建议,why (not)后面接不带to的

48、不定式。8. I dont think it possible to mastering a foreign language without much memory work.mastering master 由句型“主语 + 及物动词 + it + 宾补 + to do” 可知,常用it 作形式宾语, 真正作宾语的不定式放到后面。9. Ive worked with children before, so I know what expect in my new job.在expect前加to “疑问词+ 不定式”结构在句中作宾语,这里what加to expect,作know 的宾语。10

49、. All of you can have another try if you want.在want 后加to 为了避免重复,作宾语的不定式第二次出现时往往省略,只保留不定式符号to。. 1. In our city, there are a lot of restaurants that serving western food.去掉that 现在分词作定语,或者把serving 改为serve,充当定语从句的谓语动词。 2. You cant imagine how excited it is to listen to top scientists share their predict

50、ion on what the world will be like in a century. excited exciting 表示“令人兴奋的”,应用-ing形式。3. Sit beside me, my beloved daughter gave me a vivid description of what she experienced in her dream. sit sitting 因my beloved daughter与sit是主动关系,故用动词的-ing形式,作方式状语。4. We were kept to waiting for quite a long time be

51、fore the host turned up. 去掉waiting前的to 由keep sb. doing可知。5. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we saw the seashore crowded with people watched the dragon boat race. watched watching 因people与watch是主动关系,故用-ing形式作people的定语。6. It is no good copy the answer without trying to understand it.copy copying 在句型it is

52、 no good/need/ use doing sth句型中,常用-ing形式作真正的主语。7. Missing the train mean waiting for another hour.mean means 因Missing the train是主语,谓语用第三人称单数。8. The majority of the people questioned in an online survey are opposed to increase retirement age.increase increasing 因be opposed to中to为介词,故用-ing形式作宾语。9. As a senior 3 student preparing for the coming test, he spends most of his time improve this problem solving ability. improve improving 由句型spend some time doin


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