1、(1 )重要,重要的Anybody can see the of good health.It is to see that the brakes on your bicycle work properly.More, the teacher should make the total meaning of the dialogue clear to the students before having them repeat it.(2 )发明,创造Necessity is the mother of.He a story to explain why he was late.It was
2、absolutely new method by himself.(3 )兴趣,使发生兴趣,有趣的,引起兴趣的Geology him.Hes a most man.He did not seem at all in the subject.I will be most to hear your personal views on the station there.Local colour added to the novel.(4 )善良,好心,仁慈,和蔼I want to thank you for your to me.The policeman treated the lost chi
3、ld.Taking a blind man across the street is a act.Will you be so as to answer a few questions?(5 )迟,晚;后来,最近,最新I was getting up this morning.Tom came to school and missed the first lesson.Nine months, they were divorced.They have equipped the office with the business machines.What have you been doing.
4、(6 )生命,生活,谋生;活的,活着的;生动的,活泼的Eat to, but do not to eat.Because of all the arguments the meeting was a one.Language is a and continually changing thing.He earns his by growing rice.Many people lost their in the accident.(7 )爱,喜爱;可爱,好看,美好How your roses are looking.It was a garden, with soft green grass.
5、Though his income was small, he to buy books.(8 )领导, 领先,首先,领袖,领导人Our football team has a of two goals.The blind man had a dog to him.What you to think that?Our led us through the forest.What the country needs most is wise.(9 )长,长的,长度What is the of the movie?How is the speech?(10 )运气, 好运,幸运的,侥幸的Dilig
6、ence is the mother of good.You are than most women.答案:(1 ) 1. importance 2. importantimportantly(2 ) 1. invention 2. inventedinvented(3 ) 1. interests 2. interesting3. interested 4. interestedinterest(4 ) 1. kindness 2. kindlykind 4. kind(5 ) 1. late 2. late 3. laterlatest 5. lately(6 ) 1. live, liv
7、e 2. livelyliving 4. living 5. lives(7 ) 1. lovely 2. lovelylove 4. loved(8 ) 1. lead 2. lead 3. ledleader 5. leadership(9 ) 1. length 2. long(10 ) 1. luck 2. luckier考纲词汇词形联系复习二(1 )主要,主要部分;主要的;主要地,大部分He is the character in the story.Our meal is in the evening.His money comes from business interests.
8、(2 )管理,经营,设法完成;经理,管事人The prime minister really the government.He to escape to South America.Mother hasnt much money and it is only by good that she is able to buy all we need.Only a good can run a household on fifty dollars a week.(3 )意思,意义,意思是Whats the of this word?The words are spelt differently,
9、and quite different things.Smoke usually fire.Thoughts are expressed by of words.Taking a plane is the quickest of getting there.(4 )医学,医疗,医药research may find a cure for cancer.Tuition, rooms, books, and care are all free.This is a good kind of for colds.Always keep where children cant get at them.(
10、5 )错误,弄错,错误的I you for your brother.Bob has the idea that tomorrow is a holiday.I was about her age.When I am tired I frequently make silly arithmetical.(6 )混合,搅和;混合物Green is a of blue and yellow.Shake the before taking.His feelings about his daughters marriage are ratherthis oil with the paint and s
11、tir well.(7 )最,最多,大多数,主要,大部分Of course of them dont agree with his opinion.Of these sports, I like rowing.The guests are friends of the bride.(8 )移动,搬动,活动,运动Dont make a or Ill shoot.Keep still, dont.The train was already.He lay there without.The armys were kept secret.(9 )自然,本性,天性;自然的,天生来的,天然的Man is
12、engaged in a constant struggle with.Tigers are cruel by.Her hair curls.She had a gift for teaching.She finds great interest in science.(10 )国家,民族,国籍The president spoke on radio to the.A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his The news comes after the international news.She lives in
13、 France but has British.答案:(1 ) 1. main 2. main 3. mainly(2 ) 1. manages 2. managedmanagement 4. manager(3 ) 1. meaning 2. mean 3. meansmeans 5. means(4 ) 1. Medical 2. medical3. medicine 4. medicines(5 ) 1. mistook 2. mistakenmistakes(6 ) 1. mixture 2. mixturemixed 4. Mix(7 ) 1. most 2. most 3. mos
14、tly(8 ) 1. move 2. move 3. movingmovement 5. movements(9 ) 1. nature 2. nature 3. naturallynatural 5. natural(10) 1. nation 2. nation 3. national4. nationality考纲词汇词形联系复习三(1 )附近,近的,在附近The post office is quite.He livestwo hundred meters from us.The injured men were sent to a hospital.There was a resta
15、urant the cinema.(2 )动手术,操作,开动He on the babys throat, and saved its life.The lift is by electricity.The of this machine is simple.(3 )外,在外,向外的,出外This door opens, not inward.We took a trip the country.He has gone all to win the election.The door was wide open but the inner one was locked.Wilson was w
16、aiting for him.Dont judge a man from his.The bell wont ring, its of order.(4 )办公室,职务,职责,军官,官员,官方的,正式的His uncle was an in the army.His is on the second floor.The President and the Secretary of State are governmentIn Zaire there are four languages.(5 )开,开着的,开放的,口,缝隙,开始There was an in the wall.The book
17、s is dull, but the last chapters are interesting.When do the shops?The castle is to visitors in summer.Its good to have exercise in the air.They carried on their affair quite without shame.(6 )极好,完美,完全Im satisfied with your arrangement.There are silence for two minutes.Her examination paper was exce
18、pt for one spelling mistake.(7 )物理,物质,身体,物理学家.exercises are exercises we give the body.includes mechanics, heat, light, electricity, etc.Is there a explanation for these strange happenings?Professor Molcule was a.(8 )钢琴,钢琴家The played several pieces of music on a grand.(9 )塑料,塑料制品,塑料的Clay, wax, and p
19、laster are substances.The spoon is.are used in many modern articles instead of wood, metal, etc.The industry is growing fast.(10 )令人高兴的,高兴的,愉快,使人高兴As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with.The evening passed very.Its a to work with you.Im very to meet you.I hope you will have a holiday.It is ha
20、rd to all.The flowers in the park were.We are very with our new house.答案;(1 )1. nearnear/nearbynearby 4. near)1. operated 2. operated3. operation(3 )1. outward(s) 2. outside3. out4. outer5. outside 6. outside7. out(4 )1. officer 2. office3. officials 4. official(5 )1. opening 2. opening3. open 4. op
21、en5. open6. openly(6 )1. perfectly 2. perfect3. perfect(7 )1. Physical 2. Physics3. physical 4. physicist(8 )1. pianist piano(9 )1. plastic 2. plasticPlastics 4. plastics(10 ) 1. pleasure 2. pleasantly3. pleasure 4. pleasedpleasant 6. pleasepleasing 8. pleased考纲词汇词形联系复习四(1 )毒药,有毒,毒死Not all snakes ar
22、e.We can sometimes be by bad food.Hate is a for which there is no antidote(解毒药).(2 )有礼貌,有教养Bob stood aside and let the lady go through the doorway first.The children from that school are known for their.It is to say Thank you and to open doors for people.(3 )政治,政治的He left his own country for reasons
23、.is much more difficult than physics, said Einstein.(4 )弄脏,污染All those waste products are the rivers.The new law will reduce of the air.(5 )可能,或许,可能性They didnt see any of improvement.well meet again soon.Ill help you if.When are you going to see him?As soon as.(6 )力量,能力,权力,有力的,强大的Knowledge is.Hes ve
24、ry built.nations sometimes try to control weaker ones.(7 )实践,实际,练习,实用的,实际的makes perfect.Knowledge without makes but half an artist.He is the piano now.They are singing the new song.The paper seems to me of no importance.(8 )压,压力,挤,按1. Hes always been frightened of his blood.2.this button to start th
25、e engine.(9 )发音,读音He his words clearly.The b in debt is not.There are many words that have more than one(10 )真的,真正,确实,现实This story is not , it is only imaginary.We must be off.This is not imagination, but.It is very good of you to do this for me.答案:(1 ) 1. poisonous 2. poisoned3. poison(2 ) 1. polit
26、ely 2. politeness3. polite(3 ) 1. political 2. Politics(4 ) 1. polluting 2. pollution(5 ) 1. possibility 2. Possibly3. possible4. possible(6 ) 1. power2. powerfully3. Powerful(7 ) 1. Practice 2. practice3. practising 4.practising5. practical(8 ) 1. pressure 2. press(9 ) 1. pronounces 2. pronounced3.
27、 pronunciation(10 ) 1. real 2. reallyreality 4. really考纲词汇词形联系复习五(1 )新近的,近来的,近来Our parents celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.The growth of industry has been rapid in years.(2 )理由,原因,有道理的,合情合理的He had the wish to act quickly and in an emergency.Your proposal sounds , but well have to talk ab
28、out it further.A person is one who will listen to advice.He refused to give any for his action.That is no why you should leave.(3 )革命,革命的,革命者The invention of the motor car has brought about a in transport.He had himself taken part in the movement there in 1831.His methods are quite.The are attacking
29、 the palace.(4 )俄罗斯,俄国,俄国的,俄语,俄国人,俄语的,俄国人的Is grammar easy to learn?The love dancing.Do you know?music is well-known.lies on the north of China.(5 )难过,悲哀,悲伤We were full of.He looked at her.Why is he looking so?Mary was because she lost her money.(6 )安全,平安They crossed the river.The streets arent at ni
30、ght.The train is a means of transportation.He was anxious about the of the children.(7 )令人满意,使满足,满足The story had a ending.That answer wont her.Are you now?Do you find much in doing that sort of work?That certainly seems a explanation.(8 )科学,科学的,科学家He hasnt much knowledge of.There is a need for more
31、teachers.Some study the movements of the stars.Id like to see more method used.(9 )秘密,秘密的,秘书He dictated a letter to his.He left the town.He kept his illness from his wife.One of the of good health is regular exercise.(10 )使分离,使分开,分离,分开,单独We the good ones from the bad ones.The suite consisted of four
32、 rooms.Are they joined together or?His from his family made him very sad.答案:(1 ) 1. recently 2. recent(2 ) 1. reasonably 2. reasonablereasonable 4. reason 5. reason (3 ) 1. revolution 2. revolutionaryrevolutionary 4. revolutionaries(4 ) 1. Russian 2. RussiansRussian 4. Russian 5. Russia(5 ) 1. sadne
33、ss 2. sadly3. sad 4. sad(6 ) 1. safely 2. safe3. safe 4. safety(7 ) 1. satisfying 2. satisfy3. satisfied 4. satisfaction5. satisfactory(8 ) 1. science 2. sciencescientists 4. scientific(9 ) 1. secretary 2. secretly 3. secret 4. secrets(10 ) 1. separated 2. separateseparate 4. separation考纲词汇词形联系复习六(1
34、 )服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜),仆人,佣人Do you need the of a lawyer?The in this restaurant is excellent.What time is breakfast in this hotel?You should your country.They keep two: a cook and a gardener.(2 )短,矮,缺,缺点,短处,立刻,不久,缩短You have cut my hair.The doctor is with another patient now but will see youWe all have our
35、.Our group is two people.The letter is too long. Can you it a little?(3 )羞涩,胆小,腼腆,不好意思Because of her Molly is unhappy at meeting or talking with people she doesnt know well.Mary answers very when she is asked a question.The man was too to ask her to dance.(4 )寂静,安静,沉默He was about his early life.They
36、 walked on in.Your on recent events surprises me.The man worked leisurely,.(5 )简单,简朴We live very: we do not have large meals or rich clothes.Give the directions as as possible.She wasnt as as people thought.He set out his ideas in English.(6 )轻微,微小She had a fever.It is only a injury, not at all seri
37、ous.Im afraid Im drunk.The patient is better.(7 )社会,社会主义Ours is a country.The family is a unit.My wife is a warm,person.He was a danger to.Bees are insects.(8 )柔软,温和She was very pretty -brown hair and big dark eyes.Would your friends mind speaking a little more?The doorbell is almost too to hear.(9
38、)力量,力气,强壮,结实,强烈In union there is.I object to your saying that.The wind is so that they have to fight their way through it.I need a box for my books.Hes not enough to resist the temptation.(10 )成功,继续,有成就I did not in my first lecture.He has had great in his life.Were you in finding a new house?He is a
39、 writer.I finished my training.答案:(1 ) 1. services 2. service3. served 4. serve5. servants(2 ) 1. short 2. shortly3. shortcomings 4. short5. shorten(3 ) 1. shyness 2. shyly3. shy(4 ) 1. silent 2. silence3. silence 4. silently(5 ) 1. simply 2. simply3. simple 4. simple(6 ) 1. slight2. slight3. slight
40、ly 4. slightly(7 ) 1. socialist 2. social3. social 4. society5. social(8 ) 1. soft 2. softly3. soft(9 ) 1. strength 2. strongly3. strong 4. strong5. strong(10 ) 1. succeed 2. success3. successful 4. successfulsuccessfully考纲词汇词形联系复习七(1 )突然,忽然,意外All of a the lights went out.Her death upset everybody.A
41、s as it began, the rain ceased.(2 )痛苦,苦难,受苦,遭受Their after the war were terrible.He died without much.He a great deal from cold and hunger.Ones health from overwork.(3 )确信,有把握,确实,一定,当然May I come with you? .She will win.I am smoking hurts you.In any case the truth will be to come out.Have you made of
42、the times of the trains?(4 )技术,技能,工艺This book is too for me.Writing poetry requires great.Modern civilization depends greatly on.Engineers must have great knowledge.(5 )电报,打电报He received a saying that his mother had died.He sent the message by.(6 )可怕,恐怖,害怕,恐吓Hes a man when hes angry.His face was to
43、see.Im just sorry to have hurt you.The old lady was at thought of crossing such a busy road.What a experience.(7 )谢谢,感谢,感激for telling me that.And you for telling me that.You should always be to your parents for giving you a good education.(8 )紧,紧绷,牢固,满满He held my hand.The passengers were packed in t
44、he train.The drawer is so that I cant open it.The boss has a schedule today.(9 )劳累,疲劳,厌倦,令人讨厌The journey was very. I was to death.Working in the garden all day is very.Im of the same old breakfast every morning.(10 )困难,麻烦,烦恼,令人烦恼,讨厌He is a child, isnt he?So sorry to give you so much.No at all.Im sor
45、ry to you, but can you tell me the time?答案:(1 ) 1.sudden 2.sudden3. suddenly(2 ) 1. sufferings 2. suffering3. suffered 4. suffers(3 ) 1. surely 2. surely3. sure 4. sure5. sure(4 ) 1. technical 2. technique3. technical(5 ) 1. telegram 2. telegraph(6 ) 1.terrible2.terrible3.terribly4.terrified5.terrif
46、ying(7 ) 1. Thanks 2. thank3. thankful 4. thankful(8 ) 1. tight/tightly 2. tightly3. tight 4. tight(9 ) 1. tiring , tired 2. tiresome3. tired(10 ) 1. troublesome 2. trouble , trouble 3. trouble考纲词汇词形联系复习八(1 )真的,真实的,真正的,确实1. Is the news?2.love should last for ever.His words have come.I am grateful fo
47、r all your help.I didnt feel half sorry, to tell you the.Im not certain of the of his story.(2 )联合,团结,统一,和并,联合会Workers of all countries,.The school its music and theatre departments.Their powers still couldnt stop the enemy advance.Her parents are in their insistence that she go to college.(3 )用途,使用
48、,有用的,用过的,无用的May I your telephone?That textbook is no longer in.He gave me some advice.We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all.Please put the towels in this basket.This room is for the of teachers.(4 )通常,平常We will meet at the time.As, he arrived last.She was dressed in black.There are more p
49、eople here than.Influenza breaks out in winter.(5 )价值,益处,重要性,有价值的,值钱的Most parents know the of a good education.Her suggestions are always.She keeps her jewelry and other in a safe.Gold has recently increased in.(6 )访问,参观,访问者,参观者,看望Our arrived at the appointed time.I had never been there; this was my
50、 first.This afternoon we are going to a friend in hospital.A professor will give a lecture on history this afternoon.(7)重,称的重量,重量How much do you?What is your?Tell me how many kilograms it.He is beginning to feel the of his financial problems.(8 )宽,宽阔,广,广泛Open your mouth.reading gives culture.They ca
51、me to a river. It might be a mile.He is known as a good doctor.(9 )风,有风的March is usually a month.The rocks were shaped by sun, and rain.(10 )奇迹,奇观,想知道,对.感到疑惑,极好,精彩We had a time.I what they call these flowers.No you cant sleep when you eat so much.Television is one of the of modern science.You have w
52、orked well.答案:(1 ) 1. true 2. Truetruetrulytruthtruth(2 ) 1. unite 2. unitedunited4. united) 1. use 2. useuseful4. useless5. used 6. use(4 ) 1. usual 2. usual3. usually 4. usual5. usually(5 ) 1. value 2. valuable3. valuables 4. value(6 ) 1. visitors 2. visit3. visit4. visiting(7 ) 1. weigh 2. weight
53、3. weighs4. weight(8 ) 1. wide 2. Wide3. wide 4. widely(9 )1. windy 2. wind(10 ) 1. wonderful 2. wonder3. wonder 4. wonders 5. wonderfully考纲词汇词形联系复习九(1 )担忧,焦虑,着急,为 担心Mother always when the girls stay out late.Lack of rain is beginning to the farmers.Im about you. And so is Mr Reid.She looks tired an
54、d.(2 )值得.的,有价值的,配得上的,价值His behavior is of great praise.He is to take his place.The of the discovery was not realized until a hundred years after his death.The exhibition is well a visit.What is doing is doing well.(3 )年轻人,青年,年轻,年青的He spent his in Scotland.The of today are very fond of dancing.He is
55、too to go to school.babies sleep a great deal.(4 )想象,设想,想象力Try to being on the moon.You didnt really see a ghost it was only.(5 )疾病,病的He looked worried and.As a child he had several.(6 )毕业,毕业生,大学毕业的,研究生的I from high school.48% of Negro high school are unemployed.The teacher is taking a course in math
56、s.After my I went to the front to serve in the army.(7 )和蔼,温和,高雅,温柔My new teacher is both and encouraging towards me.Handle that vase for it will easily break.The nurse handled the baby with such that it didnt wake.(8 )高,高度1. What is the of the mountain?2.is an advantage in playing basketball.The sh
57、elf is too for me to reach.He climbed up the mountain.Here he was, a trained journalist in Paris.They spoke very of him.(9 )健康1. She is quite well in.2.is better than wealth. The children looked wonderfully with their bright eyes and glowing.This is plant.(10 )危害,损害,有(无)害The drought did a lot of to
58、the crops.Doctors say smoking our health.Follow the directions carefully, or this medicine may be.The grass-snake is a creature.答案:( 1 ) 1.worries 2. worry3. worried4. worried(2 ) 1. worthy 2. worthy3. worth4. worth5. worth, worth(3 ) 1. youth 2. youth3. young 4. Young(4 ) 1. imagine 2. imagination(
59、5 ) 1. ill 2. illnesses(6 ) 1. graduated 2. graduates3. graduate 4. graduation(7 ) 1. gentle 2. gently3. gentleness(8 ) 1. height 2. Height3. high4. high5. highly6. highly(9 ) 1. health 2. Health3. healthy4. healthy(10 ) 1. harm 2. harms3. harmful4. harmless考纲词汇词形联系复习十(1 )幸福,高兴,快乐She nodded to show
60、her appreciation.Tears of flowed down her cheeks.He was to be coming home.The story has a ending.(2 )伟大,非常,十分,巨大This clearly showed Lenins as a party leader.I would appreciate your help.It was a loss to us all.)冻,冻冰,结冰Salt water at a lower temperature than fresh water.The cold weather the lake.Its i
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