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1、Module 4A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood. 分类记单词 快速掌握1. 阅读单词认一认(1)survey n. _(2)local adj_(3)pretty adv. _调查; 测验地方的; 局部的很; 相当(4)sound vi. _(5)architecture n. _(6)park vt. _ 听起来建筑停车2. 核心单词写一写(1)_ vt. 打扰; 烦扰; 麻烦(2)_ vt. 接近(3)_ vt. 交换(4)_ vt. 买得起; 有能力支付botherapproachexchangeafford(5)_ adj. 有吸引力的; 吸引人的_ v

2、t. 吸引_ n. 吸引(6)_ adj. 幸运的; 吉祥的_ adv. 幸运地_ n. 运气; 财富(7)_ adj. 失业的; 没有工作的_ vt. 雇用_ n. 就业; 工作; 职业 attractiveattractattractionfortunatefortunatelyfortuneunemployedemployemployment(8)_ n. 职业_ vt. 使用, 占用(9)_ adj. 迷人的; 吸引人的_ adj. 入迷的, 极感兴趣的_ n. 魅力(10)_ vi. 死里逃生; 大难不死_ n. 幸存_ n. 幸存者occupationoccupyfascinati

3、ngfascinatedfascinationsurvivesurvivalsurvivor. 联想背短语 高效识记1. _ _修建2. _到目前为止3. _摆脱4. _做成; 成功; 抵达5. pay back_put upso far/up to now/till nowget away frommake it偿还; 归还6. a great many_7. as a result_8. go up_许多; 大量结果上升. 精彩写句式 典句背诵1. _(自从有六年了)we last saw each other, you know. (It is /has been +时间段+since.

4、 . . )2. And _(这是第一次)Ive visited your hometown. (It/This is the+序数词+time+. . . )It has been six years sincethis is the first time3. _(这里的气候怎么样)?(Whats. . . like?询问主语特征)4. This is one of _(我曾经去过的最吸引人的地方). (the +最高级+名词+定语从句)5. _(住在这里我感到很幸运)(feel /be+ adj. + v. -ing)Whats the climate likethe most attra

5、ctive places Ive been toI feel very fortunate living here.【联想微空间】1. un-否定前缀unemployed adj. 失业的unhappy adj. 不高兴的unlucky adj. 不幸运的unlike adj. 不像unkind adj. 不厚道的2. v. +形容词后缀-ive /-tiveattractive adj. 迷人的active adj. 积极的, 活跃的objective adj. 客观的subjective adj. 主观的impressive adj. 印象深刻的 3. go短语串联go up上升go do

6、wn下降go through通过; 经历go over复习go around四处走动 第一板块重点单词1. bother vt. &n. 打扰, 烦扰; 麻烦【对接考题】(2015湖南高考)Sometimes I act as a listening ear forfellow students to talk over what _ _ _. 有时候我作为同学们的倾听者来聆听是什么正使他们烦恼。isbotheringthem(2011上海高考)If a lot of people say a film is not good, I _ _ _ _ _, or Ill wait until i

7、t comes out on DVD.如果许多人都说一部电影不好的话, 我不会费心去观看, 或者我将一直等到DVD版本的电影出版。wontbothertoseeit【知识构建】(1) 费心做某事bother sb. with/about sth. 麻烦某人某事have no/much/little bother(in)doing sth. 做不费力/很费力/几乎不费力(2)bother常用于交际用语: Dont bother. 别费事了/不用麻烦了。Sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰你。*(2012江苏高考)In this kind of high-pressure situ

8、ation, many leaders bother their assistants with frequent meetings. 在高压情况下, 许多领导人不停地开会烦扰秘书。2. approach v. (向)靠近, 接近, 临近 n. 靠近, 接近; 途径; 方法【对接考题】(2014四川高考)As he _ _ 60, I had a fun idea. 当他快60岁的时候, 我想到了一个好主意。wasapproaching(2013全国卷)Business is the organized _ _ providing customers with the goods and se

9、rvices they want. 商业是有组织的给顾客提供他们所需要的商品和服务的方法。approachto【知识构建】(1)approach sb. about(doing)sth. 与某人谈/商量(做)某事(2)an approach to(doing)sth. (做)某事的方法/途径the approach of. . . 的来临/临近at the approach of在快到的时候*The boy is becoming nervous at the approach of the exam. 随着考试的临近, 男孩变得紧张了。【误区点拨】approach作动词使用时, 常用作及物动

10、词, 加介词to是它作名词的用法, 请勿混淆。【巧学助记】approach一语串记He approached me slowly so as to approach me about the best approach to learning foreign languages.他慢慢地向我走近, 以便与我探讨关于学习外语的最好方法。【联想拓展】“方法”相同, 搭配不一ways, means, manner, method和approach都有“方法”之意, 但其搭配不同: (做)的方法用这种方法way of(doing)sth. /to do sth. means of(doing)sth.

11、 method of(doing)sth. approach to(doing)sth. with this methodby this meansin this wayin this manner3. exchange vt. &n. 交换; 交流; 兑换【对接考题】(2015广东高考)He sold or _ some of the milk in the towns nearby _ other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what was left. 在附近的镇上他卖掉一些牛奶或用牛奶换取其他的食品, 再用剩下

12、的给家人做些奶酪和黄油。exchangedfor(2015四川高考)And every week he cleaned Old Man McColgins chicken house _ _ _ manure. 每周他都会打扫Old Man McColgin的鸡舍是为了换取肥料。inexchangefor【知识构建】(1)exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物exchange A for B以A换B(2)in exchange作为交换in exchange for作为的交换*The two men exchanged their business cards with e

13、ach other.这两个人互相交换了名片。【巧学助记】双向的exchange4. afford vt. 买得起, 有能力支付; (有时间)做; 承担得起(后果); 提供, 给予【对接考题】(2012陕西高考)More and more Chinese people are able to afford _(travel) abroad. (填空)Id love to go on holiday but I cant _ _ _. 我倒想去度假, 可是抽不出时间来。to travelaffordthetime【知识构建】(1)afford to do sth. 有能力做某事 给予某人某物(2)

14、affordable adj. 能支付得起的*(写作佳句)The exchange student affords us the chance to practice English. 这个交换生给我们练习英语的机会。【误区点拨】afford常与can, could, be able to以及其否定形式连用, 表示有/无能力、时间、条件等做某事, 后面接名词、代词或动词不定式。【要点拾遗】1. contact vt. 联络; 联系(某人) n. 接触; 联系【对接考题】(2012全国卷I) Northern Europeans usually do not like having bodily

15、 _ _ friends, and certainly not with strangers. 北欧人通常不喜欢和朋友有身体的接触, 当然和陌生人更不愿意。contactwithThey have been out of contact with each other for 5 years. =It is five years since they _ _ _ each other. 他们已经失去联系五年了。lostcontactwith【知识构建】have contact with sb. 和某人有联系/接触make contact with sb. 联系某人 与某人失去联系keep/st

16、ay/be in contact with sb. 与某人保持联系get into/in contact with sb. 与某人取得联系【误区点拨】keep/stay/be in contact with和be out of contact with表状态, 可和时间段连用; 而make/get into/get in contact with, lose contact with表示动作, 不能和时间段连用。2. survive vi. 死里逃生; 大难不死; 幸存 vt. 在之后仍然生存, 比活得长【对接考题】(2014湖北高考)Having survived that night, w

17、e were confident that everything else would be all right. 译: _, 我们相信其他方面也会没问题的。熬过了那天晚上(2014广东高考)After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone. 译: 在数不尽的面试后, 我成功地在众多面试者中脱颖而出, _。(2013北京高考)When Grace first arrived at the Ocean Park,

18、her trainer worried about her _ (survive). (单句语法填空)独自在测试中留了下来survival【知识构建】(1)survive sth. 经历(事故/火灾/地震)幸存下来survive sb. (by. . . )比某人活得长(几年)survive on sth. 靠某物维持生活(2)survivaln. 幸存, 残存物survivorn. 幸存者, 生还者*We cant imagine how the children survive on so little food on the distant island. 我们无法想象这些孩子在这个偏远

19、的岛上是如何靠着这点食物生存下来的。【巧学助记】联想记忆surviveMr Green was the only survivor who had survived the earthquake. He told us he survived on a bottle of mineral water. Everyone said his survival was a wonder.格林先生是地震中唯一的幸存者。他告诉我们他是靠一瓶矿泉水存活下来的。大家都说他的幸存是一个奇迹。【板块集训】1. bother单句填空I cant bother him _ my little affairs. I

20、am too busy to bother _(do)that meaningless thing. I have much bother _(find)his house. with/ aboutto dofinding2. approach与介词搭配Do you know the best approach _ the study of a foreign language?The approach _ winter brings cold weather. Have you approached the manager _ taking a day off next week?toofa

21、bout3. exchange固定搭配He treated his friends _their help. I would like to _ some pounds _ dollars. He shook hands and _ a few words _ the manager. in exchange forexchangeforexchangedwith4. afford单句改错I mustnt annoy my boss because I cant afford to losing my job. _The program affords the chance for young

22、 people to gain work experience. _losingloseforto1. survive词形变化The police visited the only _ of the accident and tried to get into it. We all think his _ in the fire is a wonder. He is lucky to _ the earthquake. survivorsurvivalsurvive2. contact句型转换They lost contact with each other five years ago. =

23、They _ with each other for five years. How can I contact you tomorrow?=How can I _ you tomorrow?have been out of contactmake contact with3. 完成句子I _ you here. 在这里遇见你真是幸运。_, but can you tell me the way to the station?很抱歉打扰你, 你能告诉我去车站的路吗?feel fortunate meetingSorry to bother youMy hometown is such an _

24、 place that it _ many _ every year. 我的家乡如此美丽, 每年吸引许多游客。attractiveattractstourists第二板块常考短语句式1. put up修建; 举起; 架起; 张贴; (为)提供食宿; 提高(价钱)【对接考题】写出黑体部分的含义(2013浙江高考)First he opened a shop and then he put up a sign outside the shop to attract customers. ( )(2011浙江高考)He decided that he would drive all the way

25、home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night. ( )竖起留宿【短语串记】put forward提出(意见、建议)put off 延期; 推迟put on表演, 上演(戏剧); 穿上, 戴上put out熄灭; 关灭; 扑灭put up with忍受; 忍耐; 受苦2. get away from离开; 逃脱; 摆脱【对接考题】(2013天津高考)I had hoped to take a holiday this year, but I wasnt able to _ _. 我原本希望今年去度假的, 但是我没能离开。getaway(2

26、011浙江高考)You cant _ _ _ “teams” that are supposed to be able to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. 你不能脱离“团队”, 团队被认为能够创造出比其全部的个体创造的总和还要多的东西。getawayfrom【短语串记】get away with被放过; (做坏事)不被惩罚get down to开始认真get out of从出去get through with完成, 结束*I dont know how they manage to get away wi

27、th paying such low wages. 我不知道他们支付这么低的工资是怎样逃避惩罚的。【联想拓展】类似于get away from的短语还有: break away from脱离stay/keep away from与保持距离run away from逃离3. a great many许多, 大量【对接考题】同义句转换(2013四川高考)Jackie has worked at a number of different hospitalsincluding one in Scotland. Jackie has worked at _ different hospitalsinc

28、luding one in Scotland. Jackie has worked at _ _ _ different hospitalsincluding one in Scotland. manyagreatmany【短语串记】修饰可数名词复数的“许多”many, a great/good many, a great/large number of, large numbers of, scores of, dozens of等。【联想拓展】不一样的“许多”(1)修饰不可数名词: much, a great/good deal of, a large/small amount of, l

29、arge/small amounts of。(2)既修饰可数名词也修饰不可数名词: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great/large/small quantity of, large quantities of。特别提醒: a. great/large quantities of无论跟不可数名词, 还是跟可数名词的复数, 作主语时, 谓语动词都要用复数形式。b. large/small amounts of后面跟不可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词要用复数形式。4. Its been six years since we last saw each other,

30、 you know. 你知道自从上次我们见面以来已经六年了。【对接考题】单句语法填空(2015四川高考)It _(be)a month since I came to this new school. (2013四川高考)Jackie _(live)alone in Grays, Essex, since her husband died three years ago. has been/ ishas lived【知识构建】(1)本句含有“It be+时间段+since. . . ”句型, 意为“自从以来已有多长时间了”。主句中若be为is/has been, since从句用一般过去时;

31、若be为was, 则从句用过去完成时。(2)since引导的从句如果用非延续性动词, 所表示的是自从句谓语动作算起; 若用延续性动词、状态动词, 所表示的就是自动作或状态的完成或结束时算起。*It is already three years since he worked in this company, and now he cant still find a job. 自从他离开这家公司已经有三年了, 现在还没有找到一份工作。 【联想拓展】易混的几个结构(1)It+was/will be+时间段+before. . . 多久之后才/就It will not be long before

32、they understand each other. 用不了多久他们就会互相理解的。(2)It+was/will be+时间点+when. . . 当某事发生时是什么时间It was 11 oclock when he came back last night. 他昨晚十一点回来的。(3)It+is/was+时间状语+that. . . 这是强调句型, 时间状语是被强调部分It was at 11 oclock that he came back last night. 他昨晚回来的时候是十一点。【要点拾遗】1. go up上升; 上涨; 攀登【对接考题】(2015重庆高考)Research

33、ers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wines _ _. 英国研究者发现当播放法国音乐时, 法国酒的销量就会上涨。wentup(2014福建高考)He said he was just too scared to go up to her. 译: 他说他只是太害怕了, 不敢_。走近她【短语串记】go up to走向, 走近go after追求, 追逐go out出去; 熄灭go over复习; 检查go through经历; 穿过go without将就, 没有也行2. And this

34、 is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 这是我第一次到你的家乡来参观。【对接考题】单句语法填空This is the second time that I _(be)to Mountain Tai. (2011重庆高考)That _(be)the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency. have beenwas【知识构建】(1)this/it is/was the first/second. . . /last time+that从句表示“这是某人第一次/二次/最后

35、一次做某事”, 在口语中that常省略。(2)在此句型中, 主句用一般现在时, that从句中的谓语用现在完成时; 主句用一般过去时, that从句中的谓语用过去完成时。【板块集训】1. 写出put up短语的含义The team will be put up on the notice board. ( )Theyre putting up several new office blocks in the center of town. ( )If you have any questions, please put up your hand. ( )张贴修建举起They agreed to

36、 put two foreign students up over the summer. ( )A tent has been put up for our rest tonight. ( )They put up the rent by $50 a month. ( )提供食宿搭起提高2. “get away from”对点练I tried to get away _ the troubles, but failed. Tom was lucky to get away _ breaking the windows. fromwith3. 用所给词的正确形式填空It is twenty y

37、ears since he _(graduate) from the school. He _(live)here since he came to Beijing. It _ (be)several years since the war had been ended. graduatedhas been livingwas4. 完成句子It is the third time he _. (没有通过驾驶测试)It was the second time he _(受惩罚)because he drove after drinking. _today(今天的天气怎么样)?I will _(偿

38、还)the money you lent me next week. has failed the driving testhad been punishedWhat is the weather likepay back. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Xiao Lis hometown is in Xiamen, one of the most 1. _(attract), interesting and lively places. He is now taking John Martin to visit his hometow

39、n. John Martin thinks it is the most beautiful place he has been to. The citys people are so 2. _ (friend). Xiao Li says that 3. _ is fortunate living here. The climate in Xiamen is pretty hot and wet in the summer attractivefriendlyit4. _ it can be cold in the winter. There are too many tourists ar

40、ound coming to visit its beauty every year, 5. _ sometimes can be a nuisance. In the business district many modern high-rise buildings have 6. _(put)up and there are also many shopping malls. The western part is 7. _ most interesting part of the city because there are many pretty parks. Aswhile/butw

41、hichbeen putthethey 8. _(approach)the harbour, they see Gulangyu Island across the water, which is gorgeous 9. _ some interesting architecture. And John Martin is starving, so they decided to park their car 10. _(have)lunch in a nice little fish restaurant. are approachingwithto have. 教材与短文改错根据课文内容,

42、 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。In some countries in western Europe, the countryside was changing. Life has become difficult for many village and some are disappearing. There are number of reasons for this. Firstly, young people want to live somewhere more livelier and move to towns and do not return. Second, there are very little jobs in the countryside. Other problem


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