已阅读5页,还剩55页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 虾蟹类资源及增养殖概况第二章1、虾蟹类及虾蟹类资源2、增养殖种类及选择标准一、虾蟹类资源二、世界概况1、生产方式2、产量与份额3、市场与贸易4、各国概况三、我国概况虾蟹类Shrimp:Prawn:Shellfish:对虾(美)大虾(英)海虾及半咸水虾(FAO)?淡水虾(FAO)贝类和甲壳类的总称小虾(英)对虾(英)Crab:蟹类Lobster:Crayfish:Crawfish:具厚重甲壳的爬行虾类;螯虾、龙虾淡水螯虾海水螯虾海水螯虾增养殖种类的选择标准通常选择本地种引进外来种应注意的问题食用标准:肉质、大小、壳薄、可食比例、 色泽生产性能:生长速度、密养性、食性、生物 学特性、抗逆性、适应

2、力苗种来源:资源量、抗病力、亲体数量及成 熟难易移动性: 收获、放流生态问题:生态入侵、引进、放流二、世界概况1、生产方式2、产量与份额3、市场与贸易4、各国概况主要生产方式苗种生产加尔维斯顿方式日本方式台湾方式中国大陆方式-南方模式-北方模式SHRIMP FRY HATCHERY 虾苗场Water treatment水处理Storage 蓄水池Nursery unit 保育室Maturation unit种虾室养成生产粗养方式 Extensive半精养方式 Semi-intensive精养方式 Intensive超精养方式 Ultra-intensive主要生产方式Super-Intensi

3、ve and Bio-secure Shrimp Culture System超高密度工厂化养虾系统 Quarantine Unit 检疫 Water Stock Unit 储水系统Filtration Unit 过滤系统Automate system 自动化系统Super-Intensive and Bio-secure Shrimp Culture SystemNursery Unit虾苗保育 Production Unit 生产区Bio-secure 生物安全Sterilization杀菌Organic Removal去除有机物Bio-Filtration生物过滤Solid Remova

4、l去除固体Environmental Control环境保护Culture System 养殖系统超高密度工厂化养虾系统对虾养殖车间生化池蛋白分离器冬棚内外养殖池(12m2 、18m3)826812T3442371T11100678T产量与份额产量与份额产量与份额主要消费国:美国、日本、西欧主要出口国:泰国、厄瓜多尔、印度尼西亚、印度、越南、中国消费需求:口味、质量、种类、品种等市场与贸易中国美国墨西哥厄瓜多尔哥伦比亚澳大利亚印度洪都拉斯印度尼西亚泰国越南孟加拉国菲律宾各国概况 斑节对虾中国对虾日本毛虾南美白对虾日本对虾印度对虾墨吉对虾世界蟹类生产与市场There was a steady i

5、ncrease in total crab production (aquaculture + capture) over the 1990-2000 period. In 2000 it rose slightly by a further 3% reaching 1.2 million MT. In 1990, world crab production was 700 000 MT. China is the leader among crab producers with an output of 516 000 MT, up 23% from 1999 and almost four

6、 times more compared to 1990. Another important crab producer is the USA whose output is equivalent to 11% of the worlds crab production, that is 136 000 MT (2000). The USA experienced quite a strong decline in production in the last two years (-46%). Canada is the worlds third main crab producer (1

7、06 700 MT in 2000) and its output has been expanding steadily over the last ten yearsCallinectes sapidus 美洲蓝蟹/优游蟹Blue CrabCallinectes sapidus美洲蓝蟹河蟹Eriocheir sinensis锯缘青蟹 Scylla serrataDungeness Crab黄道蟹Cancer magister美洲黄道蟹Dungeness Crab Cancer magister美洲黄道蟹 Cancer pagurusEdible crab食用黄道蟹Tanner crab C

8、hionoecetes bairdi 白氏雪蟹Chionoecetes tanneri 谭氏雪蟹Snow crab Chionoecetes opilio 蛛雪蟹Alaska King Crab皇帝蟹Paralithodes camtschaticus 勘察加拟石蟹 In 2000, 88%of total crab production consisted of wild crab. The bulk (76%) of Chinese crab production was wild crab in 2000. In 2000, China had a wild crab output of

9、 391 000 MT (up 21% from 1999), therefore retaining its top position among wild crab producers. The USA, in second position produced 135 600 MT of wild crab in 2000, 35% less than in 1999. All the US crab is wild crab.In 1990, only 3 800 MT of crab were farmed, this activity reached 140 300 MT in 20

10、00. China was responsible for this strong expansion. It produces 90% of the worlds farmed crab (not identified marine crabs), 30% more compared to 1999. Chinese cultured crab production was nil in 1990.Frozen crab production increased only slightly (+3% ) in 2000 reaching the periods peak at 120 900

11、 MT. Crab production was 48 600 MT in 1990. Canada is the main frozen crab producer with a 40% share of the worlds frozen crab production (49 000 MT in 2000) followed by the Russian Federation with an 23% share (27 700 MT). Canadian production of frozen crab declined by almost 5% in 2000, whereas th

12、e Russian Federations output remained at 1999 levels.World canned crabmeat production declined further (- 57%) in 2000 to 35 000 MT. Canned crabmeat production has been declining steadily since 1993, with the exception of 1998 when production shot up by 50% to 101 600 MT. The USA is the leader among

13、 canned crabmeat producers (93% of total) with an output of 32 700 MT in 2000, down 56% from 1999 and 67% below the 1990 figure. India produces 5% of the worlds canned crabmeat (1 800 MT in 2000) indicating a 66% decline from 1999.三、我国概况我国概况养殖种类规模与产量历史与现状问题与对策发展趋势我国常见养殖种类我国虾类主要养殖种类南美白对虾斑节对虾南美白对虾日本对虾

14、日本对虾墨吉对虾长毛对虾中国对虾罗氏沼虾我国常见养殖种类我国蟹类主要养殖种类历史与现状历史始于20世纪50年代兴起发展阶段(1967-1978)快速发展阶段(1978-1988)相对稳定阶段(1989-1992)急剧滑坡发展阶段(1993-1994)恢复发展阶段(1995- )历史与现状现状养殖现状研究机构课题进展养殖技术、营养与饲料、基础生物学、疾病诊断与防病技术、引种、资源增殖对虾产业链我国养殖对虾产量问题与对策问题1.苗种质量差2.病害种类繁多,损失严重3.配合饲料质量有待提高4.不重视废水处理5.养殖技术企待改进和创新对策1.加快对虾良种体系建设2.重视苗种质量、加强苗种管理3.尽快突

15、破对虾养殖病害诊断和防治技术4.研制开发优质配合饲料5.积极发展健康养殖技术,提高经济和生态效益6.完善养殖保障体系发展趋势可持续化发展健康养殖自动化与工厂化科研动态集约化水产养殖是指在人工控制的条件下,利用有限水体进行水产动植物高密度养殖的一种生产模式。目前我国进行集约化养殖的海洋水产动物 主要包括鱼类、虾类、双壳贝类、以及鲍鱼和刺参等海珍品。具有节约土地和水资源,可控程度高,便于管理,单位水体的产量高等优点,具有显著的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。海洋农业Sea farming是20世纪90年代作为海洋经济第一产业而提出的。海洋农业不仅包括传统的海洋捕捞业和海水养殖业,而且还包括直接利用海洋资源为陆地农业服务的海水灌溉业及苗种繁育等相关产业。海洋农业是海洋经济的主导产业之一,在我国经济社会发展中具有重要的战略地位。作为发展海洋经济的最佳切入点,海洋农业发展已成为缓解资源短缺,解决人口膨胀,促进


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