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1、TranscendentalismEmerson and Thoreau频烈秃拨赂骤眶击匡诀述讨硕攫渡油罪辊巫趁俺想纤谰圭犹契皋民研源樱Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗 Growth and DevelopmentNew England Transcendentalism” or “American

2、 Renaissance” (1836-1855)the first American intellectual movement; the summit of American RomanticismCentre: Boston and Concord(Emersons home)the beginning of transcendentalism: 1836, Nature by Emerson: a new way of intellectual thinking in America疚舷赡鹅汀犹跌戏肖热魄冤寿丽拓马肩兰树署迁椭卒闹操梭峭满氢绚追帛Transcendentalism: R

3、alph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Emersons DefinitionThe universe is composed of Nature and the Soul. Spirit is present everywhere”-Emerson“Transcendentalism: “What is popularly called Tra

4、nscendentalism among us is idealism; idealism appears in 1842whatever belongs to the class of intuitive thought”-Emerson屁赌南契捐形丝初诧耶又癸煌厅耻伊爸蚌犬舱膘念绳汗腮之盔狐铱搐腺绣Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Th

5、oreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗1842: the Transcendentalism Club: The Dial New Englanders: Emerson, Thoreau, Bronson Alcott, and Margaret Fuller, teachers and clergymen Transcendentalism: derived from the Latin verb “transcendere” meaning “to rise above” “or to pass beyond limits” the recognition in man of the ca

6、pacity of acquiring knowledge transcending the reach of the five senses, or of knowing truth intuitively, or of reaching the divine without the need of an intercessor. 游卢急圾霞穿财坊甘经叔炸讥埠雹稳祖瞻漠稚胜精斜运淀蚜贯舶排泄储予Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism

7、: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗The transcendental law was the “moral law” through which man discovered the nature of God as a living spirit.拟椿芒桅螟蜜撅涵蒂刀啡方惕森解架囤乾齿赚查医甘秀瘁笛愚篇撵其扣挽Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcende

8、ntalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗6 points for major conceptsIntuition: The power of intuition: people could learn things both from the outside world by means of the five senses and from the inner world by intuition. Everyone has accwss to a source of knowledge

9、 that transcended the everyday experiences of sensation and reflection. Intuition was inner light within.瑞络汞参叁啡企郴征稗齐托毕群补蜕宝寺支蔓赊郁卯跑碳翁权诡贷嚏抨烂Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生

10、和梭罗Spirit: As romantic idealism, it places spirit first and matter second. Both spirit and matter were real but that the reality of spirit was greater than that of matter. Spirit transcended matters, and the permanent reality was the spiritual one. It stressed essence behind appearance.虹啃锋俭楼蚌择宾铸脐没宣旭

11、骸俱榴挂慑危咙尊滓怖崭针险港狱杖肆媒蔫Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Nature: It look nature as a symbol of spirit or God. It stressed unity of humanity and nature. All things in nature

12、 were symbols of the spiritual, of Gods presence. Nature was alive, filled with Gods overwhelming presence. Everything in the universe was viewed as an expression of the divine spirit. Beyond physical objects was a universal soul. “oversoul.” Nature was Gods enlightenment toward human beings. Nature

13、 can exercise a healthy influence on human mind, so people should come close to nature for instructions. Nature not only showed humanity its won materiality man taught man morality. Natures beauty was the beauty of human kind.劝誓附跌刨胸还酝铡仓则哨赊侠僵绵糠蒸试避神摆屑诉牡牢国宴钮驼捻忍Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Eme

14、rson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Individualism: The significance of the individual. The individual soul could communicate with god, so it is divine. It can reach God without the help of churches or clergy. The

15、 individual was the most important element in society and that the ideal kind of individual was self-reliant and unselfish. People should depend on themselves for spiritual perfection. The dignity of individual remains a vital part of American creed even today.喘袱舰心质豫遥下汁蝎省辽勘聚型碉涸尼尺较昆撵彪有耗让滋溪岁莎什葡Transce

16、ndentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗“Oversoul”: Religion was an emotional communication between and individual soul and the universal “Oversoul” the “over soul” was an all-perva

17、ding unitary spiritual power of goodness, omnipresent and omnipotent, from which all things came and of which everyone was apart. It existed in nature and in humanity alike and constituted the chief element of the universe. Generally, the Oversoul referred to spirit or God as the most important thin

18、g in the universe. The universal brotherhood of humanity, and the ultimate resolution of all social problems.A simple and spiritual-oriented life缉暇默杭锌僳幂抠火舅诣谚纹谆氨讯芒鸣渍赚淳凄习圈郡翼歇稍海偏迭很Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson E

19、merson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Influence: romantic idealism on Puritan soilDual Heritage of American PuritanismEdward of notion of inward communication of the soul with God and divine symbolism of nature all find adequate expression in Emersons Transcendentalism. Franklins self-reliance,

20、 self-improvement and self-made virtueDissatisfied with the materialistic-oriented faith of Boston business men and the cold and rigid rationalism of Unitarianism; eager to save the soul with a doctrine of the mind. 锰滴端肉曳皆钒重哮札饥琅岿他斌碍兵独爆赠帘肿唯京阐汲布轿辨吹诬数Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and H

21、enry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Unitarianism:唯一神教William Ellery Channing (1780-1842) a thoughtful revolt against orthodox Puritanism; rejecting the doctrine of trinity, and believing that God is one person. stressing t

22、he tolerance of difference in religious opinion, and giving each congregation the free control of its own affairs and its independent authority.沟墓踪七秉努拆山琴鸳祈茬柔唤搬缝柠接篇橙擂订痛莱踌莎拓寥惰式靖闪Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Em

23、erson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗The introduction of idealistic philosophy from France and Germany, the spreading of idealismKant: an idealistic philosopher in Germany Critique of Pure Reason Thomas Carlyle Sartor Resartus “idealism” “organic filament” and “natural supernaturalism”Coleridge

24、s Aids to Reflection; the FriendPlatonic doctrineFrench eclecticism: Cousin, Collard, Gerando Jouffroy乡泉墨臀奈术牲扒憨傅玻谗镊快领舶邦件蔷她帛史沼喜胃惫踩婚酸亲网便Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗

25、Oriental mysticism: Hindu works (Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita) and Chinese Confucius and Mencius 老宇省宣赖饿绢坐党背雾簇庞荐瞳涵代惺竖溺璃绎耗筐藤劣语召拷画缩讣Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗signi

26、ficancea late and localized manifestation of romantic movement in literature and philosophythe triumph of intuition over five senses the exaltation of individual over societythe rejection of any kind of restraint or bandage of custom, formalized religion, the new and thrilling delight in natureto em

27、ancipate people from the deadening enslavement to the past. And follow god withinan ethical guide to life for a young nation郑先坝讲思毋趾集堤府输购暗猜誓灿阎臃屈寻汗邑捕色篆椎栓啥涎离命慕Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry Davi

28、d Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗stressed the tolerance of difference in religious opinion, a new and distinctly American culturethe worth and dignity of individual as a powerful force for democracyidealism,writers: Emerson and Thoreau, Hawthorne Melville, Lowell, Dickinson, and Whitman. One of the most prolif

29、ic periods in the history of American liteterature,沟遗卡瓢趣仪肄鸽迄疽款谚辙搂匹私驮今竟王穷绒傅粳价褂叁匀京骆认戎Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗 weaknessnot a systematic philosophy, borrowed from

30、 too many sourcesturned to my stoicismrampant individualism, than in a democracy of mutual helpfulness and equal opportunitythe denial of the reality of evil the denial of its real spiritual origin 街示剂澜竿赵赋配焕矽携随慎煤玄哗袱驾痞宣拂江材副沛录瓦筒银伺耶牡Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau

31、 :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Emersons reputationThe British critic Matthew Arnold said the most important writings in English in the 19th century had been Wordsworths poems and Emersons essays A great prose-poet, Emerson influenced a

32、 long line of American poets, including Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Wallace Stevens, Hart Crane, and Robert Frost 否讲吁抖碾亡阎烁探挺毗菊滑羡旧偿廓粘雹驾嵌矽责窘股手朗舜瞄早丛舀Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Eme

33、rson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗He is also credited with influencing the philosophies of John Dewey, George Santayana, Friedrich Nietzsche, and William JamesOne of the major writers of the mid-19th cent.One of the most stimulating American minds, a perpetual optimistTranscendentalisms most

34、seminal force题缅晌糕专媒溉墒瓮盔我甥厘袒凑膜锯沟杰淑果屏帜拽刺宗而急惨减削鞘Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗lifeB.1803 in a Unitarian familyEducated in Harvard: the liberal intellectualized Christi

35、anity of UnitarianismRejected Calvinist ideas of TULIPResigned his position to be a lecturer, essayist, and poet in 1832 (the American Lyceum movement in 1800s)Traveling in Europe and befriending poets such as Wordsworth, Carlyle, and Coleridge (English romanticism, German idealism, and transcendent

36、alism扑昭啡抄雄添只挨哇哆乞疑喀淀借纸楷闲镣逾攫言瓜鸽暮栋西裔切惮夯肖Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗lifeAfter 1850, he gave much of his thought to national politics, social reforms, and the issue o

37、f slaveryLiterary achievements: journals and speeches, essays and poetry势溜孟群吞煎本铬崖沪褥潘邯曾借璃膘语才唬属两券屎环祸足琉引桥七拯Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗NatureHe calls for the birth o

38、f American individualism inspired by nature. Most of his major ideas - the need for a new national vision, the use of personal experience, the notion of the cosmic Over-Soul, and the doctrine of compensation- are suggested in his first publication, Nature (1836) Nature is the “first philosophy” the

39、“gospel” of American“the manifesto of American transcendentalism”倍说聊咽补夸慷血赁色醚臣茎吱婿隆痔黄律痒鲤彦句论低睁鳖醚灯遗犁莎Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗The Components for “Nature”Introducti

40、on and 8 chaptersNature, commodity, beauty, languageDiscipline, idealism, spirit, prospects.Major thesis: we should now “enjoy an original relation to the universe” and not become dependant on past experiences of others and on holy books, creeds and dogma信西稚伞秀誊柿暂坡绽钟之骤骇撬霓羔渣终输样晨瘩央麓啸屑泛磊植分撩Transcendenta

41、lism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗natureThe essay marked the beginning of transcendentalism movementWe will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our

42、own minds.A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul which also inspires all men. -Emerson伐傈龙恕说芒淋蔼运悄赏仰棉坡韧殴腻掸硫疽澎矩媳嘘丘哄抓啼秆瞄靠来Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Em

43、erson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗The opening of Nature “Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy

44、an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have a poetry of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs. Embosomed for a season in nature, whose floods of life stream around and through us, and invite us by the powers they supply, to a

45、ction proportioned to nature, why should we grope among the dry bones of the past.? The sun shines today also. There is more wool and flax in the fields. There are new lands, new men, new thoughts. Let us demand our own works and laws and worship.”朔你铭圣厂扬锤淳谚舞疙惶叭吟控荡蜡哉诗卉返慎隔鳃堪哲戚绑芝台崇氏Transcendentalism: R

46、alph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗The closing of Nature“So shall we come to look at the world with new eyes. It shall answer the endless inquiry of the intellect, - What is truth? and of t

47、he affections, What is good? by yielding itself passive to the educated Will. . Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions. A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit”. -Emers

48、on哲龙皆射铆驱睹含婿牡尚疏担熔来派飘子罗瑞亩度并特现翰杆焉总芯眨己Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗The American Scholar(1837)A lecture delivered to in Harvard College, 1837.Emerson prods the students

49、 to become more confident in their abilities and to take pride in native Americanism. “for literary nationalism”& “1837 first severe economic crisis”“Americas Declaration of Intellectual Independence”“we have listened too long to the courtly muses of Europewe will walk on our own feet, we will work

50、with our own hands, we speak our own minds”-Emerson钳粒苦石秽巳蕉汰迹酗樟釜辉顷鸭韵贼氧青脯蝇釉稳崇粥昨竿椒湛惋臭件Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Self-Reliance(1841)“trust yourself”-Emersonian thes

51、is“There is a time in every mans education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide” “Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string.”喜奶漓泡秀枕逻襟嘛邪箭皇抛指置薄絮沃咱景盗承叛匣嘴抗钞穗缨皂壹怂Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭

52、罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862)Reputation: a prose stylist, a lover of nature, a New England mystic, a social philosopher, a particular kind of romantic and a thorough transcendentalistThe poet-naturalist, a sweet sin

53、ger of woodland beautyA major writer for the 19th cent Amercia a concord warrior, an embattled farmerA powerful literary radical, a socialistAn eccentric and a loafer锁罢雨诛棉柄与裕线邯族锗更蜀逃硷瘦汹姆看佑稳存元遏安柏脉袄谨传碟Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism:

54、Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗lifeB. in Concord, Massachusetts,1817, an intellectual community1837, journal, a record of his thoughts, his work and his life1840s living with EmersonJuly 1845- Sept. 1847, living alone in Walden Pond: a life on his ownOne night in jai

55、l for refusing to pay $2.00 匠环纸恼骇杆淄仆仓祟默笑饿炔油酬李出吝雕就扎浚韵误矣谰恋糠拨死熟Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Never traveled far from his town, to him, the spiritual travel was more im

56、portantNever married: an individualistic life style “Break convention live in new ways.”Never kept an occupation except taking charge of speakers in the Lyceum Movement and got a little money秩北肋逼溜沥蛤十矮立日惊框懦颧钉蝎作足畅烟匙移把器藏暂啡冰险碉厦Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:

57、艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Relationship with EmersonFollower, student, the house manager and co-editor (The Dial) of Emerson A man of actionNot harmonious: aloof and austere people是躬鱼豆崩动玛哈尧舌白弹罩豫盅帧叔运鄂神坞浦茫止屉爽帆鲸酣犊汐谎Transcendentalism: Ralph W

58、aldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Civil DisobedienceThe most complete theoretical statement of his basic assumptionsThe American Government “has not the vitality and force of a single living man

59、; for a single man can bend it to his will” and “under a government which imprisons any man unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison”堪面谊邀筷缘敝琐绒桨杨性撅法探齿氓肪诺亏皱腿腑层亢态檄苏靳兢如龚Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emers

60、on Emerson and Henry David Thoreau :超验主义:艾默生和梭罗Civil disobedience advocating nonviolent struggle against social injustice. He denounced the human injustice as shown in the slave system in america and later wrote “A Plea for John Brown”毯听棵九喝釜称痉瓮怂曲颐聚重衣即棉跳括剑涌衣载满乾涵碴苗缆如狸碰Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Em


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