1、The Great GatsbyF. Scott FitzgeraldA spokesman of the “Jazz Age”The Great GatsbyArrangementBackgroundFitzgeraldThe Great Gatsby Plotline Character Analysis Theme SymbolsBackground-1920s-The First World War; The sense of life being dislocated and fragmentedEconomic boomSocial revelutionThe loss of fa
2、ith-1930s-The Great DepressionJazz Age& The Roaring 1920sThe Jazz Age describes the period of the 1920s and 1930s.The 1920s began with high hopes. World War One was over. The twenties ended with a huge drop in stock market prices that began the Great Depression. Fitzgerald was a representative of th
3、e years of fast living in between. The nations values had changed in this period. Many Americans were concerned mainly with having a good time and doing what you will. American society enjoyed unprecedented levels of prosperity. People broke the law by drinking alcohol and lived in a corrupt society
4、. They danced to jazz music, and women wore short skirts. Jazz AgeThe novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald coined the term “Jazz Age” retrospectively to refer to the decade after World War and before the stock market crash in 1929, during which Americans embarked upon what he called “the gaudiest(最华而不实的) sp
5、ree in history”. The Lost GenerationGertrude Stein-HemingwayThe lost generation included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut from the old value and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilizations had gone mad. These writers ad
6、opted unconventional style of writing and reacted against the tendencies of the old writers in the 1920s. Of his own time, Fitzgerald said: There seemed no question about what was going to happen. America was going on the greatest party in its history and there was going to be plenty to tell about.
7、Yet if he described only the party, his writings would have been forgotten when the party ended.Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)American novelist and short-story writer, is born in St. Paul, Minnesota. Born of middle-class parents, Fitzgerald attended private schools, entering Princeton in 1913.
8、 He became part of the Triangle Club, a intellectual set and developing a reputation. He was placed on academic probation (留校察看) in his junior year, and in 1917 he left Princeton to join the army. While stationed in Montgomery, Alabama, he met and fell in love with Zelda Sayre(泽尔达塞尔 ), the daughter
9、of local judge.During that time, he began working on his first novel, The Side Of Paradise. Published in 1920, the novel was an instant success and brought him enough money to marry Zelda that same year. The young couple moved to New York City, where they became notorious for their madcap(鲁莽的,狂妄的) l
10、ifestyle. The charm, glow and the pathos of their flamboyant(炫耀的) life together had been an inspiration for Fitzgerald. But the couple were also fighting each other all the time. Zelda began to have breakdown, and had to be put in a mental institution(精神病院). This occurred in the early thirties-it wa
11、s a tragic time. Fitzgerald had to write harder to earn more money to send Zelda to the best mental hospital and their daughter, Scottie, to the best and most fashionable school. Three things eventually combined to break him down: loneliness, alcohol and the awareness that he was dissipating his tal
12、ent.In 1940, at the age of 44,he died, of frustration.Commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in WWIJune 1918 - assigned near Montegomery, Al. Fell in love with 18 year old Zelda Sayre, discharged in 1919 - went to N.Y to seek fortune in order to marry Zelda. Zelda - in love with Fitzgerald - would not mar
13、ry him unless he was wealthyFitzgerald wrote novel This Side of Paradise & got it published. Began to publish stories in The Saturday Evening Post & with publication of Paradise, Fitzgerald found overnight success.F.Scott & Zelda aftertheir weddingMarried Zelda and began an extravagant & wild lifest
14、ylelived in N.Y. & wrote 2nd novel, The Beautiful and The Damned, 1st trip to Europe then settled in St. Paul where Frances Scott (Scottie), their only child was born1922 - moved to Great Neck, Long Island-drinking increased for both Fitzgeralds but F.Scott wrote sober - a painstaking reviserWrote i
15、n a clear, lyrical, colorful, witty style 2nd major theme is mutability or lossBecame associated with “The Jazz Age”. “It was an age of miracles, it was an age of art, it was an age of excess, and it was an age of satire”Went to France in 24 and wrote The Great Gatsby - published in 1925The Great Ga
16、tsby - striking advance in Fitzgeralds technique - complex structure & controlled narative point of view - critical praise but disappointing sales.In Paris, met Hemingway, an expatriate, & stayed in Paris til 1926Zeldas behavior became increasingly eccentricin 1930 she suffered her 1st breakdown. Fi
17、tzgerald wrote short stories to pay for her doctors fees1932 Zelda had relapse & spent rest of her life in & out of sanitariums.1934, Fitzgerald published his 4th novel, Tender is the Night - a commercial failure1937 - Fitzgerald went to Hollywood alone with a contract from MGM, eventually earning $
18、1,250/wk. Died of a heart attack on Dec. 21, 1940Zelda died in fire in a hospital in 1948F.Scott Fitzgerald died believing himself a failure. Obituaries were condescending & he seemed destined for literary obscurityThis Side Of Paradise 人间天堂Flappers And Philosopher 时髦女和哲学家The Beautiful And The Damne
19、d 美丽与诅咒The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比Tender Is The Night 夜色温柔The Great GatsbyPlot OverviewGatsby is a poor youthfall in love with Daisy, a wealthy girlno moneyDaisy married to a rich manbootlegging(非法制造私酒), “shady” activitiesenough money, dazzling partiesalluring Daisymeet again, not quite the ideal love
20、of his dreama sense of lossDaisy kills a woman in an accidentshift the blame to GatsbyGatsby is shoot and Buchanans escape.The Great GatsbyThe setting ofThe Great Gatsbyis New York City and Long Island during the 1920s. Nick Carraway, the narrator, is a young Princeton man, who works as a bond broke
21、r in Manhattan. He becomes involved in the life of his neighbor at Long Island. Jay Gatsby, shady and mysterious financier, who is entertaining hundreds of guests at lavish parties. Gatsby reveals to Nick, that he and Nicks cousin Daisy Fay Buchanan, had a brief affair before the war. However, Daisy
22、 married Tom Buchanan, a rich but boring man of social position. The Great GatsbyGatsby lost Daisy because he had no money, but he is still in love with her. He persuades Nick to bring him and Daisy together again. You cant repeat the past, Nick says to him. Gatsby tries to convince Daisy to leave T
23、om, who, in turn, reveals that Gatsby has made his money from bootlegging. Theyre a rotten bunch, Nick shouts to Gatsby. Youre worth the whole damn bunch put together. Daisy, driving Gatsbys car, hits and kills Toms mistress, Myrtle Wilson, unaware of her identity. Gatsby remains silent to protect D
24、aisy. Tom tells Myrtles husband Wilson it was Gatsby who killed his wife. Wilson murders Gatsby and then commits suicide. Nick is left to arrange Gatsbys funeral, attended only Gatsbys father and one former guest. Jay Gatsby Tom BuchananDaisy Buchanan The Wilsons Nick The story deals symbolically wi
25、th the failure of the American Dream. It is the story of a young mans search for his ideal of love. It also is a story of what the young man must do to win that love before he discovers that it is not worth having. The novel is always compared to Fitzgeralds life. Gatsbystruggle for money, Daisy, fa
26、me, but ends sadlyRuined by lover Daisy and wealthy people around FitzgeraldStruggle for money Zelda Spoil time on partiesTortured by lover ZeldaRuined by alcohol and corrupt life Character Analysis Nick CarrawayThe dramatic narrator.Nick is suited to narrating The Great Gatsby because of his temper
27、ament. He is tolerant, open-minded, quiet, and a good listener, and, as a result, others tend to talk to him and tell him their secrets. As a result of his relationship to these two characters, Nick is the perfect choice to narrate the novel, which functions as a personal memoir of his experiences w
28、ith Gatsby in the summer of 1922.Nick CarrawayCarraways limited omniscience (全知,无限的知识)determine the fact that he deals out information in such a manner that he seems to withhold it first, thus creating a superb effect of mystery and suspense.At last, the whole secret is unraveled and past and presen
29、t mingle to bring the tragic drama to pathetic, significant finish. 富有 傲慢 清高 狂妄星期六晚邮报缺乏知性粗俗闲谈疯狂 默默无闻不为人知的悲痛Three groups of people socially distinct from one another in behavior, language and everything else.Nick generally assumes a secondary role throughout the novel, preferring to describe and comm
30、ent on events rather than dominate the action. Often, however, he functions as Fitzgeralds voice.Insofar as Nick plays a role inside the narrative, he evidences a strongly mixed reaction to life on the East Coast, one that creates a powerful internal conflict that he does not resolve until the end o
31、f the book. On the one hand, Nick is attracted to the fast-paced, fun-driven lifestyle of New York. On the other hand, he finds that lifestyle grotesque and damaging.Nick realizes that the fast life of revelry(狂欢) on the East Coast is a cover for the terrifying moral emptiness.Jay Gatsby A romantic
32、dreamer: time can be fixed, the past can be repeated, youth beauty and love can be recaptured.A symbol for the whole American experience: corruption of his dream by adopting materialism as its means and illusory youth and beauty as its goal is the corruption of American idealism.Daisy BuchananHer vo
33、ice sounds full of money.A member of secret society of establish wealth.Beautiful, enchanting, but hollowFitzgeralds greatness lies in the fact that he found intuitively, in his personal experience, the embodiment of that of the nation and created a myth out of American life.菲茨杰拉德的伟大之处在于通过个人经历,他依靠直觉
34、找到了一个民族精神的体现,并创造了美国的神话。The last paragraphs of this novelHe had come a long way to this blue lawn and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields
35、 of the republic rolled on under the night.Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but thats no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning-So we beat on, boats against the curren
36、t, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 他千里迢迢的来到这片蓝色的草坪上,他的梦一定让他觉得近在咫尺,他几乎不可能抓不住的。他不知道那个梦已经落到他身后了,落在这个城市纳一望无垠的灰暗中,那里合众国黑油油的田野在黑夜中向前伸展开来。 盖兹比信奉那盏绿灯,它象征着那个一年年在我们面前渐消渐退的令人激动的未来。以前它从我们面前溜走,但是没关系,明天我们会跑得更快,我们的双臂会伸得更长,然后总会有一个美好的早晨。 所以我们要像逆流中的扁舟,虽然不断的被推回到过去,但仍要继续奋力向前Theme主题 主旋律The Decline of the American
37、Dream in the 1920sThe unrestrained desire for money and pleasure surpassed more noble goals. When World War I ended in 1918, the generation of young Americans who had fought the war became intensely disillusioned, as the brutal carnage that they had just faced made the Victorian social morality of e
38、arly-twentieth-century America seem like stuffy, empty hypocrisy(伪善). East Egg represents the established aristocracy, West Egg the self-made rich A person from any social background could, potentially, make a fortune, but the American aristocracy scorned the newly rich industrialists and speculator
39、s. The various social climbers and ambitious speculators who attend Gatsbys parties evidence the greedy scramble for wealth.Just as Americans have given America meaning through their dreams for their own lives, Gatsby instills Daisy with a kind of idealized perfection that she neither deserves nor p
40、ossesses.American dream in the 1920s is ruined by the unworthiness of its objectmoney and pleasure.Symbols象征意义The Green LightBecause Gatsbys quest for Daisy is broadly associated with the American dream, the green light also symbolizes that more generalized ideal.The green light represents gatsbys h
41、opes and dreams for the future. The Valley of AshesIt represents the moral and social decay that results from the uninhibited pursuit of wealth, as the rich indulge themselves with regard for nothing but their own pleasure. The valley of ashes also symbolizes the plight of the poor, like George Wils
42、on, who live among the dirty ashes and lose their vitality as a result.The Eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg They may represent god staring down upon and judging American society as a moral wasteland.The eyes also come to represent the essential meaninglessness of the world and the arbitrariness of the
43、 mental process by which people invest objects with meaning.作者简介弗司各特菲茨杰拉德是20世纪杰出的美国小说家,“迷惘的一代”代表作家之一,被称为“爵士乐时代的歌手”和“20年代富人的分析家”。他塑造的人物形象大多是一群战后追求梦幻的青年男女,他们都与作者的个人经历有着密切的内在联系。他以敏锐的观察和诗意的描绘,吟唱了一曲曲“美国梦”遭遇破灭的哀歌。主要作品有长篇小说:了不起的盖茨比、夜色温柔、人间天堂等。人物介绍1、 Daisy浅薄和自私的Gatsby 对于感情的忠贞vs他看待问题缺乏深度,缺乏应有的判断力和洞察力,“没有认识到上流社会极端卑劣、自私的本质,”结果玩火自焚
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