



1、七 IMTEHCOTtEMTAL it o E L S ate U rInterContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团Policy Number序号:ACCT 3.4.01Effective Date生效H期:April 6, 2013Policy & Procedure-Accounting 财务制度和程序Supercedes No. 废It号:-Prepared By制定人:Contact Administration合同的管理Approved By批准人:Distribute to 分发:All Dept. Heads & Hotel ExecutivePage

2、1 of 3Objective 目标:In order to protect the interest of the Hotel and to eliminate the possible risk, all property contracts and legal agreements made between the Hotel and external parties including but not limited to procurement, barter, adverting, maintenance rental , pest control , consignment ,

3、service , etc. should be priority reviewed by the Director of Finance & Business Support and signed only by the General Manager.为了有效的保护酒店利益,消除一切可能存在的危险,所有酒店和外部单位签署的合同和协议, 包括但不限于采购合同,货品交换合同,广告合同,维修租赁合同,杀虫合同,代销合同,服务 合同等等都应先交与财务总监审核并只能由总经理签字批准后才能执行。Procedure 程序:The following criteria should be noted wh

4、en a contract or agreement is being initiated. 在起草合同或协议时应按以下标准进行:Name and of both parties and respective contacting addresses 双方的名称及各自的联系地址Duration of the contract , which should not be over one year 合同有效期,一般不能超过一年Commencing and expiry date of the contract to be clearly identified, open contract is

5、not allowed unless the written consent from the General Manager必须注明合同的开始及结束日期,除非总经理同意,否则不可签署开放式合同(即无合 同期限的合同)Service contents in details将服务内容写详细Due date for completion of services服务完成的到期时间Monetary amount合同总金额Payment method and deposit required货款支付方式和订金需求Discount if any6 IMIEkCOTtEMTAL Q T L L 1U fIn

6、terContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团Policy Number序号:ACCT 3.4.01Effective Date生效日期:April 6, 2013Policy & Procedure-Accounting 财务制度和程序Supercedes No.废It号:-Prepared By制定人:Contact Administration合同的管理Approved By 批准A:Distribute to 分发:All Dept. Heads & Hotel ExecutivePage 2 of 3折扣条款(如果有的话)Warranty period and

7、services provided保险期及提供的服务Mutual agreement and guidelines to bound the quality of services and products. If necessary, sample of specific product or artwork must be obtained and approved by both parties.对服务或产品的质量必须有明确的定义及要求;如有必要,需提供经双方认可的特殊产 品或艺术品的样品Statement of declaration to prohibit each party fr

8、om any illegal activity, which should comply with the PRC law.做出申明,禁止任何一方有不法行为,双方须遵守中华人民共和国有关法律规定Termination of contract合同终止的条款Arbitration仲裁条款Liability and punishment for accidents and unavoidable damage and loss, late or un-delivery of services.责任及处罚条款(对因意外或不可控因素造成的损害及损失,或延迟交货/或提供服务 等,应有明确的规定及约束)Au

9、thorized signatories and company seals from both parties.双方授权人的签名及加盖公司印章If required, the specific agreement or contract has to be notarized in order to have legal binding. 如有需要,对特殊的协议和合同进行公证Concern department head will initial on every page to confirm that the lease or contract has been thoroughly r

10、eviewed相关部门经理要在合同的每一页上签字,以确认租约或合同已经完全查看完毕Forward the contract / agreement with relevant supporting to the Director of Finance & Business Support for reviewed, then the General Manager for approval and signatory.将合同/协议及有关附件交给财务总监审核,然后交总经理签字批准The General Manager is the only authorized individual to si

11、gn contracts on behalf of the hotel. Exceptions are chain-wide contracts executed at Regional Office signed by concerned Executives. 只有总经理有权代表酒店签订合同。由相关行政人员签署的集团连锁酒店的在区域执行的合 IMIEHCOTtNEMTAL U fInterContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团Policy Number序号:ACCT 3.4.01Effective Date生效日期:April 6, 2013Policy & Pro

12、cedure-Accounting 财务制度和程序Supercedes No. 废It号:-Prepared By制定人:Contact Administration合同的管理Approved By 批准A:Distribute to 分发:All Dept. Heads & Hotel ExecutivePage 3 of 3同除外。All contracts / agreements must be at least in dual copies. The original except sales agreement must be retained by the Director of

13、 Finance & Business Support while duplications would be made for concerned departments or personnel.所有的合同或协议至少一式两份。除销售协议以外的其他合同原件必须由财务总监保管,复 印件由相关部门或个人保管。Respective department head is responsible to ensure the renewal of such lease or contract and is kept current and also highlight whatever changes

14、are to be made to the existing lease or contract.各部门总监负责确保租约和合同的更新,以及标明现有租约和合同中需改动的部分。For billing or payment scenarios, the accounts department must ensure that the amounts are in accordance to whatever stated in the lease or contract.财务部必须确保付款金额与租约或合同上所写的一致。Any changes or addendums to the existing

15、current term must be written and endorsed and filed by the DoF&BS. No verbal agreements will be honored.任何对现有合同条款的改动或增补都必须经财务总监签字认可并存档。不允许使用口头协 议。In addition, the Director, Finance & Business Support is responsible for informing the General Manager at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of any contracts.此外,财务部总监负责在任何合同到期前至少60天提前通知总经理。The Director, Finance & Business Support should establish and maintain a checklist to monitor all existing contracts and prompt relevant part


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