英语课件:《单元基础知识过关》School Life PPT_第1页
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1、单元基础知识过关Unit 3 School Life单元基础知识过关基础知识清单重点单词 根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1. 生活_2. 学期_3. 录像;视频_ 4. 张;片_5. 两次;两倍_lifetermvideopiecetwice6. 赢得;获胜_过去式_7. 社会的_ 8. 中等的_9. 年级_ 10. 印刷_11. 吉他_ 12. 展览会_13. 村庄,乡村_ 单元基础知识过关winwonsocialmiddlegradeprintguitarfairvillage14. 放弃;停止_15. 可能的_ 16. 未来_17. 可怕的;非常严重的_ 18. 发生_19.

2、 失去;失败_过去式_20. 火;火灾_ 21. 筹募(钱财)_单元基础知识过关droppossiblefutureterriblehappenloselostfireraise22. 奖品;奖赏 _ 23. 舒服的_24. 紧张的;不安的_25. 教,讲授_过去式_26. 非常;十分_ 27. relax形容词_28. start反义词_29. I反身代词_单元基础知识过关prizecomfortablenervousteachtaughtquiterelaxed/relaxingfinishmyself30. different名词_31. you反身代词_32. always反义词_33

3、. visit名词_34. help形容词_单元基础知识过关differenceyourself/yourselvesnevervisitorhelpfulPPT模板:/moban/ PPT素材:/sucai/PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/ PPT论坛: PPT课件:/kejian/ 语文课件:/kejian/yuwen/ 数学课件:/kejian/shuxue/ 英语课件:/kejia

4、n/yingyu/ 美术课件:/kejian/meishu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexue/ 物理课件:/kejian/wuli/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 生物课件:/kejian/shengwu/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/ 历史课件:/kejian/lishi/ 重点短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1. 一年两次_ 2. 擅长_3. 得第一名_4. 单独_5. 运动会_6. 跳高/跳远_单元基础知识过关twice a yearbe good atwin first placeby oneself/on ones ownsports meethigh/

5、long jump7. 社会科学 _8. 从移动到_9. 弹吉他_10. 上美术课_11. 举行一个科学展览会_12. 放弃_ 13. 将来_14. 辍学_ 单元基础知识过关social studiesmove fromtoplay the guitarhave art classhave a science fairgive upin the futuredrop out of school15. 有作用;有影响_16. 想出;提出(主意、答案等) _17. 在上午8点开始上学_18. 一个12岁男孩_19. 一张_ 20. 赢得一等奖_21. 对感兴趣_22. 不同种类的_单元基础知识过关

6、make a differencecome up withstart school at 8:00 a.m.a 12yearold boya piece ofwin first prizebe interested indifferent kinds of根据汉语意思完成句子1. 你的学校生活怎么样?_ _ your school life _? 2. 上周,我自己做了一个鸟舍。Last week, I made a bird house _ _ _. 3. 这学期我有点儿忙。I am _ _ _ this term. 重点句型单元基础知识过关How is going all bya litt

7、le busymyself4. 我的学校有400名学生。_ _ 400 students in my school. 5. 但有时候我们自己弹。But sometimes we play _ _ _. 6. 我们要印制我们自己的T恤衫。Well print _ _ Tshirts. 7. 今天,我和我的小组研究了加拿大地图。Today, my group and I _ _ a map of Canada. 单元基础知识过关There areon our ownour ownworked on8. 我想带着我的关于蚕的课题参加这次展览会。I want _ _ _ _ the fair with

8、 my project on silk worms. 9. 她总是用一切可能的方式来帮助我们。She always helps us _ every _ _. 10. 她不想让任何人辍学。She does not want anyone _ _ out of school. 单元基础知识过关 to take part inin possible wayto drop 11. 上学第一天,可怕的事情发生了。_ the first day of school, _ _ happened.12. 杰森,不要害怕。Jason, _ _ afraid. 13. 帮助别人是重要的。_ important

9、_ _ others. 单元基础知识过关On something terribledont beIts to help14. 你为下周盛大的科学展览会做好准备了吗?_ you _ _ the big science fair next week? 15. 我对这个科目感兴趣。Im _ _ the subject.单元基础知识过关Are ready forinterested in基础知识迁移单词回顾 . 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Danny studies in a m_ school in Shijiazhuang. 2. Dont worry! I can make the bed

10、 by m_. 3. How is your school l_ going?Very well. 4.Children should be careful with f_ because its dangerous. 5. Can you give me two p_ of paper?单元基础知识过关iddleyselfifeireieces. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. This year he is in _ (年级) Three. 2. I _(获胜) first place in the high jump yesterday. 3. He visits his grandma

11、 _ (两次) a week. 4. What _ (发生) to her just now?5.Can you tell us the two _ (差异) between the two pictures?单元基础知识过关Gradewontwicehappeneddifferences. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空come up with, make a difference, silk worm, drop out of, on ones own1. You are so young. You cant _ school. 2. Can you finish the homework

12、 _. 3. The teacher asked, “Who can_ a good idea?”4. Work hard, and you can _ in your lives. 5. People can make silk from _. 单元基础知识过关drop out of短语运用 on your owncome up withmake a differencesilk worms. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. My brother plays football with friends _ _ _(一周一次). 2. My friend Lin Hong _ _ _/ _ _ _

13、(擅长) drawing. 3. Dont _ _(放弃) studying English. English is very important. 单元基础知识过关once a weekis good atdoes well in give up 4. John took part in _ _ _(跳远) in the sports meet. 5. What do you want to be _ _ _(未来)?I want to be a CEO.单元基础知识过关the long jumpin thefuture句型突破 . 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 汤姆是一位来自加拿大的12岁的男

14、孩。Tom is _ _ _ from Canada. 2. 我们书店里有不同种类的书。We have _ _ _ books in our bookstore. 3. 学生们对这个关于蚕的课题感兴趣。The students _ _ _ this project on silk worms. 单元基础知识过关a twelveyearold boydifferent kinds ofare interested in 4. 昨天足球比赛我们赢得了一等奖。We _ _ _ in the football game yesterday. 5. 明年李芳将从北京搬到上海。Li Fang will _

15、 _ Beijing _ Shanghai next year. 单元基础知识过关won first prizemove from to . 连词成句1. you, it, do, by, yourself, should _. 2. the, different, has, kinds, of, store, fruits_. 3. we, place, in, the, first, won, game_. 单元基础知识过关You should do it by yourselfThe store has different kinds of fruitsWe won first place in the game4. this, is, very, book, helpful_. 5. sports, we,


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