



1、教学内容:外研社新标准小学英语一年级起一年级下册Module6 Unit2 Theyre little and cute.一、教学目标:1. 能够听、说、读词语 : strong horse cute arent=are not 2. Target Language:Theyre little and cute,二、教学重、难点:1. 重点:重点掌握3个四会单词。用英语描述动物的特征。2. 难点:Are they big? / No,they arent .三、课前准备:1. 单词卡片,纸盒等。2. 多媒体课件。四、教学过程:1.greetings:2.warm up: Enjoy a cha

2、nt and do the actions:Lions and tigers at the zoo.Monkeys and elephants are there,too.Big and little,tall and short.Fat and thin,long and short.So many animals at the zoo.(在此活动中同学们利用描述动物的特征来配合做动作,既活跃了课堂气氛拉近了师生间的距离,也为后面的教学打下了基础)3. 任务呈现:T: Boys and girls, look at the big screen. There are so many anim

3、als.Theyre very happy. Why? 引导学生回答 ,学生会给出各种猜测的回答,一定会根据幻灯片画面说出动物运动会, 接着教师打出Sports Day 的短语,紧接着就是小猴的参赛地点,通过小猴正要抓举杠铃,教师问学生小猴能否举起杠铃,通过这个问题进入活动一的内容,让我们跟随小鸟解说员来了解一下吧! T:The monkey is strong or isnt strong. S: The monkey isnt strong. 板书单词strongT: Who is strong? S: The bear is very strong (电子白板出示一位strong man

4、更加增加学生们的视觉效果,)今天Amy和Lingling也在动物园 They see the baby horses and the mother horses.同学们想知道Amy和Lingling是怎样描述马儿一家的吗?Lets learn Module6 Unit2 Theyre little and cute.(板书课题,题目就是本节课的重点句子)3. 进入主体课文:T: Lets listen and look at the activity2 (1)Listen and repeat.(2)课件出示一匹马的画面,T:Whats this? S:Its a horse.教授单词hors

5、e,然后在同一张幻灯片出示两匹马的画面,T:What are they? S:Theyre horses.教授单词horses并讲解horse和horses的单复数的变化。(3)出示两匹小马的画面,T:Look at the baby horses.Are they big? S:No,they arent. T:What are the baby horses like? S:Theyrelittle and cute.(同时讲解arent=are not)(4)接下来出示两只小狗的画面,T:Look at the baby dogs.Are they big? S:No,they aren

6、t. T:What are the baby dogs like? S: Theyre little and cute.(5)接下来出示两匹大马的画面,T:Look at the mother horses .Are they big? S:Yes,theyre big and strong. (6)Listen and repeat.(7)Read it freely.(8)角色读、个别读。 4. 操练和巩固 (1)Listen and tick.(2)Play the game,guess the animals.(幻灯片出示4张动物图片,用句型Are they?来进行猜测)5. Sum up (学生通过从前到后的幻灯片展示来进行本节课的内容总结)6. Homework:(1)Read the text 5 times.(2)介绍你自己最喜爱的动物特征(带玩具、画动物图画)7. Blackboard design: Module6 Unit2 Theyre little and cute.Amy: Are they big?Lingling: No,they arent. Theyre


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