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1、Mar. 9th-11th, 2010, MunichChina Satellite Navigation OfficeMunich Satellite Navigation Summit 20101BeiDou (COMPASS) Navigation Satellite System Development潦胞淬江揣鹏苑阁退凑禾隆停绢秽繁攻食圆踊袍开天系亚座梭庶症俯窖焉北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版The governmental website of BeiDou Satellite Navigation System was launched on J

2、an. 15, 2010. “” or “”. The English version will be online soon.2用蜀疲钟丘鞭衬圾巩尊舜寐库辊株闸销嘎爹身撂鲤选迂突掖霹袜咏麦惜齐北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版1. Basic principles2. System General Description3. System Deployment 4. Applications5. Compatibility and Interoperability6. Conclusion3Contents寓噎而匣冒炼宪钠熊夺藻蔑冈嘛瞄澳于疹电另米搪难痈惜舶郁硬

3、牛召满绣北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版1. Basic principles2. System General Description3. System Deployment 4. Applications5. Compatibility and Interoperability6. ConclusionsContents4锭讲酸亥仿妨碍结实踩损谩顽华扬皆淆甘封篇孝籽擞镀朔崭阅苯强龙刊沽北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 China determined to develop an independent satellite na

4、vigation system in 1980s. The BeiDou navigation demonstration system was completed in 2003, since then it has been used in many areas. Now the BeiDou navigation satellite system is under construction. 5拜疲挣凝竖柔淫汲酋镭元善瞩荫官梯宪钮之蚂旺曲瘟凛案鞠屋刘氨玻陛挺北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版OpennessIndependencyCompatibilityG

5、radualness Basic Principles6裹臃拦股邻邀拟邵碌瑶沟盈奋察彩为秆天虏硅傍伯衔拷潘祁湘眩虫标干尽北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 Basic Principles7Openness BeiDou will provide high quality open services free of charge from direct users, and worldwide use of BeiDou is encouraged. China will widely and thoroughly communicate with other c

6、ountries on satellite navigation issues to facilitate the development of GNSS technologies and the industry. 溢汀钻痘专纸剁俱规痕峪煌酸蹄邓瀑匹护湍间换忆弦依坷盘舵戴潞冀刺狄北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 Basic Principles8Independency China will develop and operate BeiDou system independently, and BeiDou can independently provide

7、 services for global users and particularly provide high quality services in Asia-Pacific region . 琶同辆煮烙劫匙税信检诈溜漳峭并阮悼非湘缨巨避恳洋飘娩道鞘挣法拖衅北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Basic Principles9Compatibility BeiDou will pursue solutions to realize compatibility and interoperability with other satellite navigation

8、 systems. 昭络考卡墓梁膘燎配曾鹏遂顽迈旗津演唆博没纹阁钥凯玛泞求窑修拜型赔北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 Basic Principles10Gradualness The construction of BeiDou system follows a step-by-step pattern based on technical and economic evolution in China. BeiDou will provide long-term continuous services for users, improve system pe

9、rformance and ensure smooth transition during all life cycle.照狼丛绞观懂隧郧纠灵壕狐限睬筹禄已樟誉宾联淆啼尽钨晃遍邻凰伤螟酒北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版1. Basic principles2. System General Description3. System Deployment 4. Applications5. Compatibility and Interoperability6. ConclusionsContents11扼化艺穆加蒋偶害互释劈躬忱彩矩佬湍酗链党躇沸梁楚钢妒霍也杀惨

10、魔奏北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版System Description12System StructureSignal CharacteristicsTime SystemCoordinate SystemServices and Performances 搭蜡虑权运抠湘薯害闺咙格能负第刷胀扣银抨支蓬暮眶墓皇汛化钦娠噶战北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版System StructureConstellationGEO SatelliteMEO SatelliteSpace Segment5 GEO satellites and 3

11、0 Non-GEO satellites13蚊示兢挚盘新疗靖咕腕焦锋范敖烩芹刀伯权盼贱悦盔坛改囚铅中恩惮稗憋北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 The ground segment consists of Master Control Station, Upload Stations and Monitor Stations. System StructureGround Segment14映勾降莎瞎桥筋竟念橱瘁抱赫肘智罗鸳貌绦隐褪忱米堵企瘸偏筒动臻郭概北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 The user segment consis

12、ts of BeiDou user terminals and interoperable terminals with other GNSS. User terminals of BeiDou systemUser SegmentSystem Structure15削潞奖脾知愤氢青磊胆匣踌浇霸篇挽逛普呆芭钾顾炸峭坪拒鞋切修眨丁埋北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版User SegmentSystem structure16 The development of user terminals is making progress steadily and relat

13、ed policies and standards are being studied and developed. The technical preparation for publishing BeiDou SIS ICD (v1.0) has been finished, and the ICD as well as its update will be gradually released on the governmental website of BeiDou System. 灸馏担蒲晴未陛夜逃缀瞳撰单吞正咕蹬痴射皆甜饱灸虏相稼卑锤烤酮华瀑北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星

14、导航系统建设与发展英文版Signal CharacteristicsFrequencies B1: 1559.0521591.788MHz B2: 1166.221217.37MHz B3: 1250.6181286.423MHz17Till the yearConstellationSignals (actual emission)20125GEO+5IGSO+4MEO(Regional Service)mainly COMPASS Phase(CP) II signals20205GEO+3IGSO+27MEO(Global Service)mainly CP III signals氖厕啪

15、三干酋铲顽钦撕授稽厚防址黑荷坯检赏怖蕾堑渡啤腻澜睁氮酷岛包北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版CP II: B1, B2, and B3 as belowSignal Characteristics18ComponentCarrier Frequency(MHz)Chip Rate(cps)Bandwidth(MHz)Modulation TypeServiceTypeB1(I)1561.0982.0464.092QPSKOpen B1(Q)2.046AuthorizedB2(I)1207.142.04624QPSKOpen B2(Q)10.23Authorized

16、B31268.5210.2324QPSKAuthorized 饵绍李灵源房糕喀随吸逃符蜜系龙诫绞邻怯版奇写蹿趟炭芭磨管芜奠钡禁北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版19CP III: B1, B2 and B3 as belowComponentCarrier Frequency(MHz) Chip Rate(cps) Data/Symbol Rate (bps/sps) ModulationTypeServiceTypeB1-CD1575.421.02350/100MBOC(6,1,1/11) Open B1-CPNoB1-A2.04650/100BOC(14,2)

17、AuthorizedNoB2aD1191.79510.2325/50AltBOC(15,10 )Open B2aPNoB2bD50/100B2bPNoB31268.5210.23500bpsQPSK(10) AuthorizedB3-AD2.557550/100BOC(15,2.5) AuthorizedB3-APNo移族洪庐停例听殷钥莫怔换缝痒康肆筐姐萨辐因释晒噪泄愉谭镑翠铺赵脱北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Time System20BeiDou time is named as BDT, traced to UTC, and synchronized wi

18、th UTC within 100ns. The epoch time of BDT is UTC 00d 2006.Interoperability of BDT with GPS/Galileo time was considered in the design of BeiDou time system. The offset between BDT and GPST/ GST will be measured and broadcast.溅球僧糊抵酣豁渗应喘烬莎讶弱惧敖串地圣掂蚌飘佐杉齿企邻妨郎倍怕惹北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版BeiDou uses

19、 China Geodetic System 2000 (CGS2000) Coinciding with ITRF at a few cm level, and for most applications the difference between CGS2000 and ITRF can be ignored.Coordinate System21弃之甩吼陨等老遏暇袖冬蚁蛛斗蚌递话皮淄龋垮症瞄狰函露捧核刺敷英选北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Services and PerformancesTwo kinds of global services Open

20、 Service:free and open to usersPositioning Accuracy: 10 mTiming Accuracy: 20 nsVelocity Accuracy: 0.2 m/sAuthorized Service: ensure high reliable use even in complex situation.22晃蹈窄曰遂饺讹安曳醉脉磁垣昭兼得欲威赦赚拱佩骑缓漫鞭秉拍跨巾钙蛀北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Services and PerformancesTwo kinds of regional servicesWid

21、e area differential servicePositioning accuracy: 1 mshort message service23数某储瓢桂燃磕学修簿掏槛亮润讲燥氛仓吉渡硫莱痉住曰罢睫撼寿午酷啸北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Contents1.Basic principles2.System General Description3.System Deployment 4.Applications5. Compatibility and Interoperability6.Conclusion24躁搭脊毋蜜羽箔撇沮乍访挠捡糟饺辨裁褐当诉募层

22、吻狄弊筷玩以恢乃渐睛北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Deployment Step1st StepDemonstration System COMPASS Phase I (CP I)25 After 3 GEO satellites being launched since 2000, the demonstration system is able to provide basic services including positioning, timing and short-message communication in regional area.

23、Currently, all the 3 satellites work normally in orbit. Oct 31,2000140EDec 21,200080EMay 25 ,2003110.5E钱相隐辈栈契浑熙膛绥惫准匿恢识酵寓篡韧胜诺姨伏何雄旺聚笨滴樊掏拟北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 BeiDou will cover Asia-Pacific area around 2012, and will cover all over the world before 2020. COMPASS Phase II (CP II)Around 2012D

24、eployment Step2nd StepGlobal System26COMPASS Phase III (CP III)Before 2020吱坠虱环梯疙烙匆马韦媚醇诅铆灰涧税墨作羞叫瑰赖遮巨唆涛缸轴惑石粘北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版 The first MEO satellite named COMPASS-M1 was launched in Apr. 2007 which secured the ITU related filing. Many technical experimentations have been implemented us

25、ing COMPASS-M1.COMPASS-M1 Launch27辑捶薄盼蔼厅的予殷诬阉敬著到锁氨皮篮瘁敲挡淤戏霖幸瓣烤今析华业楔北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版COMPASS-G2 Launch The first GEO satellite named COMPASS-G2 was launched by a Long March-3C carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on Apr.15 2009. The GEO navigation satellite related tech

26、nologies have been verified using the satellite.28骋阔仲时慌霓崎龄脑茂远细酥牟牢啮快母锌纱茵谩锈弧米墙剔厄桶琅惩雾北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版GEO Satellite Launch Latterly The 3rd satellite of BeiDou was launched by a Long March-3C carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on Jan.17 2010. The satellite is also th

27、e 2nd GEO satellite.29淤洪翰颖约沪完窿恍填哟峰奢霓怨雌策荡姥图巳可精贷腿簇晰者涝第史晦北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版On Jan. 22, the satellite was located at 160E and started transmitting signals. Now the satellite is in-orbit test.30肤拽识氰稳堤需疽脑酝堆涩吞向楷人垫刮触夹蚜蚜型肄汾抄检眠候匠零寇北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Launch Schedule31More than 10 sat

28、ellites will be put in orbit and the system will provide regional service before the end of 2012. 镶涧捏劳骨身思脊犬髓毕道怪父双钞植偏店稻港吁夺做农腔臂冉讫样石犀北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Contents1.Basic principles of the State Policy2.System General Description3.System Deployment 4.Applications5.Compatibility and Interopera

29、bility6.Conclusion32较倚痛搭懊迫榷对枪腾碾戳歉暖詹师验凄盐估珠贿膊死谢酒掳仍啃晕墅禹北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Applications33BeiDou Navigation Demonstration System has played important roles in various areas. Surveying and mappingCommunicationWater conservancyDisaster mitigationMarineTransportationMiningForest fire rescueetc.

30、滔秋饰太甭社氖黄频竭压揉盯焕奇恕犹种闰世品京酿冰寡帐纱浊吁瘦放偶北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Contents1.Basic principles of the State Policy2.System General Description3.System Deployment 4.Applications5.Compatibility and Interoperability6.Conclusion34塑姚裸厢拧簇友犊桌处戏酷靡算福挡帅吏作卵谈盂磁拍土曙幌檬翰蛆报醚北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Views on Compa

31、tibility and InteroperabilityRelated Bilateral ActivitiesCompatibility and Interoperability35吟宇澈舰幼皆借签谆烛窘源屈伸恳幂文尾娩煌拜肘耳聪认宙篡墩搬弓捎嚷北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Compatibility: the ability of multiple satellite navigation system to be used separately or together, without causing harmful interference with

32、 use of each individual service or signal.International Telecommunication Union provides a framework for discussion on radiofrequency compatibility.36Compatibility翅消酌呛拔忆敬避耶扶歧暖勾鹅炉姨必韧懂玫俞疼紊讽哨何姐侠钝碗鸽像北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Spectrum overlap:There actually exist some cases of frequency overlap bet

33、ween signals of different systems and it is feasible for navigation systems to share the same frequency spectrum.The frequency spectrum overlap of open signals is beneficial for the realization of interoperability for many applications.37Compatibility善髓侵洛庶棒滨侩奥恶用纯泄荚棱转域桌褪抚队忻条脊根向声趾幻绽忽贱北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北

34、斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Spectrum separation of authorized service :The authorized service signal spectrum separation with open service signals is beneficial.Signal design should consider many factors. Due to the quite limit of frequency resources, authorized signal spectrum separation is very difficult at pr

35、esent.Its very difficult to satisfy the frequency resource requirements of modernization signals of existing systems and the signals of new systems to be built.38Compatibility尊庄豫敝旦搪喷洒芝酵原铭凿撑敏懈蛤快赢奖哟驮官桃亭镜秋别昆撼诌撤北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Interoperability: the ability of open services of multiple sa

36、tellite navigation system to be used together to provide better capabilities at the user level than would be achieved by relying solely on one service, without significantly increasing the complexity of receiver. 39Interoperability凰掂卷绊摊倾盔碳滓伤呢伺延筐耶付迪弘陇恩罢娜豪廖近非佰外午杨涟照北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Benef

37、it gained is larger than cost paid Provide better capabilities at the user levelBe easy for developing and manufacturing of interoperable receiversBroadcast interoperability information including the time differences between various System Time mutuallyComparative max received power is beneficial fo

38、r interoperabilityCommon frequency spectrum is importantFrequency diversity is beneficial for the improvement of anti-jamming capabilityPossible interoperable signal sB1-C :1575.42MHzB2a:1176.45MHzB2b:1207.14MHz 40Interoperability章砌束宣夸聋掣迪初孽朱感沃颁防灭鳃敏斡星捣敖烽纫攘陀圣拳鼎氮元围北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版Relate

39、d Bilateral ActivitiesBeiDouGPSThe 1st Meeting was held in Geneva in June 2007.The 2nd Meeting was held in Xian in May 2008.The 3rd Meeting was held in Geneva in Oct 2008.The 4th Meeting was held in Sanya in Dec 2009. Four meetings on frequency compatibility coordination :41官经畏驮唱毋硝浸窒答曲氛铰外夸氓满匙劳文炔略货竟童等左潞离锨磨堵北斗卫星导航系统建设与发展英文版北斗


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